************************************************************** * * * R E A D I N G F O R P L E A S U R E * * * * Issue #19 * * October/November 1991 * * * * * * Editor: Cindy Bartorillo * * * * Reviews by: Cindy & Drew Bartorillo, Howard Frye, * * Carl Ingram, Darryl Kenning, Janet Peters, Robert * * Pittman, Peter Quint, Carol Sheffert, Annie Wilkes, * * Robert Willis * * * ************************************************************** CONTACT US AT: Reading For Pleasure, 103 Baughman's Lane, Suite 303, Frederick, MD 21702; or on CompuServe leave a message to 74766,1206; or on GEnie leave mail to C.BARTORILLO; or call our BBS, the BAUDLINE II at 301-694-7108, 1200-9600 HST. NOTICE: Reading For Pleasure is not copyrighted. You may copy freely, but please give us credit if you extract portions to use somewhere else. This electronic edition is free, but print editions cost $2 each for printing and postage. ************************** DISTRIBUTION DIRECTORY Here are a few bulletin boards where you should be able to pick up the latest issue of READING FOR PLEASURE. See masthead for where to send additions and corrections to this list. Academia Pomono, NJ Ken Tompkins 609-652-4914 Accolade! 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NOTE: Back issues on CompuServe may have been moved to a different library. ************************** TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 1991 Readercon Small Press Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Mainstream Fiction Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Murder By The Book (Mystery Fiction Reviews) . . . . . . . . 581 Loosen Your Grip On Reality (SF&F Reviews) . . . . . . . . . 1360 Frightful Fiction (Horror Reviews) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2322 Nonfiction Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3259 Computer Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4253 ************************** EDITORIAL Here's our third annual Halloween Issue, and it sure is a big one, isn't it? A lot of great books have arrived here at RFP central, and our roving readers have dug up a few more, so there are lots and lots of titles for you to pick from. Hope you find some worthwhile suggestions. Don't hesitate to write to us, either electronically (on CompuServe, GEnie, or our home BBS, The Baudline II) or by regular post (Reading For Pleasure, 103 Baughman's Lane, Suite 303, Frederick, MD 21702). We really appreciate hearing from you, whether it's with suggestions, questions, or material suitable for including in RFP. If you do submit material for inclusion (a book list, a review, etc.), please state specifically that it is OK to print your material in a future edition of RFP. We don't use contracts, but we'd still like to be on safe legal ground. Our second favorite thing to get in the mail (after books) is news. We love to hear about new books that are being written or about to be published. Nobody here at RFP has an inside track in the book industry; we have to pick up our news in the back alleys like everyone else. So if you've got a book coming out, please drop us a note so we can pass the word along. Be sure to let us know what it is, when it'll show up, and where we can get it. (There is nothing in the world worse than a great-sounding book that you can't get your hands on.) Have a safe and spooky Halloween, and we'll see you again in RFP's Holidays Issue, being released December 1, 1991. ************************** 1991 READERCON SMALL PRESS AWARDS Novel: RED SPIDER, WHITE WEB by Misha (Morrigan) Magazine (Fiction): JOURNAL WIRED edited by Mark Ziesing & Andy Watson Magazine (Nonfiction): NEW YORK REVIEW OF SCIENCE FICTION edited by David Hartwell et al. Magazine Design: JOURNAL WIRED designed by Andy Watson Collection: THE BRAINS OF RATS by Michael Blumlein (Scream/Press) Anthology: WHEN THE BLACK LOTUS BLOOMS edited by Elizabeth Saunders (Unnameable Press) Value in Bookcraft: SLOW DANCING THROUGH TIME edited by Gardner Dozois (Ursus/Ziesing) Short Work: ENTROPY'S BED AT MIDNIGHT by Dan Simmons (Lord John Press) Reprint: THE ATROCITY EXHIBITION by J.G. Ballard (Re/Search) Nonfiction: ACROSS THE WOUNDED GALAXIES by Larry McCaffrey (Univ. of Illinois Press) Jacket Illustration: H.R. GIGER'S BIOMECHANICS by H.R. Giger (Morpheus Int.) Interior Illustrations: H.R. GIGER'S BIOMECHANICS by H.R. Giger (Morpheus Int.) ************************** MAINSTREAM FICTION REVIEWS BOY'S LIFE by Robert R. McCammon (Pocket Books, August 1991, $21.95, ISBN 0-671-74226-4) review by Cindy Bartorillo "No one," Mrs. Neville whispered, "ever grows up...They may look grown-up...but it's a disguise. It's just the clay of time. Men and women are still children deep in their hearts. They still would like to jump and play, but that heavy clay won't let them. They'd like to shake off every chain the world's put on them, take off their watches and neckties and Sunday shoes and return naked to the swimming hole, if just for one day. They'd like to feel free, and know that there's a momma and daddy at home who'll take care of things and love them no matter what. Even behind the face of the meanest man in the world is a scared little boy trying to wedge himself into a corner where he can't be hurt." If you'd like to recapture the magic of childhood, you couldn't do any better than Robert McCammon's latest novel, BOY'S LIFE. (Also check out SUMMER OF NIGHT by Dan Simmons, reviewed in this issue's Frightful Fiction section.) Up till now, McCammon's stories have been solidly within the Horror genre, but BOY'S LIFE refuses to be constrained by any category and wanders the entire depth and breadth of the life of one 12-year-old boy in 1964 Alabama. Interestingly, McCammon has used his familiar palette to paint this original and distinctive picture: within BOY'S LIFE you will find murder, monsters, voodoo, and zombies. And yet all of this fits easily in the world of childhood--there are no discordant notes. Cory Mackenson is accompanying his father as he delivers milk to the inhabitants of Zephyr, Alabama, when a car jumps across the road in front of them and falls into the bottomless hole that is Saxon's Lake. Cory's father swims to save the driver of the car, only to find that the driver is already dead and is naked, hideously beaten, has a piano cord around his neck, and is handcuffed to the steering wheel. When the local sheriff can find no one missing, nor anyone who knows somebody with a tattoo like the dead man had, the case is dropped. But it is not forgotten by Cory, who has the only clue to the murderer: a green feather. Nor is it forgotten by Cory's father, who is being consumed by bad dreams. As he tells Cory: "When I was your age, I wanted to believe I lived in a magic town...where nothin' bad could ever happen. I wanted to believe everyone was kind, and good, and just. I wanted to believe hard work was rewarded, and a man stood on his word. I wanted to believe a man was a Christian every day of the week, not just Sunday, and that the law was fair and the politicians wise and if you walked the straight path you found that peace you were searchin' for...There never was such a place," my father said. "There never will be." During the year covered by BOY'S LIFE there will be comedy and tragedy, wonderment and pain, all the colors that life comes in. There are at least half a dozen characters that are simply unforgettable. The best description of BOY'S LIFE is given by one of the characters within it: Vernon, a rich man's son and failed writer describes his one completed novel: "It was the flow and the voices, the little day-to-day things that make up the memory of living. It meandered like the river, and you never knew where you were going until you got there, but the journey was sweet and deep and left you wishing for more." Robert McCammon is a master storyteller and BOY'S LIFE is his finest novel to date. The opportunity to spend 1964 with Cory Mackenson, his parents, his friends, and the other inhabitants of Zephyr, Alabama, is not to be missed. Highly recommended. NOTE: A recent article in Publishers Weekly states that Robert McCammon is currently either writing or outlining his next TEN books. His last novel, MINE, recently won the Bram Stoker Award for Novel from the Horror Writers of America. Reviewed in RFP #14, MINE is a terrific suspense thriller about two women who were politically active in the sixties. One became a yuppie, the other's unbalanced mind leads her to kidnap the yuppie's newborn baby. Fast paced and exciting. ************************** THE FIRM by John Grisham (Doubleday, 1991) review by Robert Pittman This is a gripping story of suspense and intrigue written by a practicing lawyer, John Grisham who is a criminal defense attorney in Mississippi. He also has political experience having served two terms in the Mississippi House of Representatives. His professional background is evident in the quality and style of his writing and lends authenticity to a tale that demands reader attention and guarantees reward. The "Firm" is Bendine, Lambert & Locke, a small, very rich, very private tax law firm located in Memphis, Tennessee. It infrequently recruits new lawyers to its staff, but when it does, it goes for the best. The principal character in the story is Mitchell McDeere who has been a hard working, dedicated student at Harvard Law School and is about to graduate third in his class and take a job with a large, prestigious law firm in Wall Street. Bendine, Lambert & Locke aggressively recruit Mitch, and on his interview visit to Memphis, he is immediately taken with the operation of the group and the qualities of the partners and associates. The firm demands total commitment and long working hours, but young lawyers are paid well (including a new BMW as a starting bonus) and the pathway to partnership is short for those who produce. Mitch's wife Abby, who has been a loyal supporter throughout his years in law school, joins in the decision to accept the Memphis job. She has an uneasy feeling about the generosity of the employment offer and the implied excessive demands on Mitch's future time, but both feel that they can cope with most anything for a year or so as Mitch earns his place among the associates. His first few months at the firm are uneventful except for the quick discovery that security at the firm is unusually strict. There is a large, round the clock security staff of rough, tough characters who function in a dictatorial and militaristic manner. He also learns that certain physical areas of the office are closed to most of the staff for security reasons. His concerns about this are sublimated to his desire to excel and his struggle to cope with the demands of work which increase and become more complex daily. Sixteen hour days and twelve hour weekends are rapidly becoming his normal schedule. The story accelerates and the intrigue is heightened on a day during his lunch break when Mitch is approached by a man who identifies himself as an FBI agent. As they walk along the street together, the agent tells him that his law firm is not legitimate. It is a front for money transport and money laundering and is owned and operated by organized crime figures. Mitch is shocked and unbelieving but the agent presses his case as he explains that he leads a team that has been investigating Bendine, Lambert & Locke and that until recently, two of the senior lawyers were providing him with inside information necessary for indictments. Regrettably, both were killed in a boating "accident." The agent needs a new inside source and Mitch is the chosen one. Mitch's doubtful attitude is erased when the FBI shows him that his telephone is tapped, his house is bugged, and even his BMW carries a transmitter linked to the firm's security office. Mitch is in danger within the firm if he cooperates, and if he does not cooperate, he is party to a criminal enterprise and will eventually face felony charges. With wiser eyes, it does not take long for Mitch to verify that his firm is deep into evil doings and that the partners are murderous connivers who amass their great fortune in serving the criminal organization. His dilemma is that becoming an FBI informant puts his life and Abby's life at risk and failing to do so puts their future at risk. Mitch and Abby become a clever team in dealing with the two forces between which their present and their future is trapped. Youth and inexperience often take them to the brink of disaster, but they are fast learners, resourceful, and creative as they do battle with the firm, satisfy the demands of the FBI and plot for themselves a secure and safe future. THE FIRM is good reading! An adventure with innovative and surprising twists and turns all leading to a comfortable, satisfying ending. ************************** GENUINE LIES by Nora Roberts (Bantam Fanfare, September 1991, $4.99, ISBN 0-553-29078-9) review by Janet Peters Author Nora Roberts, the winner of numerous romance writing awards and first inductee into the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame, displays her narrative talents once again in GENUINE LIES. It's part contemporary romance, part Hollywood saga, part mystery. Eve Benedict is an aging superstar of the silver screen who has been a major Hollywood player for almost 50 years. Her marriages, feuds, and affairs have been the highlight of many gossip columns. But now Eve's decided to reveal all her secrets, push the lies aside and tell the whole truth to Julia Summers, the writer whom Eve has chosen to produce her biography. Julia is a single mother who has poured her heart into motherhood and her career for too many years and has built a tidy and safe world for herself and her son Brandon. Eve's stepson Paul threatens Julia's tidy world--he is instantly attracted to Julia, but is desperately against the projected biography. There are other people who are against the publication of Eve's biography, people who have secrets they don't want revealed: friends, ex-husbands, ex-lovers, current lovers. GENUINE LIES is all about secrets--sometimes they serve a purpose, sometimes they are a destructive force. Will Eve tell Julia everything? Will Julia print everything? Or will some nervous element from Eve's past prevent the biography from ever reaching a publisher? GENUINE LIES is an exciting and satisfying story--also great fun. ************************** THUNDER OF EREBUS by Payne Harrison (Crown Publishers, 1991) review by Robert Pittman Mount Erebus, we learn from this book, is a volcanic mountain located on Ross Island in the Antarctica. It is close to an exploratory drilling site at a U.S. base on the Ross Island ice shelf where scientific teams from Russia and the U.S. are engaged in