Search Result 1 From: Daniel Finster (hector@attctc.Dallas.TX.US) Subject: Slack vs. Non-Slack vs. Anti-Slack This is the only article in this thread View: Original Format Newsgroups: alt.slack Date: 1990-02-05 06:48:29 PST ... ahhhh..... you forgot about the most significant comparison though... there are things that not only HAVE no slack.. they ABSORB _your_ slack... examples follow: Slack NonSlack AntiSlack ----- -------- --------- Pink Floyd Metallica New Kids on the Block Dan Quayle George Bush Moral Majority The David Letterman Show Johnny Carson The Pat Sajak Show Reverend Hector (me) Xibo Kibo ... get the idea?? .. .good... later... -- -------------hector@attctc.dallas.TX.US|SU.XT.sallad.ctctta@rotceh-------------- 214-696-9785\Pink Floyd|dyolF kniP/USnail: 7000 HollyHill #240, Dallas, TX 75231 "I can't decipher anything, put me where you want me, give me rubber blankets.."