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See Also

Converts a number from one measurement system to another. For example, CONVERT can translate a table of distances in miles to a table of distances in kilometers.

If this function is not available, and returns the #NAME? error, install and load the Analysis ToolPak add-in.




Number    is the value in from_units to convert.

From_unit    is the units for number.

To_unit    is the units for the result. CONVERT accepts the following text values (in quotation marks) for from_unit and to_unit.

Weight and mass From_unit or to_unit
Gram "g"
Slug "sg"
Pound mass (avoirdupois) "lbm"
U (atomic mass unit) "u"
Ounce mass (avoirdupois) "ozm"

Distance From_unit or to_unit
Meter "m"
Statute mile "mi"
Nautical mile "Nmi"
Inch "in"
Foot "ft"
Yard "yd"
Angstrom "ang"
Pica (1/72 in.) "Pica"

Time From_unit or to_unit
Year "yr"
Day "day"
Hour "hr"
Minute "mn"
Second "sec"

Pressure From_unit or to_unit
Pascal "Pa"
Atmosphere "atm"
mm of Mercury "mmHg"

Force From_unit or to_unit
Newton "N"
Dyne "dyn"
Pound force "lbf"

Energy From_unit or to_unit
Joule "J"
Erg "e"
Thermodynamic calorie "c"
IT calorie "cal"
Electron volt "eV"
Horsepower-hour "HPh"
Watt-hour "Wh"
Foot-pound "flb"

Power From_unit or to_unit
Horsepower "HP"
Watt "W"

Magnetism From_unit or to_unit
Tesla "T"
Gauss "ga"

Temperature From_unit or to_unit
Degree Celsius "C"
Degree Fahrenheit "F"
Degree Kelvin "K"

Liquid measure From_unit or to_unit
Teaspoon "tsp"
Tablespoon "tbs"
Fluid ounce "oz"
Cup "cup"
U.S. pint "pt"
U.K. pint "uk_pt"
Quart "qt"
Gallon "gal"
Liter "l"

The following abbreviated unit prefixes can be prepended to any metric from_unit or to_unit.

Prefix Multiplier Abbreviation
exa 1E+18 "E"
peta 1E+15 "P"
tera 1E+12 "T"
giga 1E+09 "G"
mega 1E+06 "M"
kilo 1E+03 "k"
hecto 1E+02 "h"
dekao 1E+01 "e"
deci 1E-01 "d"
centi 1E-02 "c"
milli 1E-03 "m"
micro 1E-06 "u"
nano 1E-09 "n"
pico 1E-12 "p"
femto 1E-15 "f"
atto 1E-18 "a"



The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet.

Show How?

Formula Description (Result)
=CONVERT(1.0, "lbm", "kg") Converts 1 pound mass to kilograms (0.453592)
=CONVERT(68, "F", "C") Converts 68 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius (20)
=CONVERT(2.5, "ft", "sec") Data types are not the same so an error is returned (#N/A)
=CONVERT(CONVERT(100,"ft","m"),"ft","m") Converts 100 square feet into square meters (9.290304).