TTTTT EEEEE CCCC TTTTT III CCCC T E C T I C T EEE C T I C T E C T I C T EEEEE CCCC T III CCCC or You say `X' I say `O' Version 1.6 Florian Dingler Litzenhardtstraže 22 W-7500 Karlsruhe 1 Federal Republic of Germany eMail: S_DINGLER@IRAV1.IRA.UKA.DE (Internet) (Internet) Instructions: ------------- You play against the computer, which is in this case a worthy opponent. Object of the game is to arrange one's tiles (you: `X' , computer: `O') like shown on any one of the cards below the playfield. Just click on ANY of your stones to move it to the free field. If you or the computer has arranged his stones properly, you or the computer get the card (which is equal to 1 point). After that, a new card is created. After 15 new cards the game ends. The one who got more cards wins the game. To end the game at any time, press the right mousebutton and click on the button named END. Or see the INFO if you like. Or play on. Copyright & Copyleft & Copy_it! : --------------------------------- 'TECTIC' is PUBLIC DOMAIN. You can make copies as you like, but are NOT allowed to charge any money for distributing or copying. Put it on your favourit BBS and spread it whenever and whereever you want. Thanks. But don't alter any part of it, neither this text nor anything of the game. If you like this game, please send a little donation (e.g. $5) to me. I would be very happy if anybody would do that :-) . Just put a fiver banknote into an envelope and send it to the address which is found above. And have fun ... sincerely, F. Dingler Appendix: --------- there should be the following files present: folder: \TECTIC\ files: \TECTIC\TECTIC.PRG \TECTIC\TECTIC.TXT if this ain't so, please contact the author...