a joint venture. In carrying out their mission, they share equally in the scientific effort and the scientific discovery. While many projects are under way as part of this joint venture, the principal undertaking involves drilling through the ice shelf into the lava beds below and beyond that into the geological history of the Antarctica land mass. The story takes place a few years in the future. Gorbachev has been displaced as the leader of Russia but some of his initiatives have survived. The Russian society is more open and there is more interface with the international community. Military power, however, has enjoyed a resurgence and has again become the dominant force in government. Relations between the two superpowers are cordial, but each is very cautious about guarding its ability to protect its own interests. As the summer season in the Antarctica draws to a close, the scientific team packs up and begins its annual departure, leaving behind a small guardian force to sustain the base during the long, inhospitable winter. A final core sample is taken from the drilling site, divided between the Russians and the Americans and off it goes for study and analysis at home. That action triggers a conflict between Russia and the U.S. which is told with a spellbinding technique and breathtaking suspense that almost precludes putting down the book until it is finished. When the core sample is examined, it is found to be composed of the carnallite mineral which contains a large amount of the rubidium-96 isotope. This isotope, which is rare, has been successfully used by the U.S. in an experimental strategic missile defense system based on graser energy. Full application of the graser could yield a capability that equals the power of atomic weapons without the problem of fall-out and radio-active contaminants. To the Americans, it would be the ultimate conventional weapon for controlling and defending the Persian Gulf area so critical to a world in which oil supplies are so precious. A successful, ongoing espionage program made the Russians aware of the graser experiments and they also understand the American need for additional supplies of rubidium-96. The Russians want access to the Persian Gulf oil as sources in Russia too are falling short of demand and they have no counter to the development of graser weaponry as there is no source of the rubidium-96 isotope in Russian territory. Thus the stage is set for a reluctant but desperate conflict between the two superpowers. The Russian leaders conclude that America will not share access to the source of rubidium-96 with them, and that they must have the isotope in order to maintain their relative position in the international community. Their choice then, is to forcibly take over the Antarctica base and defend it from an American counterattack for the ten to twelve weeks which they will need to mine the source and take home enough mineral to provide them a supply of rubidium-96. From that point on the reader is locked into an awesome battle which the author stages in a series of "short clips" that transpose the reader directly into the action and into the elements creating the action. We become part of each side in the conflict and feel that we have a presence with each battle group - from submarines to air crews to the high-tech troops operating on the ground. It is an exciting way to tell the story and leaves the reader with a vivid impression of having been directly involved. The conflict does not end quickly. It is a true tug of war demonstrating that both the Russians and the Americans have competent military leaders and a surprising array of tools to support their campaigns. They are also subject to mistakes, to faulty information, and at times are profoundly affected by the forces of nature. It is a costly conflict for both nations. The price in lives, in resources and in individual ambitions is great. While the entire world suffers some penalty from this war, positive lessons do emerge if humanity is alert enough to find them. The final signature to this story is written by Mother Nature as Mount Erebus adds a small hiccup to the grand designs of humankind. ************************** GLITTERBUG by Tony Kenrick (Carroll & Graf, October 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-88184-748-8) review by Cindy Bartorillo Carroll & Graf demonstrate once again why they are one of my favorite publishers--studying their catalog always gets me books that are not only great, but that I would never have known about otherwise. (Write to Carroll & Graf, 260 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10001 and see if they'll send you a catalog too.) GLITTERBUG is one more terrific novel that I have C&G to thank for, and I bet you'll like it too. (Apparently various Hollywood types liked it, because it's been bought by Tri-Star Pictures to be made into a Bruce Willis movie.) In the opening pages of GLITTERBUG, Jerry Parrish wakes up in a hospital with total amnesia. He doesn't remember who he is or how he got there. Jerry learns from the doctor that he was in a serious automobile accident and required brain surgery. He also finds out that he was a skip tracer, someone who finds people who have run away from their debts or other responsibilities. And he was very, very good at it--he frequently had these unexplainable hunches that almost always worked out. At least this is what people are telling Jerry; he has no memory of his job at all. After his body heals, Jerry returns to his job and discovers that he is, indeed, very good at finding people. But there are more ominous notes in his brand new world: Why does a stranger on the street call him Jack? How did a skip tracer get so competent in hand-to-hand combat? Why does he prefer chicken when his girlfriend says he prefers beef? As his reality becomes fluid, Jerry is in for some shocks and the reader is in for a very exciting trip. There's not much more I can say about the plot without giving away some of the many, many surprises. GLITTERBUG is one of those thrilling stories that proceed at breakneck pace and keep you up all night trying to finish it in one sitting. If you like thrills and surprises, you really shouldn't miss GLITTERBUG. ************************** CALLING HOME by Michael Cadnum (Viking, 1991, $14.95, ISBN 0-670-83566-8) review by Janet Peters "Impersonating the dead is easy"--so begins this young adult novel by the author of such disturbing books as NIGHTLIGHT, SLEEPWALKER, and SAINT PETER'S WOLF (reviewed, respectively, in RFP #12, #16, #18). The dead referred to is Mead, and the impersonator is his best friend Peter. Everyone believes that Mead has simply disappeared, run away for reasons of his own. Only Peter knows that Mead is dead, and that Peter himself is responsible. Mead's parents are distraught, Peter is truly worried about the father's poor health, so to relieve their anxiety, Peter calls them pretending to be Mead, just to tell them not to worry. Peter is certain that telling the truth would just make things worse. But now Peter learns what it's like to live with an adult burden. Cadnum catches the feel of adolescence wonderfully, and his moving portrayal of Peter's anguish makes CALLING HOME another disturbing tale by a great new(ish) talent. ************************** DREAM BABY by Bruce McAllister (Tor, October 1991, $4.99, ISBN 0-812-51098-4) commentary from the publisher Mary Damico, a nurse on the front lines in Vietnam, begins to have dreams--nightmares--about the fatally wounded soldiers she's working to save, dreams that tell her about the soldiers' past, hopes and fears. Nightmares are not unusual in combat, but the day after HER nightmare, the soldier from her dream is brought into her unit. She sees the terrible wounds. She hears the screams and cries and watches him die AGAIN. The CIA in Vietnam is very interested in people like Mary. They collect stories about soldiers who always seem to know where the booby-traps are; soldiers who know where the snipers are going to fire from; nurses who know in advance who is going to die. The CIA wants to know how these powers work--and they want to use those who have them to change the course of history. ************************** THE FIRST MAN IN ROME by Colleen McCullough (Avon, August 1991, $6.95, ISBN 0-380-71081-1) review by Darryl Kenning A paperback book 1,076 pages is enough to intimidate almost anyone. Don't let that happen to you. THE FIRST MAN IN ROME is a lively, readable account of Rome during the last few decades of being a republic. A number of the names will be familiar to anyone with a basic education in western civilization, names like Sulla, Gaius Julius Caesar, Gaius Marius and the like. But don't get confused by the Caesar names since this is also a story of the relationships between the families of the men we learned about in school. "Rich tapestry" as a description of a novel has come to be a bit shopworn with overuse, and yet it is an uncannily descriptive phrase for this book. Colleen McCullough has written a number of other highly successful books so far including THE THORN BIRDS. This gargantuan novel will certainly embellish her reputation. I found the book eminently readable in spite of the length. The characters seem more human than the Roman legends usually come off in historical novels of the period. The book seems enormously well researched and the flavor of government, in all it's venality and sleaze in the day to day workings with real people comes booming through. I really enjoyed this book and think you will too. I recommend it though if your one of those folks who has a hard time putting down a book to take care of your day-to-day commitments you'd better be sure you can take a week or so off. Kenning Quotient (KQ) = 4 (0=rotten, 5=best) ************************** * THE STAND-IN, a psychological thriller by Deborah Moggach (Little, Brown) about the tangled lives and destinies of a movie star and her stand-in, has been purchased for a theatrical production. The two lead roles will both be played by Anjelica Huston. #:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:# # MURDER BY THE BOOK # #:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:# editor: Cindy Bartorillo --------------------------------------------------------------------- Murder By The Book is a division of Reading For Pleasure, published bimonthly. This material is NOT COPYRIGHTED and may be used freely by all. Catalogs, news releases, review copies, or donated reviews should be sent to: Reading For Pleasure, 103 Baughman's Lane, Suite 303, Frederick, MD 21702. --------------------------------------------------------------------- A COUNTRY OF OLD MEN The Last Dave Brandstetter Mystery by Joseph Hansen (Viking, May 1991, $17.95, ISBN 0-670-83826-8) review by Cindy Bartorillo Well, here it is--the book that so many fans never wanted to see--the last Dave Brandstetter mystery. Dave is the insurance investigator (now retired) whose adventures we've followed over the course of twelve novels and 21 years. It is also the series of books that taught many of us what it means to be a homosexual in America. As Joseph Hansen himself explains, "Dave is nearing seventy, and has been sensing his flagging energies for some time. The price a writer pays for letting a character age naturally is that, as in real life, the moment comes when they must say good-bye." In this last story, Dave is called out of retirement to solve the mystery presented by a small child with a large bruise on his face. He says he was kidnapped by a woman named Rachel. Zach had been hiding around an apartment development at night when, hearing gunshots, he ran around a corner and found this woman standing over a body holding a gun. She took him at gunpoint so he couldn't tell anyone what he had seen, but he finally managed to escape toward morning. Dave learns that the murdered man was Cricket Shales, a rock guitarist and junkie who was just released from jail. Rachel was his former girlfriend, and it was outside her apartment that Cricket died. The cast of suspects all agree that Rachel, who now can't be found, would never do such a thing. She's such a gentle person. They are all fond enough of Rachel to protect her, and they all have good motives for killing Cricket. And they're ALL telling lies. Dave Brandstetter must sort through the facts and fallacies and piece together the story of Rachel and Cricket and little Zach. Along the way the reader is treated to some of the most elegant spare prose to be found in the mystery section of the bookstore. I was very taken with a passage about Dave's reaction to a good friend with AIDS. Dave has driven over to talk to his long-time friend Ray, who has been living with another good friend who is now in the final stages of AIDS. Dave hadn't known until he sees the man carried upstairs to his bedroom. His reaction, and the ONLY words about the illness at all, are in this paragraph: "Dave turned away, went out through the open door, and stood on the porch, back turned to the hallway, waiting for Ray. He didn't see the trees, the sky, the lawn-mower jockey, the passing traffic. Something was wrong with his eyes." Joseph Hansen is still alive and writing, and is now working on a new series of novels based on his own life and times. To help you complete your collection and have all 12 Dave Brandstetter mysteries on your shelf, here's a list of them all: Fadeout Death Claims Troublemaker The Man Everybody Was Afraid Of Skinflick Gravedigger Nightwork The Little Dog Laughed Early Graves Obedience The Boy Who Was Buried This Morning A Country of Old Men ************************** DARK CRIMES Great Noir Fiction from the '40s to the '90s edited by Ed Gorman (Carroll & Graf, September 1991, $21.95, ISBN 0-88184-699-6) review by Howard Frye "Noir" fiction is aptly named, "dark" being appropriate for the tone of such stories, the perspective, and frequently the setting. Noir fiction is suffused with a bleak or cynical attitude that suits a character living in a one-room cockroach-infested apartment in a city slum, sitting up at 2:30 AM staring at what's left of a bottle of Scotch. It's also fitting that this category is known by a French word. Though noir is an American invention that was nurtured in the 1940s in the pulp magazines, and later translated into Hollywood films, the genre has always been best appreciated by the French. Noir fiction is basically a subgenre of the crime story, and Ed Gorman has, in the pages of DARK CRIMES, provided a fascinating overview of noir past and present. There are two short novels included here: my favorite is THE RED SCARF by Gil Brewer, about an average man down on his luck who winds up with a whole suitcase full of