

Setting up a connection to a mail server
Removing or changing a mail account
Using a different port
Sending a secure password to the server
Setting up a secure connection to the mail server
Setting up a POP mail server for online access

Setting up a connection to a news server
Removing or changing a news server account

Setting up a connection to a directory service
Removing or changing a directory service
Setting up advanced directory service connection options
Setting up advanced search options for a directory service

Setting up Outlook Express for multiple users
Renaming a user
Deleting a user configuration

Sending and Receiving Messages

Setting spelling preferences
Verifying e-mail addresses before sending messages
Using a quote character when forwarding
Compressing outgoing attachments automatically
Saving copies of outgoing messages
Sending mail and news messages automatically when quitting Outlook Express
Creating a signature
Adding custom header information
Setting up plain text or HTML formatting in mail and news messages
Changing font settings
Preventing Outlook Express from connecting to a specific mail server when using the Send & Receive command
Changing the message attachment encoding
Automatically receiving messages when starting Outlook Express
Changing the number of news messages to download
Keeping copies of all messages on the server
Automatically receiving messages at timed intervals

Reading Messages and Displaying Newsgroups

Setting up helpers for protocols in messages
Setting up file helpers to view attachments in messages
Using file helpers to view attachments in messages
Showing attached pictures in messages
Viewing complete Internet header information
Changing the display of read and unread messages
Deleting items permanently when quitting Outlook Express
Changing the display of newsgroups and IMAP folders


Setting up colored quote text
Setting the line length for messages
Hiding IMAP messages marked for deletion
Creating a log on password
Resizing windows and columns
Changing the columns displayed in windows
Showing or hiding the toolbars and tooltips
Changing alert sounds
Compacting mail folders automatically
Turning off delete confirmation messages
Using relative dates in lists

To set up a connection to a mail server

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click E-mail.
  3. Click New Account.
  4. Type a name for your mail account. This name will be used to identify the account in the Folder list and in any menus.
  5. Click the button that corresponds to your type of mail server.
  6. Click OK. Your mail account appears in the Mail Accounts menu and in the Account Name box.
  7. In the Full Name box, type your first and last name. If you have already set up a default account, Microsoft Outlook Express will automatically use the information from your default mail account.
  8. In the E-mail Address box, type your e-mail address.
  9. In the Organization box, type your company or group name. If you have already set up a default account, Outlook Express will automatically use the information from your default mail account.
  10. In the SMTP Server box, type the name of your outgoing mail server.
  11. In the Account ID box, type the name of your mail account.
  12. In the Server box, type the name of your incoming mail server.
  13. Select the Save Password check box, and then type the password you use to gain access to your mail account.
  14. If you want make this your default account for sending mail messages and posting to newsgroups, click Make Default. When you create a message, you can use the Mail From menu to change the account from which you want to send the message. However, your default mail account will always be used to post to newsgroups.


Related Topics
Automatically downloading messages at timed intervals
Glossary (POP host)
Glossary (POP password)
Reading a message
Receiving your messages
Removing or changing a mail account
Setting up Outlook Express for multiple users

Return to top

To remove or change a mail account

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click E-mail.
  3. From the Mail Accounts menu, choose the mail account, and then do one of the following:

Related Topics
Setting up a connection to a mail server
Setting up Outlook Express for multiple users

Return to top

To use a different port

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click E-mail.
  3. If you have multiple mail server accounts, choose an account from the Mail Accounts menu.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Do one or both of the following:

Related Topics
Sending a message
Setting up a connection to a mail server

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To send a secure password to the server

Sending a secure password makes it very difficult for other users on your network to intercept your password. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to find out if your server accepts server authentication. If your server does not accept server authentication, and you are set up to send a secure password you may not be able to receive your mail.

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click E-mail.
  3. If you have multiple mail server accounts, choose an account from the Mail Accounts menu.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Select the Always Send Secure Password check box.

Related Topic
Setting up a connection to a mail server

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To set up a secure connection to send and receive mail

If your server supports secure connections, all the information contained in your messages including the body, is encrypted so that no one can intercept and read your messages. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to find out if your server supports secure connections. If your server does not accept server connections and you enable this option, you may not be able to receive your mail.

