101 About WormSound 102 1007 Play sample 1008 Set sample 1009 List of samples 1010 Current sample scheme 1011 Save current scheme 1012 Delete current scheme 1013 Exit editor 1015 Preview sample 1016 Stop preview 1017 Restore sample to default 1018 Stop playing sample 1100 Sa&mples: 1101 Description: 1102 &Play 1103 &Set 1104 Save &As... 1105 &Delete 1106 &Finish 1107 S&cheme 1108 Sound Bank Editor 1109 Preview: 1110 Scheme &Name: 1111 New Scheme 1112 S&top 1116 Do you want to delete '%1' ? 1117 WARNING: The changes that you\nhave made to this scheme will\nbe lost 1118 Cannot create this scheme\nPlease select a name that is\na valid directory name 1119 This is not a valid scheme name 1120 Do you wish to overwrite '%1' ? 1121 This scheme does not exist 1122 Cannot play this sample.\n\nThis could mean that the sample file is not valid or that your\naudio hardware is not configure correctly. 1123 Invalid file type\nPlease select a wave file with a .WAV extension 1124 You must run this application in your Worms2 directory. 1125 Restore 1126 OK 1127 Cancel