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Is Ishamael still alive?

Contributed by: Erica Sadun, P. Korda

(TDR: 55, 666, What is Written in Prophesy, 570):

Read the end of TDR. Notice that he has split in two? (Similar to Asmodean splitting in TSR, but Asmodean was re-joined.) Does this mean anything? This seems very troubling.

NB: Everybody (all the Forsaken) seems to think he is dead. And they found a body.

Aran/Osan'gar throw a new light on the subject. Even if one of them is not Ishy, there is no reason not to expect that the DO won't resurrect the servant who has done the most for him over the last 3000 years.

Now, Ishamael apparently died at the end of TEOTW and TGH, and yet he was back for more in TDR. In TDR it looked like he finally bit it. However, the question remains of how he managed to not die from his mortal wounds in the first two books. If we knew that, we could determine how his third death was different (or, for you conspiracy theorists, IF it was different).

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