THE COMPLEAT OLD TONGUE A compilation of the documents of me BAClubb , Mark , and Andrea Leistra . Also drawed upon is the long letter that Don Harlow was nice enough to send. I compiled, typed, and edited this document. I did not, however, find most of the words. LINGUISTIC COMMENTARY In an attempt to provide a definition for the majority of cases, certain linguistic assumptions were made that seem to be characteristic of the majority, although not all, of the Old Tongue statements in the series. These are assumptions about word order. The first is the characteristic word order of the sentence: predicate-verb-subject. Many of the sentences follow this with the notable exception of "Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin." In my opinion. For more information on this exception, see the corresponding entry. It has been suggested that I also assume that the adjective would preced the noun, but there are numerous examples that seem to contradict this, so I have elected not to do this. By looking at the cross-referenced phrase, one can draw one's own conclusions. Many assumptions have also been made based on the idea that "an", "in" and "en" all seem to indicate pluralization. One of the major problems with attempting to compile this list is that I do not believe that Mr. Jordan made an effort to provide a basis for the Old Tongue until after _The_Eye_of_the_World_. This is evidenced by the failure of phrases like "Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin" to follow established word order. EXCLUSIONS After thinking about it, I have decided to not include phrases from the Language of the Fourth Age, the Ogian Language and the Trolloc Language. Key: ? indicates uncertainty Words and fragments: a = /preposition or article/ a'dam = the leash /see "dam"/ a'vron = watcher /see "vron/" aan = one aan'allein = one man /see "aan" and "allein"/ aethan ?= shelds /see "aethan dor"/ aiel = dedicated ailen = ??? /see "ta'maral'ailen"/ ain ?= is /see note 1/ al = /article/ al'cair'rahienallen = Cairhein /See "cair", "rahien" and "allen"/ alcair = the golden algai'd'siswai ?= the spear fighters /see "gai" and "siswai"/ alantin = brother aldazar = the eagle /see "dazar"/ aldieb = westwind algode = cotton allein = man allen ?= hill allende = ??? /see phrase "Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin rhadiem"/ aman ?= dragon an = /pluralization/ /see note 2/ angreal = /tool of the power/ aridhol = ??? /a city of the second covenant/ asmodean = ??? /contraction of real name?/ atha ?= person atha'an ?= peoples /see "atha" and "an", "atha'an miere" and "tuatha'an"/ aven ?= call avende = tree avendesora = the Tree of Life avendoraldera = Cutting/Sapling of Tree of Life ayende = release/freedom balthamel = ??? /a Forsaken/ be'lal = ??? /a Forsaken/ bekkar ?= blood cab ?= free /see note 3/ caba = horse caba'donde = a horse to ride /see "caba", "donde"/ caba'drin = cavalry/horsemen caballein = free man /see "cab" and "allein" and note 3/ cadin ?= clothes /see "cadin'sor"/ cadin'sor = working clothes cair = gold cal = red caldazar = red eagle /see "cal" and "dazar"/ calhar = red hand /see "cal" and "har"/ calichniye = welcome car = chief car'a'carn = Chief of Chiefs /see "car" and "carn"/ carai = for the honor /or/ honor carn = chiefs chalinda = sweet girl cor = night corenne = return cue = heart cuebiyari = /rel. to heart/ /see "cue" and phrase "valdar cuebiyari"/ cuendillar = heartstone da = ??? /see phrase "da'es daemar"/ da'shain = /see note 4 and phrase "da'shain aiel"/ dadaranell = ??? /see phrase "mafal dadaranell"/ daemar = ??? /see phrase "da'es damear"/ daghain = ??? /see phrase "Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyar"/ dai = battle /see note 4/ dal = bowl dam = leash damane = leashed one /see "dam" and "aan"/ dar = ??? /see phrase "Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin rhadiem"/ dar = sister darei = spear dareis = spear dazar = eagle demandred = ??? /a forsaken/ din = brother do ?