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click E-mail.
  3. If you have multiple mail server accounts, choose an account from the Mail Accounts menu.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. To send mail with a secure connection, select the This Service Requires A Secure Connection check box.
  6. If your server requires a different port for its secure connection, select the Override Default Port check box, and type a new port number.
  7. To receive mail with a secure connection, select the This SMTP Requires A Secure Connection check box.
  8. If your SMTP server requires a different port for its secure connection, select the Override Default SMTP Port check box, and type a new port number.

Related Topic
Sending a secure password to a the server

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To set up a POP mail server for online access

By default, IMAP servers are designed for online access, but you can set up a POP server account for online access. When an account is displayed in the Folder list, you have online access. Online access lets you leave your messages on the server so that you can access them from any computer. Also, once a server is in the Folder list, you can click it to download only the message headers stored on the server. Downloading message headers is less time consuming and you can use the message header information to determine whether you want to download the complete message.
  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click E-mail.
  3. If you have multiple mail server accounts, choose the POP account from the Mail Accounts menu.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Select the Allow Online Access check box. When this check box is selected your POP mail server will be displayed in the Folder list.

Related Topics
Displaying the Folder list
Receiving messages
Setting up a connection to a mail server

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To set up a connection to a news server

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click News, and then click New Server.
  3. Type a name for the news server. This name will be used to identify the news server in the Folder list.
  4. Click OK. The news server appears in the News Server menu and in the Server Name box.
  5. Type the server address.
  6. Select the Display This News Server In The Folder List check box.
  7. If your news server requires a name and password, select the This Server Requires Authentication check box, and then type your user name and password in their respective boxes.
  8. If you need to override the default NNTP port, set up a secure connection, or specify additional header information to include in messages you post, click Advanced, type the required information, and then click OK.
  9. If you want to make this your default news account, click Make Default.


Related Topics
Glossary (authentication)
Glossary (Internet service provider)
Glossary (NNTP host)
Receiving the newsgroup list
Removing or changing a news server account
Setting up Outlook Express for multiple users

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To remove or change a news server account

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click News.
  3. From the News Servers menu, choose the news server, and then do one of the following:

Related Topic
Setting up a connection to a news server

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To set up a connection to a directory service

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click Directory Services.
  3. Click New Directory, and then type a name for the directory service. This name will be used to identify the directory service in the Folder list and in the Find People dialog box.
  4. Click OK. The directory service appears in the Directory Services menu and in the Directory Name box.
  5. In the Server Address box, type the address for the directory service. For example,
  6. If this directory service will be frequently used and you want quick access to it, select the Display This Directory Service In The Folder List check box and the directory service will appear in the Folder list. If you want to reduce the number of items in the folder list, make sure this check box is clear; any directory service you set up is always available from the Find People command.
  7. If you need a user name and password to log on to this server, select the This Server Required Authentication check box, and then type your user name and password.
  8. Click Make Default to make this your default directory service. Your default directory server will be used to check for e-mail addresses when sending mail.

Related Topics
Finding a person, business, or e-mail address
Glossary (LDAP)
Removing or changing a directory service
Setting up advanced directory service connection options

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To set up advanced directory service connection options

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click Directory Services.
  3. Choose the directory service from the Directory Services menu.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Select the This Server Requires A Secure Connection (SSL) check box.
  6. Select the Override Default LDAP Port check box and type a value to specify a different port.

Related Topics
Glossary (LDAP)
Removing or changing a directory service

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To set up advanced search options for a directory service

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click Directory Services.
  3. Choose the directory service from the Directory Services menu.
  4. Click Advanced and do one or more of the following:

Related Topics
Glossary (LDAP)
Removing or changing a directory service

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To remove or change a directory service

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click Directory Services.
  3. From the Directory Services menu, choose the directory service.


Related Topics
Finding a person, business, or e-mail address
Setting up a connection to a directory service

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To set up Outlook Express for multiple users

This feature allows users to create individual preferences so that multiple users can use one copy of Microsoft Outlook Express. This is useful in a home or classroom where each user of Outlook Express needs to have a personal copy of his or her Outlook Express folders and Contacts. You can switch easily between users, using the Change Current User command on the File menu.

