Chapter 5

LILO: From "power on" to "Loading linux..."

In this chapter:
* General overview of the booting process
* Exploring the Linux Loader LILO and its configuration
* SuSE's default LILO settings
* Customizing the LILO setup
5.1 The Four Steps of the Booting Process

In this section, we discuss nearly everything that goes on from the moment you push the "power on" button until the login: prompt appears. This sequence of events can be roughly divided into four steps: hardware initialization, bootloader/system selection, kernel initialization, and invocation of init.

5.1.1 Hardware initialization

Hardware initialization is a PC's normal power-up routine. It usually checks its memory, initializes devices, and powers up its own BIOS and the BIOSes of intelligent adapters, such as SCSI and so on. It then searches for bootable devices, which in most BIOSes can be selected in the BIOS setup. These are usually the floppy disk, hard disks, and, in newer BIOS versions, the CD-ROM.

5.1.2 Bootloader/System selection

After this first step, the BIOS loads the boot sector of the first valid boot device and runs this code. The boot sector is the very first sector of this device. It has to contain a loader routine, which either starts up the operating system or presents the user with a selection, such as which OS to start.
The most commonly used boot loader on Linux systems is LILO (LInux LOader). Because this is also the one that is shipped with SuSE Linux, we concentrate on this one. LILO allows you to boot only Linux, or it can present a boot menu, which makes choosing among several installed operating systems at boot time possible.

5.1.3 Kernel initialization

We assume here that you selected Linux as the OS to boot. This means that LILO loads the kernel image into RAM and executes it. Now the Linux kernel takes over the control of the system. It initializes itself, eventually autoprobes devices, initializes detected devices, and, if all this is done, it starts init, the process that parents all other user-level processes of the system.

5.1.4 Invocation of init

Now you are at the point where you can choose where to go. The init process reads its configuration file (/etc/inittab) and processes scripts or commands instructed in this file.

XREF You can see in Chapter 6 how this works and how you can modify the behavior of init or add your own extensions to it.
During the first step, hardware initialization, you won't find many customizable options. You'll find instructions on how to modify BIOS settings in your main board manual. If you have adapters that have their own BIOS, check these manuals in case you must or can change something. We silently ignore this part of bootup in the following sections.
The first interesting event is when LILO is invoked, which is where we start now.
5.2 Introducing LILO

LILO is the Linux Loader, a tool that is used to load the Linux operating system. More specifically, LILO is a collection of several programs and other files that we examine in the following sections.

5.2.1 The map installer

The map installer is the program you run underneath Linux to place all files that belong to LILO in the appropriate places and to record information about the location of any data needed at boot time. This program resides in /sbin/lilo. Whenever any part of the system changes, such as by the installation of a new kernel, this program has to be run again to refresh the information it holds.

5.2.2 Data files

A collection of various files that contain data LILO needs at boot time. These files reside in /boot. The most important files are the boot loader (see the following section) and the map file (/boot/map), which is where the map installer records the location of the kernel. Another important file is the configuration file, which is /etc/lilo.conf.

5.2.3 The boot loader

This is the part of LILO that is loaded by the BIOS and that loads the kernel or the boot sector of other operating systems. It also provides a simple command-line interface to interactively select the item you wish to boot and allows you to add boot options.

NOTE Much of this information is taken from Werner Almesberger's excellent LILO documentation. If you run into trouble with LILO and find that this book doesn't have an answer for you, refer to his LILO docs.
You find them in /usr/doc/packages/lilo. The README is very extensive and provides almost everything you never knew you wanted to know about LILO. It also has an excellent trouble shooting section. This section contains nothing that you can't find in Werner's LILO user's guide.
On SuSE systems, YaST (Yet Another Setup Tool) makes the LILO configuration fairly easy. Simply fill out the form "LILO INSTALLATION" and YaST will do the rest. If this works for you, and you don't want to change anything, just skip this chapter and continue in Chapter 6 . But if you are interested in using LILO for passing parameters or booting into different configurations, you'll want to read on in this chapter.
5.3 Installing LILO

If you can think of LILO as the god Janus, it will help you remember that it has two distinct "faces." One "face" is visible when you boot your system, the other when you install it on your system. Before we talk about the actual boot loader (see next section) we provide a closer look at installing LILO.
The map installer /sbin/lilo reads its configuration file /etc/lilo.conf and modifies either the master boot record or the boot record of the root partition, depending on the settings recorded in the configuration file. YaST generates a decent configuration file that works for most systems. It has one global section and at least one image section.
If you have more than one image section, you can decide at boot time which one to use. Image sections can point to different kernels, provide different parameters for the boot up, or describe different operation systems. By default, the first image listed will be booted if you do not specify otherwise at boot time. The global section sets parameters that are valid for all image sections.