mob money. He thinks he'll be able to keep both the money and his skin. What do you think? The other novel is ANATOMY OF A KILLER by Peter Rade, about a hired gun whose careful life is coming unraveled. Some 19 short stories fill out the rest of this hefty volume, most of which are superb. I particularly like Evan Hunter's "On the Sidewalk Bleeding", the title of which refers to a young member of an urban street gang. And then there's "Souls Burning" by Bill Pronzini, packing an extraordinary amount of emotion into a very small package (notice to fans: It's a "Nameless" story). I also enjoyed Karl Edward Wagner's "But You'll Never Follow Me", with its last line that lingers. "Dust to Dust" by Marcia Muller is about the traces that events leave behind them, and is as wonderful as all of her stories are. And I also liked F. Paul Wilson's "Faces", a disturbing story about the emotionally wounded. Then there's an ingenious Amos Walker story by Loren D. Estleman, "The Crooked Way"; the grisly "Hot Eyes, Cold Eyes" by Lawrence Block"; an emotionally satisfying story by Edward Bryant called "While She Was Out"; the haunting story, "The Seventh Grave" by Vann Anson Lister; the ambiguous "A Handgun for Protection" by John Lutz; "Exit" by Andrew Vachss, an ugly short-short; a touching story by editor Ed Gorman, "Deathman"; "The Tunnel of Love", a typically ghoulish treat from Robert Bloch; William Relling's tiny slice of psychopathology, "Tony"; the gothic "By the Hair of the Head" by Joe R. Lansdale; a Ms. Tree story from Max Allan Collins called "Red Light"; the mythic "Taking the Night Train" by Thomas F. Monteleone; the comically horrible "Stoner" by William F. Nolan; Robert J. Randisi's "Night-Walker", a dark piece of comeuppance. DARK CRIMES is both an introduction/overview of noir fiction, and a gripping collection of stories by some of the finest writers of the last 50 years. Just take a look at the authors represented. What a lineup! DARK CRIMES now has a place of honor on my shelves right beside my Cornell Woolrich collection. ************************** THE PERFECT MURDER Five Great Mystery Writers Create the Perfect Crime by Jack Hitt with Lawrence Block, Sarah Caudwell, Tony Hillerman, Peter Lovesey, Donald E. Westlake (HarperCollins, 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-06-016340-2) review by Cindy Bartorillo THE PERFECT MURDER is more of a novelty than a novel. It all started with Jack Hitt who created a character called Tim. It seems that Tim was a young man with no talents and no prospects, but who managed to make himself agreeable enough to marry a lady of great wealth. Now his wife is having another affair, this time with his best friend, and Tim has had enough (of his wife, that is, not of her money). Tim wants to murder his wife and frame his best friend for the crime. Since Tim is still without noticeable talents of any kind, he writes to five of the best murder-plotters to ask for their guidance. THE PERFECT MURDER was the result. The five suggested courses for Tim to take couldn't have been more varied in particulars or in tone. Donald Westlake's clever strategies are presented with a cheerful friendliness, while Peter Lovesey's enthusiastic recommendations are theatrical and comical. Tony Hillerman reverts to classical methods with a no-nonsense efficiency, and Sarah Caudwell's proposal is nothing short of a Scottish costume drama. Finally, Lawrence Block's response is shockingly cynical, condescending, and grisly. After the replies are all in, Tim writes to the five a second time, letting each one see the others suggestions, and asking for professional criticism. The five dutifully turn on each other with varying amounts of crankiness and glee, and then the party is over. I'm not sure that any genuine breakthroughs were made in the academic subject of murder, but a good time was had by all, including the reader. THE PERFECT MURDER is great fun. ************************** BAYOU CITY SECRETS A Hollis Carpenter Mystery by Deborah Powell (Naiad Press, 1991, $8.95, ISBN 0-941483-91-6) review by Carol Sheffert The first novel by Deborah Powell and the first mystery of what is to be a series, BAYOU CITY SECRETS reminds me mostly of the stories of Raymond Chandler. The same hard-boiled detecting, the same political corruption, the same unprincipled rich people, the same general time frame, the same wry humor and hard truths. Well, there ARE a few differences. For one thing, our detective Hollis Carpenter is a journalist covering crime in 1936 Houston, not a California private eye. For another thing, Hollis is a woman. For a third thing, Hollis is a lesbian. BAYOU CITY SECRETS opens with Hollis being taken off her normal crime reporting and assigned to cover the centennial celebrations in Dallas and Houston. A naturally bristly personality not given to compromise, Hollis quits. As she puts it, "It is a physical impossibility for me to write about who designed Miss Edwina Snott's dress that she wore last Thursday night to the very chic party given by Mrs. Rear End in honor of Mr. Peg Leg who is in town visiting his fiancee Miss Jug Butt. I cannot do it." After that, strange events take over her life. The owner of the paper, the very rich Andrew Delacroix, invites Hollis to dinner to persuade her to go back to the paper and cover the centennial. Other than introducing Hollis to Andrew's fantastically beautiful wife Lily, the evening is a waste of time for everyone. Then Hollis' apartment in broken into. Then her cop friend Tony is murdered. And someone keeps following her in a green Chevrolet. After another murder or two, the police want to know why she keeps showing up around dead bodies. Brand new dead bodies. BAYOU CITY SECRETS is lots of exciting hard-boiled fun, with Hollis never far from a wisecrack or her Schnauzer named Anice. The period flavor is a delight, as in: "He played dumb about the girl until I slipped him a bill and he opened his beak and sang like a canary." One of the great things about a mid-1930s mystery written in 1991 rather than in the mid-1930s is that the reader gets exactly the details that are most interesting. Like a character who is reading a brand new book called GONE WITH THE WIND. Or prices: a phone call is 5 cents, a movie is 15 cents, you can bribe a hotel clerk with a dollar, and I don't even want to discuss the price of gas. A piece of literary and American history, with a few twists, BAYOU CITY SECRETS is a very fine mystery. And if you'd like to visit Hollis Carpenter too, be sure to bring some gingersnaps for Anice. If your local bookstore can't get BAYOU CITY SECRETS for you, send the list price plus 15% postage and handling to: The Naiad Press, PO Box 10543, Tallahassee, FL 32302. If you'd like to charge it you can order by phone: 1-800-533-1973. Be sure to ask for their catalog--Naiad Press has a lot of other good books. ************************** UNSOLVED: GREAT TRUE CRIMES OF THE 20th CENTURY by Kirk Wilson (Carroll & Graf, April 1991, $10.95, ISBN 0-88184-703-8) review by Cindy Bartorillo In UNSOLVED author Kirk Wilson has taken what he judges to be the top ten unsolved crimes of the 20th century and written a brief but comprehensive synopsis of the case and all the major theories concerning its solution. The lack of editorial bias, and the author's consistent application of logic to all evidence and testimony, make UNSOLVED unparalleled as a basic reference for the ten cases he covers. Those cases are: the JFK assassination, the Jimmy Hoffa disappearance, the murder of Sir Harry Oakes, Marilyn Monroe's death, the murder of Serge Rubinstein, the von Bulow case, the T. Cullen Davis case, the murders of Joan Robinson Hill and John Hill, the disappearance of Helen Brach, and the Lord Lucan case. UNSOLVED not only makes a good place for the beginning true crime buff to begin, it can "clean the palate" of the more experienced reader. After reading several books in which authors push their own interpretation of the evidence, UNSOLVED will help you clear the air and get back to facts and logic. The pros and cons of each theory are adequately covered, with paradoxes and unanswered questions allowed to stand as such. If you love chewing over names, dates, fiber samples, and the other details of crime detection, you'll love UNSOLVED. One can only hope that a future edition will include a much-needed photo section, to illustrate the scenes of the various crimes and to give faces to the cast of characters. At $10.95, this is a True Crime Best Buy. Highly Recommended. Kirk Wilson is an investigative journalist, creative writer, film producer, and former police reporter who has won more than seventy awards for his work in various media. ************************** THE MURDERS OF MRS. AUSTIN & MRS. BEALE by Jill McGown (St. Martin's, September 1991, $17.95, ISBN 0-312-06422-5) review by Carol Sheffert Mrs. Leonora ("Lennie") Austin was an artist who married for financial security. Her husband is an up-and-coming politician who married for respectability. Mrs. Rosemary Beale was an ex-hooker who married her gangster-husband for both money and respectability. The two women had so little in common, and yet both were violently murdered on one particular night. And they were connected by an open phone line. Why were both women murdered that night? Why were they both found near their phone, with a still-open line connecting their two houses? Did they know each other? Newly-promoted Detective Inspector Judy Hill must solve the Beale case, and cooperate with her live-in lover, Detective Chief Inspector Lloyd, on the Austin case. DI Hill's burden is considerable as she tackles a difficult case while still getting accustomed to her new seniority, bucking the male chauvinists in the department, and fighting her own tendencies toward obsessiveness. To make matters worse, she knew Lennie herself, and had received a suspicious phone call from Lennie's husband the night of the murders. Also, intimations that Judy's career is still on the upswing cause a few frictions with Lloyd, who finds that, while the prospect of a partner who is an equal is perfectly acceptable, the possibility of a partner who is a superior is troubling. Slightly confusing in the early pages before the characters sort themselves out, THE MURDERS OF MRS. AUSTIN & MRS. BEALE is a complex and fascinating case that carries the reader right through to the very end, with plenty of surprises and clever twists. I particularly liked the way a suspect is finally caught in a lie with a trick right out of DIAL "M" FOR MURDER. Interesting characters, fascinating puzzles--THE MURDERS OF MRS. AUSTIN & MRS. BEALE is a great read. Jill McGown is also the author of A PERFECT MATCH (1983), AN EVIL HOUR (1987), THE STALKING HORSE (1988), MURDER AT THE OLD VICARAGE (1988), GONE TO HER DEATH (1989), and MURDER MOVIE (1990). All are from St. Martin's Press. ************************** HONEST MONEY: And Other Short Novels by Erle Stanley Gardner (Carroll & Graf, July 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-88184-683-X) review by Cindy Bartorillo We have a lot to thank Carroll & Graf for, not the least of which is collecting early Erle Stanley Gardner stories and getting them back into print. Once Gardner had created his most famous character, Perry Mason, his earlier works became overshadowed and were soon forgotten. But Gardner could tell a pretty fair mystery with lots of action even before the appearance of Mason, Street, and Drake, and the Carroll & Graf collections prove it. Back in the 1930s, BLACK MASK magazine published six short novels by Gardner about a contentious young lawyer named Ken Corning. The were: HONEST MONEY (November 1932), THE TOP COMES OFF (December 1932), CLOSE CALL (January 1933), MAKING THE BREAKS (June 1933), DEVIL'S FIRE (July 1933), and BLACKMAIL WITH LEAD (August 1933). Shortly after that, Ken Corning evolved into Perry Mason and was never seen again. Now, for the first time, all six Ken Corning mysteries are available in book form, in Carroll & Graf's HONEST MONEY. An absolute must for any Erle Stanley Gardner fan's library. NOTE: Another early Gardner character from BLACK MASK was Ed Jenkins, featured in stories collected in Carroll & Graf's DEAD MEN'S LETTERS and THE BLONDE IN LOWER SIX. ************************** SLEEP OF THE UNJUST by E.X. Ferrars (Doubleday, August 1991, $16.00, ISBN 0-385-41707-1) review by Carol Sheffert Virginia Freer arrives at the Appleyard home expecting to attend the wedding of her friend's niece, but instead she finds shocks and puzzles. The first shock is meeting her long-estranged husband Felix, who was invited without her knowledge. The second shock is the unexpected arrival of Andrew Appleyard, the Appleyard's movie actor son who hasn't been home in years. And the third shock is Andrew's body, an apparent suicide, discovered the morning after his arrival. The only trouble with the suicide theory is that there are three suicide notes! The police finally solve the murder of Andrew Appleyard, with just a little bit of help from Virginia and Felix. SLEEP OF THE UNJUST is a readable and pleasant example of the Cozy mystery, but it is certainly a minor example of E.X. Ferrars' talents. The pace drags a bit in the middle as each character strains to come up with a still more implausible explanation of Andrew's suicide and the three notes. When the truth of the matter is finally uncovered, it's only marginally more believable than the crazy theories. E.X. Ferrars is the author of more than 60 works of mystery and suspense. The British Crime Writers Association recently presented her with a special award for continuing excellence in the mystery field. She lives in England. ************************** DEATH IN FIVE BOXES by Carter Dickson (International Polygonics, June 1991, $5.95, ISBN 1-55882-098-1) review by Cindy Bartorillo "I don't see it," returned Sanders. "On the contrary, that would make the whole crime absolutely impossible. One of them would have had to drug the cocktails--which is impossible. One of them would have had to get in and out of the building without being seen--which is impossible." "Uh-huh. I know. But," said H.M. gently, "I've had to deal with these impossible things before." He certainly has: H.M., also known as Sir Henry Merrivale, also known as The Old Man, solved more impossible crimes during the 1930s and 1940s than almost anyone except Dr. Gideon Fell. And, of course, both Dr. Fell's stories and those of H.M. were written by the same man: John Dickson Carr, one of the most prolific, and best loved, of the mystery writers from the Golden Age. Because his publishers were worried about the number of books being published under his own name, they insisted