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Type Property


Type property as it applies to the ChAxis object.

Type property as it applies to the ChChart and ChSeries objects.

Type property as it applies to the ChErrorBars object.

Type property as it applies to the ChScaling object.

Type property as it applies to the ChTrendline object.

Type property as it applies to the PageRelationship object.

Type property as it applies to the SchemaRowsource object.

Type property as it applies to the PivotFieldSet object.

Type property as it applies to the PivotField object.

Type property as it applies to the PivotTotal object.

Type property as it applies to the Section object.

Type property as it applies to the Worksheet object.

Type property as it applies to the Window object.


This example sets the chart type for the specified chart.

Sub SetChartType()

   Dim chConstants

   Set chConstants = ChartSpace1.Constants

   ChartSpace1.Charts(0).Type = chConstants.chChartTypeLineMarkers

End Sub