Whats the Deal with Verin?

50. Verin is: (MC)

a. basically good75.00168
c. neither or both - somewhere in between17.85740
b. basically bad1.7864
d. no clue4.46410

51. In which of the following Verin theories do you believe? (List all which apply) (MC LIST)

e. She's never held the oath rod29.46466
g. she's in the "Secret Ajah"23.66153
f. she's Corianin Nedeal (the last dreamer)8.48219
a. Verin is Black Ajah 2.6796
c. Verin is working for Lanfear2.6796
d. Verin is working for a Forsaken other than Lanfear 0.8932
b. Verin is a Forsaken0.00
h. she is the Creator or an agent of the Creator6.25014
i. she's a member of the Jenn Aiel5.80413
j. I really have no clue whatsoever as to what's
up with Verin
k. none of the above17.85740

52. How old is Verin? (MC)

c. 100 - 149 years old.30.80469
d. 150 - 199 years old.16.07136
b. 70 - 99 years old.12.05427
e. 200 - 499 years old.12.05427
f. 500 - 3000 years old.9.82122
g. older than 3000 years1.3393
a. less than 70 years old0.8932
h. no clue16.07136

Survey compiled by Judy Ghirardelli and John Novak
Results collated by John Novak

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