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Verify connection to Exchange through the Internet

This feature requires you to be using a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 e-mail account. If you do not know what version of Exchange server your e-mail account is using, contact your Exchange administrator.

If you connect to your Exchange server through the Internet, and you are not using a virtual private network (VPN) or connection to your organization's network, you can verify your connection by doing the following:

  1. Press and hold CTRL, and then right-click the Microsoft Outlook icon in the notifications area.

    Connection Status, a new menu item, will appear on the notification area menu.

  2. Click Connection Status.

    Under Activity, the Conn column should display HTTP, and the Status column should display Established. This confirms you have successfully connected to your Exchange server through the Internet. If the Conn column displays TCP/IP, you are connected through your local area network (LAN).