Suprtool 5.2 for HP e3000:

Change Notice

Doc-To-Help Standard Manual










Program and manual copyright � 1981-2009 Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.


Permission is granted to reprint this document (but not for profit), provided that copyright notice is given.


Qedit and Suprtool are trademarks of Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. Oracle is a trademark of Oracle Corporation, Redwood City, California, USA. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.










Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

Suite 372, 7360 137 Street
Surrey, BC Canada V3W 1A3


Phone:�� 604.501.2001

Fax:������� 604.501.2003








Introducing Suprtool Version 5.25

Introduction. 5

Highlights in Suprtool 5.2. 5

Highlights in Suprtool 5.1.02. 5

Highlights in Suprtool 5.0. 6

Known Problems. 7

Compatibility. 7

CPU Serial Number and CPU Name (HPSUSAN & HPCPUNAME) 7

Documentation. 7

Installation�� 8

Overview.. 8

Ecometry Users. 8

Installation Instructions. 8

Installation Assistance. 8

Enhancements in Version 5.29

Introduction. 9

ZonedFix. 9

Enhancements in Version 5.1.0210

Introduction. 10

$stddate($days(a)) 10

TPI-keys. 10

VarsubDebug. 11

If $lookup. 11

Multiple literal comparison. 12

KSAM and If command. 12

VarsubDebug. 12

Enhancements in Version 5.014

InitExtents. 14

Table command. 14

Set ItemLock <fieldname>. 14

$Clean Function and Clean Command. 14

Bugs Fixed�� 16

Bugs Fixed In Suprtool 5.2. 16

Bugs Fixed In Suprtool 5.1.02. 16

Bugs Fixed In Suprtool 5.0.15. 16

Bugs Fixed In Suprtool 5.0.11. 16

Bugs Fixed In Suprtool 5.0.10. 16


Introducing Suprtool Version 5.2

Suprtool provides fast access to your data on the HP e3000. With Suprtool, you can perform many necessary DP functions easily, with just a few simple commands. At Robelle we are constantly working on your enhancement requests so that we can include them every year when we release an updated version of Suprtool. Robelle we are constantly working on your enhancement requests so that we can include them every year when we release an updated version of Suprtool.

         STExport now has Set ZonedFix On, this setting can be used to zero out any zoned fields that were unable to be converted from zoned to byte and typically have a "?" in the result. This is often caused by hidden characters or bad data.

         Suprtools $edit function now accepts the colon character as a delimiter character in order for edit masks for time fields.

         Suprtools if command would not allow a field name starting with SPECIAL if it was on the right side of the equation.


         The $edit function would replace a numeric with a colon if the edit mask had a different number of decimal places than the item had and the last number to be rounded was a nine.

         STExport did not handle files with 256 fields in an SD file.

         Suprtool can now execute the if and extract expression $stddate($days(a) + 10) in one task.

         Suprtool now supports stand-alone zoned decimal keys.

         Suprlink has had internal changes in terms of how it manages it�s data structures.

         If the data item used in data portion ofa $lookup function was 8 bytes or greater in length, type display or byte, the if command would fail with an arithmetic stack error.

         Set VarsubDebug has been added to print the line after variable substitution has occurred.

         Suprtool now reads NM KSAM files with MR NOBUF if an IF command is specified.

         STExport XML command did not convert compound items (2)..(n) properly.

         Multiple literal compares now workin the if command

         If $lookup can now return the data portion loaded into a table to use in a comparison.

         STExport HTML command did not calculate the maximum record size properly in some cases.

         Suprtools prefetch default value has been changed from 2 to 0.

         Set InitExtents on was added to help with systems that may experience large Extent B-Trees. This is currently experimental for some customers who may be experiencing problems with large Extent B-trees. (4.9.05)

         Suprtool had some internal messages printing out on stdlist when the Table command was used. (4.9.04)

         Set Itemlock command has been added to support Item level locking. (4.9.04)

         Update from a table would incorrectly update records with spaces if the record was not found. (4.9.04)

         Suprtool version 4.9.03 was not released to the general public. (4.9.03)

         Suprtool would incorrectly give an error with the Set Buffer command with some values. (4.9.02)

         Suprtool would leave a KSAM/iX file open if the task had an if command. (4.9.01)

         The $CLEAN function in Suprtool and Clean command in STExport can now remove a character that needs to be cleaned and it does not replace with a space, but rather shifts the text to the left and adds a space to the end. (4.9.01)

         Suprlink�s Join command would not build the output file large enough if the input file flimit was significantly smaller than the Link file. (4.9.01)

         Suprtool 4.8.10 would abort on a duplicate none key operation on a file greater than 5,000 bytes (approx) (4.9.01)

         Suprtool would not select the correct records for Ksam64 and KSAM/XL files when using high speed access. (4.9.01)

Set Itemlock does not work in one particular case.


