; Written by Ted Uhlemann (iczer) summer of 1991 this file lists some of the more commonly used programs on the sdf. and gives the basic syntax and a short description for each. name description cat [file(s)] (short for conCATenate). types file[s] to STDOUT. if no file is specified, cat reads from STDIN. (try the "more" and "less" pagers, too.) ls [-?] [dir] (short for LiSt). lists files in a directory. if no directory is specified, ls lists the current one. commonly-used options are: -a lists All files, including 'hidden' dot files. -l gives a Long listing, including permissions, owners, size, and mod date for each file. -C puts listing into Collumns. -F puts '*' beside executables, and '/' beside dirs. cd [dir] (short for Change Directory). changes to another directory. directories in a full pathname are separated by a '/' (e.g. /usr/games). if no directory is specified, cd takes you to $HOME. (the 'pwd' command will give you the path to your current working directory.) who [-?] tells WHO is currently logged into the system. last [#] gives a listing of the LAST '#' logins. finger [name(s)] get information on a specified user (names can be login OR real. partials OK too). ps [-?] (short for Process Status). tells what processes are currently running on the system. without any options. gives only the processes originated from your terminal. commonly-used options are: -ef gives Extended and Full listing of all processes running on system. write [user] initiates a real-time chat with another user on the system. the other user must write you back to send messages to your terminal. (you may also want to try 'rt', 'phone', and 'talk'.) mail [user(s)]@sys]] sends mail to specifed users(s). if "@sys" is appended to the user's name, mail is sent to the user at system 'sys'. ('mailx' and 'elm' are two other mail programs on-line.) rn [-?] [group(s)] (Read News) reads usenet news articles specified group(s), or, if non are specified, uses the ".newsrc" in your home directory. a quick rn command reference is located in /usr/pub/Unix. (the newsreaders "trn" and "nn" are also available) mkacct makes a new account on the system. please explore the system under the 'new' account before worrying about creating your own. passwd creates or changes the password on your login. uudecode [file(s)] decode uuencoded files, such as those found in the binaries and pictures newsgroups, into their original binary format. uudecode will often choke if header/ trailer text is left in the file, which is where a handly little script called 'unpost' comes in. the following command line will convert most uuencoded articles perfectly: "unpost [file] \! uudecode" sz/sx/sb [file(s)] Send specified file(s) with Zmodem/Xmodem/Ymodem Batch protocol. rz/rx/rb [file(s)] Receive specified file(s) with Zmodem/Xmodem/Ymodem Batch protocol. mv [file1] to [file2] MoVes file1 to file2. cp [file1] to [file2] makes a CoPy of file1 in file2. rm [file(s)] ReMove specified files from the file system. (games) some of the games we currently have installed are: tetrix (tetris over modem! whee! ..type 'tetrix 1000' if it's too fast for your terminal) mazewar (multi-player hunt & shoot) gnuchess gnugo (on-line Go) nethack (nethack 3.0. yea! you may need to fix your NETHACKOPTIONS environment variable to get it working on your terminal) tinymud (take a look at /usr/pub/Unix/tiny.docs) conquest(mail hutto for info) (editors) some of our currently available editors are: vi (Unix's VIsual editor - a tutorial program is available, too. type 'vitutor'.) ed/ex (line editors) uemacs (MicroEMACS) (software development) we have a complete C programming environment online, including the standard SysV compiler, GNU C, GNU C++ and many miscellaneous tools: cc (standard System V compiler) gcc (GNU C compiler) g++ (GNU C++ compiler) make (build from a Makefile) lex, yacc, bison, lint, cb (misc. tools) (note: if at some point you find yourself stuck inside a program, you can usually escape by hitting your delete key (the INTERRUPT signal). also, many programs will use Ctrl-D (the end-of-file character) as a means of ending input, such as the 'mail' program.) on-line manual pages are available on most of these topics. type 'man [program]' for more information on any of them. for a general introduction to UNIX, read /usr/pub/Unix/unix.help. an extended list of commands is available in /usr/pub/Unix/prg-list.