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What's the deal with Setalle Anan? Is she 'The One Who Is No Longer'?

"The key to finding the bowl is to find the one who is no longer." (LOC: 19, Matters of Toh, 312)

Well, they found the bowl. "The one who is no longer" is still a mystery. As "Skwid" says, "It's more like the key to finding the one who is no longer is to find the bowl."

Given the whole Bowl plotline in ACOS, and we look for one single person who was key to finding the Bowl, a likely candidate is Setalle Anan, the innkeeper of The Wandering Woman. El and Ny's meeting with her set off the chain of events that led to finding the Bowl. (Anan introduced them to the Kin, who they got Mat to spy on, and when Mat followed one of them, she led him to the six-storied building where the Kin's stash of *angreal was.)

Here is what the Kin say about Anan:

ACOS 23, Next Door to a Weaver, 393:
Reanne is apologising to Anan: "The Anan woman and Reanne Corly entered the sitting room, and Nynaeve blinked in surprise. From the exchange, she had expected someone younger than Setalle Anan, but Reanne had hair more gray....Why would the older woman humble herself so to the younger, and why would the younger allow it, however halfheartedly?"

From this, we see that Anan is no ordinary innkeeper. The Kin kiss up to AS, but they're pretty arrogant to everybody else. Yet, they defer to Anan. True, she has something on them (knowing they are non-Tower channellers), but that's not enough to treat her as some sort of superior. She must be in an actual position to betray them to the AS.

ACOS: 24, The Kin, 404:
Garenia is carrying on: '"What of this Setalle Anan, then? Those girls know about the Circle. The Anan woman must have told them, though how she knows....She's an innkeeper, and she must be taught to guard her tongue!" Berowin gasped, wide-eyed with shock, and dropped into a chair so hard she nearly bounced. "Remember who she is, Garenia," Reanne said sharply. "If Setalle had betrayed us, we would be crawling to Tar Valon, begging forgiveness the whole way....She has kept the few secrets she knows from gratitude, and I doubt that has faded. She would have died in her first childbirth if the Kin had not helped her. What she knows comes from careless tongues...and the owners of those tongues were punished more than twenty years ago." Still, she wished there was some way she could bring herself to ask Setalle to be more circumspect.'

So, at the same time, Anan is regarded as an innkeeper who must be taught to guard her tongue, who knows few secrets, and also somebody who they don't dare offend, even to ask to be more circumspect. From the "crawling to Tar Valon" remark, we have more evidence that Anan has the ability to betray the Kin to Tar Valon.

ACOS: 23, Next door to a Weaver, 395:
'"Setalle!" Garenia exclaimed...."That was Setalle Anan? How did she--? Light of Heaven! Even after seventy years, the Tower would--"' At this point, Reanne cuts her off with a dirty look.

This passage is very annoying, since there are dozens of ways the fragments can be interpreted. Does "seventy years" refer to Anan or Garenia? In any case, Garenia apparently has heard of Anan. However, to make it more perplexing, on the next page, we have:

'"I still want to know who this Setalle Anan is," Garenia put in.'

which implies that Garenia has no clue who Anan is, or why she is important. This is such an obvious contradiction with the previous statement, that I am tempted to believe this is a typo--maybe they meant to type somebody else's name besides Garenia's in one of those sentences. It's also been suggested that Garenia is asking whether the Setalle Anan who brought El and Ny to the Kin is the Setalle Anan she'd heard about.

On to the theories:

Setalle Anan is an ex-Aes Sedai: (Dylan F. Alexander, Elizabeth Cornwell, Michael Werle)

Setalle Anan is an AS Eyes-and-ears.

Note that this theory has no obvious provision for Anan being "the one who is no longer."

Does Setalle have a connection to Verin?

"Setalle!" Garenia exclaimed as soon as the innkeeper was gone. "That was Setalle Anan? How did she-? Light of Heaven! Even after seventy years, the Tower would-?" Oh, please. What's the only other mention of seventy years in the whole damn series? Yep, Verin's "plans." The Tower would what? Perhaps she's not a burn out, after all. So why would the Tower be interested in a woman who can't channel (anymore?) who left the Tower seventy years ago? (Dylan F. Alexander)

Perhaps the 70 years doesn't refer to Anan at all, but to Garenia herself: "If Anan squeals on us, the Tower will kick my butt, even though I've been gone seventy years." In that case, the possible Verin connection is with Garenia, not Anan. (P. Korda)

Could someone else be the One Who Is No Longer?

Well, as discussed above, Anan seems to fulfil the requirement of being "the key to finding the bowl." However, we could go further along the trail and pick any of the Kin that they meet while looking for it: Reanne Corly, the first Kin El & Ny meet, or Solain, who Mat follows to the storehouse. All of the Kin are "no longer." (No longer associated with the Tower.)

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This page was last modified on 24-Aug-1996, 15:53. Illustrations © 1989-1996 by Tor Books.

This FAQ compiled by Pam Korda (kor2@midway.uchicago.edu) and converted to HTML by Matthew Hunter (mhunter+@andrew.cmu.edu).