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Who is the Old Geezer on the barrel watching Carridin's place?

What do we know about him?

Quite a few mysterious characters were introduced in ACOS. One of these was the old man watching Carridin's palace in Ebou Dar.

He's old, and quite worse-for-wear (ACOS: 14, White Plumes, 282):
"A scrawny, white-haired fellowlounging nearby in the shade. Mat looked at him questioningly, and he grinned, showing gaps in his teeth. His stooped shoulders and sad weathered face did not fit his fine gray coat. Despite a bit of lace at his neck, he was the very picture of hard times."

He can't remember parts of his past (ACOs: 17: The Triumph of Logic, 318):
"His head felt... peculiar... sometimes. Most often when he thought of what he could not remember."

He's got a lot of knowledge about local DF activity; he knows about "Carridin's pretty little killer," and about the two BA in town. (ACOs: 17: The Triumph of Logic, 319)

He used to be a fighter of some kind, and he's still proficient with knives (ACOS: 17: The Triumph of Logic, 319):
"His hands no longer possessed the strength or flexibility for swordwork, but the two long knives he had carried for well over thirty years had surprised more than one swordsman."

He's working on some kind of deadline (ACOs: 17: The Triumph of Logic, 319):
"He did not have much time left, but it was all he did have."

So, is he somebody we've heard of before?

Maybe not, but here are some speculations as to his identity.

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This page was last modified on 24-Aug-1996, 15:53. Illustrations © 1989-1996 by Tor Books.

This FAQ compiled by Pam Korda (kor2@midway.uchicago.edu) and converted to HTML by Matthew Hunter (mhunter+@andrew.cmu.edu).