= over /a preposition/ doon = ??? /see phrase "seia doon" domashita ?= warms /see phrase "Ninte calichniye no domashitsa"/ don = ??? /see "gai'don"/ donde ?= to ride /see "caba'donde"/ dor ?= red /see "aethan dor"/ dore ?= dancer /see "n'dore"/ dovie = /rel. to luck/ /see "dovie'andi" and "dovienya"/ dovie'andi ?= dice /see "dovie" and phrase "Dovie'andi se tovya sagain"/ dovienya = luck drelle = river of drin = soldiers duadhe ?= water duente = ??? /see phrase "Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyar"/ e = and en = /pluralization/ /see "jeade'en", "shae'en m'taal" and note 2/ es = ??? /see phrase "da'es daemar"/ ellisande = rose of the sun faile = falcon far = of ga ?= is /see phrase "Kodome Calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai hei"/ gai = battle /See note 4/ gai'don = ??? /see "gai", "tarmon gai'don"/ gai'shain = pledged to peace in battle /see "gai" and note 4/ gaidin = battle brother /warder/ /see "gai" and "din"/ graendal = ??? /a forsaken/ hailene = forerunners hama = mountain /See phrase "Hama N'dore"/ har = hand hei = always in ?= /pluralization/ /see note 2/ inde = no /or/ not /general negation/ isain = is /see note 1/ isainde = isn't /contraction/ /see "isain" and "inde"/ isha ?= betrayer /possibly no 'a'/ ishamael = betrayer of hope /a Forsaken/ /see "isha" and "mael"/ jeade = /contranction of "jenn" and something?/ /see "jeade'en"/ jeade'en = true finder jenn = truly /or/ true jhin = ??? /see "so'jhin"/ ji = honor kardon = green skinned fruit from a leafless spiny plant kiserai = glory kodome ?= here /see phrase "Kodome calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai hei"/ lanfear = daughter of the night /a forsaken/ logoth ?= waiting /see phrase "shadar logoth"/ los = forward m'taal ?= dogs /see phrase "shae'en m'taal"/ ma = /contraction/ /see "ma'vron"/ ma'vron ?= watchers over the sea /contraction/ /see "miere" and "vron"/ machin = ??? /see phrase "machin shin"/ mad = ??? /see "sha'mad"/ mael = hope mafal = ??? /see phrase "mafal dadaranell"/ mahdi = seeker mahdi'in = seeker(s) /suffix is pluralization?/ mai = maiden(s) man = /related to sword or blade/ /see "mandarb", "manshima"/ mandarb = blade manetheren = mountain home manetherendrelle = waters of mountain home /see "manetheren" and "drelle"/ manshima ?= sword /see "man", "Suravye ninto manshima taishite"/ maral = ??? /see "ta'maral'ailen"/ marath ?= those who must /see "marath'damane"/ marath'damane = those who must be leashed /see "damane"/ mashadar = the creature in Shadar Logoth /see "shadar"/ mashiara = beloved of heart /or/ a love lost mesaana = ??? /a forsaken/ mi = my mia = my miere = ocean/waves misain = am /see note 1/ moghedien ?= spider /a forsaken/ mordero = ??? /see phrase "Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyar"/ Moridin ?= death /see phrase "Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin"/ muad = foot muad'drin = /see "muad" and "drin"/ muaghde ?= meat n'dore ?= dancers /See phrase "hama n'dore"/ nei ?= knife /see phrase "sovin nei"/ ni = ??? /see phrase "Kodome calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai hei"/ niende ?= lost /see phrase "Sa souvraya niende misain ye"/ ninte = your ninto = your no = me /first person singular pre-verb direct object pronoun/ oosquai ?= whiskey /or some other alchoholic beverage/ ordeith = wormwood pas = ??? /see phrase "Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyar"/ rahien = dawn rahvin = ??? /a forsaken/ rhadiem = ??? /see phrase "Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin rhadiem"/ rhyagelle = those who come home sa = /superlative prefix/ sa ?= in /see phrase "Sa souvraya niende misain ye"/ sa'angreal = very strong Power channel /see "sa" and "angreal"/ sa'sara = "superlative" dance /see "sa" and "sara"/ sag ?= time /see "sagain"/ sagain = it's time /see "sag", "ain" and "Dovie'andi se tovya sagain"/ sai = /related to power/ saidar = female half of power /see "sai" and "dar"/ saidin = male half of power /see "sai" and "din"/ sam ?