# FUNCTIONS: Unix setmaps.in keyboard transliteration file to # - perform ISO 8859-1 to PC 850 translation # - add EMACS-like character composition # - disallow ISO control characters # - disallow some characters for PICK system # # AUTHOR: A. Pirard. 13 Nov 1995 # (C) COPYRIGHT SEGI University of Liège, Belgium, 1995 # All Rights Reserved, non-profit usage granted # Composition based on norm from Howard Gayle, Ericsson Telecom, Sweden # Thanks too to Philippe Deschamp, INRIA, France, for his help # # Notes: # - any unwanted "layer" can be simply removed # - this ASCII file contains ISO 8859-1 characters in comments # # # Character composition # # Prefixes (8859-1 Greek Mu or EMACS Ctrl-x 8) # \xb5:@1 \x188:@1 # # Followers # # PICK special # @1°a:@0\x86 @1°A:@0\x8f @1\[:@0\xfb @1\\:@0\xfc @1\]:@0\xfd # # EMACS norm # # 160   no-break-space @1\x20:@0\xFF # ! 161 ¡ inverted-exclamation-mark @1!:@0\xAD # c 162 ¢ cent-sign @1c:@0\xBD # L 163 £ pound-sign @1L:@0\x9C # $ 164 ¤ general-currency-sign @1$:@0\xCF # Y 165 ¥ yen-sign @1Y:@0\xBE # | 166 ¦ broken-vertical-line @1|:@0\xDD # S 167 § section-sign @1S:@0\xF5 # "" 168 ¨ diaeresis @1"":@0\xF9 # C 169 © copyright-sign @1C:@0\xB8 # _a 170 ª ordinal-indicator-feminine @1_a:@0\xA6 # < 171 « angle-quotation-mark-left @1<:@0\xAE # ~~ 172 ¬ not-sign @1~~:@0\xAA # - 173 ­ soft-hyphen @1-:@0\xF0 # R 174 ® registered-sign @1R:@0\xA9 # = 175 ¯ macron @1=:@0\xEE # o 176 ° degree-sign @1o:@0\xF8 # + 177 ± plus-or-minus-sign @1+:@0\xF1 # ^2 178 ² superscript-two @1^2:@0\xFD # ^3 179 ³ superscript-three @1^3:@0\xFC # '' 180 ´ acute-accent @1'':@0\xEF # u 181 µ micro-sign @1u:@0\xE6 # P 182 ¶ pilcrow @1P:@0\xF4 # . 183 · middle-dot @1.:@0\xFA # ,, 184 ¸ cedilla @1,,:@0\xF7 # ^1 185 ¹ superscript-one @1^1:@0\xFB # _o 186 º ordinal-indicator-masculine @1_o:@0\xA7 # > 187 » angle-quotation-mark-right @1>:@0\xAF # 1/4 188 ¼ fraction-one-quarter @11/4:@0\xAC # 1/2 189 ½ fraction-one-half @11/2:@0\xAB # 3/4 190 ¾ fraction-three-quarters @13/4:@0\xF3 # ? 191 ¿ inverted-question-mark @1\?:@0\xA8 # `A 192 À A-grave @1`A:@0\xB7 # 'A 193 Á A-acute @1'A:@0\xB5 # ^A 194 Â A-circumflex @1^A:@0\xB6 # ~A 195 Ã A-tilde @1~A:@0\xC7 # "A 196 Ä A-umlaut @1"A:@0\x8E # A 197 Å A-ring @1A:@0\x8F # E 198 Æ AE @1E:@0\x92 # ,C 199 Ç C-cedilla @1,C:@0\x80 # `E 200 È E-grave @1`E:@0\xD4 # 'E 201 É E-acute @1'E:@0\x90 # ^E 202 Ê E-circumflex @1^E:@0\xD2 # "E 203 Ë E-umlaut @1"E:@0\xD3 # `I 204 Ì I-grave @1`I:@0\xDE # 'I 205 Í I-acute @1'I:@0\xD6 # ^I 206 Î I-circumflex @1^I:@0\xD7 # "I 207 Ï I-umlaut @1"I:@0\xD8 # D 208 Ð D-stroke @1D:@0\xD1 # ~N 209 Ñ N-tilde @1~N:@0\xA5 # `O 210 Ò O-grave @1`O:@0\xE3 # 'O 211 Ó O-acute @1'O:@0\xE0 # ^O 212 Ô O-circumflex @1^O:@0\xE2 # ~O 213 Õ O-tilde @1~O:@0\xE5 # "O 214 Ö O-umlaut @1"O:@0\x99 # x 215 × multiplication-sign @1x:@0\x9E # /O 216 Ø O-slash @1/O:@0\x9D # `U 217 Ù U-grave @1`U:@0\xEB # 'U 218 Ú U-acute @1'U:@0\xE9 # ^U 219 Û U-circumflex @1^U:@0\xEA # "U 220 Ü U-umlaut @1"U:@0\x9A # 'Y 221 Ý