Tables that are added to your database when you replicate it

Tables that are added to your database when you replicate it

When a Microsoft Access database is replicated and certain conditions occur, new system tables may be added to the database. Of these, the following new system tables may be of interest:

Table Description
MSysSidetables This table exists only if a conflict has occurred between the user's replica and another replica in the replica set. This table isn't replicated. It's supplied for information only, and its contents can be modified or deleted by custom conflict-resolution routines or by the user. All side tables are named table_conflict, where table is the original name of the table.
MSysSchemaProb This table is present only when an error has occurred while updating the design of a replica. It provides additional details about the cause of the error. This is a local table and isn't replicated.
MSysReplicas This table stores details, such as Replica ID and path, of all known replicas in the replica set. This table appears in all members of the replica set, but it is not replicated.
MSysTransAddress This table stores addressing information for the Synchronizer and defines the set of synchronizers known to this replica set. This replicated table appears in all members of the replica set.
MSysTombstone This table stores information about deleted records, and allows deletions to be dispersed to other replicas during the synchronization process. This table appears in all members of the replica set, but it is not a replicated table.
MSysRepInfo This table stores information about the entire replica set, including the identity (GUID) of the Design Master. The table contains a single record. This replicated table appears in all members of the replica set.
MSysExchangeLog This table stores information about replica synchronizations that have taken place. This is a local table and isn't replicated.