Suprtool/iX is compatible with MPE V, MPE XL, and MPE/iX, including MPE/iX 6.5, 7.0 and MPE/iX 7.5.

Suprtools default prefetch value has been changed from 2 to zero.

Suprtool and its associated products run only on CPUs whose serial numbers have been encoded ("showvar hpsusan" on MPE/iX). They also may be encoded with your HPCPUNAME values. If it fails to run and you get an "invalid HPCPUNAME" or "invalid HPSUSAN" error message, contact Robelle for assistance.

The user manual contains the full description of all the Suprtool suite of products including Dbedit, Suprlink, STExport and Suprtool2, as well as usage tips and commands for each. The manuals are up-to-date with all the latest changes. To see only the changes in the latest version, see the "What's New" section of the manual, or see the change notice.

You can download our manuals and change notices in various formats and you can order printed (hardcopy) manuals from our web site at:



We have two types of Installations, Tape and Download. We provide links to the Installation instructions on our web site for each type of Install.

Users of the Ecometry application need to use the installation instructions supplied by Ecometry Corporation. Those instructions have extra steps for updating the Ecometry code accounts.

You will find the Ecometry version of these instructions at

Types of installations, tape, download combined qedit and suprtool tape.

If you received a production release tape from Robelle, then you can install using the instructions on this web page:

If you downloaded the Suprtool production release from our web site then the instructions can be found here for the ftp download method:

and here for the WRQ download method:

If you have any questions about the upgrade process or run into any problems, please call us. Technical support is available on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific time at 800.453.8970 or you can e-mail your question to

Enhancements in Version 5.2

Suprtool is constantly being updated with new features. The following section describes the new enhancements to Suprtool since Suprtool 5.1.02.

There are no enhancements to this pre-release.

STExport now has Set ZonedFix On, this setting can be used to zero out any zoned fields that were unable to be converted from zoned to byte and typically have a "?" in the result. This is often caused by hidden characters or bad data.


Enhancements in Version 5.1.02

Suprtool is constantly being updated with new features. The following section describes the new enhancements to Suprtool since Suprtool 5.0.

There are no enhancements to this pre-release.

Suprtool now allows for the $days function to be nested in the $stddate function.

ext a=$stddate($days(a) + 1)




A�������������� = 20080319

Suprtool now supports stand-alone Zoned-decimal TPI-keys, for Omnidex, Superdex and Eloquence. Previously Suprtool only supported byte type keys. Suprtool now supports stand-alone �Z� type keys, Suprtools form command will show the keys that it can support via the chain command.

The length of a key is returned by dbinfo-833 and Suprtool will report in the form command the length of a stand-alone key. (SI-PRODUCT-NO is the path that is now supported) Superdex has a variable that impacts the length that is returned for a given key, and that is SICOGNOS. Suprtool will account for the length difference on the chain command but will show the unadjusted length. Normally Superdexs dbinfo-833 would show a length of 12 for a Zoned-decimal tpi-key with a length of 8, if SICOGNOS is set to 1, then Superdex will return 8.


form d-inventory




��� D-INVENTORY����� Detail����������������� Set# 4

������ Entry:�������������������� Offset

��������� BIN-NO�������������� J1����� 1

��������� LAST-SHIP-DATE������ J2����� 3

��������� ON-HAND-QTY��������� J2����� 7

��������� PRODUCT-NO���������� Z8���� 11(M-PRODUCT)

����������������������������������������� <<TPI>>

��������� SUPPLIER-NO��������� Z8���� 19(!M-SUPPLIER)

��������� UNIT-COST����������� P8���� 27

��������� ITEM-DESC1���������� X20��� 31<<TPI>>

��������� ITEM-DESC2���������� X20��� 51

��������� ITEM-DESC3���������� X20��� 71

��������� ITEM-DESC4���������� X20��� 91

��� Capacity: 464 (8)Entries: 13Highwater: 13Bytes: 110


��� Additional Third-Party Indexes:

��������� SI-PRODUCT-NO������� Z8���� B

��������� SI-ITEM-DESC1������� X20��� B

��������� SI-ITEM-DESC1234���� X80��� B

��������� SHAD���������������� X10��� B



Suprtool, STExport and Suprlink now have a setting called Set VarsubDebug on which will print out the line after the variable substitution has occurred. This setting only works if Set Varsub is on and Set varsubdebug is on.


setvar outfile &



SUPRTOOL/iX/Copyright Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. 1981-2007.