5.3.1 YaST configures LILO

Because most SuSE users use YaST to set up LILO (which is a good way to do it), we take a closer look at what YaST does with LILO before we discuss possible ways to optimize it. YaST puts the following entries in the global section of /etc/lilo.conf.


Sets the name of the device (for example, a hard disk partition) that contains the boot sector. If boot is omitted, the boot sector is read from (and possibly written to) the device that is currently mounted as root.
You'll find a file such as /dev/sda (the device for the first hard disk) here, if you have selected "Master boot record," or /dev/sda2 (the device for a single partition) if you selected "Boot record of the root partition" in YaST.


This is commented out by default. It tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a single read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps the map smaller. It may conflict with linear and doesn't work on all systems. It is worth trying, but have a boot floppy ready in case your system doesn't come up.


Sets a timeout (in tenths of a second) for keyboard input. If no key is pressed during the specified time, the first image is automatically booted. Similarly, password input is aborted if the user is idle for too long. The default timeout is infinite. YaST allows you to set the timeout in seconds, so expect to see values ten times larger than specified in YaST in this line.


Specifies that the root file system should be mounted read-only. Don't change this setting! The SuSE boot scripts check the root file system and remount it as read-write. It's mandatory that LILO instructs the kernel to mount the read file system first in read-only mode.


Specifies the VGA text mode that should be selected when booting. The following values are recognized:

* normal: Select normal 80x25 text mode.
* extended: Select 80x50 text mode.
* ask: Stop and ask for user input (at boot time).
* number: Use the corresponding text mode. A list of available modes can be obtained by booting with vga=ask and pressing Enter.

Generates linear sector addresses instead of 3D (sector/head/cylinder) addresses. Linear addresses are translated at run time and do not depend on disk geometry. Note that boot disks may not be portable if linear is used, because the BIOS service to determine the disk geometry does not work reliably for floppy disks. When you're using linear with large disks, /sbin/lilo may generate references to inaccessible disk areas, because 3D sector addresses are not known before boot time. The linear switch may conflict with compact and is known to be problematic on many systems. In YaST, you can switch this flag on or off.
Like compact, it may be worth trying, because it may also speed up the boot process. Again, be prepared to boot from a floppy disk. On the other hand, it's also required by some older BIOS versions. So if your system doesn't boot without the linear option, try to set it.


Appends the options specified in string to the parameter line passed to the kernel. This is typically used to specify parameters of hardware that can't be entirely auto-detected. You can specify the append string in YaST. This option has lost some importance with the introduction of the modular kernel. It is very useful to pass IRQs or addresses of i/o ports to specific drivers, but because most drivers are loaded as modules now, you may choose to enter those parameters in /etc/conf.modules.
The per image section generated by YaST is rather simple. YaST allows you to select among three different image types: Linux, DOS, and OS/2. To boot Linux, it generates an entry like this:

# Linux bootable partition config begins 
image = /boot/vmlinuz 
root = /dev/hda2 
label = Linux 
# Linux bootable partition config ends 

This entry points to the kernel image to boot. Please note that due to limitations of PC BIOSes, the kernel has to be on the first or second hard drive and has to be located below the 1024 cylinders margin. The reason for this is that the boot loader loads the kernel image into RAM using BIOS calls. The BIOS can usually access only the first two hard drives (most SCSI adapters have their own BIOS and this restriction may not apply to them) and it can address only 1024 cylinders. This is why SuSE creates a partition /boot where the kernel and the LILO data files are placed. This partition must be located below 1024 cylinders.


Specifies the device that should be mounted as root. If the unique name current is used, the root device is set to the device on which the root file system is currently mounted. If the variable root is omitted, the root device setting contained in the kernel image is used. It can be changed with the rdev program. Again, YaST uses your selection for this directive.


