PermissionFromPolicy Property

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a permission policy has been applied to the active document. Read-only Boolean.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a Permission object.


Microsoft Office 2003 Information Rights Management supports the use of administrative permission policies which list users and groups and their document permissions. The PermissionFromPolicy property returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a permission policy was applied to the active document the last time permissions were enabled on the document.

The PermissionFromPolicy property always returns False when checked by a non-owner of the document, even when the user has object model permissions.


The following example displays permission policy information about the active document.

    Dim irmPermission As Office.Permission
    Dim strIRMInfo As String
    Set irmPermission = ActiveWorkbook.Permission
    If irmPermission.Enabled Then
        strIRMInfo = "Permissions are restricted on this document." & vbCrLf
        If irmPermission.PermissionFromPolicy Then
            strIRMInfo = strIRMInfo & " Permissions applied from policy:" & vbCrLf & _
            "  Policy name: " & irmPermission.PolicyName & vbCrLf & _
            "  Policy description: " & irmPermission.PolicyDescription
            strIRMInfo = strIRMInfo & " Default permissions applied." & vbCrLf & _
                "  Default policy name: " & irmPermission.PolicyName & vbCrLf & _
                "  Default policy description: " & irmPermission.PolicyDescription
        End If
        strIRMInfo = "Permission are NOT restricted on this document."
    End If
    MsgBox strIRMInfo, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "IRM Information"
    Set irmPermission = Nothing