Y-acute @1'Y:@0\xED # T 222 Þ THORN @1T:@0\xE8 # s 223 ß ss @1s:@0\xE1 # `a 224 à a-grave @1`a:@0\x85 # 'a 225 á a-acute @1'a:@0\xA0 # ^a 226 â a-circumflex @1^a:@0\x83 # ~a 227 ã a-tilde @1~a:@0\xC6 # "a 228 ä a-umlaut @1"a:@0\x84 # a 229 å a-ring @1a:@0\x86 # e 230 æ ae @1e:@0\x91 # ,c 231 ç c-cedilla @1,c:@0\x87 # `e 232 è e-grave @1`e:@0\x8A # 'e 233 é e-acute @1'e:@0\x82 # ^e 234 ê e-circumflex @1^e:@0\x88 # "e 235 ë e-umlaut @1"e:@0\x89 # `i 236 ì i-grave @1`i:@0\x8D # 'i 237 í i-acute @1'i:@0\xA1 # ^i 238 î i-circumflex @1^i:@0\x8C # "i 239 ï i-umlaut @1"i:@0\x8B # d 240 ð d-stroke @1d:@0\xD0 # ~n 241 ñ n-tilde @1~n:@0\xA4 # `o 242 ò o-grave @1`o:@0\x95 # 'o 243 ó o-acute @1'o:@0\xA2 # ^o 244 ô o-circumflex @1^o:@0\x93 # ~o 245 õ o-tilde @1~o:@0\xE4 # "o 246 ö o-umlaut @1"o:@0\x94 # // 247 ÷ division-sign @1//:@0\xF6 # /o 248 ø o-slash @1/o:@0\x9B # `u 249 ù u-grave @1`u:@0\x97 # 'u 250 ú u-acute @1'u:@0\xA3 # ^u 251 û u-circumflex @1^u:@0\x96 # "u 252 ü u-umlaut @1"u:@0\x81 # 'y 253 ý y-acute @1'y:@0\xEC # t 254 þ thorn @1t:@0\xE7 # "y 255 ÿ y-umlaut @1"y:@0\x98 # # Exist state 1 on any unrecognized keyboard sequence # @1?:@0 # # # Plain translation # ----------------- # # Disallow some characters harmful to PICK systems # \xa0:\x07 \xb2:\x07 \xb3:\x07 # # Override translation to disallow ISO control characters input # \x80:\x07 \x81:\x07 \x82:\x07 \x83:\x07 \x84:\x07 \x85:\x07 \x86:\x07 \x87:\x07 \x88:\x07 \x89:\x07 \x8a:\x07 \x8b:\x07 \x8c:\x07 \x8d:\x07 \x8e:\x07 \x8f:\x07 \x90:\x07 \x91:\x07 \x92:\x07 \x93:\x07 \x94:\x07 \x95:\x07 \x96:\x07 \x97:\x07 \x98:\x07 \x99:\x07 \x9a:\x07 \x9b:\x07 \x9c:\x07 \x9d:\x07 \x9e:\x07 \x9f:\x07 # # Standard ISO 8859-1 to PC 850 translation # \x80:\xBA \x81:\xCD \x82:\xC9 \x83:\xBB \x84:\xC8 \x85:\xBC \x86:\xCC \x87:\xB9 \x88:\xCB \x89:\xCA \x8a:\xCE \x8b:\xDF \x8c:\xDC \x8d:\xDB \x8e:\xFE \x8f:\xF2 \x90:\xB3 \x91:\xC4 \x92:\xDA \x93:\xBF \x94:\xC0 \x95:\xD9 \x96:\xC3 \x97:\xB4 \x98:\xC2 \x99:\xC1 \x9a:\xC5 \x9b:\xB0 \x9c:\xB1 \x9d:\xB2 \x9e:\xD5 \x9f:\x9F # \xa0:\xFF \xa1:\xAD \xa2:\xBD \xa3:\x9C \xa4:\xCF \xa5:\xBE \xa6:\xDD \xa7:\xF5 \xa8:\xF9 \xa9:\xB8 \xaa:\xA6 \xab:\xAE \xac:\xAA \xad:\xF0 \xae:\xA9 \xaf:\xEE \xb0:\xF8 \xb1:\xF1 \xb2:\xFD \xb3:\xFC \xb4:\xEF \xb5:\xE6 \xb6:\xF4 \xb7:\xFA \xb8:\xF7 \xb9:\xFB \xba:\xA7 \xbb:\xAF \xbc:\xAC \xbd:\xAB \xbe:\xF3 \xbf:\xA8 \xc0:\xB7 \xc1:\xB5 \xc2:\xB6 \xc3:\xC7 \xc4:\x8E \xc5:\x8F \xc6:\x92 \xc7:\x80 \xc8:\xD4 \xc9:\x90 \xca:\xD2 \xcb:\xD3 \xcc:\xDE \xcd:\xD6 \xce:\xD7 \xcf:\xD8 \xd0:\xD1 \xd1:\xA5 \xd2:\xE3 \xd3:\xE0 \xd4:\xE2 \xd5:\xE5 \xd6:\x99 \xd7:\x9E \xd8:\x9D \xd9:\xEB \xda:\xE9 \xdb:\xEA \xdc:\x9A \xdd:\xED \xde:\xE8 \xdf:\xE1 \xe0:\x85 \xe1:\xA0 \xe2:\x83 \xe3:\xC6 \xe4:\x84 \xe5:\x86 \xe6:\x91 \xe7:\x87 \xe8:\x8A \xe9:\x82 \xea:\x88 \xeb:\x89 \xec:\x8D \xed:\xA1 \xee:\x8C \xef:\x8B \xf0:\xD0 \xf1:\xA4 \xf2:\x95 \xf3:\xA2 \xf4:\x93 \xf5:\xE4 \xf6:\x94 \xf7:\xF6 \xf8:\x9B \xf9:\x97 \xfa:\xA3 \xfb:\x96 \xfc:\x81 \xfd:\xEC \xfe:\xE7 \xff:\x98