How do I gain entry into all those members only areas on the BBS? How much, where's the catch, etc, etc, etc. None actualy, simply purchase OctaMED V6 and you will receive a registration card in the pack for FREE access to the closed members areas. A member gets issued with a password which allows them into the OctaMED Members General library and will then find the following areas: Instruments Samples Utilities MIDI Members Mods ( now in seperate alphabetical libraries ) Other Mods Members Mods Upload Area ( now in seperate alphabetical libraries ) Urban Shakedown area. ( the recording group - requires payment, see below ) + competitions and much much more. You can, ( if you want to ), enclose a payment of £20.00 and this will allow you entry into the TI magazine & Urban shakedown libraries. TI?? a member, if you choose to pay the £20.00 fee for entry into the TI area, you will be able to download these disks instead of sending off your order and paying at least .50p extra for postage alone. The charge for this by mail order is around £2.50 and therefore, as you can see, upon paying this and downloading the eleven disks that will be available to upon start of your membership , ( 28-02-95 ), your payment of £20.00 will be recovered immediately!! You will also be able to download the next six issues FREE , ( approx six issues to be released during your membership period ). You will also be able to purchase the OctaMED Pro Soundstudio at a special members reduced price, when released in 96. ( same price as mug members registered with Richard ) You can see that there is a mods upload section in each members library and your mods should be uploaded here and not in the non-members music section of the BBS that is open to non members. PLEASE, give details of your file to the SYSOP, no matter where you upload. If, however, you want your compositions to be made available to all and sundry, you can simply go into the NON-MEMBERS area and upload your mod into the upload area that you will find there, but you can't be so sure that fellow members will get to hear it!! Note that you are requested to upload only your own MODS into YOUR own Members Mods Upload Area found within your library of this board, ( if you have joined of course ), anything else should be uploaded either into the Amiga uploads area. ( non-members mods,samples,execs etc, go into library number 14, anything else must be placed in the upload area of library 1 ) You can, ( member or not ), also leave email for Ray or Richard and more importantly, Teijo. If leaving mail for Ray please address it to SYSOP , if you wish to mail Richard, address this also to SYSOP, ( it will get to him quicker this way ), Just make sure that you state clearly that your message is for him and not Ray. WHO is richard??, ( tut tut ), he is the Editor of the MUG group and the TI magazines, ( take a look at one and read the files ). To communicate with Teijo himself, ( don't expect a quick response ), then address your mail to TEIJOK For those that may be wondering, we do intend to be able to offer some sort of OLR prog, ( off line reader ), EVENTUALY, so that you can cut down on the phone bills, but this is in the future at this very early stage of development. ( probably late 96 ) Well that's about it...... If you want to join, then please fill in,return the registration card that you will find in the OctaMED V6 packaging and return it, we will then open your own named area in one of the members libraries and E-Mail you with the password and members number. Don't forget that if you also decide that you would like access to the Bi-Monthly TI mags and Urban Shakedown libraries then simply send a postal order ( crossed ), cheque, bankers draught, eurocheque, american express, ( these are the only methods of payment accepted, if you send cash, it is at your own risk ), made payable to: S. Burt-Frost and post to: RBF Software. ( BBS ) 169, Dale Valley Road, Southampton S016 6QX England. You must give your correct name and address, and it must be the same as you have allready entered into the open area of the bbs if you are allready a verified non-member of the board. We can alter your membership rating, as even with a password, you will not gain access to the OctaMED and CDROM areas without certain additions being added to the information that you provided when you first log on. After you have loged on and been verified, you will be sent a password to use which will allow you to enter the members areas of this board. Note that if for any unforseeable reason this password needs to be altered then you will be notified of the alteration within 5 working days of this occuring, details will be found in your E-Mail. If, after 5 days you find that your password is not being accepted, then, after checking that any renewal has been paid of course, please leave the SYSOP E-Mail and we will sort things out.