= destroyer sammael = destroyer of hope /a forsaken/ /see "sam" and "mael"/ sara = dance /see "sa'sara"/ se = themselves /reflexive pre-verb pronoun/ seia = ??? /see phrase "seia doon"/ semirhage = ??? /a forsaken/ sene ?= as/like /see phrase "Sene sovya caba'donde ain dovienya"/ serenla = stubborn daughter sha = ??? /see "sha'mad"/ sha'mad = ??? /see phrase "sha'mad conde"/ shadar = shadow /see phrase "shadar logoth", "mashadar"/ shae ?= dog /see "shae'en"/ shae'en ?= dogs /see phrase "shae'en m'taal"/ shaiel = she who is dedicated /see aiel/ shain ?= peace /see note 4/ shambayan = chamberlain shan ?= lord shar = ??? /see "tai'shar"/ shari = /plural of "shar"/ shatayan = chatelaine shen = band shoufa = dustveil siswai = spear siswai'aman = spear of the dragon /see "siswai" and "aman"/ so = ??? /see "so'jhin"/ so'jhin = /hereditary upper servants of the blood/ sor ?= working /see "cadin'sor"/ sorda = rat sorei = runner(s) sovin ?= hands /see phrase "sovin nei"/ souvraya = my own mind /see phrase "Sa souvraya niende misain ye"/ sovya ?= another /see phrase "Sene sovya caba'donde ain dovienya"/ staera = copper scraping stick sul ?= holder /see "sul'dam"/ sul'dam = leash holder /see "dam"/ suravye = ??? /see phrase "Suravye ninto manshima taishite"/ sursa = chopsticks t'mat ?= tomato ta = /rel. to pattern/ ta'maral'ailen = web of destiny /around ta'veren/ /see "ta"/ ta'veren = focal point of pattern /see "ta"/ taal = ??? /see "m'taal"/ tai = ??? /see "tai'shar"/ tai'shar = true blood tain = /plural of "tai"/ taishite = ??? /see phrase "Suravye ninto manshima taishite"/ tarmon ?= last /see phrase "tarmon gai'don"/ tel'aran'rhiod = world of dreams /or/ unseen world ter = ??? /see "ter'angreal"/ ter'angreal = director of power /see "angreal"/ ti = to tia = to toh = obligation/duty tovya = roll /probably third person plural reflexive form/ tuatha = /contraction involving "atha"/ tuatha'an = Traveling People /see "tuatha" and "atha'an"/ vadin = bar/barrier val ?= guard /see "valdar" and "valon"/ valdar = /rel. to "guard"/ /see "val" and phrase "valdar cuebiyari"/ valon ?= guard /see "val" and phrase "tar valon"/ vron = watcher(s) wansho = builder(s) ye = I /or/ /exclamatory fragment without meaning/ zemai = maize or corn Note 1: "Misain", "isain" and "ain" all appear to be forms of the verb "to Note 2: "An", "in", "on" and "en" all seem to indicate pluralization in some context or another. It is possible that the "-n" suffix is all that is really needed. Note 3: "Caballein", it has been suggested, might be a contraction of "caba" and "allein" meaning "horseman". The use of it as "free man" would then be a cultural thing. This would avoid the creation of the new word "cab" meaning "free". Note 4: "Dai" and "gai" seem to both mean battle. Also, "Da'shain" and "Gai'shain" are very much alike. "Shain" seems to mean something along the lines of "sworn to peace". There is also "Dai Shan" which sounds somewhat alike but means "Battle Lord". Draw your own conclusions. Phrases: aes sedai=servant to/of all My guess is that this phrase should probably be translated "to all servant". Thus "aes" would probably be a contraction of "a" and the word meaning "all". "Sedai" would then mean servant. aethan dor = red shields An aiel warrior society. Possibly the "-n" ending indicates that "aethan" means shields, and thus "dor" would be another word for "red" in addition to "cal". al caldazar = the red eagle The sign of Manetheren. "Cal" means "red", and "dalzar" means "eagle". al ellisande = the rose of the sun The sign for Aemon's wife, Eldrene. "Ellisande" can probably be divided into two words, but I have no idea how. alcair dal = the golden bowl An aiel meeting place. "Cair" means "gold" and "dal" means bowl. atha'an miere = the sea folk Probably literally "people sea" as "miere" means "sea", "atha'an" is the pluralization of "atha" meaning "person" Caballein misain ye = I am a free man Probably