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Why isn't Moiraine dead?

(Survey Says)

Well, we don't know what happened after Moiraine and Lanfear fell through the twisted doorway into the land of the Foxes. Lacking such information, the only evidence we have is:

She must have had one or more viewings about Moir. that were not fulfilled, and since WE know that Min is never wrong, then Moir. will almost certainly return at some point. The breaking of Lan's bond was probably caused by the shutting off of the Red Door into *finnland. Another suggestion is that Moir. was stilled during her fight, and that is what caused the bond to break.

Ruchira Datta says: "One of you would have been bad enough, but two ta'veren at once - you might have torn the connection entirely and been trapped there." (TSR: 15, 255, Into the Doorway, 178-9)

This quote is the basis for one of the currently held versions of the possible fate of Moiraine and Lanfear; just substitute "channeling combatants" for "ta'veren".

More interpretation on Eg's "blue stone" vision:
Michael Steeves suggests that it could possibly mean that Thom will do something to preserve her dream of Rand facing the DO alive and well at Tarmon Gai'don.

"She vanished into a ter'angreal in Cairhien while battling Lanfear, apparently killing both herself and the Forsaken." (LoC: Glossary, entry "Moiraine", 710)

That "apparently" definitely leaves the question open.

Furthermore, she has a "small shred of hope" before attacking Lanfear, so there IS hope for her future.

Survey Says

What happened to Moiraine?

What was in Moiraine's letter to Thom?

(more than one answer possible)

Will Thom rescue Moiraine, if she is alive?

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This page was last modified on 24-Aug-1996, 15:50. Illustrations © 1989-1996 by Tor Books.

This FAQ compiled by Pam Korda (kor2@midway.uchicago.edu) and converted to HTML by Matthew Hunter (mhunter+@andrew.cmu.edu).