Search and Replace for Windows Funduc Software, Inc. Copyright 1995-2010, All Rights Reserved Information On Search And Replace Scripts ----------------------------------------- Version 6.5 Provided here is some information on Search and Replace scripts. This contains a sample script (see below for cut lines) but this file itself is NOT a sample script. Sample scripts installed with the program. They all have the name extension, .srs. This information is also available in the program F1 hlp. Scroll to below the sample script in this file for information on the [Options] section switches. Notes: ------ * Scripts are saved as ASCII files. The safest way to create a valid script is to use the Script dialog. As you gain experience you can modify/create scripts with your text editor, perhaps using an existing script as a model. Be sure to reload your script into the Script dialog if you edit it with an external editor * The simplest script possible is a text file consisting of a search string(s) separated by blank lines or a search/replace string(s) on adjacent lines. See the F1 hlp topic -Simple Script- for more information. * If you are running a script from the command line, add the /s switch to launch Search and Replace and automatically initiate a search. If your script involves a replace, use /r in your command line to initiate the replace. * Please note that if you specify linked script(s), follow-up scripts operate in the same mode as the script that launches them. For example, if the initial script is run as a search-only, scripts linked from the initial script are also search-only. If the initial script is run as a search-replace, linked scripts are search-replace. * The following tags must be at the beginning and end of the script: [Script for Search and Replace] and [End of Search and Replace Script]. * Comment text must immediately follow the [Script for Search and Replace] section or after the closing ] bracket in the Search &/or Replace strings. * The order of section headings must follow that outlined below. * The [Options] section is not required. If you create a script using a text editor and wish to set only one or a few options, it is OK to enter only those specific options. Scripts saved via Search and Replace will have all options saved with the script. * Search strings can be entered on the next line after a [Search] tag. To enter the Regular Expression, Case Sensitive off (or Insensitive), Whole Word Only and Binary Mode, you must use the /x /i /w /b flags respectively. The flags are case insensitive. This is similar to the flags for Command Line Parameters. * Replace strings can be entered on the next line after a [Replace] tag. You can only use the /b flag for Binary Mode with this tag since all other tags are specified on the Search field. * Path and mask strings can be entered on the next line after a [Path] tag. No flags can be used with this tag. The mask string must be entered right after the path string and a \ character is expected between them. For example c:\*.ini will use Path C:\ and Mask *.ini. If you turn on the Search Subdirectories box on the main window, all INI files on the C: drive would be processed. * You can enter Search strings only, both Search and Replace strings, Path and mask strings only, or all the fields in a script. You can also override some of the values from the main window by entering new Search and Replace strings or new Path and Mask strings. * When a script is active, the Search, Replace, File Mask, and Path fields in the Search and Replace main window will change to reflect the script in use. For example, given a script named, example.srs, which only has settings for a search string, the Search field in the main window will change to read "Use Script file: d:\example.srs". If example.srs also involved a replace string and a file mask, the Replace and File Mask fields would also change to read, "Use Script file: d:\example.srs". * See the F1 Help for information on use of the %%today%% string in the Min Date Filter= and/or Max Date Filter= switches for manually edited scripts. * SRDUMP.SRS File: To generate a script file that contains your current program settings, do the following: 1. Hold the CTRL key and click on the Scripts toolbar button with your mouse. 2. The above will cause the script editor to open. Close the editor. 