Where to find WinImage

You can find the latest version of WinImage :

- On the WinImage web site, http://www.winimage.com and http://www.winimage.com/download.htm

You will find these files: (xx is the version number, for example, WINIMA90.ZIP is a ZIP for version 9.00):

- WINIMAxx.EXE: English help and executable files for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/Win2000/WinXP/2003/Vista/Seven/8 Intel 32 bits, as a self-install setup.

- WINIMAxx.ZIP: English help and executable files for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/Win2000/WinXP/2003/Vista/Seven/8 Intel 32 bits.

- WIMA64xx.EXE: English help and executable files for Windows XP/2003/Vista/Seven/8 x86-64 bits, as a self-install setup. This is compatible with Windows x64 Edition, for Amd Athlon 64, Amd Opteron, Intel Xeon and Pentium with Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology (EM64T)

- WIMA64xx.ZIP: English help and executable files for Windows XP/2003/Vista/Seven/8 x86-64 bits.

- WIMAIAxx.EXE: English help and executable files for Windows 2000/XP/2003 64 bits on Intel Itanium 64 bits architecture

- WIMAIAxx.ZIP: English help and executable files for Windows 2000/XP/2003 64 bits on Intel Itanium 64 bits architecture

- WIMA1630.ZIP: English help and executable files for Windows 3.1 (Win16). The 3.00 is definitely the last Win16 version

- WIMAXPxx.ZIP: English help and executable files for Windows NT Dec Alpha (only old version of WinImage)

- WIMAMPxx.ZIP: English help and executable files for Windows NT Mips R4000 (only old version of WinImage)

- WIMAPPxx.ZIP: English help and executable files for Windows NT PowerPC (only old version of WinImage)

- WIMAFRxx.ZIP: French help and resource files.

- WIMADExx.ZIP: German help and resource files.

- WIMAESxx.ZIP: Spain help and resource files.

- WIMAITxx.ZIP: Italian help and resource files.

- WIMAPTxx.ZIP: Portuguese help and resource files.

- WIMABRxx.ZIP: Brazilian help and resource files.

For example, a French user of WinImage 6.10 under Windows XP will download WINIMA61.ZIP or WINIMA61.EXE and WIMAFR61.ZIP and unzip them in the same directory.