Map saving

The save format is pretty straight forward:
  1. The first record holds information about the map itself (basically the [[Map]] structure).
  2. The flattened section struct.
  3. A record for every object in the section.

To saveguard against errors a simple versioning scheme is implemented by appending the version number to the map name. Currently there is no automatic pruning, so you have to delete old versions by hand.

«*»= Boolean saveMap(Map *map) int j,recs=0; VoidHand RecHandle; Ptr RecPointer; Section *sec; UInt index=0; LocalID id; DmOpenRef mapDB; char vbuf[32];

«Prepare map for saving» «Open file for saving»


RecHandle=DmNewRecord(mapDB,&index,sizeof(Map)+ StrLen(map->Name)+1); RecPointer=MemHandleLock(RecHandle); DmWrite(RecPointer,0,map,sizeof(Map)); DmWrite(RecPointer,sizeof(Map), map->Name,StrLen(map->Name)+1); MemHandleUnlock(RecHandle); DmReleaseRecord(mapDB,index,true);

for(j=0;j<map->sectionNum;j++) sec=&map->sections[j];

index=recs+j+1; saveSection(sec,mapDB,index); recs+=sec->itemNum;

DmCloseDatabase(mapDB); return(true);

void saveSection(Section *sec,DmOpenRef db, UInt index) VoidHand RecHandle; Ptr RecPointer; int i;

RecHandle=DmNewRecord(db,&index,sizeof(UInt)+ StrLen(sec->Name)+1+sizeof(ScreenInfo)); RecPointer=MemHandleLock(RecHandle); DmWrite(RecPointer,0,&sec->itemNum,sizeof(UInt)); DmWrite(RecPointer,sizeof(UInt), sec->Name,StrLen(sec->Name)+1); DmWrite(RecPointer,sizeof(UInt)+StrLen(sec->Name)+1, &sec->si,sizeof(ScreenInfo)); MemHandleUnlock(RecHandle); DmReleaseRecord(db,index,true);

for(i=0;i<sec->itemNum;i++) WriteItem(&sec->items[i],db,(UInt)(index+i+1)); @

Due to the delayed loading scheme, all the sections have to be loaded before the map can be saved, then a few simple checks are performed to catch degenerate objects. «Prepare map for saving»= ensureAllSectionsLoaded(map); sanityCheck(map); @

Append the version number to the map name and open the database. If the database exists, it is deleted. Asking before doing this would probably be more polite and a lot more intelligent.Ask before overwriting

«Open file for saving»= StrPrintF(vbuf,"

if((id=DmFindDatabase(0,vbuf)) != 0) DmDeleteDatabase(0,id);

if(DmCreateDatabase(0,vbuf,APPID,MapDBType, false)) FrmCustomAlert(ErrorDialog,"Can't save map!of luck.","",""); return(false);

id=DmFindDatabase(0,vbuf); mapDB=DmOpenDatabase(0,id,dmModeReadWrite); @