3. A file named 'SRDUMP.SRS' is generated in the 'Program Work Path' by Step 1. Unless you have taken special steps for a network installation, this is generally the same file path that the Search and Replace executable is (sr32.exe) is installed in. C:\Tools\SR is the default program installation path. 4. Use your file manager to copy/rename SRDUMP.SRS to another file. You can use SRDUMP.SRS as a template for developing other scripts. --------- SAMPLE SCRIPT BEGINS ON NEXT LINE --------------------- [Script for Search and Replace] This is an example script using alternate program options for the script. The text you are reading here is the script comment added via the Advanced Script Dialog. Script comments always after the 'Script for Search and Replace' tag and before any other section tags. NOTE: The script sections demarked by [ ] and the [Options] switches must be entered in the order you see here. The first line must be the bracketed 'Script for Search and Replace' tag above. If you are not using Linked Scripts, the 'End of Search and Replace Script' tag is the last line. NOTE: It is not necessary to specify all the [Options] switches. For version 3.9 and above, switches within the [Options] section can be in any order. If a given Options switch is not specified in a script, the settings last in effect for the program will be used. In addition, the General Options settings that are included in the 'SRDUMP file' method above are ignored when the script is run in version 3.9+. For example, if your script specifies a 'Default Viewer', the program ignores this when you run the script. This preserves your default settings for interactive use. NOTE: Use the 'SRDUMP file' to generate a script that contains the program options currently in effect. You can use SRDUMP.SRS as a template for developing other scripts manually. NOTE: The iteration switch, Script Loop= , must be added by editing the script manually with your text editor. Script Loop= must be the last entry in the [Options] section. See F1 hlp topic - Scripts-Iteration Operator - for more info. NOTE: See F1 hlp topic - Scripts-Linked Scripts - for information on how to chain scripts. For version 3.4+, follow-up scripts are specified below the [End of Search and Replace Script] line in a script. You must specify this manually, via your text editor. [Expression] E1 AND E2 [Options] Search_subdir=0 Prompt_flag=0 One hit=0 Count Across Files=0 Replace Processing=0 Process Binary Files=1 Buffer Size=102400 Num Buffers To Process=0 Output_File= Append to output file=0 Backup Path=D:\SRBACKUP Write to Backup Dir=0 Keep file time stamp=0 Max Display Chars=128 Max Reg Expr=32767 Unzip Dir=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP Show Progress Dialog=1 Before Hit=< After Hit=> Line Prefix=Line %3d - Binary Prefix=Offset 0x%6lx - Show_Files=1 Show Files Without Hits=1 Display Replace String=1 Display File Stats=1 Show File Date and Size=0 Reverse Filters=0 Min Size Filter=0 Max Size Filter=0 Min Date Filter=%%today-1%% Max Date Filter= Skip Files Mask=0 Ignore Attributes=55 Sort File Names=3 Sort Ascending=0 Script Loop=1 [Search] This comment added to a search line. Search string #1 [Replace /b] This comment added to a replace line. Replacement string #1 [Search /bix] Search string #2 [Replace] Replacement string #2 [Path] c:\*.ini [Path] d:\work\*.txt [End of Search and Replace Script] c:\tools\sr\Linked Script1.srs c:\tools\sr\Linked Script2.srs --------- SAMPLE SCRIPT ENDS ON LINE ABOVE --------------------- Script [Expression] & [Options] Sections ---------------------------------------- Below is some detail on the items in the [Expression] and [Options] section of a script. Use this as a guide for manual edits. It is not necessary to specify all switches in the [Options] section. For example, a sole [Options] item could be Prompt_flag=0. The order of the [Options] switches should be maintained to ensure the program parses the input properly. For example, if you have Show_Files= and Display Replace String= specified in your script, do so in this order. Script Item Description ---------------- -------------------------------------- [Expression] E1 AND E2 This section is optional. It is created via the Advanced Dialog in the script editor. [Options] Search_subdir= 0 = No; 1 = Yes. If this switch is not specified, the current program setting is used. Prompt_flag= Corresponds to Replace Prompts in Options-Replace. 0 = Prompt on All; 1 = Prompt on Each File; 2 = No Prompts. Current program setting is used if this is not specified. One hit= Corresponds to 'Stop Processing After First Hit In File' in Options-Search. 0 = No; 1 = Yes. Omit to use current program setting. Count Across Files= This is for v 4.3+. %n>> and %n<< counter replacements normally do not reset with each file. Specify Count Across Files=1 to cause the program to reset with each new file instead of sequencing across files. This switch must be specified manually with a text editor. Replace Processing= For ver 4.4+. See Special Case Handling for more information. The choices are: Replace Processing=0 - No special effects. This is the default if the switch is omitted. Replace Processing=1 - Capitalize words during replaces. Replace Processing=2 - Match Existing letter case. Process Binary Files= For version 5.0+. Search and Replace normally searches any file that meets the file mask/path and filter criteria. If you specify Process