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Calculates the interest paid during a specific period of an investment. This function is provided for compatibility with Lotus 1-2-3.



Rate    is the interest rate for the investment.

Per    is the period for which you want to find the interest, and must be between 1 and nper.

Nper    is the total number of payment periods for the investment.

Pv    is the present value of the investment. For a loan, pv is the loan amount.



The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank spreadsheet.


Data Description
10% Annual interest rate
1 Period
3 Number of years in the investment
8000000 Amount of loan
Formula Description (Result)
=ISPMT(A2/12,A3,A4*12,A5) Interest paid for the first monthly payment of a loan with the above terms (-64814.8)
=ISPMT(A2,1,A4,A5) Interest paid in the first year of a loan with the above terms (-533333)

Note  The interest rate is divided by 12 to get a monthly rate. The years the money is paid out is multiplied by 12 to get the number of payments.