Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2006
Generated 01-Mar-2006 06:32 PST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2006
Total Hits 929212
Total Files 727000
Total Pages 498415
Total Visits 159890
Total KBytes 12462498
Total Unique Sites 108116
Total Unique URLs 77976
Total Unique Referrers 58
Total Unique Usernames 2
Total Unique User Agents 38
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1382 8253
Hits per Day 33186 78317
Files per Day 25964 68932
Pages per Day 17800 47863
Visits per Day 5710 7115
KBytes per Day 445089 1313352
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 27
Code 200 - OK 727000
Code 206 - Partial Content 3526
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 122316
Code 302 - Found 5466
Code 304 - Not Modified 24582
Code 400 - Bad Request 340
Code 401 - Unauthorized 5
Code 403 - Forbidden 625
Code 404 - Not Found 45198
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 7
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 10
Code 408 - Request Timeout 84
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 25

Daily usage for February 2006

Daily Statistics for February 2006
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 29221 3.14% 22225 3.06% 14829 2.98% 6121 3.83% 5882 5.44% 559168 4.49%
2 29400 3.16% 22435 3.09% 15165 3.04% 5538 3.46% 5584 5.16% 358457 2.88%
3 30910 3.33% 23158 3.19% 16631 3.34% 5212 3.26% 5211 4.82% 475717 3.82%
4 25105 2.70% 19171 2.64% 13675 2.74% 4183 2.62% 4183 3.87% 343970 2.76%
5 24841 2.67% 18777 2.58% 13400 2.69% 4445 2.78% 4265 3.94% 419183 3.36%
6 31510 3.39% 24830 3.42% 16324 3.28% 6029 3.77% 5789 5.35% 416250 3.34%
7 36675 3.95% 29929 4.12% 19628 3.94% 6437 4.03% 6224 5.76% 650115 5.22%
8 32466 3.49% 26517 3.65% 16186 3.25% 6212 3.89% 6021 5.57% 458157 3.68%
9 30742 3.31% 24893 3.42% 16302 3.27% 5773 3.61% 5846 5.41% 397492 3.19%
10 33289 3.58% 27161 3.74% 18031 3.62% 5273 3.30% 5250 4.86% 470217 3.77%
11 26114 2.81% 20859 2.87% 13853 2.78% 4206 2.63% 4168 3.86% 361716 2.90%
12 31810 3.42% 23601 3.25% 17752 3.56% 4594 2.87% 4627 4.28% 345009 2.77%
13 40445 4.35% 32261 4.44% 22439 4.50% 6053 3.79% 5738 5.31% 457140 3.67%
14 33209 3.57% 24855 3.42% 17452 3.50% 6184 3.87% 5539 5.12% 448308 3.60%
15 29445 3.17% 21475 2.95% 14363 2.88% 6235 3.90% 5615 5.19% 304919 2.45%
16 33507 3.61% 22712 3.12% 15251 3.06% 5964 3.73% 5704 5.28% 320963 2.58%
17 27031 2.91% 20665 2.84% 14064 2.82% 5294 3.31% 5101 4.72% 315719 2.53%
18 29646 3.19% 24086 3.31% 16794 3.37% 4339 2.71% 4059 3.75% 376114 3.02%
19 26334 2.83% 20469 2.82% 14654 2.94% 4877 3.05% 4362 4.03% 353070 2.83%
20 29091 3.13% 21505 2.96% 14400 2.89% 6103 3.82% 5878 5.44% 384356 3.08%
21 30758 3.31% 23374 3.22% 14469 2.90% 6086 3.81% 6107 5.65% 360875 2.90%
22 78317 8.43% 68932 9.48% 47863 9.60% 7115 4.45% 6675 6.17% 1313352 10.54%
23 31999 3.44% 24061 3.31% 17562 3.52% 6378 3.99% 6306 5.83% 382690 3.07%
24 30333 3.26% 22861 3.14% 16202 3.25% 6010 3.76% 5682 5.26% 404648 3.25%
25 31853 3.43% 24755 3.41% 18298 3.67% 5511 3.45% 5027 4.65% 386729 3.10%
26 38106 4.10% 30695 4.22% 21265 4.27% 6044 3.78% 5511 5.10% 490582 3.94%
27 38274 4.12% 29393 4.04% 20708 4.15% 7060 4.42% 6627 6.13% 470348 3.77%
28 38781 4.17% 31345 4.31% 20855 4.18% 6887 4.31% 6663 6.16% 437235 3.51%