Binary Files=0 the program will skip any file it determines is 'binary'. Note that depending your output settings, the file(s) will still be listed. But they will be shown as having no hits. Buffer Size= The size of the memory block (in bytes) used by the program when reading files can be adjusted using this switch. For most uses we suggest leaving this at default or omitting it entirely. The default is 102400. The lowest value permitted is Buffer Size= 1024. Note: Buffer Size may have indirect effect on Max Reg Expr= behavior. If Buffer Size= is set lower than Max Reg Expr= by limiting the size of blocks searched the effective Max Reg Expr= is limited to Buffer Size. The default Max Reg Expr=32767 bytes. If your search requires this span as a minimum, Buffer Size should be at least Buffer Size=32767. Num Buffers To Process= Use this switch to limit the number of blocks to process in each file. The default Num Buffers To Process=0 means all blocks, or the entire file. This switch can be used in conjunction with the Buffer Size= switch above. For example, to search only the first 26,000 bytes of all files specify: Buffer Size=26000 Num Buffers To Process=1 Note: If One hit=1 is specified, that switch takes precedence if a hit is found within the number of blocks specified. Output_File= Options-Output. Omit or leave blank if none is to be used. Append to output file=0 Corresponds to 'Append to Output File' in Options-Output. 0 = No; 1 = Yes. Omit to use current program setting. Max Reg Expr= Options-Search. Determines the maximum number of characters spanned by regular expression terms. The range is 50 to 32767. Max Display Chars= Options-Search. Determines the number of characters to list on each hit line. The range is 128 to 4069. Backup Path= Options-Replace. If this switch is included but no file is specified, no backup path will be used. If not specified, the program default is used. Write to Backup Dir= Options-Replace. 0 = No; 1 = Yes Unzip Dir= Options-Search. Keep file time stamp= Corresponds to 'Do not change file date/time' in Options-Replace. 0 = No; 1 = Yes. Omit to use current program setting. Show Progress Dialog= Options-Search. Determines whether or not to display the progress meter. Before Hit= Options-Output. After Hit= Show_Files= Corresponds to 'Display First Hit Line' in Options-Output. 0 = No; 1 = Yes. Current program setting is used if this is not specified. Show Files Without Hits= Corresponds to 'Display Files Without Hits' in Options-Output. 0 = No; 1 = Yes. Current program setting is used if this is not specified. Display Replace String= Corresponds to 'Display Replace String' in Options-Output. 0 = No; 1 = Yes. Current program setting is used if this is not specified. Display File Stats= Corresponds to 'Display Number of Hits in File' in Options-Output. 0 = No; 1 = Yes. Current program setting is used if this is not specified. Show File Date and Size= Corresponds to 'Display File Size and Date/Time' in Options-Output. 0 = No; 1 = Yes. Current program setting is used if this is not specified. Reverse Filters=0 Corresponds to the 'Reverse Filter' checkbox in Options-Filter. 0= No; 1 = Yes. Omit to use current program setting. See Skip Files Mask and Ignore Attributes below for more info. Min Size Filter= Options-Filter. Omit some or all to Max Size Filter= use current program setting. You can Min Date Filter= use a form of %%today%% for the Date Max Date Filter= switches. Skip Files Mask=0 The default values for these two Ignore Attributes=55 settings are listed here. These values are related to the Attributes checkboxes in Options-Filters. The number of possible values, in conjunction with the Reverse Filters switch above, is extensive and difficult to explain. Most users will not have any setting here. If you do need a special setting, experiment interactively with Options- Filters dialog and some file searches. When you are satisfied, generate an 'SRDUMP.SRS' file and copy the switch settings into your production script. You can also write us for help at Sort File Names= Corresponds to the 'Sort Results By' combo list in Options-Search. The values are: 0 = Unsorted, 1 = File Name, 2 = File Extension, 3 = File Date/Time, 4 = File Size, 5 = File Path. Omit to use current program setting. Sort Ascending= Corresponds to the Sort Ascending checkbox in Options-Search. 0 = Descending, 1 = Ascending. Omit to use current program setting. Line Prefix= These two switches for for v 4.3+ only. Binary Prefix= They are 'read-only' settings for users who create/edit scripts manually, with a text editor. If you save a script with the script editor these switches will be stripped out. Script Loop= Script Iteration Counter. This must be entered manually. It must be the last entry in the [Options] section. Also see Script Repeat Action in the F1 Help form information on how to repeat specific search/replace strings.