RefreshDocument Method

Refreshes the specified HTML project in the Microsoft Office host application.


expression    An expression that returns an HTMLProject object.

Refresh    Required Boolean. True if all changes are to be saved; False if all changes are to be ignored.


Using this method is equivalent to clicking the Refresh button on the Refresh toolbar in the Office host application. If you refresh the document by setting the RefreshDocument method to True, all changes to the HTML source made in the Microsoft Script Editor are saved in the Office host application. If you set RefreshDocument to False, all changes to the HTML source are ignored. Note that the value returned by the State method is affected by the RefreshDocument method. If you call RefreshDocument (True), the State method returns msoHTMLProjectStateDocumentProjectUnlocked if it is called after the refresh operation.


This example refreshes the HTML project in the active workbook in the host application.

ActiveWorkbook.HTMLProject.RefreshDocument (True)