Hourly usage for February 2006

Hourly Statistics for February 2006
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1041 29165 3.14% 797 22342 3.07% 565 15828 3.18% 14685 411184 3.30%
1 1111 31120 3.35% 856 23976 3.30% 642 17976 3.61% 14385 402766 3.23%
2 1098 30748 3.31% 855 23947 3.29% 610 17082 3.43% 15946 446495 3.58%
3 1358 38032 4.09% 1094 30658 4.22% 796 22308 4.48% 16995 475862 3.82%
4 1138 31880 3.43% 890 24924 3.43% 603 16897 3.39% 14100 394795 3.17%
5 1347 37729 4.06% 1043 29231 4.02% 752 21072 4.23% 18917 529665 4.25%
6 1419 39736 4.28% 1094 30633 4.21% 748 20949 4.20% 24000 671995 5.39%
7 1494 41847 4.50% 1160 32491 4.47% 805 22542 4.52% 19422 543803 4.36%
8 1536 43032 4.63% 1200 33616 4.62% 784 21972 4.41% 21692 607372 4.87%
9 1685 47201 5.08% 1340 37535 5.16% 889 24912 5.00% 22672 634821 5.09%
10 1626 45532 4.90% 1246 34901 4.80% 834 23367 4.69% 21837 611430 4.91%
11 1733 48529 5.22% 1335 37384 5.14% 876 24539 4.92% 18222 510205 4.09%
12 1758 49232 5.30% 1371 38400 5.28% 885 24793 4.97% 20335 569393 4.57%
13 1692 47394 5.10% 1327 37170 5.11% 855 23961 4.81% 23373 654445 5.25%
14 1535 42984 4.63% 1226 34339 4.72% 783 21945 4.40% 20797 582321 4.67%
15 1387 38842 4.18% 1124 31488 4.33% 731 20473 4.11% 19003 532089 4.27%
16 1332 37320 4.02% 1077 30166 4.15% 711 19914 4.00% 21639 605889 4.86%
17 1385 38798 4.18% 1082 30308 4.17% 763 21387 4.29% 19560 547685 4.39%
18 1293 36210 3.90% 1020 28586 3.93% 684 19163 3.84% 18785 525988 4.22%
19 1271 35603 3.83% 994 27842 3.83% 666 18665 3.74% 17789 498096 4.00%
20 1358 38025 4.09% 1034 28968 3.98% 750 21006 4.21% 18437 516244 4.14%
21 1229 34422 3.70% 956 26793 3.69% 703 19704 3.95% 14300 400390 3.21%
22 1225 34300 3.69% 971 27206 3.74% 707 19810 3.97% 14476 405340 3.25%
23 1126 31531 3.39% 860 24096 3.31% 648 18150 3.64% 13722 384225 3.08%

Top 30 of 77976 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 66246 7.13% 134989 1.08% /redrick.css
2 55654 5.99% 16918 0.14% /favicon.ico
3 31142 3.35% 807990 6.48% /faq/Hardware/sata.html
4 8873 0.95% 76709 0.62% /~karsten/kmself.css
5 6527 0.70% 2891 0.02% /~rick/pictures/note.png
6 6086 0.65% 110087 0.88% /faq/Debian/installers.html
7 3344 0.36% 55812 0.45% /~rick/pictures/
8 3319 0.36% 10944 0.09% /~karsten/Images/shadowAlpha.png
9 3286 0.35% 882091 7.08% /~rick/pictures/stfu-big.png
10 3246 0.35% 65452 0.53% /~rick/faq/
11 3028 0.33% 11335 0.09% /
12 2861 0.31% 53930 0.43% /jordan/0_admin/0.01_intro.html
13 2702 0.29% 15879 0.13% /faq/Devtools/ides.html
14 2620 0.28% 7250 0.06% /pub/os2/stahl-ssh/snafu-mirror/ssh-keygen.html
15 2396 0.26% 3548 0.03% /~garrett/jordan/
16 2319 0.25% 7639 0.06% /~garrett/jordan/art.html
17 2173 0.23% 1973 0.02% /images/somerights20.png
18 2081 0.22% 76519 0.61% /faq/Apps/scm.html
19 2062 0.22% 26835 0.22% /~rick/faq/plural-of-virus.html
20 1962 0.21% 30150 0.24% /ssh/
21 1766 0.19% 4470 0.04% /ssh/java.html
22 1733 0.19% 69296 0.56% /bale/
23 1628 0.18% 3985 0.03% /jordan/
24 1538 0.17% 10736 0.09% /cabal/
25 1507 0.16% 31757 0.25% /~rick/lexicon.html
26 1396 0.15% 31653 0.25% /faq/Mail/muas.html
27 1393 0.15% 36292 0.29% /images/hugin.jpeg
28 1365 0.15% 3918 0.03% /images/vipower-green.jpeg
29 1360 0.15% 6859 0.06% /wpfaq/
30 1342 0.14% 3043 0.02% /images/damn-powered.jpeg

