DrawRectangle Method


Draws a rectangle on a chart. Uses the current settings of the Border and Interior properties to determine the properties of the new rectangle.

expression.DrawRectangle(Left, Top, Right, Bottom)

expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChChartDraw object.

Left  Required Long. Pixel coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle.

Top  Required Long. Pixel coordinate of the top edge of the rectangle.

Right  Required Long. Pixel coordinate of the right edge of the rectangle.

Bottom  Required Long. Pixel coordinate of the bottom edge of the rectangle.


This example uses the AfterRender event to draw rectangles as a substitute for the legend entries in the first chart of Chartspace1.

Sub ChartSpace1_AfterRender(drawObject, chartObject)

    Dim chConstants

    Set chConstants = ChartSpace1.Constants

    If TypeName(chartObject) = "ChLegendEntry" Then

        ' Set the interior of the rectangle to a preset texture.
        ' You could substitute a URL to a custom graphic
        ' for the texture.
        drawObject.Interior.SetTextured chConstants.chTextureSand

        ' Begin drawing the rectangle.
        drawObject.BeginObject 1

        ' Draw the rectangle.
        drawObject.DrawRectangle chartObject.Left, chartObject.Top, _
                                 chartObject.Right, chartObject.Bottom


    End If

End Sub