For added security, Microsoft Outlook Express can be configured to prompt you for your personal password when you log on, preventing others from easily getting access to your account. Outlook Express does not lock people out of the file system. Anyone who has access to the Finder can see other user files and change, add, or delete information. Multiple user support is designed to be used with a software program such as Apple Computer's At Ease, which restricts access to the Finder. See Apple Computer's Web site, * for more information about At Ease.

  1. On the File menu, choose Change Current User.
  2. If you always want to be prompted to choose a user when Outlook Express is started, select the Show This List On Startup check box.
  3. Click New User.
  4. Type a name for the new user in the User Name box.
  5. On the Base Initial Settings On menu, choose what you want to use as the basis for your Preferences. You'll be able to customize your settings later.
  6. Click Save. When you do so, you will be prompted to import messages and e-mail addresses from other programs, and then Outlook Express will open the Preferences dialog box so that you can customize the settings
  7. Make changes as needed in the Preferences dialog box, and then click OK.
  8. Outlook Express will use this user's account until another user is selected from the Change Current User dialog box.

Once multiple users are set up, you can switch between users by choosing Change Current User from the File menu.


Related Topics
Creating a log on password
Deleting a user configuration
Renaming a user
Setting up a connection to a directory service
Setting up a connection to a mail server
Setting up a connection to a news server

Return to top

To rename a user

  1. On the File menu, choose Change Current User.
  2. Click a user, and then click Rename.
  3. Type a new name, and then click Save.

Related Topic
Deleting a user configuration

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To delete a user configuration

  1. On your hard disk, locate the folder where the Microsoft Outlook Express program is stored. This will most likely be in the Outlook Express folder in the root folder of your hard drive.
  2. Double-click the OE User(s) folder.
  3. Drag the folder with the user name you want to delete to the Trash.

Related Topics
Renaming a user
Setting up Outlook Express for multiple users

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To set spelling preferences

With Microsoft Office 98 installed, you can spell check messages when you send them, or check spelling as you type.

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Spelling.
  3. Select the check boxes that corresponds to each setting you want to use.

Related Topic
Spell checking messages

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To verify e-mail addresses before sending messages

If you can't remember someone's complete address or you have a contact with multiple e-mail addresses, you can use the Check Names button on the toolbar to search your default directory server and Contacts for matches, and then select the correct recipient.

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click General.
  3. In the Mail And News Settings area, make sure the Automatically Check Names On All Outgoing Mail check box is selected.

Related Topic
Sending a message

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Using a quote character when forwarding

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Message Composition.
  3. Select the Use Quoting Characters When Forwarding check box.

Related Topic
Forwarding messages

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To compress all outgoing attachments

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Message Composition. Engine must be installed on your computer to use this option.


Related Topics
Attaching files to a message
Sending a message

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To save copies of outgoing messages

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click General.
  3. In the Mail and News Settings area, select the When Sending, Save A Copy In The Sent Mail Folder check box.

Related Topics
Glossary (Sent Mail folder)
Sending a message

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To send mail and news messages automatically when quitting Outlook Express

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Startup & Quit.
  3. Select the Send All Outgoing Mail and News Messages check box. When this check box is selected all messages stored in your Outbox will be sent when you quit the program.

Related Topic
Sending messages

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To create a signature

  1. On the Tools menu, choose Signatures.
  2. Click the New Signature button.
  3. In the Signature Name box, type a name that describes the signature.
  4. If you want the signature to be part of your random list, select the Include In Random List check box.
  5. In the space provided, type the text for the signature, and then click OK.
  6. If you want a signature to be sent with every outgoing message, choose a signature from the Default Signature menu. If you choose None, you can use the Signature command from the Message menu to add a signature to individual messages.

Related Topics
Specifying a signature for an individual message
Editing or deleting a signature
Glossary (signature)

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To edit or delete a signature

  1. On the Tools menu, choose Signature.
  2. Select a signature from the list and do one of the following:

Related Topics
Specifying a signature for an individual message
Creating a signature
Glossary (signature)

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To add custom header information

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click E-mail.
  3. If you have multiple mail server accounts, choose an account from the Mail Accounts menu.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Type the text in the Additional Headers box.

Related Topics
Glossary (download)
Glossary (e-mail address)
Glossary (header)
Sending a message
Setting up a connection to a mail server

Return to top

To set up plain text or HTML formatting in mail and news messages

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Message Composition.
  3. In each of the News and Mail Sending areas, do one of the following:
  4. If you want to reply to a message in the same format (Plain Text or HTML) in which it was sent, select the Reply To Messages Using The Format In Which They Were Sent check box.