that the Merrivale mysteries be by "Carter Dickson", a thin disguise that never fooled anyone. Carr was an American by birth, but lived much of his life in England, and set most of his mysteries there. (The tradition of Americans writing British mysteries is carried on most ably today by Martha Grimes.) Sir Henry Merrivale is bald, overweight, pigeon-toed, smokes cigars, is loud and rather vulgar, and embarrasses his friends. Several reviewers mentioned early on that he resembled Winston Churchill, which apparently appealed to Carr because the Churchill-like traits expanded in later books. Merrivale was the favorite fictional sleuth of mystery expert Howard Haycraft (author of MURDER FOR PLEASURE) and was Carr's favorite from among his own characters. In DEATH IN FIVE BOXES, four people sit down at a dining room table: Sir Dennis Blystone, Mrs. Bonita Sinclair, Bernard Schumann, and Felix Haye. A surgeon and peer, an art expert, a dealer in Egyptian antiquities, and an investment broker. When found, Blystone, Sinclair, and Schumann are unconcious, the victims of atropine poisoning. They are taken to a hospital and all recover. Haye is dead, but not of atropine. He's been stabbed. To make matters more complicated, the three atropine victims have items with them that were apparently stolen from someplace else AFTER they were drugged. So the problem is: Who? Or, possibly even more important in an Impossible Crime story such as this: How? How did someone put atropine in the cocktails that were under constant scrutiny? How did someone slip in and out of the building that was locked in the back and had a witness at the front? You'll just have to follow The Old Man as he solves the puzzles. Another classic mystery brought back into print by International Polygonics Ltd. SIR HENRY MERRIVALE NOVELS: The Plague Court Murders (1934) $5.95 The White Priory Murders (1934) $5.95 The Red Widow Murders (1935) $4.95 The Unicorn Murders (1935) $5.95 The Punch and Judy Murders (1936; British title: The Magic Lantern Murders) $4.95 The Peacock Feather Murders (1937; British title: The Ten Teacups) $5.95 The Judas Window (1938) $5.95 Death in Five Boxes (1938) $5.95 The Reader Is Warned (1939) $5.95 Nine--And Death Makes Ten (1940; British title: Murder in the Submarine Zone) $5.95 And So to Murder (1940) Seeing Is Believing (1941) The Gilded Man (1942) $4.95 She Died a Lady (1943) He Wouldn't Kill Patience (1944) $5.95 The Curse of the Bronze Lamp (1945; British title: Lord of the Sorcerers) My Late Wives (1946) The Skeleton in the Clock (1948) A Graveyard to Let (1949) Night at the Mocking Widow (1950) Behind the Crimson Blind (1952) The Cavalier's Cup (1953) NOTE: The prices are for the IPL editions, available by sending the stated price plus $1 postage and handling for the first book and $.50 for each book thereafter to: International Polygonics, Ltd., Madison Square, PO Box 1563, New York, NY 10159-1563. Ask for their catalog as well; IPL has other mysteries by John Dickson Carr and a lot of other great mystery writers (like Margaret Millar, Craig Rice, Ellery Queen, Anthony Boucher, etc.). ************************** ACT OF DARKNESS A Gregor Demarkian Holiday Mystery by Jane Haddam (Bantam Crime Line, July 1991, $4.50, ISBN 0-553-29086-X) review by Carol Sheffert It's the Fourth of July and the cast is gathering: Senator Stephen Fox, a not-very-bright puppet politician; Dan Chester, Stephen's political manager and general puppeteer; Dr. Kevin Debrett, school chum of Stephen's and Dan's, a man who can't stand blood but who enjoys money; Janet, the senator's cooperative but aloof wife; Patchen Rawls, the senator's latest girlfriend; Victoria Harte, Janet's famous movie star mother; Clare Markey, the lobbyist; Gregor Demarkian, former FBI agent who has been invited to investigate the senator's mysterious "spells"; Bennis Hannaford, Gregor's friend; and Carl Bettinger, an FBI agent who shouldn't be hanging around but is. You see, they've all gathered at Victoria Harte's mansion on Long Island for a political seminar and the July 4th holiday. Senator Fox has recently begun to have these spells where he suddenly becomes paralyzed and falls to the ground, recovering a few minutes later. The doctors find nothing wrong, and all the suspects are always on the scene whenever one of these spells occurs. What most of the suspects have in common is children with Down's syndrome. The Senator has recently introduced a bill in Congress on their behalf; Dr. Debrett specializes in retarded children; Clare Markey lobbies for a group that aids retarded children; and Janet Fox gave birth to a child with Down's syndrome 10 years ago, a child who died several days later. Gregor Demarkian not only must discover what is causing Senator Fox's spells, but soon he must solve the murder of Dr. Debrett, who is found peacefully in his room with no apparent cause of death. There will be another murder before the case is solved, and Gregor will have to work fast before more deaths occur. This is one of a series of Holiday Mysteries by Orania Papazoglou writing under the pseudonym Jane Haddam, but it's the first I have read. Like the Patience McKenna mysteries she writes under her own name, this Gregor Demarkian novel is filled with carefully drawn characters. Even minor characters are incompletely-revealed three-dimensional people, not cardboard cutout "types". The front of ACT OF DARKNESS reveals two previous Holiday Mysteries: NOT A CREATURE WAS STIRRING (obviously a Christmas story), and PRECIOUS BLOOD (possibly an Easter story?). At the end there is even a preview of the next Holiday Mystery, a Halloween story called QUOTH THE RAVEN, which sounds great. It even has raven called Lenore. ************************** BLACK LIGHT by Daniel Hearn (Dell, August 1991, $3.99, ISBN 0-440-20787-8) review by Howard Frye There was another letter. It was postmarked Los Angeles, California. Inside were a simple piece of typing paper and ten one-hundred-dollar bills. The message typed on the paper read: ANIMAL FARM NOVEMBER 20, 1970 "ALL PIGS ARE EQUAL, BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS." TALK TO LENNY BYRD. CECELIA KNOWS WHERE HE IS. HER NAME IS NOW CELIA MATTHEWS. SHE IS AN ACTRESS IN NEW YORK. Typed at the bottom of the page where the signature would ordinarily be were the words "KEVIN MOON". Now I had two clients and they were both dead men. BLACK LIGHT is the second mystery novel featuring New York private eye Joe Noonan, who is a combination of Dashiell Hammett's Sam Spade, Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe and Bill Pronzini's Nameless detective. Joe has an unshakeable code of ethics, a weakness for booze, and a one-eyed cat named Lord Nelson. This time out, Joe gets a stroll down memory lane when he is hired by old acquaintance Evan Mattingly to find Lenny Byrd. Evan and Lenny were college-student members of a commune (called Animal Farm) back in the revolutionary sixties, along with various others like Alex Cutler, Ed Henits, Kevin Moon, and Carol Murdoch. Joe wasn't a member of the commune of course, but he was infatuated with Carol, who had an on-again, off-again relationship with leader of the pack Alex Cutler. Now Evan wants to locate Lenny Byrd, but Evan is killed almost immediately. Was it gay bashers, or possibly someone Evan was investigating for the consumer rights organization he worked for, or does it have something to do with why he wanted to find Lenny? Noonan must find Lenny and answer these questions, for he has accepted Evan's money and alive or dead Evan deserves his money's worth. Soon Joe is digging up the past and finds that Alex and Ed were drug dealers, Kevin Moon mysteriously died when the commune's house burned to the ground, and electronic genius Lenny Byrd is now an alcoholic cabbie. Noonan also gets to see Carol again, now a wealthy woman in Los Angeles working in the film industry. Why did Evan want Lenny found? Why was Evan killed? Is Kevin Moon really dead? BLACK LIGHT is a winner from the beginning to its slam-bang ending. Not to be missed. (The first Joe Noonan novel was BAD AUGUST.) ************************** AND SOON I'LL COME TO KILL YOU by Susan Kelly (Villard, 1991, $18, ISBN 0-394-58415-5) review by Carol Sheffert Liz Connors used to teach college English, but now she supports herself by writing true-crime articles and the occasional short story. Her true-crime pieces are often disturbing to readers and infuriating to their subjects, so she gets a crank letter every once in a while and calls it part of the job. But when she begins to get a series of nasty messages, she takes them to her boyfriend Jack, who happens to be a policeman. When the letters get specifically threatening, she moves into Jack's place, but the letters follow her. Apparently her enemy is watching her every move. Despite her determination to live a normal life, Liz soon finds herself carrying a gun and making lists of potential enemies. AND SOON I'LL COME TO KILL YOU is an excellent suspense story that carries the reader along at breakneck pace from the first message ("You vicious bitch") to the last page. Several scenes are powerful enough to have you holding your breath--Susan Kelly is definitely a writer to keep your eye on. Why, though, did I get the impression that the story had been "sanitized"? Bad guys just didn't seem all that bad, and Liz's traumas didn't seem that upsetting (making the taut suspense of virtually every page all the more impressive). With or without the visceral edge, AND SOON I'LL COME TO KILL YOU is an exciting story of suspense; another fine novel from the author of THE GEMINI MAN. ************************** SENATOR LOVE A Fiona Fitzgerald Novel of Suspense by Warren Adler (Donald I. Fine, September 1991, $18.95, ISBN 1-55611-244-0) review by Cindy Bartorillo The title politician is the seductively attractive Senator Sam Langford, a presidential hopeful with a lovely (rich) wife, the usual two wonderful children, and a afternoon hobby that's been going on for years. His current girlfriend is the wife of the Austrian ambassador, who shows up at all the Washington social events, as does Senator Langford and his wife, as does the Senator's ex-wife. It's lucky that Senator Langford is charming enough to juggle his women, past and present, and make all of them happy. Fiona Fitzgerald, a senator's daughter and now a homicide detective, also attends many Washington social events, and she is amused by the Senator's shenanigans and briefly falls under his spell at a party. The next day she is at the scene as "old bones" are found in a residential backyard. It's a perfectly preserved skeleton, apparently buried nude, but with a slave bracelet inscribed "MY BET". Fiona and her partner Cates soon discover that the bones belonged to Betty Taylor, a beautiful young woman who worked in Washington and disappeared a dozen years ago. When the Austrian Ambassador's wife turns up missing, and then dead, similarly buried in the backyard of an untenanted house, the connection is unmistakable. When the Senator's "fire control" man confirms that a previous girlfriend was named Betty Taylor, Fiona is off and running. Who is killing the Senator's girlfriends? Have there been others? Warren Adler keeps the reader guessing and turning the pages until the very end, with a few last twists just to keep the reader alert. I enjoyed this book even more than the last Fiona Fitzgerald mystery, IMMACULATE DECEPTION (reviewed in RFP #16). A very good mystery. ************************** SOMETHING NASTY IN THE WOODSHED by Kyril Bonfiglioli (International Polygonics, August 1991, $7.95, ISBN 1-55882-090-6) review by Cindy Bartorillo How can I possibly give you an idea of what this book is like? When I began reading it I thought What Ho! This is written very much in the style of P.G. Wodehouse, right down to the characters. The story is told by a hard-drinking upper crust British gentleman with a bizarre manservant. After reading a while longer I noticed that an odd note of Thomas Harris had crept in. While the plot of SOMETHING NASTY IN THE WOODSHED isn't as horrifying as SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, the mystery does revolve around a series of violent rapes. This unusual dichotomy continues throughout the story, with an occasional Monty Python interlude to keep things jolly. As I read the last page, however, the whole bubbling stew turned into something more along the lines of Albert Camus. The author himself described the book: "A tragedy told by a compulsive comedian. Both the bad and the good end unhappily; that is the meaning of life." SOMETHING NASTY IN THE WOODSHED is enormously funny, but it is also shocking, perplexing, and sad. If you're tired of the same old thing, this is what you need. NOTE: SOMETHING NASTY IN THE WOODSHED is actually the second book starring the Hon. Charlie Mortdecai. The first was called DON'T POINT THAT THING AT ME and it won the first John Creasy Memorial Award. Both are available from IPL for $7.95 each. Send the list price plus shipping and handling ($1.00 for the first book, $.50 for each additional book) to: International Polygonics Ltd., Madison Square, PO Box 1563, New York, NY 10159-1563. ************************** STATE STREET by Richard Whittingham (Donald I. Fine, September 1991, $18.95, ISBN 1-55611-250-5) commentary by the publisher The old song goes, "On State Street / That great street / I just want to say / They do things / They don't do / On Broadway", and Richard Whittingham captures the spirit of the song and the Windy City in STATE STREET, his authentic and thrilling foray into crime fiction. It's been over a year since Chicago detective Joe Morrison was transferred from Homicide to Organized Crime, but the images of the murder victims he has seen still wake him up in a sweat in the middle of the night. Now he spends most of his time in the State Street police headquarters acting as a liaison with other police departments, the Illinois Crime Commission, the FBI and his partner Norbert Castor, who knows more about the Mafia than "anybody below the level of consigliore in the Outfit itself". But Morrison is pulled back into the most violent sphere of Chicago's underworld after a mob capo's daughter is raped. Morrison and Castor begin their investigation of the rape--even though the Mafia boss has his own idea of justice--but Morrison finds himself sidetracked when an old family friend, Theo Warner, is murdered. As Morrison works with his old homicide colleagues to solve the Warner case, some colorfully raffish suspects emerge, including commodities trader Dennis Courtland, "major street animal" Tommy Bates and his girlfriend Jo Kane. When Norbert Castor is shot, Morrison is left to