By default, LILO uses the main filename (without its path) of each image specification to identify that image. YaST prompts for a name and uses your entry as a label.
The image sections for DOS and OS/2 look like this:

# DOS bootable partition config begins 
other = /dev/hda1 
label = Win95 
table = /dev/hda 
# DOS bootable partition config ends 
# OS/2 bootable partition config begins 
other = /dev/hdb1 
label = OS2 
loader = /boot/os2_d.b 
table = /dev/hdb 
# OS/2 bootable partition config ends 
Some key words follow.

Specifies the image of a foreign OS. Normally, this is the boot partition of the operating system but can also be a file.


Specifies the chain loader that should be used. If it is omitted, /boot/chain.b is used. YaST makes the entry seen in the OS/2 section only for OS/2 systems on the second hard drive. Os2_d.b is a special loader for loading OS/2 from the second hard drive. The default loader chain.b works fine for DOS, Windows, NT, and other systems.


Specifies the device that contains the partition table. If this variable is omitted, LILO does not pass partition information to the booted operating system. (Some operating systems have other means to determine which partition they have been booted in; for example, MS-DOS usually stores the geometry of the boot disk or partition in its boot sector.) Note that /sbin/lilo must be rerun if a reference to a partition table mapping with table is modified.
After YaST writes /etc/lilo.conf, it runs /sbin.lilo and presents the user the output of the map installer:

Added linux *  
Added Win95 
Added OS2 
The asterisk indicates the default image. If the LILO output looks like this, everything went fine. If there was an error, LILO will tell you what went wrong. In most cases, everything goes smoothly.
NOTE If you are unlucky enough to run into problems with LILO, consult Werner Almesberger's documentation, which is mentioned earlier in this chapter. Werner has done a great job describing what can happen during these rare incidences, and offers thorough trouble shooting techniques. We limit our focus to possible system options rather than error resolution.
5.3.2 Going further with additional options

For most people, YaST's default settings are sufficient. It's a handy, reliable way to boot Linux in other OSes from the hard drive of the system. For those of you who want additional features, read on.
One convenient feature is the ability to display a message at boot time. It can be as simple as a greeting, or it can be quite functional, such as a list of available boot options. To do this, generate a file containing the message (max size 64K) and add a pointer to this file in the global section of /etc/lilo.conf:

message = /boot/my_message 
NOTE Don't forget to rerun the map installer after you add or change the message or move the file.
TIP Another useful trick is to move some of the global options into the image-specific sections. For example, if you want to check out how certain things work if memory is low, you can add an image section like this to boot into a system that uses only 12MB of RAM:
# Low memory Linux 
image = /boot/vmlinuz 
append = "mem=12M" 
root = /dev/hda2 
label = LowMem 
You can have LILO record any options you create or decide not to use. LILO can be instructed to make them the default settings whenever you boot your system. Just put the lock parameter in the image section, and LILO will keep your options until you choose to override them at the boot prompt, or when you rerun the map installer.
 Boot passwords

LILO supports a password request prompt before it boots the system. This precaution is necessary because many simple schemes exist that will allow root access to anyone who can boot your system and knows the LILO prompt.

TIP To activate the password request, add the following line either to the image sections or to the global section. Putting it in the global section will protect all images, whereas placing it in an image section protects only that image. This way, you can have different passwords for different operating systems. Thus, you can allow everyone to boot into Windows, but require a password for users to boot into Linux.
# Password protection for system boot 
To lower the level of protection, you can add the keyword restricted to your configuration. This means that only a password is needed when arguments are passed to the kernel. The restricted keyword works only in conjunction with password.
Many other options are available for any particular situation you may find yourself in. Again, refer to Werner Almesberger's documentation for more on LILO.
5.4 Lilo loads Linux

Now that you have seen the configuration options, you can see LILO in action. As explained earlier, the boot loader part of LILO allows you to make certain selections and to pass parameters at boot time. So we now assume that you have installed LILO on your system and have rebooted.
After the hardware performs its init, you'll see the LILO prompt and, if you installed a message file, a greeting like this:


