Search and Replace Regular Expression Wizard License Information

Search and Replace Regular Expression Wizard
Copyright (c) 1999-2009 by Funduc Software Inc.
All rights reserved.


License Agreement and Warranty Disclaimer

You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Use of this software indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with them, do not use the software.


Freeware Version

You are hereby licensed to: use the Freeware Version of Search and Replace Regular Expression Wizard for as long as you want; Make as many copies of the Freeware version of this software as you wish; Give exact copies of the original Freeware version to anyone; Distribute the Freeware version of the software in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge for any of the above.

You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any such copies, however made; and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission.

The Search and Replace Regular Expression Wizard documentation is not freeware. You are specifically prohibited from distributing in any form the program documentation file(s):, "Srrxwiz.chm" or "SRX.chm" or "SR.chm".


Evaluation and Registration

If you wish to purchase a licensed registration of the Search and Replace Regular Expression Wizard and obtain the documentation, see Ordering Information).

Customer support can be obtained by visiting our homepage at or by E-MAIL (


Registered Version License

One registered copy of the Search and Replace Regular Expression Wizard documentation may be dedicated to a single person who uses the software on one or more computers or workstations that are for their own exclusive use and for which they are the sole user.

Licensing is not based on "concurrent" users. If multiple workstations are to access the program in any form and for any length of time you must purchase licenses for the number of users that will access the program.  If you make the registered version of the Search and Replace Regular Expression Wizard documentation available through a network and accessible by multiple users or workstations you are required to purchase licenses for the software covering all workstations that will access the software through the network.  Special pricing is available for multiple licenses.  See Ordering Information for information on how to purchase (register).

Customer support can be obtained by visiting our homepage at or by E-MAIL (


Governing Law

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Michigan, United States of Amercia


Disclaimer of Warranty

This software and the accompanying files are sold "as is" and without warranties as to performance of merchantability or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. In particular, there is no warranty for the string Replacing feature.

Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Any liability of the seller will be limited exclusively to product replacement or refund of purchase price.