1 Administrativia

Contents of this section

1.1 Contributors

Active Contributors & Articles Plundered From:

* Michael Arnett * Keith Aschinger * Will Baird * Glen Justin Balmer * Chris Barrera * Aaron Bergman * Alice Bergmann * Charles Buckley * Arthur Bernard Byrne * Paul W. Cashman * Christopher Lee Cavender * Randy Cerveny * Dennis Hohn-Chong Cho * Damien Cole * Amish Dave * Ruchira Datta * Dave "Walls of Books" DeLaney * Roderick Easton * Eric Ebinger * Jain Farstrider * Chris Flora * Courtenay Footman * Michel Forget * Carolyn Fusinato * Christian M Gadeken * Bill "Fain" Garrett * Helmut Geyer * Judy Ghirardelli * Bob Gibson * Jocelyn "who is not Kathleen" Goldfein * Stephen Graham * Gary Greenbaum * Michael Guenther * John C Hansen * Chris Hammock * Michael Hanneman * Stephen J Hardy * Don Harlow * John Hawkinson * Nathan Hendrix * Lord Captain Commander Sean Hillyard * Bob Hofmann * Melissa Horn * Eugene Hung * Matthew Hunter * John Ireland * Robert Kelley * Daniel John Kelly-Harrity * David "Wee Dave" Kennedy * Jacob Kesinger * Pam Korda * Hank Lee * Mike Lemons * Craig Levin * Shen Kiat Lim * Mark Looi * Mike "Sir MPS" Macchione * Tom McCormick * Cameron Majidi * Luke Mankin * Jim Mann * Stephanie Mason * Kelley Miles * Don Morgan * Joe Morris * David Mortman * Roy Navarre * Patrick Nielsen Hayden * John S Novak III * Emmet O'Brien * Michael J O'Malley * Chad "Oilcan" Orzel * Daniel "Zippy" O'Toole * Emma Pease * Thomas Petersen * George D Phillies * Jim Phillips * Piglet * Heikki Poso * Jeffrey Scott Raglin * Chris Russo * Erica Sadun * Kevin Samborn * Jeff Schneiter * Morgan Donald Scott * Viren Shah * Joe-win Fairheart Shaw * Jeff Smith * Brian Sullivan * Martin Terman * Aline Thompson * Elayne Thompson * Carl Traber * Sven Venema * Jonathan Vessey * Ken Warkentyne * Olaf Weber * Dash Wendrzyk * Greg Wheatley * Windsor Williams * Aaron Wong * Edmund Wong * David Wren-Hardin * Tony Yoder * Tony Zbaraschuk * (Did I forget anyone? Is anyone on here twice? Anybody with a name starting with Q , U, or X want to contribute?)

1.2 Abbreviations, Acronyms and Conventions

There have been (by now) two surveys of the Net.Jordanites on pressing questions by John Novak and Judy Ghirardelli. The Survey Says sections are taken from the second .

The standard reference format used is (all page numbers are for the TOR editions, UK editions may - in fact will - differ for most citations):

[Book Title Abbr.: Chapter #, paperback pg#, Chapter name, hardcover pg#]

To read the FAQ, you have to know some abbreviations and acronyms. Here is a list of those used:

TWoT The Wheel of Time
TEotW The Eye of the World
TGH The Great Hunt
TDR The Dragon Reborn
TSR The Shadow Rising
TFoH The Fires of Heaven
LoC Lord of Chaos
FAQ WMAK, Wonderful Masterpiece of Assembled Knowledge,but FAQ is easier
to say (and makes for better puns)
r.a.sf.w rec.arts.sf.written (or just rasfw)
r.a.sf.w.r-j rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan (also just rasfwrj)
AS Aes Sedai (or Amyrlin Seat)
BA Black Ajah
DO Dark One
DF Darkfriend
DFS/DS Darkfriend Social
Eg/Egw Egwene
El Elayne
Ish/Ishy Ishamael
LTT Lews Therin Telamon
Mog/Moggy Moghedien
Mo/Moir Moiraine
MPS Mad Passionate Sex, (c) Mike Macchione
Ny/Nyn Nynaeve
OP One Power
RJ Robert Jordan
SG Shayol Ghul
SS Siuan Sanche
T'A'R Tel'aran'rhiod
WCs Whitecloaks
WOs Wise Ones
YKYBRTMRJW You Know You've Been Reading Too Much Robert Jordan When...