Top 10 of 77976 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3286 0.35% 882091 7.08% /~rick/pictures/stfu-big.png
2 84 0.01% 842244 6.76% /pub/linux/apps/xwp8-linux.tar.gz
3 31142 3.35% 807990 6.48% /faq/Hardware/sata.html
4 108 0.01% 403534 3.24% /pub/hardware/dell-inspiron-7000-service-manual.pdf
5 362 0.04% 383517 3.08% /jordan/COT-WOTFAQ.pdf
6 203 0.02% 293771 2.36% /pipermail/conspire.mbox/conspire.mbox
7 248 0.03% 160184 1.29% /jordan/
8 282 0.03% 156111 1.25% /pub/rick-moen-soundfiles/
9 66246 7.13% 134989 1.08% /redrick.css
10 22 0.00% 123408 0.99% /pub/linux/apps/xwp8-linux-uk.tar.gz

Top 10 of 6788 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 31142 3.35% 24180 16.39% /faq/Hardware/sata.html
2 6086 0.65% 4891 3.32% /faq/Debian/installers.html
3 1628 0.18% 4806 3.26% /jordan/
4 2620 0.28% 2489 1.69% /pub/os2/stahl-ssh/snafu-mirror/ssh-keygen.html
5 2702 0.29% 2369 1.61% /faq/Devtools/ides.html
6 3344 0.36% 2294 1.56% /~rick/pictures/
7 3028 0.33% 2101 1.42% /
8 3246 0.35% 1946 1.32% /~rick/faq/
9 2396 0.26% 1737 1.18% /~garrett/jordan/
10 2062 0.22% 1656 1.12% /~rick/faq/plural-of-virus.html

Top 10 of 6959 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 31142 3.35% 24032 15.35% /faq/Hardware/sata.html
2 6086 0.65% 4904 3.13% /faq/Debian/installers.html
3 1628 0.18% 4606 2.94% /jordan/
4 2620 0.28% 2423 1.55% /pub/os2/stahl-ssh/snafu-mirror/ssh-keygen.html
5 2702 0.29% 2374 1.52% /faq/Devtools/ides.html
6 3344 0.36% 2296 1.47% /~rick/pictures/
7 3246 0.35% 2001 1.28% /~rick/faq/
8 3028 0.33% 1677 1.07% /
9 2062 0.22% 1623 1.04% /~rick/faq/plural-of-virus.html
10 2081 0.22% 1546 0.99% /faq/Apps/scm.html

Top 30 of 108116 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 88930 9.57% 84821 11.67% 1049319 8.42% 132 0.08%
2 44746 4.82% 43986 6.05% 904542 7.26% 8 0.01%
3 23877 2.57% 1036 0.14% 18728 0.15% 349 0.22% airport
4 11147 1.20% 6432 0.88% 319418 2.56% 161 0.10%
5 8098 0.87% 7723 1.06% 70733 0.57% 1 0.00%
6 7140 0.77% 5129 0.71% 224588 1.80% 73 0.05%
7 4442 0.48% 2844 0.39% 55011 0.44% 42 0.03%
8 4361 0.47% 3932 0.54% 9190 0.07% 35 0.02%
9 4253 0.46% 2442 0.34% 121725 0.98% 41 0.03%
10 3840 0.41% 73 0.01% 1476 0.01% 5 0.00%
11 3384 0.36% 3018 0.42% 22613 0.18% 10 0.01%
12 3052 0.33% 1019 0.14% 12486 0.10% 183 0.11%
13 2006 0.22% 1920 0.26% 18871 0.15% 1 0.00%
14 1712 0.18% 1203 0.17% 19135 0.15% 3 0.00%
15 1500 0.16% 1388 0.19% 27180 0.22% 10 0.01%
16 1463 0.16% 1224 0.17% 14013 0.11% 11 0.01%
17 1443 0.16% 1442 0.20% 9925 0.08% 193 0.12%
18 1417 0.15% 1102 0.15% 12438 0.10% 10 0.01%
19 1296 0.14% 431 0.06% 2686 0.02% 9 0.01%
20 1274 0.14% 1020 0.14% 6692 0.05% 53 0.03%
21 1249 0.13% 87 0.01% 1527 0.01% 0 0.00%
22 1238 0.13% 869 0.12% 9620 0.08% 8 0.01%
23 1180 0.13% 792 0.11% 4039 0.03% 232 0.15%
24 1180 0.13% 1114 0.15% 17402 0.14% 2 0.00%
25 1140 0.12% 867 0.12% 11343 0.09% 22 0.01%
26 1130 0.12% 834 0.11% 15561 0.12% 21 0.01%
27 1110 0.12% 68 0.01% 694 0.01% 172 0.11%
28 1105 0.12% 756 0.10% 8360 0.07% 7 0.00%
29 993 0.11% 19 0.00% 474 0.00% 5 0.00%
30 963 0.10% 881 0.12% 47517 0.38% 133 0.08%

