
There still is no manual, you have to get by with these short notes.

Figure: Map selection screen


Deletes the selected map.


Creates a new map. IFmapperhas a versioning system, so you don't have to add the number at the end. The versioning was added to avoid data loss during development and protection against user mistakes.


Starts the editing process


This function exports the selected map in a version independent but less space efficient format. This was introduced as a safeguard against changes in the save file format in future versions of IFmapperdue to new features (this has already happened during development). I'm pretty sure I catched all the bugs in the Load/Save functions, but it is probably a good idea to dump your maps occasionally.

Figure: Dumping and importing of maps

Dumped maps can be reimported via the menuitem

Figure: Editing

For now you have to figure out for yourself how things work. Just a few quick tips: