What's new in Microsoft Office Excel 2003

Information Rights Management

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Today, sensitive information can only be controlled by limiting access to the networks or computers where the information is stored. Once access is given to users, however, there are no restrictions on what can be done with the content or to whom it can be sent. This distribution of content easily allows sensitive information to reach people who were never intended to receive it. Microsoft Office 2003 offers a new feature, Information Rights Management (IRM), which helps you prevent sensitive information from getting into the hands of the wrong people, whether by accident or carelessness.

Authors use the Permission dialog box (File | Permission | Do Not Distribute or Permission Permission on the Standard toolbar) to give users Read and Change access, as well as to set expiration dates for content. Authors can remove restricted permission from a document, workbook, or presentation by simply clicking Unrestricted Access on the Permission submenu or by clicking Permission Permission again on the Standard toolbar.

Additionally, administrators for companies can create permission policies that are available in Microsoft Office Word 2003, Microsoft Office Excel 2003, and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 on the Permission submenu and define who can access information and what level of editing or Office capabilities users have for a document, workbook, or presentation.

Users who receive content with restricted permission simply need to open the document, workbook, or presentation just as they would with content that doesn't have restricted permission. If users don't have Office 2003 or later installed on their computer, they can download a program that allows them to view this content.

Note  You can create content with restricted permission using Information Rights Management only in Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003, Microsoft Office Word 2003, Microsoft Office Excel 2003, and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003.