his own street-smart devices, in the honored tradition of Hammett's Sam Spade and McBain's Steve Carella, to make sure justice is served. STATE STREET captures the same excitement and flavor of the Chicago streets that Richard Whittingham chronicled in his nonfiction work, JOE D: ON THE STREET WITH A CHICAGO HOMICIDE COP. STATE STREET is his first novel. ************************** LIE TO ME by David Martin (Pocket Star Books, August 1991, $5.95, ISBN 0-671-73876-3) review by Drew Bartorillo Mary and Jonathan Gaetan are fabulously wealthy and own a mansion in a plush Washington D.C. suburb. They are very happily married and looking forward to going to a party this fateful night. While they are gone, an intruder breaks in, a serial killer who has been watching Mary and Jonathan's house. The killer carries with him the hand of his last victim, a fifteen year old hitchhiker, and has chosen the Gaetan's for his next victims. In a night of terror, he threatens them, tortures them, and then goes on to reveal secrets about them no stranger could ever know or possibly guess. The next day, Jonathan Gaetan is found dead in his bathtub, brutally mutilated with a Bowie knife. His penis is severed, hanging by a thread. When the police arrive, Mary Gaetan tells them nothing about the vicious killer. Instead, she claims that Jonathan committed suicide. With the bathroom door locked from the inside the police have no recourse but to believe her. Just to be sure, though, investigator Teddy Camel, the human lie detector, is asked to interrogate the widow. Teddy is within two years of retirement and relegated to a desk job. His major accomplishment each day is managing to stay awake at his desk, not too successfully I might add. After interrogating the widow, Teddy claims she is telling the truth. Is she? If not, why is Teddy hiding the awful truth? How many victims will our serial killer claim before he is finally stopped? Now here is a book that will make you sleep with one eye open! I especially like two opening passages in the book: "He sits in the woods holding her hand." "Squeezing the girl's hand and speaking softly......" We come to find out that all the killer IS holding is the girl's hand, not the rest of her. This is pretty much the way the entire book goes. The killer carries around this hand, plus items from other victims, in his deranged, psychotic killing spree. I enjoyed LIE TO ME very much and found it well paced and difficult to put down. The intermingling of the stories of the psychotic killer, Mary Gaetan, and the off-beat cop Teddy Camel was very well done. The novel has an "Ellery Queen" type of ending and even a twist that you won't be prepared for. I highly recommend LIE TO ME and look forward to reading other novels by the same author, David Martin. ************************** * THE COFFEY FILES by Joe Coffey and Jerry Schmetterer is a nonfiction book coming from St. Martin's Press. It's the story of Joe Coffey who saw his father almost killed by the Mafia and grew up to join the New York Police Department and head a unit specializing in Mafia murders. The book has been optioned by New World Television who is planning to turn it into a movie-of-the-week that will, they hope, turn into a long-running TV series. Best bet to play Coffey, as I type this, is Ken Wahl, best known from the TV series WISEGUY. * Be sure to get the latest catalog from Mystery Loves Company, a mail-order mystery bookstore run by Sue Feder, Kathy Harig, and Paige Rose. Write to them at: Mystery Loves Company, 1730 Fleet Street, Baltimore, MD 21231; 301/276-6708. * Delilah's back in SET-UP, a mystery by Maxine O'Callaghan coming from St. Martin's in November 1991 ($17.95, ISBN 0-312-06462-4). Delilah's luck has changed. She even has all those nice C-things: car phone, condo, computer. But, as usual, she's up to her ears in trouble--this time of the explosive kind--when she finds herself in the crossfire between Orange County land developers and environmentalists. <-*->:<-*->:<-*->:<-*->:<-*->:<-*-> < > < LOOSEN YOUR GRIP ON REALITY > < > <-*->:<-*->:<-*->:<-*->:<-*->:<-*-> << Editor: Darryl Kenning >> --------------------------------------------------------------------- Loosen Your Grip On Reality is a division of Reading For Pleasure, published bimonthly. This material is NOT COPYRIGHTED and may be used freely by all. Contributions of information, reviews, etc. should be sent to: Darryl Kenning CompuServe: 76337,740 6331 Marshall Rd. or GEnie: D.Kenning Centerville, Ohio 45459 HeavenSoft BBS 513-836-4288 The Annex BBS 513-274-0821 --------------------------------------------------------------------- THE KENNING QUOTIENT (KQ) is a rating applied to books read by the editor of this section, a number ranging from 0 (which means the book is an unredeemable stinker) to 5 (meaning the book is absolutely top drawer). --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- RANDOM ACCESS --------------------------------------------- Interesting Times AGAIN! No one who lived through the 50's or 60's would have foreseen the world events in Eastern Europe as they have swirled around us in the past year. In fact, I would bet that any such musings would have been dismissed as mere wishful thinking. Whatever the ultimate outcome it undoubtedly will be more different than any of us can imagine. What brings these ramblings on was a short newspaper article that mentioned that a Soviet (is that the right description?) Mars Buggy will be tested in California this year after undergoing some "preliminary" tests in one of the Russian Republics. That started me to thinking about the impressive level of technology - albeit a brute force technology - that They have accomplished. More importantly, what is going to happen to that technology. Given the social difficulties they are facing for the next decade or so, and given the propensity for politicians to prefer to do the expedient, I have a real concern that the space related technology will disappear and be lost to us all. On the plus side of course is that newspaper article that seems to imply that the much wished for cooperative ventures may be more of a reality than most of us had dared hope. The other concern that I have is that the level of spending for space related technology in the U.S. may continue to slide without the political bogeyman to justify the expenditures. The really sad part of all this is that the Space Program is about the only thing (besides Defense) that the Federal Government has undertaken that has given us much return on the investment. It does almost make you cry to think of the billions of dollars spent on social programs, later abandoned as wasted, that might have us living and working in space right now. I'm afraid that I have no quick answer, no magic wand to wave and fix all this. You know that about the only thing we can do as individuals is to let our federal officials, especially in Congress, know that we want a say in how our money is spent. But it is important to let them know that, and it is important to ask about ways we can work with the Soviet Government, whatever that may end up looking like, to preserve our technological heritage for the benefit of all mankind. dkk ************************** JOHN W. CAMPBELL MEMORIAL AWARD For Best SF Novel of 1990 Winner: PACIFIC EDGE by Kim Stanley Robinson Runners-up: QUEEN OF ANGELS by Greg Bear (2nd place) ONLY BEGOTTEN DAUGHTER by James Morrow (3rd place) THEODORE STURGEON MEMORIAL AWARD For Best Short SF of 1990 Winner: "Bears Discover Fire" by Terry Bisson Runners-up: "Episodes of the Argo" by R.A. Lafferty "My Advice to the Civilized" by John Barnes (both tied for 2nd place) ************************** OWLSWICK PRESS by Cindy Bartorillo Owlswick Press publishes beautifully bound volumes of SF and fantasy for very reasonable prices. You can get their catalog by writing to: Owlswick Press, PO Box 8243, Philadelphia, PA 19101-8243. Here are a few of their titles. (The prices include postage and handling, so you can just send the listed price, plus 6% sales tax if you're in PA, to Owlswick Press to get any of the following books.) ANITA by Keith Roberts (November 1990, $20.25, ISBN 0-913896-27-6) This is a reprint of a classic 1970 collection of stories originally published in SCIENCE FANTASY and THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION. They are all centered on a teenage girl named Anita Thompson, very similar to teenage girls everywhere, except that she is a witch. A real one. She lives with her grandmother, who is a witch of the old school--broomstick, bubbling cauldron and all. With one foot in the mists of antiquity and one foot in the modern world of boys and fast sports cars, Anita is a perfect point-of-view character for Roberts' serious comments about life, morality, and dreams. In addition to the stories from the original collection, ANITA contains a new introduction by the Roberts and one additional story ("The Checkout"). With a full-color dust jacket and interior illustrations by Stephen Fabian, ANITA is a lovely book, both to look at and to read. THE ADVENTURES OF DOCTOR ESZTERHAZY by Avram Davidson (January 1991, $24.50, ISBN 0-913896-28-4) A collection of all 13 Enquiries of the celebrated sage of the Triune Monarchy (Scythia-Pannonia-Transbalkania, bordering on Graustark and Ruritania), including several long stories never before in book form. In his foreword, Gene Wolfe writes: "The few writers whom we read with continued pleasure become our friends, although we may never encounter them outside their own pages...Avram Davidson is the author we should all read." THE ADVENTURES OF DOCTOR ESZTERHAZY has a full-color dust jacket by George Barr and interior drawings by Todd Cameron Hamilton, and is also available in a signed, limited, boxed edition for $50 (ISBN 0-913896-30-6). Avram Davidson is the author of THE PHOENIX AND THE MIRROR, PEREGRINE: PRIMUS, and PEREGRINE: SECUNDUS, along with many other classics of erudite, witty fantasy such as this. THE INFINITE KINGDOMS by Michael Rutherford (December 1990, $12.00, ISBN 0-913896-32-2) Three journeys through the Infinite Kingdoms by Michael Rutherford, a new talent to watch in the fantasy field. The first is "The Tale and Its Master", in which the fatally proud Remus, who thought himself master and not servant of the enchantments of Storytelling, seeks and finds a new and shining tale (told here in full). He wins it from a witch--at a price. The second is "Wager of Dreams" wherein the world loses belief in anything that cannot be touched or tasted. So potent is the smog of materialism that the creatures of Dream inevitably must lapse into nonbeing--unless Trundle, the last of the Dreamers, will take on himself the burden of a quest. Lastly, "Knights of Darkness, Knights of Light", which begins with the chance encounter between the freebooter Ragnack and Apollyon, a demon disguised as human, sent by the Soul Eaters on a desperate quest for untainted souls. Thus the stage is set for an epic conflict of two worlds. With a full-color cover and interior illustrations by Janet Aulisio. (THE INFINITE KINGDOMS is also available in hardcover for $24.) ************************** THE DRAGON REBORN Book Three of THE WHEEL OF TIME by Robert Jordan (Tor Fantasy, November 1991, $22.95, ISBN 0-312-85254-1) commentary from the publisher Robert Jordan has taken the mythologies of four continents, from Celtic and Norse to Hindu, from African to Amerindian, and woven together the common and uncommon elements to create something completely original--something new that we can almost believe is the source of those ancient legends. THE EYE OF THE WORLD ("the best of its genre"--THE OTTAWA CITIZEN; "a combination of Robin Hood and Stephen King that is hard to resist-- MILWAUKEE SENTINEL) and THE GREAT HUNT ("leaves the reader hovering between the desire to know the outcome now and the promise of much more good reading ahead"--NEWS AND COURIER, Charleston, South Carolina), are Books One and Two of THE WHEEL OF TIME series. Book Three, THE DRAGON REBORN, tells of the long-prophesied leader who will save the world, but in saving it will destroy it. Rand al'Thor is on the run from his destiny--able to touch the One Power but unable to control it, he only knows that he must face the Dark One. Winter has slowed the war, yet men are dying, calling out for the Dragon. But where is he? Perrin Aybara is in pursuit with Moiraine Sedai, her Warder Lan, and Loial the Ogier. Bedeviled by dreams, Perrin is grappling with a deadly problem that threatens his own humanity. Egwene, Elayne, and Nynaeve are approaching Tar Valon, where Mat will be healed, if he lives until they arrive. They cannot know that worse things await in the White Tower. Ahead, for all of them, in the Heart of the Stone, lies the next great test of the Dragon Reborn. ************************** ECCE AND OLD EARTH Book Two of the Cadwal Chronicles by Jack Vance (Tor, September 1991, $21.95, ISBN 0-312-85132-4) commentary from the publisher Environmental conservation calls for political action. In Jack Vance's ECCE AND OLD EARTH, set 1,000 years in humanity's future, these politics mean life or death--both for the planet Cadwal and for the young couple fighting the opposition to save the Conservancy. World Fantasy Award-winning author Vance returns to the planet Cadwal for the second novel in his intriguing hard science fiction trilogy, which began with ARAMINTA STATION (Tor, 1988). Cadwal, a world of extraordinary beauty with an abundance of strange and unique species, has been protected from human exploitation by the Conservancy established by the Cadwal Charter 1,000 years earlier. Now, opposition groups are calling for the abolition of the Charter. They want to open lands on the unsettled continents for settlement, allegedly for the underclass known as the Yips. Leaders of the opposition (the Life, Peace, and Freedom Party, or LPFers) come from the aristocratic families, whose power dates back to the founding colony at Araminta Station. Ulterior motives lurk behind the apparent altruism of these powerful LPFers--specifically lust for huge estates and wealth, at the expense of the Yips. Vance, one of science fiction's great stylists, has won many Hugo and Nebula awards, and his 1989 novel, MADOUC, won the World Fantasy Award. LOCUS said ECCE AND OLD EARTH "is Jack Vance in SF adventure mode, redolent of the '50s and perfumed with the even more exotic essences of adventure fiction (and travel literature) predating the pulps." PUBLISHERS WEEKLY said "Vance's rich lyrical style makes this follow-up to ARAMINTA STATION a pleasure to read...provocative and fun." ************************** STREET MAGIC by Michael Reaves (Tor, July 