Worms World Party Soundbank Editor. Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Team17 Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Thank you for downloading the Soundbank editor.For hints, tips and free soundbank downloads please refer to: http://wwp.team17.com http://worms.team17.com If you wish to add a shortcut to the editor on the desktop please follow these steps: *Please note that if you have specified a custom install folder other than default, the program must be located within the USER subfolder of the WWP main game install folder. 1. Access the folder that you have installed the editor to (default is C:\Team17\Worms World Party\User). 2. Right-click with the mouse button (hold down button) on the main Soundbank Editor file. 3. Drag the icon (whilst still holding down the right mouse button) and drop it on to the desktop by releasing the button. 4. You will be given an option to 'Create Shortcut(s) Here'. 5. Move the mouse and highlight the option and left-click the mouse. 6. A shortcut icon will now be available on your desktop. Instructions For Use ==================== Scheme Select a speech bank file from the list. This list is obtained by looking in the USER \ SPEECH folder within your WWP directory. To add new speech banks, simply place them within this folder. The editor / game will then automatically detect new additions and make them available for use. By default, the English set has been placed in the folder to enable you to start modifying a new set immediately. All the default speech banks are stored on the WWP CD and you can increase loading performance by having these speech banks located on your hard drive within the SPEECH folder. Note: Please take into account available hard drive space when transferring speech banks as an individual speech bank typically takes between 1-4 Mb. Save As... When you have finished modifying your sound set, you can save it with a new name. This will be created in the speech folder and detected by the game. You can copy folders to friends or upload them to the Internet. Sample List Samples used within the game are shown in the main screen. The sample size is also displayed and it is important to realise that larger sound sets take more memory to run. This affects the game performance, considering that up to six different sound banks can be loaded at any one time. You may also double-click on a name to hear the current sample held for that effect. Play Play the currently highlighted sample. Stop Stop playing the current sample. Delete You can opt to delete the selected set if you wish. Set Brings up a file selection box, you can look for other samples to replace the current one. You may also preview (hear) the samples you are looking at whilst you do this. Restore If you make any changes, you can restore the sample set to default.