1.3 Ah, Humor +

No Humour this time. It was getting too long. For the older humor sections look at the November (1993) FAQ. Interesting are as well: the FAQE and the Dark One's Dictionary . It can be found in the archives, too. Humor that has been left out from this section to keep it clean, can be found in Old.Humor .

1.4 FAQ News +

I finally did it, so here's the first new WOTFAQ since we got the new group. I took out the humor section for now, because it was really big, and pretty old. I might revive it later.

Submission Requests:

1.5 What are these Jordan Wheel of Time books?

The Wheel of Time, by Robert Jordan:

Hardcover editions:

Paperback editions:

Published by Tor Books

Ask for them at your favorite bookstore, or order the paperback editions directly from:

  Publishers Book and Audio Mailing Service
  PO Box 120159
  Staten Island NY 10312-0004
To cover postage and handling, add $1.25 for the first book and $.25 for each additional book. Check or money order only; no CODs.

If you are in Europe, it may be more expedient to pick up the British Editions published by Orbit (prices are listed in pound sterling).

The covers stick on better too!

1.6 What are the Conan books?

Jeffrey Scott Raglin reports:

Well, a little bit of research at a local Used Book Store has uncovered for me the fact that Robert Jordan wrote, not one, not two, not even four, but rather Seven Conan the Barbarian books-one of which was the novelization of Conan the Destroyer (the second Arnie Conan Movie). Having skimmed parts of several, I can conclude that this is definitely the same Robert Jordan we know here. As evidence: the opening sentences of five of the books:

Opening Sentence, Conan the Invincible

CtI, I, 9 "The icy wind whipping through the brown, sheer-walled chasms of the Kezankian Mountains seemed colder still around the bleak stone fortress that grew from the granite flank of a nameless mountain in the heart of the range." [NOTE: not only does Jordan begin this book with a wind blowing, but he manages to string an amazing total of four consecutive prepositional phrases at the end of the sentence.]

Opening Sentence, Conan the Unconquered

CtU, 0,9, Prologue "Storm winds howling off the midnight-shrouded Vilayet Sea clawed at the granite-walled compound of the Cult of Doom"

Opening Paragraph, Conan the Magnificent

CtM, 0,11,Prologue "Icy air hung deathly still among the crags of the Kezankian mountains, deep in the heart of that arm of those mountains which stretched south and west along the border between Zamora and Brythunia. No bird sang, and the cloudless azure sky was empty, for even the ever-present vultures could find no current on which to soar"

Opening Two Sentences, Conan the Victorious

CtV, 0, 1, Prologue "The Vendhyan night was preternaturally still, the air weighty and oppressive. No slightest breeze stirred, leaving the capital city of Ayodhya to swelter."

Opening Sentence, Conan the Triumphant

CtT, 0,11, Prologue "The great granite mound called Tor Al'Kiir crouched like a malevolent toad in the night, wearing a crown of toppled walls and ruined columns, memories of failed attempts by a score of Ophirean dynasties to build there." [All right, nothing about the wind here. But I include it anyway, because A. It's just such a ridiculous image, and B. Tor Al'Kiir is very reminiscent of Kari Al'Thor, which makes the image even more ridiculous. Besides, the next paragraph goes on to describe black clouds of a storm that included, among other things "lightning streaking the dark like dragons' tongues", so there's our weather reference.]

[The Opening Sentences of CtDef and CtDes are not nearly as distinctively Jordanesque, describing the sun rather than the wind.]

1.7 How do I post to rec.arts.sf.written about these books? +

You don't. You post to rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan.

1.8 Why don't we start a new Jordan-only newsgroup? +

We did!

1.9 Mis-steps. (Errors along the way) +

The Eye of the World

The Great Hunt

The Dragon Reborn

The Shadow Rising

The Fires of Heaven

1.10 What should I do if I'm obsessed?

Judy G. gives us intelligent advice on treatment of Jordan fanaticism:

  1. Stop calling the nice lady at you local bookstore, and harassing her about when the next book will be out.
  2. Lay down.
  3. Stay laying down.
  4. Try to not think about things like wheels, knives, spears, swords, doorways, Piglets, fire, severed hands, plucked out eyes, tattoos, leashes, calendars, irons, pincers, still images, gentle breezes, FAQs, Towers, wolves, falcons, hawks, hammers, axes, Roy, and lastly, DON'T THINK ABOUT RIVERS!
  5. Now, pick up a copy of _The Tao of Pooh_ and become an uncarved block.
(p.s. that will be 50 bucks...)