(Version 5.0.11 Internal)TUE, OCT 30, 2007,2:58 PMType H for he

>set varsub on

>set varsubdebug on

>in file1sd.suprtest

vd:in file1sd.suprtest

>output !outfile,link,temp

vd:output /GREEN/SUPRTEST/filename90123456789012345678901234567890123



The output is formatted into 74 byte chunks and printed with a preceding �vd:� so the �substituted� line is clear.

Suprtools IF command is now able to use the �data� loaded into a Table. The $lookup function will return the data value from the table to compare against another field or literal.

In file1sd

Table mytable,char-field,data,tabfile,data(id-field)

If $lookup(mytable,char-field,id-field) = int-field

So what Suprtool will do in this case is read a record, lookup the record in the table and retrieve the data item in the table. If Suprtool does NOT find an entry in the table, a zero will be returned if the data type is numeric and spaces will be returned if it is a byte type.

So using the case above, if no entry is found in the table, zero is returned, and if int-field is equal to zero, then the record will qualify.

If you don�t want to have any values returned from the table lookup, you just preface the if with a standard lookup.

>get��� ord-details

>tablecust-table, cust-no, file, custlist,data(state-code)

>if���� $lookup(cust-table,cust-no) and &

������� $lookup(cust-table, cust-no, state-code) = state-code

>output orders


When using $lookup to return data, the $lookup must always be on then left side of the expression. If not Suprtool will stop with an error:

>if id-field=$lookup(mytable,char-field,id-field)

Error:$lookup in this context (data comparison) must be on left side

Suprtool can now do multiple literal comparisons, previously Suprtool was only able to compare two sets of literals.

If �a� = �a� and �b� = �b�

If �a� <> �b� and �b� <> �c�

For the last two production versions Suprtool was slowed down for reading of NM KSAM files if an IF command was specified due to a bug in MPE. Suprtool now reads NM KSAM files in MR NOBUF mode again in all cases.


Suprtool, STExport and Suprlink now have a setting called Set VarsubDebug on which will print out the line after the variable substitution has occurred. This setting only works if Set Varsub is on and Set varsubdebug is on.


setvar outfile &



SUPRTOOL/iX/Copyright Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. 1981-2007.

(Version 5.0.11 Internal)TUE, OCT 30, 2007,2:58 PMType H for he

>set varsub on

>set varsubdebug on

>in file1sd.suprtest

vd:in file1sd.suprtest

>output !outfile,link,temp

vd:output /GREEN/SUPRTEST/filename90123456789012345678901234567890123



The output is formatted into 74 byte chunks and printed with a preceding �vd:� so the �substituted� line is clear.

Enhancements in Version 5.0


Set InitExtents setting has been added to reduce the size of the extent B-trees for some systems. Keep in mind that this will increase the size of the chunks that it needs to have for large files. This is currently not the defaultand is in as an experimental option at this time. It changes how extents are allocated on an FOPEN call or creation of a new Output file in Suprtool.

You may experience Out of Disc Space errors in some cases if large chunks of disc are not available.

Update from a table would incorectly move spaces to numeric fields if a matching record was not found in the table.

Suprtool now supports Item Level locking thru the Set ItemLock <fieldname> command. The set command must be specified after the Base and Get/Chain command has been specified. For example:


base order,1,;

get dline

set itemlock item-num


out save,link


��������������������������������������������������������������� Item Level locking is only effective for Deletes and Updates.

The $Clean function in Suprtool and Clean command in STExport now have the ability to replace a character to be cleaned with null or nothing.If you set the cleanchar as being:

>Set Cleanchar �<null>�

Suprtool will remove the character specified in the clean command and effectively shift the text to the left and blank out the portion at the end.



Bugs Fixed

SPECIAL. The if command would fail with and error if a field started with the SPECIAL keyword and if the field was on the right side of the equation.

$Edit Function. The $edit functionwould replace a numeric with a colon if the edit mask had a different number of decimal places than the item had and the last number to be rounded was a nine.

STExport. STExport did not handle files with 256 fields in an SD file.


$lookup with data. If the data item used in data portion ofa $lookup function was 8 bytes or greater in length, type display or byte, the if command would fail with an arithmetic stack error.

VarsubDebug. Set VarsubCompat did not work in STExport and the default was set to on.

XML. STExport did not properly convert compound items other than the first occurrence.

HTML. STExport HTML command did not calculate the maximum record size properly in some cases.