USING THE EDIT MENU "Undo": Not used by Comet; provided for compatibility with DAs. "Cut": If the .edit window is in front, this command cuts the selection range and copies it into the Clipboard. "Copy": Makes a copy of the screen or the selection (if one exists) or the text selection and copies it into the Clipboard. "Paste": Pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the screen or text at the current cursor location. "Clear/Clear buffer": If the .edit window is in front, the "Clear" command clears the selection range. If "Clear buffer" appears, then the whole emulator scrollback buffer is cleared. "Select All": Selects the whole emulator scrollback buffer or .edit window text. "Table Mode for Copy and Save": When you do a Copy or Save, runs of blanks will be converted into a single Tab character to assist in copying tables from the terminal screen and pasting them into programs such as spreadsheets. If the beginning of the selection range is less than the end of the selection range, only the text in between the beginning and end of the range will be copied, so that you can exclude portions of the table. "Append file to .edit window...": Presents the Standard Get File Dialog and appends the TEXT format file you select to the session's .edit window. "Append to .edit window": Appends the screen or selection to the end of the session's .edit window. "Record session": When this mode is on, the contents of the emulator screen will be automatically appended to its .edit window when the emulator screen is cleared or lines scroll off the top. (Note that when this feature is used with sessions on IBM mainframes, screens are saved when the user enters a PF key; thus, if the user allows screens to automatically page on the IBM host, they will NOT be saved.) This setting is saved in the session's configuration. "Page up": Move up one page in the scrollback buffer or the .edit window. "Page down": Move down one page in scrollback buffer or the the .edit window. "Jump to end": Move the cursor to the end of scrollback buffer or the the .edit window. "Find...": Offers a dialog to enter a text string you want to find in the scrollback buffer or the .edit window. The current selection is automatically placed in the dialog. You can hold down the Shift key to search backwards. "Find same": Comet will try to find the last string for which you searched. You can hold down the Shift key to search backwards. "Add Returns": Adds a Carriage Return at the end of each line in the .edit window selection so the text can be pasted into a host document. "Remove Returns": Removes any Return from the .edit window selection which does not have adjacent Return or spaces.