
152. SEX: You are (MC)

male 77.679174
female 18.75042

153. AGE: You are (MC)

under 18 years of age 6.69615
18-22 years of age 40.17990
23-29 years of age 36.16181
in your 30's 9.82122
in your 40's 3.1257
in your 50's 0.8932
in your 60's 0.0000
in your 70's 0.0000
in your 80's 0.0000
in your 90's 0.0000
older than 99 years of age 0.0000

154. OCCUPATION: You are (MC)

a full time college student 37.05483
a full time graduate student 16.96438
you work full time (no school at all) 25.00056
you go to school part time (less than a full
course load) and you work
a full time high school student 7.14316
none of the above 1.7864

155. DEGREES: The highest degree you hold is: (if not American, approximate your degree to the closest American degree) (MC)

High school 39.73289
Bachelor's (undergraduate) 29.91167
Master's 12.05427
still in High School 8.03618
J.D. 0.4461
Ph.D. 3.5718
other 2.2325
M.D. 0.0000

156. In what state (country if not American) do you live? (SA)

Austria 0.4461
Australia 1.3393
Canada 3.1257
England 0.8932
Finland 0.8932
Germany 2.2325
Ireland 0.8932
Isreal 0.4461
United Kingdom 2.2325
Sweden 4.46410
United States of America 0.4461
Alabama 0.4461
Arizona 0.4461
California 10.26823
Connecticut 0.8932
Delaware 0.4461
DC 0.4461
Georgia 1.3393
Idaho 0.4461
Illinois 4.91111
Indiana 2.2325
Iowa 0.4461
Kentucky 0.8932
Louisiana 0.4461
Maryland 5.80413
Massachusetts 3.5718
Michigan 1.7864
Minnesota 1.3393
Mississippi 0.4461
Missouri 1.3393
Montana 0.8932
New Jersey 1.7864
New Mexico 0.4461
New York 7.58917
North Carolina 1.7864
Ohio 0.4461
Pennsylvania 3.1257
Texas 4.91111
Utah 1.3393
Virginia 4.46410
Washington 1.3393
West Virginia 0.4461
Wisconsin 0.4461

Survey compiled by Judy Ghirardelli and John Novak
Results collated by John Novak

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