Date/Time of Size File Arrival Filename Description ------- ------------ ------------ ----------- 2614 981219 01:57 00index.txt This file you are reading. ----- removed ----- ZorkCitDR0.51.tar.gz Citadel BBS rewritten as a Perl script by Nick Moffitt of Source code (script) under the GNU GPL. From: -directory- axene Axene Office is a formerly proprietary office suite for Linux (word processor, desktop publishing program, spreadsheet, help and support files), quietly re-released under the GNU GPL. Web pages for the product: From: 5831574 2001-06-15 11:46 bcast-2000c-src-2001-01-22.tar.gz Broadcast 2000, 2001-01-22 version, audio/video editing software by Heroine Virtual, Ltd., which ceased development out of fear of litigation (presumably by motion picture industry business interests). The firm's replacement was Cinelerra. C source code under the GNU GPL. From: heroines/ (no longer avail. there) 5105649 2004-09-19 16:45 corelwine-cvs.tar.gz CorelWine forked version of the WINE codebase used for Corel Office 2000, as updated for a while by Michael Torrie after he checked it out of the Corel CVS server. C source code under the BSD licence. There is no upstream copy elsewhere on the Net, as I've gotten this one directly from Michael Torrie after he took down his site. WARNING: This codebase as it stands is definitely incompatible with glibc versions after 2.3.1, and probably won't compile without modification on anything newer than Red Hat 7.3. This copy is for the convenience of anyone wanting to resume Torrie's updating work. 151238 Aug 1 01:52 corel-wp8-knowledgebase.tar.gz Archive of Corel WordPerfect 8 knowledgebase, FAQs, and other docs. 10400630 2002-05-24 01:01 gobe_linux_x86_install.tar.gz GobeProductive office suite, pre-alpha (and final) release for Linux. Proprietary x86 binaries. (There was also a PPC release.) From: 850532 May 23 2000 netshow_linux.gz Microsoft NetShow Revision 2.00, Build 251 beta (aka Media Player), the first application for Linux from Microsoft, released in Oct. 1998. Works with AVIs and with MPEG-4 version 1 ASF streams (not later ASF versions). This is a stripped, statically linked x86 ELF binary. Proprietary. No licence terms stated. 4028 Jan 13 2002 netshow_linux.html.gz Microsoft's instructions for its Linux version of NetShow. 344681 Oct 21 15:45 nexidion-designer-0.9.tar.gz Nexidion Designer is an IDE and fully interactive debugger for PHP, targeted at dynamic Web sites. C++ source code under the GNU GPL, by Ives Development, Inc. (John Lim). From: http://www. designer-0.9.tar.gz (since the source Web site,, is now gone). 8772 Dec 12 2003 perlhoo-linuxmafia-1.21.tar.gz Jonathan Eisenzopf's PerlHoo 1.1 CGI scripts to run/maintain a Yahoo-like Web tree, updated by Rick Moen for to have any desired URL tree (using Apache mod_rewrite) and to update the old and buggy HTML. Both CGI scripts now produce valid HTML 4.01 Transitional. Original version from: tutorial/ 1724 2004-06-14 13:57 pine Accurate simulation of pine keybindings using an executable mutt config file. Will disappoint devoted pine users who hoped to also get the characteristic pine menu screens, NNTP newsgroup access, and "pilot" file-picker, but, along with the nano text editor, gives pine devotees 2/3 of what they're used to, using open source instead of proprietary UofW code. Just make this script executable (and have the mutt MUA installed). 20702 Oct 23 00:32 pmc-0.9-pre1.tar.gz Perl Mail Client is a simple Perl/ GTK+-based MUA, by Jens Luedicke. Supports mbox, PGP, uses local MTA. Requires Gtk-Perl, Perl's libnet. Late beta, discontinued. Perl source code (script) under the GNU GPL. From: -directory- postoffice Post Office is an X11 (FLTK-based) MUA by Pim van Riezen. Supports POP3, IMAP4, NNTP. Small, fast. Uses GDBM database. Discontinued. C++ source code under the GNU LGPL. ----- removed ----- twiki-2002-12-01.tar.gz TWiki Web-community software, by Peter Thoeny. Requires an httpd. Source code under the GNU GPL. From: 10395 Jul 9 16:02 wp8filtrixfix.tar.gz Valentijn Sessink's wrapper to fix Corel WordPerfect for Linux's "Filtrix" MS-Word import/export module. From: wp8fix/ . 