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Item Property

ShowItem property as it applies to the AnswerWizardFiles and FoundFiles objects.

ShowItem property as it applies to the Assistant, BalloonCheckbox, BalloonLabel, and FileDialog objects.

ShowItem property as it applies to the BalloonCheckboxes and BalloonLabels objects.

ShowItem property as it applies to the CommandBars object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the CommandBarControls object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the DocumentLibraryVersions object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the DocumentProperties object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the FileTypes collection.

ShowItem property as it applies to the MsoEnvelope object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the Permission object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the PropertyTests object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the ScopeFolders and SearchFolders objects.

ShowItem property as it applies to the SearchScopes object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the SharedWorkspaceFiles object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the SharedWorkspaceFolders object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the SharedWorkspaceLinks object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the SharedWorkspaceMembers object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the SharedWorkspaceTasks object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the SignatureSet object.

ShowItem property as it applies to the WebPageFonts object.


ShowAs it applies to the AnswerWizardFiles and FoundFiles objects.

ShowAs it applies to the BalloonCheckboxes and BalloonLabels objects.

ShowAs it applies to the CommandBars object.

ShowAs it applies to the MsoEnvelope object.

ShowAs it applies to the WebPageFonts object.