Please select the OS you want to boot:
Linux -> SuSE Linux 6.0 LowMem -> SuSE Linux 6.0 with only 12MB RAM avail. Win95 -> MS Windows'95 OS2 -> OS/2
or press [Enter] to boot Linux. If you do nothing, Linux will boot after a 10 second delay.
--------------------------------------------------------------- boot:
The system will pause at this point until you select an option, press Enter, or the timeout period is over. In the two latter cases, the default image will be loaded without additional parameters.
To select an image other than the default one, type the name of the image at the prompt and press Enter:
boot: LowMem 
This will boot the image with the 12MB restriction. You can press the Tab key to get a list of all possible options.
If you choose to boot a Linux image, you also can pass parameters to the kernel and to init. That is, if you use a standard setup but you want to limit the available memory, you can tell the kernel to use 12MB only at the LILO boot:-prompt:
boot: Linux mem=12M 
The parameter line is passed to the Linux kernel. The kernel reads all parameters it understands, removes them from the parameter line, and passes the remaining entries to init. This allows it to pass parameters to both the kernel and init on one line. This is the default option. However (and here is one of the schemes mentioned earlier), you can also specify the init binary to be started after the kernel has finished its initialization. The following parameters on the boot prompt will result in an open root shell right after the system boots. No password, request, nothing:
boot: Linux init=/bin/bash rw 
The kernel is told to start /bin/bash rather than init, and to mount the root partition read-write. It's commonly held that breaking into a Linux system is simple if you have a boot floppy with a small rescue system on it. But as you see, it's even easier than that: no floppy needed, just some parameters at the LILO prompt.
CAUTION Before you try doing this on your system, beware of the fact that it's easy to create a mountain of problems. There is no file system check, no controlled unmounting before reboot, and so on. You are on your own if you start your system this way.
XREF More about security can be found in Chapter 23 .
In general, passing parameters is a nice feature. You can not only use it to give information to the kernel, but also, as the kernel passes parameters on to init, you can boot into certain runlevels right from the boot prompt. Here's a common problem that will illustrate how you can use the LILO/init feature. Say that you selected a graphical login, but for some reason, the X server configuration is corrupted.
When you select the graphical login screen in YaST, the system boots into runlevel three, which is the default. If your X server starts up okay, great. If not, things can get messy. X will simply start and die, start and die, and start and die repeatedly, offering you no way to login and fix the problem or even allowing you to switch to runlevel two, where X will not be started by default.
TIP What to do? You can press Ctrl+Alt+Del to reboot the system, which is almost all you can do in this situation, but as you'll see, it's often enough to fix the problem. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and you'll return to the LILO prompt. Now, rather than simply boot the system, you should specify the runlevel you want to boot into on the command line:
boot: Linux 2 
Because the kernel is unaware of the parameter 2, it passes it on to init, and init reacts by not going to the default runlevel (three in this case), but by booting into runlevel two. Now you get your console login and can begin to work on the problem with the X server.
This should be sufficient information about LILO and this stage of the boot process. The boot loader loads the kernel image into RAM and starts it. At this point (drum roll, please) Linux is now in charge of your system!
5.5 Linux: The kernel takes the stage

After the boot loader starts the kernel, it powers itself up, analyzes the hardware, and initializes drivers and internal data structures. The kernel prints lots of messages on the screen while starting up. You may want to examine these closely, in case you have some hardware that isn't functioning properly.

TIP Because the messages scroll quickly up the screen, it's good to know that you can halt the output by pressing Ctrl+S. Ctrl+Q switches back to normal mode.
You can page back and forth with the key combinations Shift+PageUp and Shift+PageDown.
Most of the boot messages are always held (well, until the system gets booted again) in the file /var/log/boot.msg.
That's it -- there's not very much to say about the kernel start up, but the really interesting part is coming, which is when the kernel starts init. Before init gets started, the root file system is mounted in read-only mode. These are the last two steps the kernel performs before switching into user mode and letting init take control. Read on in Chapter 6 .
  The Linux loader LILO presents a prompt at boot time that allows you to select which image you prefer to boot. With Linux, it loads the kernel and executes it. SuSE automatically configures LILO in a way that works on most systems. However, LILO has many more options than the few that are used by SuSE. LILO also offers the option to pass parameters to the kernel and the init process, which can be used to work around temporary problems, or to temporarily build special environments.
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Copyright (c) 1999 by Terrehon Bowden and Bodo Bauer
To contact the author please sent mail to