23711308 Oct 19 2001 xwp8-linux.tar.gz Corel WordPerfect 8.0 Personal-Use (aka Download) Edition for Linux. Free of charge for personal, noncommercial-only usage. Proprietary x86 binary. Installation requires root-account privilege. After 90 days, requires registration key, which you can get free of charge from or use "LW8XW-A9RnlAU9fl"or"LW8XW-bA8L9bjZf9". See licence-terms file, also in this directory. See WP for Linux FAQ at . 8674274 Aug 2 21:20 xwp8-linux-ce.tar.gz WP8 Canadian English language files. 11875232 Aug 2 21:20 xwp8-linux-cf.tar.gz WP8 Canadian French language files. 8628195 Aug 2 21:20 xwp8-linux-de.tar.gz WP8 German language files. 8422918 Aug 2 21:20 xwp8-linux-es.tar.gz WP8 Spanish language files. 8490513 Aug 2 21:21 xwp8-linux-fr.tar.gz WP8 French language files. 8567153 Aug 2 21:21 xwp8-linux-it.tar.gz WP8 Italian language files. 8533927 Aug 2 21:21 xwp8-linux-nl.tar.gz WP8 Dutch language files. 15938610 Aug 2 21:22 xwp8-linux-oz.tar.gz WP8 Australian English language files. 12376633 Aug 2 21:22 xwp8-linux-uk.tar.gz WP8 UK English language files. Removed -- too much bandwidth wasted on them: 4811264 Dec 17 1998 wingz-3.1.1.tar.gz WingZ spreadsheet. Unpack to (say) /opt, creating /opt/Wingz3/, then create following shell script: "export WINGZ3=/opt/Wingz3 /opt/Wingz3/bin/Wingz &" Proprietary x86 binary. Said by the copyright owner, Investment Intelligence Systems Group, Limited, to be free of charge for non-commercial use ( linux.html), but the package omits any mention of licence terms. Activation requires telephoning IISG, Ltd. of Kansas, USA, to get a serial number and key: 800-494-9464, 913-664-4476, . 6011889 Dec 17 1998 wingzpro-3.1.1.tar.gz WingZ Professional spreadsheet. As above, except binary name is "WingzPro". Proprietary x86 binary. Said by the copyright owner, Investment Intelligence Systems Group, Limited, to be free of charge for non-commercial use (http://www.wingz. com/wingz/news/linux.html), but the package omits any mention of licence terms. Activation requires telephoning IISG, Ltd. of Kansas, USA, to get a serial number and key: 800-494-9464, 913-664-4476, . 114339 2002-08-05 08:12 wpfonts.tar.gz Rod Smith's Web pages on WordPerfect for Linux font handling, also available at . Corel Office 2000 / WordPerfect 9 Info -------------------------------------- Updates are required to run Corel Office 2000 on x86 Linux versions with glibc versions through 2.3.1. (With later glibc, Corel Office 2000 will break: CorelWine must be updated from source code.) Taken from: and 3166160 2001-10-05 08:33 corelwine-cvs-20010613-1.i386.rpm 1303249 2001-11-17 18:21 fonttastic-glibc-2.1-7x-1mt.i386.rpm 5627136 2001-11-15 10:14 libaps-1.0-1568.0.i386.rpm [others] These are in subdirectory "mtorrie", here, with Michael Torrie's readme for them. 40960 2004-10-03 12:30 install.tar Taken from: 3136037 2004-10-05 13:57 hrdisk/corelwine-cvs_0.1-2_i386.deb 5292 2003-08-15 01:17 hrdisk/corelwine.html This is Andreas von Heydwolff's conversion of Michael Torrie's binary package to .deb format, and accompanying docs. Taken from: 1177 2002-01-25 15:45 corel-wp9.txt Notes from someone named "Derek" on converting Torrie's RPMs to run on Debian, and on modifying the launcher script. Received from Michael Torrie directly: 5105649 2004-09-19 16:45 corelwine-cvs.tar.gz This is the Corelwine source tarball with Michael Torrie's fixes, but which needs further fixing if it is to ever become compatible with glibc versions 2.3.2 and later.