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-312-85125-1) commentary from the publisher "I'm not crazy, am I? There IS real magic in the world, isn't there?" So says Liz Gallegher, a hardboiled editor of the tabloid STAR, at the climax of Michael Reaves' STREET MAGIC, voicing the universal feelings of all the characters in Reaves' engaging glimpse of Faerieland. Michael Reaves brings Faerie--usually found only under the hills of Ireland--to life in contemporary San Francisco. Danny, a runaway from an abusive, control-crazy father, now lives among the street people of the city. Squatting in an abandoned hotel with drug addicts, Danny scams nickels and dimes on the street for a living, while dreaming of escaping to his fantastical Middle Earth, populated with trolls and wizards, as well as Robin Hood, Flash Gordon, and Godzilla. You see, Danny half-believes he carries magic deep within himself. Danny's dreams seem to have a chance to become real when a troupe of Scatterlings recognizes him as a changeling and takes him in. The Scatterlings are themselves runaways from Faerie, and want to go home, but they need a Keymaster, one who can open the GALLITRAP into Faerieland. Danny will become that Keymaster, if only he can tap into his latent magic abilities. However, Danny's pathological father wants him back. He hires Scott Russell, a down-on-his-luck unemployed private detective. Finding a runaway on the streets of San Francisco seems a hopeless task, but with the help of editor Liz, they follow leads through comic book shops and science fiction bookstores. Reaves builds his story around his well-defined characters, with the chase to claim Danny revealed to the reader through their experiences. Exposure to so much magic affects the lives of all involved--some gain, some lose in the end. ************************** THE JUNGLE by David Drake (Tor, September 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-312-85197-9) commentary from the publisher "The terraformers' centuries-long work continued. Later cylinders spewed the seeds and eggs of multicelled lifeforms onto the newly receptive planet. Trees of myriad species; vines, grasses and epiphytes, ALL the diversity of Earth, plus multiple mutations for every original species. Through the burgeoning jungles stalked beasts--insects, arachnids, crustaceans...Human-engineered changes to gene plasm had coupled eagerly with the virgin environment and the high level of ionizing radiation penetrating the clouds of water vapor. The result was a hell of aggressive mutations like nothing ever seen on Earth." Welcome to Venus, as depicted in David Drake's THE JUNGLE, where humans have been able to survive UNDER the planet's oceans in vast "Keeps", each one ruled by a Council of Twelve. Now, rival Keeps are competing for resources and fishing grounds, and the next step may be to explore the planet's vast, impenetrable jungle populated by monstrous aliens and deadlier plants, turf where no one has survived before. Officer-Trainee Henry Wilding wants to direct human energy to taming and utilizing this land surface, but the choice is made for him as war begins between the Wyoming Keep (Wilding's family is one of the Twelve Families directing affairs) and the Asturias Keep. Wilding and the hovercraft team of mercenaries commanded by Ensign Brainard endure a virtual trial by fire when they are driven ashore and forced to enter that ominous environment. In THE JUNGLE Drake reprises the universe first created by Henry Kuttner in the classic CLASH BY NIGHT, which describes life on Venus after Earth has been destroyed. While the inhabitants of the Keeps continue to party, Wilding, Brainard and the crew encounter three-inch man-attacking ants, meat-eating fish, super-strong eels, infections, hunger, grievous damage to their craft--a vast array of plot-moving, page-turning debacles. ************************** THE PHOENIX GUARDS by Steven Brust (Tor Fantasy, September 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-312-85157-X) commentary from the publisher Alexandre Dumas gave us THE THREE MUSKETEERS in 1846, an action-filled tale of the dashing D'Artagnan and his trio of heroes. Steven Brust takes off exponentially on the classic Dumas pere adventure. We still have a D'Artagnan-type leader, Khaavren, and three intrepid comrades who rely on swordplay, sorcery, skill, wits and blind luck to see them through a series of adventures, secret plots, and fabulous intrigues. But Brust is not rooted in the history and imagination of the 19th century. In THE PHOENIX GUARDS, the author transports his readers far into the future, into an ambiance never dreamed of by Dumas. Brust returns to the Dragaera Empire, the world he created for Vlad Taltos, the hero of his ongoing series, but the time frame is 1,000 years BEFORE Vlad's birth. In THE PHOENIX GUARDS, Khaavren is a young, somewhat naive swordsman who decides to join the Imperial Guards, and on his way to meet the Phoenix Emperor, encounters three other blade-flashing, smooth-mannered aspirants...and the games begin. Steven Zoltan Brust, whose ancestry is Hungarian, was born in 1955. He describes himself as the father of ten novels and four children, not necessarily in that order. He is also one of the founding fathers of the Minneapolis Fantasy Writers' Group--aka "The Scribblies"--that has produced such stars as Patricia C. Wrede, Emma Bull, Kara Delkey, Pamela Dean and Will Shetterly. ************************** CUP OF CLAY Book I of The Taliswoman by Carole Nelson Douglas (Tor Fantasy, September 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-312-85146-4) commentary from the publisher Carole Nelson Douglas is a versatile writer who gracefully swings from stories about shrewd women who can out-sleuth Sherlock Holmes (GOOD MORNING, IRENE and GOOD NIGHT, MR. HOLMES), to mysteries involving literary cats (CATNAP), to her new Taliswoman Trilogy, in which she mixes feminism, fantasy, horror, and ecology in her fictional world of Veil. In this first book of the series, CUP OF CLAY, we meet Alison Carver, a reporter for a Twin Cities newspaper, who discovers that in the magical land of Veil, water is not safe to drink--the stunning waterfalls are actually poisonous--and that while the vegetation is lush, the flowers emit a vile stench. Even worse, in Veil, although women are put on pedestals, they have virtually no rights...and although children are loved, they are also exploited. The children of Veil, known as the "Littlelost", are exiled by their parents and sent to live in the beautiful forests, where they are captured by brutal men, the "Takers", who are not exactly running a day-care center. Alison wants to help the kids, but she also wants to return to Earth. Her best way out is with the help of Rowan, a red-haired young man, who unfortunately has another agenda: his mission is to become guardian of the "Cup of Earth", the Cup of Clay, a talisman that is won by song...and song alone. ************************** PAPERBACK BOOKSHELF BARRAYER by Lois McMaster Bujold (Baen Books, October 1991, $4.99, ISBN 0-671-72083-X) review by Darryl Kenning BARRAYER is the newest in the extraordinarily popular Miles Vorkosigan series of novels. If you hadn't noticed Lois McMaster Bujold has won both the Hugo and the Nebula award. This book continues the rich legacy we have come to expect. A nice plus is the timeline she added to the end of the book that matches dates with novels and the events in Miles's life. This particular novel deals with Cordelia Naismith, who married Aral Vorkosigan and ultimately became Mile's mother. The story picks up after the marriage but just before Lord Vorkosigan become the regent for the boy king. This nicely leaves the earlier part of her life available for another story (soon I hope). The author continues to show a fine flair for creating characters that have real depth. The universe she has assembled works well and there are enough "human" inconsistencies in the way the social fabric comes together to convince the reader that this version of reality could come into being. I am impressed with the way the stories and people stay in character so well with how I remember the other books, which is where many authors seem to have trouble with connected stories. I had to exercise real self discipline to keep from devouring the entire book at one reading. If you've read the other books by Ms. Bujold you'll want to make a special trip to the bookstore for this one. If you haven't this a good one to start with. Need I say more? KQ = 5 ************************** THE SUM OF THINGS by Roland J. Green (ROC, May 1991, $3.99, ISBN 0-451-45080-9) review by Darryl Kenning When you see this book on the newsstands the first thing to catch your eye will be the name of the series STARCRUISER SHENANDOAH. This is book #3 in the series by Roland J. Green. An accomplished writer, this series is an attempt to blend the traditional space navy book with the ground war novel. In the main it succeeds reasonably well. I found the plot turns a little more intrigue than I normally like and was hard pressed to keep the characters straight - a problem I did not have in the earlier books. This story uses the triangular complexities of multiple antagonists; some using surrogates to influence events in ways that will be helpful to their long-term interests - but not so apparent in the short run. There are some nice underlying commentaries about diplomacy and the difficulties inherent in the attempts to negotiate reasonable solutions given the problems of individual and societal greed. This book fits in nicely with the rest of the series and it is easy to identify with at least one of the main characters. I enjoyed this book and have no hesitation about recommending it for a pleasant stint of reading. KQ = 3 ************************** THE ALBINO KNIFE by Steve Perry (Ace, July 1991, $4.50, ISBN 0-441-01391-0) review by Darryl Kenning Another in the series that began with THE MAN WHO NEVER MISSED. The action is just as hard-boiled as ever, the plot twists move in plenty of unexpected ways, and in the end this is a very readable action story. The book picks up after the Confed has been toppled and life has returned to near normal for the Matadors. Suddenly the daughter he didn't know he had appears to Emile Khadaji and his former wife has been kidnapped. The hero and his friends must now follow the trail with the newly found daughter to its ultimate conclusion. It is fun having the characters we have seen developed in the series reappear. Unfortunately the authors tips the reader to the main plot a tad too early in the story and for those of us who have read the earlier books the outcome is pretty much what you would expect. In spite of that very minor flaw, if you like action-adventure space operas you'll enjoy this one. KQ = 3 ************************** THE YEAR'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION: Eighth Annual Collection edited by Gardner Dozois (St. Martin's, July 1991, $15.95, ISBN 0-312-06009-2) review by Cindy Bartorillo Seems like every year this collection wins one or more major Collection awards, and likewise every year Gardner Dozois wins one or more major editing awards. Every year, the vote comes up the same: if you care about Science Fiction, the Dozois collection is the one book you have to buy. Not only does it collect a ton of wonderful short fiction from the previous year (as the cover says, "More than 250,000 words of fantastic fiction") but you get Gardner Dozois' terrific "Summation", with everything you need to know about that year in the world of SF. If you missed something you shouldn't have, the Summation will point it out. In this year's collection, with fiction covering the year 1990, you get award-winning stories like: "Bears Discover Fire" by Terry Bisson, "Tower of Babylon" by Ted Chiang, and the short novel THE HEMINGWAY HOAX by Joe Haldeman. The other authors represented read like a who's who of the SF world: John Brunner, Ursula K. Le Guin, Michael Moorcock, Pat Murphy, Lucius Shepard, Lewis Shiner, Robert Silverberg, Bruce Sterling, Kate Wilhelm, Connie Willis... You get the idea. An important volume in any SF fan's core collection, THE YEAR'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION puts 1990 into one convenient affordable package. ************************** NEW SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY FROM TOR commentary from the publisher SEPTEMBER TITLES: N-SPACE by Larry Niven ($5.99, ISBN 0-812-51001-1) Once when noted science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke was interviewed on a Los Angeles TV talk show, he was asked who his favorite writer was. Without hesitation, Clarke replied, "Larry Niven." N-SPACE, a major Niven retrospective, combines previously published work with unpublished short stories and excerpts from longer ones. Rich with gossip and storytelling vigor, N-SPACE offers a fascinating insight into one of our most prolific and thought-provoking authors. Niven, author of such classics as RINGWORLD and THE INTEGRAL TREES, began his writing career in 1964, quickly moving to the top of the field. RINGWORLD won both the Nebula and Hugo awards, and Niven also won the Hugo Award four times for his short fiction. His successful collaborations with Jerry Pournelle and Steven Barnes resulted in the NEW YORK TIMES bestsellers THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE and FOOTFALL. N-SPACE is a major event in science fiction, coming from the author who has been an influence among both readers and writers in the genre. (NOTE: N-SPACE is a fabulous one-volume introduction to a classic SF writer--almost 700 pages of material that also includes a bibliography.) BERSERKER LIES by Fred Saberhagen ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-50563-8) Machines invented during a long-ago war, the Berserkers were programmed to kill all enemy life forms, wherever they are found. But they were programmed badly, and instructed instead to eradicate all life. The race that invented them was among the first to be wiped out. Able to build more of themselves, in every shape and size that seems useful to their quest, the Berserkers still roam the galaxy, ruthlessly obeying their ancient orders. THE PRINCES OF THE AIR by John M. Ford ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-50958-7) Here are the swashbuckling adventures of three young friends from the planet Riyah Zain. Orphaned, indentured, and illegitimate, they share a passion for computer games, a flexible approach to the truth, and a burning desire to get off the world of their birth. THE PRINCES OF THE AIR is as thrillingly plotted as a Dumas adventure, and as sharp and quick as a computer simulation game. ECHOES