literally "Free man am I". "Cab" means "free", "allein" means "man", "misain" means "am", and "ye" means "I". Carai an caldazar = For the honor of the red eagle "Carai" means "honor", "an" is a preposition in this case, probably "of", "cal" means "red" and "dazar" means "eagle". Carai an ellisande = for the honor of the rose of the sun "Carai" means "honor", "an" is a preposition meaning "of" and "ellisande" means "the rose of the sun". cor darei = night spears An Aiel warrior society. "Cor" means "night" and "darei" means "spears". da'es daemar = the great game /or/ the game of the houses. I have no idea what any of the two to three words in this phrase mean. da'shain aiel = the original name for the aiel "Aiel" means dedicated. See note 1 above for interpretation of da'shain. dai shan = battle lord "Dai" means "battle", "shan" means lord. See also note 1 above. do miere a'vron = the watchers over the sea Probably literally "over ocean, watchers". "Do" means "over", "miere" means "ocean" and "vron" means "watchers". Dovie'andi se tovya sagain = It's time to roll the dice "Dovie" seems to be related to "dovienya" which means "luck". Following the normal sentence order, this probably means "Dice themselves roll time it is." Thus, "Dovie'andi" means "dice", "se" is a relexive pronoun "themselves", "tovya" is a conjugation of "to roll", "sag" means "time" and "ain" means "is". The only two that cross-reference, however, are "ain" and "Dovie'andi". duadhe mahdi'in = water seekers An Aiel warrior society. "Duadhe" means "water" and "mahdi'in" is the pluralistaion of "mahdi" which means "seeker". far aldazar din = brothers of the eagle Probably literally "for the eagle, brother". An Aiel warrior society. "Far" means "for", "dazar" means "eagle" and "din" means "brother". far dareis mai = maidens of the spear Probably literally "for spear, maiden". The Aiel female warrior society. "Far" means "for", "darei" means "spear", and "mai" means "maiden". hama n'dore = mountain dancers An Aiel warrior society. I am guessing that the "n" on the second word indicates some form of pluralization. Thus, "n'dore" means "dancers" and "hama" means "mountain". Inde muaghde Aes Sedai misain ye = I am no Aes Sedai meat. Probably literally "not meat Aes Sedai am I" with the Aes Sedai modifying the preceding noun. "Inde" means negation, "muaghde" means "meat", "misain" means "am" and "ye" means "I". jenn aiel = the "true" aiel Probably literally "truly dedicated". The name for the "tribe" of Aiel who built Rhuidean. "Jenn" means "true" or "truly", and "aiel" means "dedicated". Kiserai ti wansho = glory to the builders "Kiserai" means "glory", "ti" means "to" and "wansho" means "builders". Kodome calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai hei = Here is always a welcome for Aes Sedai Probably literally "Here welcome is for Aes Sedai always". "Kodome" probably means "here", "calichniye" means "welcome", "ga" probably means "is", "ni" probably means "for" and "hei" means "always". This is a phrase from _The_Eye_of_the_World_, so neither the word order, nor the words seem to be standard, ie "ga" is not related to the "ain" family of "to be" verbs. Los caba'drin = horsemen/cavalry forward "Los" means "forward", "caba" means "horse" and "drin" means "soldier" Los valdar cuebiyari = Heart-guard foward "Los" means "forward" and "valdar cuebiyari" means "the heart guard". machin shin = the black wind The wind in the ways. No idea on word order. mafal dadaranell = old name for Fal Dara No idea on any word. Mia ayende, Aes Sedai = release me, Aes Sedai Probably literally "my release/freedom, Aes Sedai". "Mia" means "my" and "ayende" means "release/freedom". Mia dovienya nesodhin soende = ??? Probably literally "My luck ??? ???". If the normal word order holds, "nesodhin" is the verb and "soende" is the subject. Mat says that this sounded like a "fervent wish". Mordero daghain pas duente cuebiyar = ??? "Cuebiyar" could be related to "cuebiyari" which might be related to "heart". See "valdar cuebiyari". Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin rhadiem = Footmen prepare to pass cavalry. Probably literally "Foot soldiers to ??? ??? horse soldiers ???" "Muad" means "foot", "drin" means "soldier", "tia" means "to" and "caba" means "horse" Ninte calichniye no domashitsa = Your welcome warms me Probably literally "Your welcome me warms" with the direct object coming before the verb. "Ninte" means "your", "calichniye" means "welcome", "no" means "me" and "domashita" means "warms". Again, this is a phrase from _The_Eye_of_the_World_, so it does not follow the standard word order. rahien sorei = dawn runners An Aiel warrior society. "Rahien" means "dawn" and "sorei" means "runners". Sa souvraya niende misain ye = I am lost in my own mind. Probably literally "In my own mind lost am I". "Sa" probably means "in", "souvraya" probably means "my own mind", "niende" probably means "lost", "misain" means "am" and "ye"means "I". seia doon = black eyes An Aiel warrior society. No idea on word order. Sene sovya caba'donde ain dovienya = Luck is a horse to ride like any other. Probably literally "As/like another a horse to ride is luck". Thus, "sene" means "as/like", "sovya" means "another", "donde" means to ride, "ain" means "is" and "dovienya" means "luck". sha'mad conde = thunder walkers An Aiel warrior society. No idea on word order. shadar logoth = shadow's waiting The present name for Aridhol. "Shadar" probably means "shadow" and "logoth" probably means waiting. shae'en m'taal = stone dogs An Aiel warrior society. Because of the plural "en" ending, "shae'en" probably means "dogs", and thus, "m'taal" probably means "stone". shen an calhar = the band of the red hand "Shen" means "band", "an" means "of", "cal" means "red" and "har" means "hand". sovin nai = knife hands An Aiel warrior society. Because of the plural "in" ending, "sovin" probably means "hands" and thus, "nai" probably means "knife". Suravye ninto manshima taishite = Peace favor your sword Probably literally means "??? your sword ???". No idea on the unknown word order. "Ninto" means "your" and "manshima" probably means "sword" as "man" is also present in "mandarb". tain shari = true bloods An Aiel warrior society. "Tain" is the plural of "tai" and "shari" is the plural of "shar". No idea on word order. See also "tai'shar". tar valon = tower guard "Valon" is probably related to "val" which probably means "guard", thus "tar" probably means "tower". tarmon gai'don = last battle "Gai" means battle which seems to imply that "tarmon" might mean "last", but "last battle" may not be a correct translation. tia avende alantin = Ogier Probably literally "to the trees brother". "Tia" means "to", "avende" means "tree" and "alantin" means "brother". Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin = The grave is no bar to my call. The phrase on the Horn of Valere. Probably literally "To my call, death isn't bar". "Tia" means "to", "mi" means "my", "aven" means "call", "moridin" means "death", "isainde" means "isn't", and "vadin" means "bar" or "barrier". Another interpretation of this stems from the fact that the above does not conform to the fairly standard predicate-verb-subject word order. Under that interpretation, this would probably literally be "To my call, barrier isn't call" changing the meaning of "Moridin" to "barrier" and "vadin" to "death". My personal opinion is that the capitalization of "Moridin" indicates that it means "death" as there is relatively little reason to capitalize "barrier". This is a sentence from _The_Eye_of_the_World_, so the nonstandard word can be justified. valdar cuebiyari = the heart guard "Val" probably means "guard" and "cue" means "heart". The interesting thing here is that "dar" means "sister". I am not sure what to make of this. There are probably numerous errors in this file as it is based on a lot of speculation. If you find any, can you please e-mail me at . Thank You Aaron