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Future Earth

Contributed by: Erica Sadun, Korda

The characters in the books are the source of many of our myths and legends and we are the source of many of theirs. You can look two ways along a wheel. (RJ, Amer. Online chat, 28-6-96)

Survey Says: Is Jordan's world under the Wheel our future earth?

"Time is a wheel. If you look in one direction, you are looking at the past. If you just turn around and look in the other direction, you are looking at the future. The books are set in our future and in our past, depending on which way you look..." (RJ, second America On-line conference, 10/20/94)

(TEotW: 4, 51, The Gleeman, 43):

(TSR: 24, 396, Rhuidean, 277:

TSR: 11, 209, What Lies Hidden, 146-7 In Tanchico Museum at the Panarch's Palace: TGH: 49, 678, What Was Meant To Be, 574 TGH: 47, 660, The Grave Is No Bar to My Call, 559 TEotW: 24, 357, Flight Down the Arinelle, 300

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This page was last modified on 24-Aug-1996, 15:56. Illustrations © 1989-1996 by Tor Books.

This FAQ compiled by Pam Korda (kor2@midway.uchicago.edu) and converted to HTML by Matthew Hunter (mhunter+@andrew.cmu.edu).