AnswerWizardFiles Collection Object


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A collection of references to Answer Wizard files. The AnswerWizardFiles collection contains all of the Answer Wizard files (with the file name extension .AW) available to the active Microsoft Office application.

Using the AnswerWizardFiles Collection

Use the Files property to get the collection of Answer Wizard file references. The Files property returns a collection of strings that refer to .AW files. The following example returns the AnswerWizardFiles collection and displays the file count in a message box.

Dim customAnswerWizardFiles As AnswerWizardFiles
Set customAnswerWizardFiles = Application.AnswerWizard.Files

MsgBox customAnswerWizardFiles.Count


Use the Add method to make additional files available to the current Answer Wizard. The following example adds the file to the list of Answer Wizard files in the active Office application.

Dim customAnswerWizard As AnswerWizard
Set customAnswerWizard = Application.AnswerWizard

customAnswerWizard.Files.Add ("c:\awfiles\")


Use the Item property to get the name of an existing Answer Wizard file reference. The following example displays a message box containing the name of the file referred to by Item(1).

MsgBox customAnswerWizard.Files.Item(1)