OF VALOR III edited by Karl Edward Wagner ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-55758-1) This third volume of the sword-and-sorcery classics from the golden age of pulp adventure includes the rarely-reprinted original story of RED SONYA, by CONAN creator Robert E. Howard, now famous through comic book adaptation and movies. The writers in ECHOES OF VALOR III helped create the genre of sword-and-sorcery which thrives today. By going back to the pulp magazines of decades past, Karl Edward Wagner brings the classics to modern fans of fantasy adventure. WHITE JENNA by Jane Yolen ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51840-3) WHITE JENNA, a 1991 Nebula Award nominee, continues the story of Jenna, the child of prophesy in Jane Yolen's SISTER LIGHT, SISTER DARK. Jenna, now the beautiful and proud White Queen, desperately oversees a battle-torn land. As a child Jenna had learned the lore of the mountain women who raised her. There, she had called forth her dark sister, Skada, who exists only in moonlight, or fire's glow. NOw the Dark Queen remains bound to Jenna's side, but confined to the dark. A tour-de-force fantasy, WHITE JENNA tells a powerful tale of the events that ended a culture and created a new mythology. Winner of the Caldecott Award for her children's book OWL MOON, Jane Yolen is one of the most respected Young Adult authors in the United States. Also the author of many adult novels, she won the World Fantasy Award for FAVORITE FOLKTALES FROM AROUND THE WORLD. MOON CALLED by Andre Norton ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51533-1) Thora, chosen from birth to serve the Lady, must struggle to survive in a world menaced by the dark underground empire of Set. Can Thora unravel the secrets of the Dark, and remain true to her Lady? Author Andre Norton, creator of the WITCH WORLD series, has won the World Fantasy Award for life achievement and been named a Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writers of America. STEEL BROTHER by Gordon R. Dickson ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51547-1) An outstanding collection of short stories and nonfiction, STEEL BROTHER is both an anthology and an appreciation of the work of Gordon R. Dickson. With several unforgettable science fiction stories by the Nebula and Hugo Award-winning author, STEEL BROTHER also presents an original essay by Dickson on the creation of his acclaimed CHILDE CYCLE, and a revealing interview with the author. This book will be eagerly sought by Dickson's growing legion of fans. CONAN THE HERO by Leonard Carpenter ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51907-8) In the steaming jungles of Venji, Conan fights a seemingly endless war against drug-crazed raiders who strike without warning and vanish like smoke, and the implacable wizard, Mojourna. Conan also faces enemies which he cannot see. The powerful court eunuchs and the generals who covet the throne lay plots to thwart him. Even his own mind turns against him. Only one man could survive all this and triumph...only CONAN THE HERO. Special Re-Release! ENDER'S GAME ($4.95, ISBN 0-812-51349-5) SPEAKER FOR THE DEAD ($4.95, ISBN 0-812-51350-9) both by Orson Scott Card Tor Books is pleased to re-release the first two books in Orson Scott Card's ground-breaking "Ender Wiggins" saga, in connection with the publication of XENOCIDE, their long-awaited sequel. Both ENDER'S GAME and SPEAKER FOR THE DEAD won the Hugo and Nebula awards, becoming the first series titles to win this pair of prestigious honors. XENOCIDE, in its first few weeks, quickly climbed onto bestsellers lists across the country. (NOTE: RFP reviewed all three Ender novels in issue #17.) OCTOBER TITLES FROM TOR: IMMORTALITY, INC. by Robert Sheckley ($4.99, ISBN 0-812-51931-0) Tor once again makes available IMMORTALITY, INC., a classic tale by Robert Sheckley, and the story on which the soon-to-be-released Paramount motion picture--FREEJACK--is based. FREEJACK, starring Anthony Hopkins (SILENCE OF THE LAMBS), Emilio Estevez (YOUNG GUNS) and Mick Jagger (lead singer of the Rolling Stones) could well be the BLADE RUNNER of the '90s. Junior Yacht Designer Tom Blaine dies in a car crash in the 20th century, but wakes up in a strange new future where poltergeists are scientific fact and the Afterlife is open to anyone who can pay the price. Hunted by assassins legalized by the Permitted Murder Act, Tom's only allies are the beautiful Marie, a Ghost named Ray and a Zombie named Smith, who wants Tom alive for deadly reasons of his own. Can Tom move fast enough to keep body and soul together in a world where Death is not the end? CONAN THE DESTROYER by Robert Jordan ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51401-7) The fabled city of Shadizar contains many attractive opportunities --none more alluring than the beautiful maiden Jenna, who must be taken to recover a sacred gem. This key will unlock a treasure even greater than Conan could ever imagine. Conan must battle with Bombatta, the murderous henchman of an evil princess and fight for his life against the many-fanged demon-god Dagoth. Deadly to his body and to his soul, this peril is one that Conan MUST vanquish. To survive he must be--CONAN THE DESTROYER. A TRANSATLANTIC TUNNEL, HURRAH! by Harry Harrison ($3.99, ISBN 1-812-51591-9) From Harry Harrison, creator of THE STAINLESS STEEL RAT and BILL THE GALACTIC HERO, comes an imaginative novel of alternate history and high-tech thrills. Two hundred years after the American Revolution failed, with George Washington hanged as a traitor, Her Majesty's Empire attempts the greatest engineering feat in the history of mankind: an underground train tunnel linking Great Britain and North America. Over 4,000 miles in length, it is a project that will take years to complete, risk lives and fortunes, and make or break the reputation of one man: Captain Augustus Washington, descendant of the infamous rebel. DAWN FOR A DISTANT EARTH by L.E. Modesitt, Jr. ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51613-3) The Empire spanned the galaxy, leaving behind the ruins of Old Earth--now a frigid devastation of gray deserts and poison, ice storms and land spouts; a wasteland home only to coyotes and rats, degenerate shambletowners and feral devilkids. Sometimes a fad would sweep the Empire to reclaim the homeworld. But environmental salvation took too long, cost too much, and the fads were always forgotten--except by MacGregor Gerswin. As a captured devilkid, Gerswin was trained for space combat. But he was too savage, too brilliant, too independent for the military, which exiled him to his home. There Gerswin found a challenge that would consume all his strength and rage, through the decades and centuries of his life. He conspired to wage a one man war against the indifference, the incompetence, the vanity of an empire. In his struggle, he would use patience, politics and manipulation--even sabotage, scandal and ambush. Somehow Gerswin would find a way to bring Earth back from the dead. AMBIENT by Jack Womack ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51605-2) It's the near future in New York City, and Seamus O'Malley is the bodyguard, secretary and right-hand man to Mister Dryden, son of the richest man in the world. When he isn't helping Dryden and his father consolidate their iron grip on a city gone crazy, Seamus lives in Loisaida (the Lower East Side) with his sister Enid, an Ambient. The original Ambients were radiation scarred mutants from out on Long Island, where permanent war rages and no one goes any more. Enid, and a growing number of others, are Ambients by choice, those who masochistically alter their bodies beyond the realm of normal. Ambients have their own religion (in opposition to the mainstream Church of Elvis), their own mysterious trans-human powers...and their own unique way of looking at life. When Mister Dryden offers the hand of his mistress, Avalon, if Seamus will kill the elder Dryden, he takes the offer--only to be swept up into the murderous secrets of the Dryden family. There he learns the true secret behind the Ambients, and discovers how the Drydens have managed to inherit control of what's left of the United States. GRAND MASTER'S CHOICE edited by Andre Norton ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-50619-7) GRAND MASTER'S CHOICE offers up the best short stories from each of the first eight Grand Masters of science fiction, as chosen by the Science Fiction Writers of America. Previously published only in a limited hardcover edition by the New England Science Fiction Association, one of the first established science fiction clubs in the world, in commemoration of the fiftieth World Science Fiction Convention. That edition sold out its entire printing immediately. GRAND MASTER'S CHOICE includes stories by Robert A. Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, and Arthur C. Clarke (perhaps the three bestselling science fiction authors of all time) along with perennial bestsellers Clifford Simak, Fritz Leiber, and Andre Norton. All are prolific novelists beloved by millions of readers. Jack Williamson and L. Sprague de Camp, among the most durable favorites in the field, have been entertaining their legions of fans with a special brand of fantasy and science fiction for decades. ************************** ----> BOX SCORES ..................................... /: KQ : : : BARRAYER : : : Lois McMaster Bujold....5 : : : THE JUPITER WAR : : : Bill Fawcett editor.....3 : : : SYNNERS : : : Pat Cadigan.............2 : : : PYRAMIDS : : : Fred Saberhagen.........3 : : : THE ALBINO KNIFE : : : Steve Perry............3 : : : THE SUM OF THINGS : : : Roland J. Green........3 : : : : : : by darryl kenning : : :...................................: :..................................../ ************************** People with narrow minds usually have broad tongues. ************************** TREKOLOGY TNG - Stardate Sequence: 41153.7 Encounter at Farpoint - Part I 101 09/26/87 41153.8 Encounter at Farpoint - Part II 102 09/26/87 41209.2 The Naked Now 103 10/03/87 41235.2 Code Of Honor 104 10/10/87 41242.4 Datalore 114 01/16/88 41249.3 Lonely Among Us 108 10/31/87 41255.6 Justice 109 11/07/87 41263.1 Where No One Has Gone Before 106 10/24/87 41294.5 Haven 105 11/28/87 41309.5 Too Short A Season 112 02/06/88 41365.9 11001001 116 01/30/88 41386.4 The Last Outpost 107 10/18/87 41416.2 Coming Of Age 119 03/12/88 41463.9 Home Soil 117 02/20/88 41503.7 Heart Of Glory 120 03/19/88 41509.1 When The Bough Breaks 118 02/13/88 41590.5 Hide And Q 111 11/21/87 41601.3 Skin Of Evil 122 04/23/88 41636.9 Angel One 115 01/23/88 41697.9 We'll Always Have Paris 124 04/30/88 41723.9 The Battle 110 11/14/87 41775.5 Conspiracy 125 05/07/88 41798.2 The Arsenal Of Freedom 121 04/09/88 41986.0 The Neutral Zone 126 05/14/88 41997.7 The Big Goodbye 113 01/09/88 42073.1 The Child 127 11/19/88 42193.6 Where Silence Has Lease 128 11/26/88 42286.3 Elementary, Dear Data 129 12/03/88 42402.7 The Outrageous Okona 130 12/10/88 42437.5 The Schizoid Man 131 01/21/89 42477.2 Loud As A Whisper 132 01/07/89 42494.8 Unnatural Selection 133 01/28/89 42506.5 A Matter Of Honor 134 02/04/89 42523.7 The Measure Of A Man 135 02/11/89 42568.8 The Dauphin 136 02/18/89 42609.1 Contagion 137 03/18/89 42625.4 The Royale 138 03/25/89 42679.2 Time Squared 139 04/01/89 42686.4 The Icarus Factor 140 04/22/89 42695.3 Pen Pals 141 04/29/89 42761.3 Q Who 142 05/06/89 42779.1 Samaritan Snare 143 05/13/89 42823.2 Up The Long Ladder 144 05/20/89 42859.2 Manhunt 145 06/17/89 42901.3 The Emissary 146 06/24/89 42923.4 Peak Performance 147 07/08/89 42976.1 Shades Of Gray 148 07/15/89 43125.8 Evolution 150 09/23/89 43152.4 The Survivors 151 10/07/89 43173.5 Who Watches The Watchers 152 10/14/89 43198.7 The Bonding 153 10/21/89 43205.6 Booby Trap 154 10/28/89 43349.2 The Enemy 155 11/04/89 43385.6 The Price 156 11/11/89 43421.9 The Vengeance Factor 157 11/18/89 43462.5 The Defector 158 12/30/89 43489.2 The Hunted 159 01/06/90 43510.7 The High Ground 160 01/27/90 43539.1 Deja Q 161 02/03/90 43610.4 A Matter Of Perspective 162 02/10/90 43625.2 Yesterday's Enterprise 163 02/17/90 43657.0 The Offspring 164 03/10/90 43685.2 Sins Of The Father 165 03/17/90 43714.1 Allegiance 166 03/24/90 43745.2 Captain's Holiday 167 03/31/90 43779.3 Tin Man 168 04/21/90 43807.4 Hollow Pursuits 169 04/28/90 43872.2 The Most Toys 170 05/05/90 43917.4 Sarek 171 05/12/90 43930.7 Menage A Troi 172 05/26/90 43957.2 Transfigurations 173 06/02/90 43989.1 The Best Of Both Worlds, Part 1 174 06/16/90 44001.4 The Best Of Both Worlds, Part 2 175 09/22/90 44012.3 Family 178 09/29/90 44085.7 Brothers 177 10/06/90 44143.7 Suddenly Human 176 10/13/90 44161.2 Remember Me 179 10/20/90 44215.2 Legacy 180 10/27/90 44246.3 Reunion 181 11/03/90 44286.5 Future Imperfect 182 11/10/90 44307.3 Final Mission 183 11/17/90 44356.9 The Loss 184 12/29/90 44390.1 Data's Day 185 01/05/91 44429.6 The Wounded 186 01/26/91 44474.5 Devil's Due 187 02/02/91 44502.7 Clues 188 02/09/91 44614.6 Galaxy's Child 190 03/09/91 44631.2 Night Terrors 191 03/16/91 44664.5 Identity Crisis 192 03/24/91 44704.2 The Nth Degree 193 03/31/91 44741.9 Qpid 194 04/21/91 44769.2 The Drumhead 195 04/28/91 44805.3 Half A Life 196 05/05/91 44821.3 The Host 197 05/12/91 44885.5 The Mind's Eye 199 06/02/91 44932.3 In Theory 198 06/09/91 Unknown The Ensigns Of Command 149 09/30/89 Unknown First Contact 189 02/16/91 Unknown Symbiosis 123 04/16/88 Unknown Redemption 200 06/23/91 ************************** The moon may be smaller than Earth, but it's further away. ************************** NEWS 'N' NOTES Received: RADIO FREE THULCANDRA RFT is a fanzine edited and published for Christian Fandom, and interdenominational fellowship of christians and SF fans interested in the courteous and accurate representation of Christian viewpoints in the fannish community. Edited by Marty Helgesen. For info and samples etc. ( follows the tradition of most fanzines) write: Marty Helgesen 11 Lawrence Ave. Malverne, NY 11565-1406 USA please mention that you saw this information in READING FOR PLEASURE ************************** The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard. ************************** * Disney has purchased the film rights to the WILD CARDS shared-world series edited by George R.R. Martin. Martin will write the screenplay. * Gay Star Trek fans have started the Gaylactic Network, and they're currently engaged in a letter-writing campaign asking that STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION have a character who is openly gay. If you'd like to add you voice, send your petition to: Gene Roddenberry, 5555 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90038, with