Related Topic
Applying styles to messages

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To change font settings

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Fonts.
  3. On the Choose Fonts For menu, choose a language group.
  4. Choose a proportional font and font size to use for standard text.
  5. Choose a fixed width font and font size to use for text items that require a fixed width font.
  6. Choose a font and font size to use for lists.
    Note: The fonts available to choose from are the fonts currently installed on your Macintosh.

Related Topics
Glossary (character set)
Reading a mail message
Reading international messages

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To prevent Outlook Express from connecting to a specific mail server when using the Send & Receive command

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click E-mail.
  3. If you have multiple mail server accounts, choose an account from the Mail Accounts menu.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Select the Do Not Include This Server with Send & Receive All check box. Now, when you choose any of the Send & Receive commands from the Tools menu, this server will be excluded.

Related Topic
Sending a message

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To change the message attachment encoding

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Message Composition.
  3. From the Attachment Encoding menu, choose an encoding method.

Related Topics
AppleDouble, defined Attaching files in a message
Glossary (Base64)
Glossary (BinHex)
Glossary (UUEncode)
Glossary (attachments)
Glossary (MIME)

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To automatically receive messages when starting Outlook Express

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Startup & Quit.
  3. Select the Receive All Mail check box.

Related Topics
Automatically receiving messages at timed intervals
Glossary (download)
Glossary (Internet service provider)
Reading your messages
Receiving your messages

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To change the number of news subjects to download

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click General.
  3. In the Mail And News Settings area, type a different number in the Get 500 News Subjects At A Time box.


Related Topics
Glossary (download)
Glossary (news message)
Reading a news message

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To keep copies of all messages on the server

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Accounts, click E-mail.
  3. If you have multiple mail server accounts, choose an account from the Mail Accounts menu.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. Select the Leave A Copy Of Messages On Server check box.

Related Topic
Receiving messages

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To automatically receive messages at timed intervals

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click General.
  3. In the Mail And News Settings area, make sure the Check Mail Every 9 Minutes check box is selected.
  4. If you want, type a different number in the box.


Related Topics
Automatically receiving messages when starting Outlook Express
Glossary (download)
Glossary (Internet service provider)
Reading your messages
Receiving your messages

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To set up helpers for protocols in messages

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Network, click Protocol Helpers, and do one of the following:
  3. Click Choose Helper.
  4. Locate the program you want to use, select it, and then click Open.
  5. If you want Microsoft Outlook Express to display the protocol, rather than using the protocol helper you selected, make sure the Use Current Application If Possible check box is selected.
  6. Click OK.


If you want to set up Microsoft Internet Explorer to start up and display any Web pages whose addresses you click in a message, do the following:

  1. In Protocol Helpers, select "http," and then click Change.
  2. Click Choose Helper, locate the Internet Explorer program, select it, and then click Open.
  3. Click OK.
    Now when you see a blue, underlined Web page address in a mail message, click it and Internet Explorer will start and connect to that page.

Related Topics
Glossary (protocol)
Glossary (protocol helpers)
Setting up file helpers to view attachments in messages

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To set up file helpers to view attachments in messages

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Receiving Files, click File Helpers.
  3. To specify which program to start when you open a new type of file, click Add.
  4. To change the program that starts when you open an existing file type, select the type, and then click Change.
  5. Type a description, extension, and MIME type.
  6. Specify whether the file type uses Binary Data or Plain Text.
  7. If you want Macintosh files to be served on non-Macintosh platforms, select the Macintosh File check box.
  8. If you want the file helper used for downloaded files, select the Use for Incoming check box.
  9. If you want the file helper used for outgoing files, select the Use for Outgoing check box.
  10. On the Handling menu, choose one of the following options:
    View With Browser Opens the file in the browser window if the file type is supported by the browser.
    View With Application Opens the file by using the specified external application. When you quit the application, the downloaded file is deleted.
    View With Plug-in Uses a specified plug-in to view the file. To locate the plug-in on your system, click Browse.
    Post-Process With Application Handles the file later with a specified application. For example, you can download a .sit file, but later use Stuffit to decompress the file.
    Save To File Displays a dialog box that lets you choose where to save the file.
  11. Under Outlook Express, click General.
  12. If you always want to use file helpers rather than saving attachments, select the Use File Helpers to View Attachments check box.