Top 10 of 108116 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 88930 9.57% 84821 11.67% 1049319 8.42% 132 0.08%
2 44746 4.82% 43986 6.05% 904542 7.26% 8 0.01%
3 11147 1.20% 6432 0.88% 319418 2.56% 161 0.10%
4 7140 0.77% 5129 0.71% 224588 1.80% 73 0.05%
5 109 0.01% 108 0.01% 143227 1.15% 2 0.00%
6 4253 0.46% 2442 0.34% 121725 0.98% 41 0.03%
7 91 0.01% 85 0.01% 84618 0.68% 3 0.00%
8 43 0.00% 42 0.01% 84188 0.68% 1 0.00%
9 8098 0.87% 7723 1.06% 70733 0.57% 1 0.00%
10 4442 0.48% 2844 0.39% 55011 0.44% 42 0.03%

Top 30 of 58 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 113 0.01%
2 89 0.01%
3 20 0.00%
4 15 0.00%
5 11 0.00%
6 7 0.00%
7 6 0.00%
8 5 0.00%
9 5 0.00%
10 5 0.00%
11 5 0.00%
12 5 0.00%
13 5 0.00%
14 5 0.00%
15 4 0.00%
16 4 0.00%
17 4 0.00%
18 4 0.00%
19 4 0.00%
20 4 0.00%
21 4 0.00%
22 3 0.00%
23 3 0.00%
24 3 0.00%
25 3 0.00%
26 3 0.00%
27 3 0.00%
28 3 0.00%
29 2 0.00% 0
30 2 0.00% 370

Top 2 of 2 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 20 0.00% 20 0.00% 217 0.00% 16 0.01% mailto
2 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 31 0.00% 1 0.00% 381f7a1a

Top 15 of 38 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 868 0.09% Mozilla/5.0
2 324 0.03% msnbot/1.0 (+
3 153 0.02% Googlebot/2.1
4 67 0.01% MSIE 6.0
5 48 0.01% Yahoo! Slurp
6 46 0.00% Ask Jeeves/Teoma
7 34 0.00% Exabot/2.0
8 29 0.00% Googlebot/2.1 (+
9 27 0.00% Konqueror/3.4
10 16 0.00% BecomeBot/2.3
11 14 0.00% [hc5]
12 12 0.00% Opera 8.5
13 9 0.00% WWW-Mechanize/1.04
14 7 0.00% Yahoo-MMCrawler/3.x (mms dash mmcrawler dash support at yahoo dash inc dot com)
15 6 0.00% Konqueror/3.2

Usage by Country for February 2006

Top 30 of 151 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 366916 39.49% 303368 41.73% 4870517 39.08% US Commercial
2 187372 20.16% 149090 20.51% 3201381 25.69% Network
3 144518 15.55% 92821 12.77% 1507719 12.10% Unresolved/Unknown
4 29968 3.23% 23432 3.22% 342953 2.75% Netherlands
5 19305 2.08% 15694 2.16% 283643 2.28% US Educational
6 18345 1.97% 14953 2.06% 154089 1.24% Germany
7 13024 1.40% 9003 1.24% 63878 0.51% Poland
8 10929 1.18% 9201 1.27% 141108 1.13% Italy
9 10689 1.15% 8895 1.22% 112963 0.91% Australia
10 10497 1.13% 8982 1.24% 169533 1.36% United Kingdom
11 10330 1.11% 8544 1.18% 137924 1.11% Canada
12 8661 0.93% 5935 0.82% 76304 0.61% Japan
13 6293 0.68% 5131 0.71% 47689 0.38% Sweden
14 5667 0.61% 4463 0.61% 49976 0.40% Finland
15 5337 0.57% 4671 0.64% 72513 0.58% France
16 4861 0.52% 3788 0.52% 127474 1.02% Brazil
17 4339 0.47% 3657 0.50% 44597 0.36% Russian Federation
18 4117 0.44% 3098 0.43% 109964 0.88% Non-Profit Organization
19 3929 0.42% 3252 0.45% 51855 0.42% Belgium
20 3537 0.38% 2821 0.39% 86830 0.70% Czech Republic
21 3511 0.38% 3029 0.42% 32332 0.26% Switzerland
22 3204 0.34% 2694 0.37% 39709 0.32% Hungary
23 2966 0.32% 2452 0.34% 23872 0.19% Austria
24 2878 0.31% 2479 0.34% 59523 0.48% United States
25 2728 0.29% 2318 0.32% 34476 0.28% Norway
26 2639 0.28% 2195 0.30% 40751 0.33% Denmark
27 2556 0.28% 2165 0.30% 22430 0.18% Romania
28 2385 0.26% 1944 0.27% 40628 0.33% US Military
29 2224 0.24% 1834 0.25% 29930 0.24% New Zealand (Aotearoa)
30 1831 0.20% 1493 0.21% 17337 0.14% Mexico

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01