19-Jul-01 SMJ -= TWENEX Starter Guide for UNIX users =- Its important to know these basics before continuing: ^S = CTRL-S pause ouput ^Q = CTRL-Q unpause output ^O = CTRL-O ignore output ^U = CTRL-U clear input ^C = CTRL-C quits a job ^F = CTRL-F completion (try too) ^T = CTRL-T Job Status ^\ = CTRL-\ When running 'LOGOUT' use this to close TELNET This document is written assuming that the reader has a basic understanding of the UNIX system. However, it is not really necessary to have any system background when learning TOPS-20. This is also not meant as an all in one document either. TOPS-20 is a multiuser operating system designed specifically for the 36bit DEC PDP-10 (DECSYSTEM-20) mainframe computer. The USER level is called EXEC (similar to the UNIX 'sh'). Above that is ENABLE, but we will just talk about the USER level in this document. EXEC is extremely interactive, infact, tcsh is based off of an earlier EXEC in TENEX/The TOPS-10 operating system, (hence, tcsh is called TENEX C Shell). However, tcsh is broken in the most important ways: EXEC has command completion via or ^F EXEC has command recognition (use ? to have EXEC tell you mapped completions) CMD JSYS, the interactive bit of the MONITOR ('kernel') supports real job control. You can DETACH and ATTACH to any JOB or TTY you choose. Also, you can PUSH and POP between EXEC levels. Typically, when TOPS-20 is spewing output to your screen it will send an XOFF to your TTY (pause) when you are ready to continue type ^Q. If you don't care about the output and want your job to continue without your interaction, just hit ^O. You can also ^C or ^Z to quit or exit a programme or job. TOPS-20 supports a hiearchical filesystem. PS: (primary storage) is the system's main device (similar to / or root). Directory paths are seperated by '.' .. for instance, say your LOGIN was 'SMJ'. Your home directory would be: PS: (/smj) Say there was a subdirectory within your home directory called LISP: PS: (/smj/lisp) TOPS-20's file system supports file versioning and supporting two level file deletion. Something that UNIX seriously lacks. Files are made up of three components: FILENAME.EXTENTION.VERSION The Wildcard * can be used for instance: @directory PS:*.*.* Would list ALL files in that directory, if you only gave a *.*, then the current generation of ALL files would be listed. QUICK AND DIRTY COMPARISONS: UNIX TOPS-20 ----------------------------------------- talk TALK mesg n REFUSE LINKS mesg y RECEIVE LINKS ls DIRECTORY ls -la VDIRECTORY cat TYPE rm DELETE (EXPUNGE) mkdir BUILD rmdir BUILD who SYSTAT ps SYSTAT passwd SET DIRECTORY PASSWORD chmod SET DIRECTORY PROTECTION SET FILE PROTECTION man HELP .profile LOGIN.CMD send SEND mail (sending) SEND mail (reading) MM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: 0. How do I connect and LOGIN? TELNET to twenex.org @LOGIN USERNAME PASSWORD ;your password won't echo. 1. How do I set my password after logging in? @SET DIRECTORY PASSWORD ;where LOGIN is your LOGIN. 2. Does it have to be UPPERCASE? no. TOPS-20 assumes you are using a printing TTY when you connect via the DZ11 terminal server. To set up your terminal options, use the 'TERMINAL' command. Typically you will put these TERMINAL commands in your 'LOGIN.CMD' @TERMINAL NO RAISE ;this will set lowercase @TERMINAL ? ;this will give you a list of TTY options 3. How do I get more HELP? Read this file again. Type @? and @HELP ? 4. What editors are available for TOPS-20 Lots! Currently we have SED, EDIT10 and TV (video TECO). I will add EMACS, TECO and vi when I can. - more to come, please check back soon -