Related Topics
Glossary (attachments)
Glossary (file helpers)
Glossary (MIME)
Tips & Tricks (File Helper Directory)

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To use file helpers to view attachments in messages

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click General.
  3. Select the Use File Helpers to View Attachments check box.


Related Topics
Setting up file helpers to view attachments in messages
Tips & Tricks (File Helper Directory)
Tips & Tricks (Working with Mail)

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To show attached pictures in messages

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Display.
  3. Make sure the Show Attached Pictures in Messages check box is selected.
  4. Click OK.


Related Topics
Saving file attachments
Viewing file attachments by using helpers

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To view complete Internet header information

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Display.
  3. In the Messages area, make sure the Show Internet Headers check box is selected.


Related Topics
Glossary (header)
Reading a mail message

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To change the display of read and unread messages

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Display.
  3. In the Messages area, do the following:

Related Topics
Marking a message as read or unread
Showing unread messages only

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To delete items permanently when quitting Outlook Express

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences and do one of the following:

Related Topics
Compacting a folder
Deleting a message
Glossary (Deleted Messages folder)
Moving a message to a folder

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To change the display of newsgroups and IMAP folders

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Display.
  3. In the Subscriptions area, do one or more of the following:

Related Topics
Glossary (subscribe)
Subscribing and unsubscribing to a newsgroup
Viewing subscribed newsgroups only

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To set up colored quote text

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Display.
  3. Click the level whose color you want to change, and then select a new color.

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To set up the maximum line length

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Message Composition.
  3. Type a new value in the Maximum Line Length box.

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To hide IMAP messages marked for deletion

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click General.
  3. Select the Hide Deleted IMAP Messages check box.

Related Topics
Deleting messages
Glossary (IMAP)

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To create a log on password

If others have access to your computer, and you don't want them to read your mail, it's a good idea to create a password. When you do so, Microsoft Outlook Express will prompt you for your personal password when you log on.
  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Startup & Quit.
  3. Select the Require Password check box.
  4. Type your password in the text box, and then confirm your password by typing it again.

Related Topic
Setting up Outlook Express for multiple users

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To resize windows and columns

  1. Open a window in Microsoft Outlook Express (for example, Contacts).
  2. Move the pointer over the column or window border that you want to resize. The cursor changes to a resize cursor.
  3. Drag the border to its new location.

Related Topic
Changing the columns displayed in windows

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To change the columns displayed in windows

  1. Open a window in Microsoft Outlook Express (for example, Contacts).
  2. On the View menu, point to Columns, and then choose the column you want displayed. A check mark appears beside each column that will be displayed.

Related Topics
Resizing windows and columns
Sorting contacts
Sorting the mail message list
Sorting the news message list

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To show or hide toolbars and tooltips

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Display.
  3. If you want the toolbar to be displayed automatically, select the Show Toolbars check box.
  4. If you want to hide the text under the icons, make sure the Show Text Under Icons check box is clear.
  5. If you want to get a description of the toolbar button when the mouse hovers over it, make sure the Show Tooltips check box is selected.

Related Topic
Glossary (toolbar)

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To change alert sounds

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click General.
  3. In the Sounds area, choose the sounds you want to hear. If you do not want to hear sounds, choose None.

Related Topics
Receiving your messages
Setting up a connection to a mail server

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To compact mail folders automatically

When you store messages on your computer, the messages are stored in a file (located in your user folder within the OE User(s) folder) that grows in size as you add, edit, and delete messages. Compacting a folder will delete any unneeded space and information in the file to make it smaller in size.
  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Startup & Quit.
  3. In the Quit Settings area, make sure the Compact Folders to Reclaim Unused Space check box is selected.
  4. On the menu, choose the size that folders must reach before they are compacted.

Related Topic
Compacting a folder

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To turn off confirmation messages when deleting

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click General.
  3. Make sure the Require Confirmation When Deleting check box is clear.

Related Topic
Deleting messages

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To use relative dates in lists

  1. On the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Under Outlook Express, click Display.
  3. Make sure the Use Relative Dates in Lists check box is selected.

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