[24-Jul-96] --------------------------------------------------------- SDF Public Access UNIX System Starter Guide --------------------------------------------------------- First, Welcome to the only all 64bit public access super computing center! To connect SDF via TELNET/SSH use the 'tty.sdf.org' address Here are some tips for getting around in your new UNIX shell environment. It is IMPORTANT that you read this email in order to make full use of the computing facilities here. You may want to save this in your directory on the SDF-1 for future reference. Also, if you'd like a FREESHELL bumper sticker, checkout http://sdf.lonestar.org (click on the 'tour' link) IN THE EVENT OF AN OUTAGE CHECK http://www.lonestar.org FOR UPDATES Also, you can read about scheduled maintenance on bboard: ALSO NO OTHER, NOT EVEN AN ADMINISTRATOR SHOULD EVER NEED YOUR PASSWORD! --------------------------------------------------------- "maint" This is the maintenance shell which allows you to manage your password, set up automatic password recovery, reset your mysql database password, reset your webmail preferences, change your shell, change your user information .. just about everything! "arpa" Prints information about becoming a permanent 'ARPA' member of SDF allowing you to use irc, lynx, increased space and more! "help" Runs a program that will allow you to access files containing descriptive listings for standard and non-standard UNIX commands. "com" Chat with other SDF users in 'COM MODE'. "bboard" SDF-1 hosts an Electronic Bulletin Board which allows its users to communicate with each other. Here you will find news regarding the system and whatever the users choose to talk about. "faq" Frequently Asked Questions. This program will allow you to access files containing more detailed help. If you don't find an answer there, you may submit your own questions if you feel that it should be addressed in the FAQ. You will be answered by an SDF-1 System Administrator. "freeirc" IRC access is available to all users on Weekends. "online" Online can tell you the amount of time a user (or yourself) has spent online for the day. (Logs are stored and reset at 00:00:00). "disk" This utility will give you a pretty summary of how much space you are currently using. --------------------------------------------------------- Files and Directories of Importance --------------------------------------------------------- /etc/motd This file's contents are listed every time you execute the login program when you login to your account. It will be empty normally. It is used to broadcast time critical important information from the SDF-1 System Administrators that can't wait for the bboard. ~ftp/pub Public files are stored here. Text, source and binaries for all sorts of computers, including newer microprocessor style machines. /usr/pkg All user contributed executable programs and scripts can be found here. If you want to compile a program for use of the entire user group, please contact a System Administrator for details. --------------------------------------------------------- Usage statistics are logged and are made available to all users. We hope that this open system will encourage users to help this resource grow. ---------------------------------------------------------