@IF_SQUADGONE::(squad{Squad name},label{Label to jump to when true}) Label(&1) If(s_SquadGone["$1"]): Goto($2) Goto(&1) ENDALIAS // to use: // @IF_SQUADGONE{Enemy1|Warpout} @IF_HASENERGY::(ship{Ship name},int{Wait until ship has at least this much energy},label{Label to jump to when true}) Label(&1) If(s_HasEnergy["$1",$2]): Goto($3) Goto(&1) ENDALIAS // to use: // @IF_HASENERGY{Enemy1|200|KillHim} @IF_LOWENERGY::(ship{Ship name},int{Wait until ship has less than this much energy},label{Label to jump to when true}) Label(&1) If(s_LowEnergy["$1",$2]): Goto($3) Goto(&1) ENDALIAS // to use: // @IF_LOWENERGY{Alpha|100|Warpout} @IF_SHIPGONE::(ship{Check if this ship is alive},label{Label to jump to when true}) Label(&1) If(s_ShipGone["$1"]): Goto($2) Goto(&1) ENDALIAS // to use: // @IF_SHIPGONE{Enemy1|Warpout} @WAIT_SHIPGONE::(ship{Check if this ship is alive}) Label(&1) If(s_ShipGone["$1"]): Goto(&2) Goto(&1) Label(&2) ENDALIAS // to use: // @IF_SHIPGONE{Enemy1|Warpout} @IF_SHIPDISABLED::(ship{Check if this ship is disabled},label{Label to jump to when true}) Label(&1) If(s_ShipDisabled["$1"]): Goto($2) Goto(&1) ENDALIAS // to use: // @IF_SHIPDISABLED{Frank|Warpout} @IF_CLOSETOGETHER::(ship{Ship 1},ship{Ship 2},int{Wait until ships are at least this close},label{Label to jump to when true}) Label(&1) If(s_CloseTogether["$1","$2",$3]): Goto($4) Goto(&1) ENDALIAS // to use: // @IF_CLOSETOGETHER{Enemy1|TargetNull1|Value|Warpout} @IF_FARAPART::(ship{Ship 1},ship{Ship 2},int{Wait until ships are at least this far apart},label{Label to jump to when true}) Label(&1) If(s_FarApart["$1","$2",$3]): Goto($4) Goto(&1) ENDALIAS // to use: // @IF_FARAPART{Enemy1|TargetNull1|Value|Warpout} @WAIT::(int{Time to wait for}) Timer($1) Label(&1) If(Timer): Goto(&1) ENDALIAS