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Animation Property

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Returns or sets an animation action for the Office Assistant. When this property is applied to the Assistant object and the Assistant supports the specified animation, the Assistant is animated immediately (if the Assistant is visible and enabled). When this property is applied to the Balloon object, the Assistant is animated only while the balloon is displayed. Read/write MsoAnimationType.


“Clippit” is the default Assistant, and msoAnimationIdle is the default animation type for the Assistant.

Depending on the selected Assistant, setting the Animation property may or may not result in an obvious animation. However, all MsoAnimationType constants are valid for all Assistants. Note that different constants may produce the same animation.

The following MsoAnimationType constants represent animations that repeat the specified action until the Assistant is dismissed or until the Animation property is reset with another animation:









This example displays the Office Assistant in a specific location and it sets several options before making the Assistant visible.

With Assistant
    .On = True
    .Visible = True
    .Move xLeft:= 400, yTop:= 300
    .MoveWhenInTheWay = True
    .TipOfDay = True
    .Animation = msoAnimationGreeting
End With