USING THE CONTROL EMULATOR DIALOG WITH ASCII EMULATORS This dialog allows you to control the configuration of the emulator for the session which is currently on top when it is an ASCII connection. "Use IBM menus and key mapping": When you connect to an IBM EBCDIC host indirectly using an ASCII emulator, for example over a modem or Sytek, or through a UNIX machine running tn3270, you can select this option to get key mapping, menus, and controls which send IBM EBCDIC PF keys. You need to use the Heath-19 emulator and choose the TERMINAL TYPE "c19" when logging on over a Sytek or modem connection in order get the host to use the correct key mapping. Choosing this option may disable other ASCII emulation options below. "Map ` to Escape": Applies to ASCII terminal emulation. Maps the '`' key to the ESCAPE key. (You can still send a '`' by pressing Option-'`'.) "Map Backspace -> Delete": Applies to ASCII terminal emulation. Makes the key at the top right of the keyboard (variously labeled "Backspace" and "Delete") send a Delete character rather than a Backspace. (You can still send a Backspace by pressing Option-Backspace.) "Map Return to Newline": Send a LineFeed character rather than a Carriage Return when return is pressed. (You can still send a Carriage Return by pressing Option-Return.) "Wrap text when line overflows": Causes lines past the right margin to wrap down rather than being ignored. "Send vi commands to position cursor": Applies to ASCII terminal emulation when using the UNIX vi editor. This mode allows the cursor to be positioned more accurately and also sends fewer characters. "Use VT100 jump scrolling mode": Configures the ASCII emulators so that they will not update the screen immediately when the cursor goes above or below the scrolling area, but will wait until all the data from the host has been processed. This can speed up the display with some applications, since scrolling takes a lot of time. Flow Control: XOFF, XON, and KILL characters. Comet will halt scrolling faster if you set the XOFF character to the character used by your host to temporarily suspend data transmission. "Paste Pacing" options allow you to configure ASCII pastes to work reliably with your host in cases where the host is slow. If "Wait for character echo" is set, Comet will wait for each character sent to be echoed before sending the next character. If you set "ticks/line," Comet will pause for that number of ticks (1/60ths of a second) before sending the next line; "ticks/character" pauses for the given number of ticks for each character. Size: Rows & Columns: You can use these fields to customize the size of the emulator. NOTE that you must configure your host to recognize any size other than 24 rows X 80 columns. Only emulator sizes with less than 256 rows and total are less than 32000 characters are valid.