Survey Blurb by John

Greetings, everyone.  Welcome to the third annual, semi-official
Ghirardelli-Novak Survey.  Judy and I have made it our custom to
compose and grade an opinion poll and survey on the Wheel of Time
every year around this time to help us while away the long dark
months between installations.

The first, in 1993, garnered 37 responses.  Took me forever to
grade.  The second, in 1994, garnered 83 responses.  Because I
was draconian in my grading policies, grading that one only took
me a few hours after I closed the polls.  Extrapolating linearly,
I expect about 200 responses this year.  Maybe more, since we now
have our own group, which did not exist at this point last year.

Judy and I have also spent a considerable amount of time this
year putting the Survey together.  In years past, Judy would
spend a day or two putting the questions together.  This year,
we've spent weeks wrangling until we've gotten everything
correct, then bothered friends to take the survey for us and make
sure we didn't screw anything up.

Thanks to Pam Korda, Erica Sadun, and Joe Shaw for being
attentive and helpful guinea pigs.

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