To Mistress Madwen

NOTE: This poem was written by Don Harlow as a reply to Ruchira Dutta's "Continual Trivia Contest".

Delightful Mistress Madwen,
She was a Lugard gel,
But with a lad from Cairhein
So deep in love she fell.

Merry Mistress Madwen!
The twain to Cairhien fled.
They sampled love's first pleasures,
And quickly they were wed.*

Ambitious Mistress Madwen!
A country inn they bought.
They'd make their fortune with it,
And would not yield for aught.

Exhausted Mistress Madwen;
She'd rise up at first light,
And polish all the silver
Until the fall of night.

Bereaved Widow Madwen.
To a gentle lad from Andor
She spilled out all her sorrow
With unaccustomed candor.

Determined Mistress Madwen
Set out, her life to fix.
She hastened back to Lugard
Where we'll see her in BOOK SIX!

*I considered other possible rhymes at this point, but decided that discretion was indicated.

Don Harlow
Esperanto League for N.A. (800) 828-5944