(p.p.s. The idea of not thinking about Roy while laying down is just a generally good practice , and might be applied to all the rest of you who won't admit you have a problem ...)

1.11 What is the deal with those cheap Tor Covers that won't stay on?

No, you are not alone in having the cover fall off of your PB copy of TDR. What can you do about it? Patrick Nielsen Hayden says that you can send the book to Tor, and they will send you a new copy. You can also write a (snail- mail) letter of complaint to Tor. The address is on the inside of the books. Do not send mean e-mail to the nice Tor Books man! It is not his fault! If you want to repair them yourself, Ericc Ebinger provides instructions:

As a public service (and to annoy the anti-Jordan faction of the r.a.sf.w community :ˆ) ), I have decided to publish instructions on how to reattach the (hideous) covers to the Tor paperback editions of the Wheel of Time books. This is the way that I did it. The covers are holding up nicely (so far). No warranty is expressed or implied. Your mileage may vary. Follow these instructions at your own risk.

Materials needed:

  1. If cover(s) are not yet completely detached GENTLY and carefully detach them. A small, sharp knife may be helpful.
  2. Take sandpaper and briskly sand the back of spine of the book (on the glue that failed to hold. Continue until the surface is slightly rough (don't over-sand). This should only take 10-20 seconds of sanding.
  3. Lay the cover down on a flat surface with the outside DOWN. Gently sand the inside of the binding (see fig. 1) untill the wax coating is removed. Do not over-sand! The objective is to remove the wax coating so that the glue can get a grip.
            |                | s g |                 |
            |                | a l |                 | 
            |                | n u |                 |
            |                | d e |                 |
            |                |     |                 |
            |                |  h  |                 |
            |                |  e  |                 |
            |                |  r  |                 |
            |                |  e  |                 |
  4. Following directions on the package of Goo, spread glue on the binding area of the cover. Orient the book so that it's orientation matches that of the cover. Press the book binding down on the cover, lift,wait two minutes,press the book binding back down on the cover, and hold for two minutes.
  5. Let dry overnight. The book should be better than new.

1.12 The Great Jordan Hoax - read this section!

In March, 1994, a bunch of net.jordanites met in a small restaurant in Arlington, VA. Collectively, they hatched a scheme to spread chaos and confusion throughout the internet, and other nets. They were six of the most powerful posters ever known, who went over to the Dark One. Their names--Bill "the Fain" Garrett, Chad "Ishamael" Orzel, Joe "Sammael" Shaw, Mike "Rahvin" Macchione, Judy "Mesaana" Ghirardelli, and Joe "Demandred" Morris--should be used to frighten children. As a result of their crimes, much false evidence was generated. Following is a summary of their false claims as to what Jordan said.


  1. Somebody close to Rand will turn to the Dark Side.
  2. There are clues in: _The Westing Game_, "What Lies Hidden," "The Gift of a Blade," "The Tinker's Sword."
  3. RJ thinks we should get our own newsgroup.
  4. RJ will put a character like Roy in the next book.
  5. Anything about Cain, Jain, Tam, or Graendal's old man.
  6. Aram is a Darkfriend (and was at the DS in TGH).
  7. There are hidden references to Conan in The Wheel of Time.
  8. RJ said "Verin is more than just a simple, absent-minded librarian."
  9. Thom is Elaynes' father.
  10. RJ will wrap up the series in the book after _Lord of Chaos_
  11. Mazrim Taim is somebody we have already seen, sort of (and related theories that Taim = Demandred, Taim killed Asmodean.)
  12. Thom, Aviendha, Bela, & Marin Al'Vere are not what they seem.
  13. Aviendha = Ilyena reborn.
  14. Mat's memories are not real, but the ravings of a madman.
  15. Mat and Tam can channel.
  16. He would add a reference to our USENET discussions into a later book.
  17. Jordan wants to put himself in there somewhere (ala Hitchcock).
  18. He thought the lightbulb and telephone jokes were a hoot.
  19. He likes the cover art

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