Tools for Colour Genie EG2000

    size   zipped    %  crc32     filename
zip 80,6 K
    7813     1952  75%  bdc1cc7b  az80.l
     421      181  57%  706a6e40  makefile
   22325     5377  76%  57bf0155  az80.y
    1850      961  48%  73f3be07  readme.txt
  203990    73636  64%  53999e98  az80.exe
zip 148,6 K
  772495   152086  80%  dedbad20  BASICROM.TXT

Matt Houben took _quite_ some time and documented the BASIC ROM of the
Colour Genie. It's definitely worth a download if you are interestend
in the details of the machine.
zip 70,7 K
   52214     8562  84%  daf604ee  dis.c
    9576     2576  73%  4c11df6d  dz80.c
    1212      462  62%  42df9969  frac2.c
   84348     5224  94%  7f628161  table.c
    4227     1174  72%  3e12d549  table.h
    1944      664  66%  51599275  z80.h
    4145     1462  65%  cc72f28f  dis.h
     292      201  31%  8237697f  makefile
   13424     4939  63%  69a7d948  cgenie.def
    3270     1295  60%  21a0d2f9  readme.txt
    1601      703  56%  48da4195  cgdos.def
  103936    44036  58%  1dc60204  dz80.exe
zip 33,2 K
    7781     2539  67%  8c74c8dd  text2bas.c
     681      413  39%  32cb45d8  readme.txt
     298      193  35%  685234dd  makefile
   53760    30498  43%  d47e09b4  text2bas.exe

Generated by mkhtml Tue Feb 6 19:35:29 2001