a copy to Brandon Tartikoff at the same address. For more information about the Gaylactic Network, write to: The Gaylactic Network, Box 1051, Back Bay Annex, Boston, MA 02117-1051. * Carroll & Graf, one of our favorite publishers, has recently purchased reprint rights to the entire available backlist of SF novels by A.E. van Vogt. By "available backlist" I mean books whose rights are not currently owned by someone else. For instance, Tor (another of our favorite publishers) holds the rights to the "Weapon Shops" series and SLAN. Carroll & Graf plan to put every out-of-print van Vogt novel back into print over the next three to four years. ************************** *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* * * * FRIGHTFUL FICTION * * * *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Editor: Annie Wilkes --------------------------------------------------------------------- Frightful Fiction is a division of Reading For Pleasure, published bimonthly. This material is NOT COPYRIGHTED and may be used freely by all. Catalogs, news releases, review copies, or donated reviews should be sent to: Reading For Pleasure, 103 Baughman's Lane, Suite 303, Frederick, MD 21702. --------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAM STOKER AWARDS Given out by the Horror Writers of America. Novel: MINE by Robert R. McCammon (Pocket) First Novel: THE REVELATION by Bentley Little (St. Martin's) Novelette: "Stephen" by Elizabeth Massie (BORDERLANDS) Short Story: "The Calling" by David B. Silva (BORDERLANDS) Collection: FOUR PAST MIDNIGHT by Stephen King (Viking) Nonfiction: DARK DREAMERS by Stanley Wiater (Avon) Lifetime Achievement Award: Hugh B. Cave & Richard Matheson ************************** * I'm sure you're aware of THE BRIDGE by John Skipp and Craig Spector, being released by Bantam Books October 1991. But did you know that this book also has an original soundtrack CD? The authors wrote, performed, recorded, and produced the material, and the CD should be available at the same time as the book. * Speaking of Skipp & Spector, remember the zombie anthology they edited called BOOK OF THE DEAD? The one that was supposed to have a sequel, which got hung up for awhile? Well the sequel is back on track now, called STILL DEAD, and will contain stories by K.W. Jeter, Gahan Wilson, Nancy Collins, Kathe Koja (THE CIPHER), Poppy Z. Brite, Pat Cadigan, and maybe even a few surprise contributors. I hope to find out the release date by next issue. * Movies Filmed Recently: RED SLEEP, screenplay by Richard Christian Matheson, directed by John Landis, possibly starring Robert DeNiro. Also, SLEEPWALKERS, screenplay by Stephen King, directed by Mick Garris. * An emergency medical and financial hardship fund has been established by the Horror Writers of America. It was kicked off with several thousand dollars raised by auctions and donations. If you'd like to donate to this fund, send your check to: Horror Writers of America (Hardship Fund), Cheryl Curry Sayre, Treasurer, Box 1301, Ontario, CANADA 91762-9991. * Richard T. Chizmar is the editor/publisher of CEMETERY DANCE magazine (see Peter Quint's article in this issue). He is also the editor of an anthology of "dark mystery fiction" called COLD BLOOD, a genre-crossing book whose stories include elements of horror, mystery, suspense, crime, and murder. It should be available by the time you read this from Ziesing Books (Mark V. Ziesing, PO Box 76, Shingletown, CA 96088, 916-474-1580). We now hear that Chizmar is editing another anthology for Ziesing Books called THE EARTH STRIKES BACK, "tales of ecological/environmental terror", and yet another anthology, of original horror/suspense stories, called SHIVERS for SpineTingling Press (see reviews of SpineTingling Press' BONE-THROWER and FREAK LINK audio books in RFP #18 and information about their book SEXPUNKS & SAVAGE SAGAS in this issue). * Because of the success of the TV mini-series adaptation of Stephen King's IT last year, ABC has bought the rights to his THE TOMMYKNOCKERS for another mini-series. King's latest, NEEDFUL THINGS, the last Castle Rock novel, has also been purchased (but for the movie theater, not TV). It is rumored that the price paid for TOMMYKNOCKERS might have set a record for TV, and the grapevine has it that King got $1.75 million for the movie rights to NEEDFUL THINGS. ************************** THE SHAPE UNDER THE SHEET The Complete Stephen King Encyclopedia by Stephen J. Spignesi (Popular Culture Ink, 1991, $110, ISBN 1-56075-018-9) review by Cindy Bartorillo If you're hoping that this is another overpriced piece of nonsense cranked out for King fanatics with more money than sense, I've got some bad news for you: THE SHAPE UNDER THE SHEET is not only wonderful throughout its 780 gigantic pages, it is easily worth all one hundred and ten dollars it takes to buy yourself a copy. Let me try to give you a hint of all the neat things in THE SHAPE UNDER THE SHEET: The core of the Encyclopedia is the concordance section. Each published--and unpublished--work by Stephen King is listed chronologically, and for each work you get a skeleton, or outline, of the entire work, plus an alphabetical listing of entries under the headings: "People", "Places", and "Things". Not just the SIGNIFICANT people, places, and things, you understand. ALL the people, places, and things. For instance, one of the Things listed for THE DEAD ZONE is "JUDE THE OBSCURE--A book read by Chuck Chatsworth." Can't remember who Chuck was? Look under People and you'll find "CHATSWORTH, CHUCK--The seventeen-year-old boy that John Smith tutored." According to the publishers there are 18,000 entries in the concordance area. Other sections of THE SHAPE UNDER THE SHEET include: discussions about Stephen King's background, interviews with friends and relatives, articles about King, articles about King fandom, all about CASTLE ROCK (the Stephen King newsletter), complete coverage of film adaptations, discussions of King's poetry, a guide to audiotape versions of King works, an annotated bibliography, interviews with King's literary contemporaries (about King, of course), coverage of material King hasn't finished and/or hasn't even begun yet. Also, every section contains numerous "sidebars" of related interesting material, making this a fabulous browsing book as well as a reference volume. And this Encyclopedia is meant to be used. There are two Tables of Contents, with the material arranged sequentially and then classified by type. There are over a dozen Indexes, so you can look up King material any way that suits you. And the front and rear endsheets provide two of the most important Indexes in the easiest to find location. Out of all the books published about Stephen King (and I've got almost one entire shelf of them myself), THE SHAPE UNDER THE SHEET stands out as the one book to have for King fans. I'm having a particularly good time with THE SHAPE UNDER THE SHEET and King's new NEEDFUL THINGS. This latest novel from King is supposedly the last that will be set in his fictional town of Castle Rock, and many of Castle Rock's residents, seen in previous books, make a curtain call. With THE SHAPE UNDER THE SHEET nearby, I can remind myself about these previous stories and enjoy many King plots and characters all over again. Don't miss THE SHAPE UNDER THE SHEET. If your local bookstore can't help you get THE SHAPE UNDER THE SHEET, you can write to the publisher at: Popular Culture, Ink, PO Box 1839, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Better yet, get your credit card ready and call 1-800-678-8828 (orders only). ************************** SUMMER OF NIGHT by Dan Simmons (Putnam, January 1991, $22.95, ISBN 0-399-13573-1) review by Howard Frye "Dale Stewart sat in his sixth-grade classroom in Old Central and was quietly certain that the last day of school was the worst punishment grown-ups had ever devised for kids. Time had slowed worse than when he was in a dentist's office waiting, worse than when he was in trouble with his mom and had to wait for his dad to come home before punishment could be meted out..." SUMMER OF NIGHT is a both an evocation of childhood worthy of Ray Bradbury and a horror thriller worthy of the author of THE SONG OF KALI and CARRION COMFORT (Dan Simmons). Taking place over the course of a couple of months, SUMMER OF NIGHT weaves a shocking tale of evil against the backdrop of a small rural town. The cast of characters includes eleven-year-old Dale and his younger, 8-year-old brother Lawrence, and the rest of Dale's contemporaries: the mature and religious Mike; the budding writer and overweight egghead Duane; the slightly strange newcomer Kevin; the good boy from an unfortunate home, Jim. All the kids you knew as a child are here: the school bully, the bully's moronic sidekick, the most beautiful girl in the class, your best friend, the dirt-poor family and the filthy-rich family. They're all here. Also very much present in SUMMER OF NIGHT is the setting: the summer of 1960 in a small rural town in Illinois. John F. Kennedy is winning the nomination as Democratic candidate for President, the Echo space satellite is being launched, rural homes didn't get locked at night, entertainment consisted of picnics and outdoor movies, and a boy's best friend was his bike. (Do you remember your bike? How many possessions do you have today that mean anywhere NEAR as much to you as your bike did back then?) I don't remember any author that has caught the Babyboomer childhood as well as Dan Simmons has here. Reading this book brought back to me the sense of "territory" that I had as a child, how well I knew the position of every tree, every brook, every hiding place in my neighborhood. Dan Simmons has once again stretched his boundaries as a writer and written a story that is truly different from anything he has done before. But SUMMER OF NIGHT is not all campouts and ballgames--there is a terrific horror story drawn onto this backdrop. Tubby Cooke, one of the poorest students in Old Central (both academically and economically), is introduced on page 15 and lasts only to page 20, at least as a living character. There are forces alive in the small town of Elm Haven that apparently only the children can sense--they hear voices, see lights, feel drafts. Soon there will be apparitions, and much, much worse. Tubby's sister Cordie calls them "night things", and it will take the combined talents of Dale and all of his friends to fight the evil that is taking over his town. Not all will live through the battle; the end of summer and the end of innocence will go hand in hand. The ending, which of course I won't give away, is wrenchingly wonderful--I have always been in awe of Dan Simmons ability to END a story with a bittersweet sense of finality and closure. SUMMER OF NIGHT is another rousing and literate horror tale from Dan Simmons. Whatever you do, don't miss this one, and be sure to check out the earlier SONG OF KALI and CARRION COMFORT if you haven't already. Tor is reprinting SONG OF KALI in a paperback edition this month--October 1991. (And I can't very well talk about Dan Simmons without at least mentioning HYPERION and FALL OF HYPERION, a two-book SF/horror combination that is simply breathtaking.) SIMMONS UPDATE: His next novel, CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT, has been turned in to Putnam and is tentatively scheduled for publication in July 1992. ************************** THE STAKE A Novel of the Supernatural by Richard Laymon (St. Martin's, June 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-312-06016-5) review by Drew Bartorillo On the way home from a weekend outing, Larry Dunbar, a famous horror novelist, his wife and the next door neighbors decide to do some exploring in an old ghost town called Sagebrush Flat. Underneath the floor of what used to be the town's main hotel, they find a coffin containing a shriveled female corpse impaled by a wooden stake. Everyone's initial reaction is that someone had killed a vampire (of course no one REALLY believes in vampires). Larry is having a hard time getting started on his next horror novel (hasn't even decided what to write about yet) and decides to come back later and take the corpse home. His intention is to write a horror nonfiction novel mirroring his real-life adventures with the corpse. During the writing of his new novel, Larry finds out who the corpse is and eventually even who killed her, along with two other young girls in the town where they all live. But, the whole time, the corpse is in Larry's garage attic with the stake still in her chest. What would happen if someone pulled out the stake? Is she REALLY a vampire and would she come back to life? I found THE STAKE very enjoyable and extremely fast paced. Richard Laymon's writing style will keep you riveted to every word and anxiously awaiting the final outcome of the story. I found myself screaming for someone to pull out the darned stake and see what happens (after all this is a supposed to be a novel of the supernatural). Well, someone does pull out the stake eventually and...... ! I can highly recommend THE STAKE and look forward to reading other books by Richard Laymon. ************************** HANGMAN by Christopher A. Bohjalian (Carroll & Graf, May 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-88184-685-6) review by Annie Wilkes Brian and Marcia Middleton are moving from the hectic world of New York City to a large farmhouse in Vermont. They are seeking a simpler and more rewarding lifestyle as well as a fresh start for their shaky marriage. Their delight with the new house is short-lived, for the Middletons are soon told that the house comes with a reputation for being, well, strange. It seems that early in this century a 6-year-old girl hanged herself in the house's attic, and the noose is hanging there still. Marcia also notices other problems with the attic, like the fact that it's often colder up there than it is outside. When Marcia finds her husband hanging from the noose in the attic, she numbly tells the police that he was killed. Now it will be Detective J.P. Burrows' job to discover who (or is it what?) killed Brian Middleton, and of course Marcia is the obvious suspect. HANGMAN is a slightly old-fashioned supernatural tale, a bit more slowly paced than the modern monster fests, and with a terrific moody, atmospheric quality. The characters are engaging and the Middleton's Vermont house just might remind you a bit of Hill House. HANGMAN is a great Halloween choice for readers a bit tired of monsters and mayhem. Christopher A. Bohjalian's first novel, A KILLING IN THE REAL WORLD (1988), was optioned by CBS Entertainment for the movie DEADLY REUNION. He now lives in Vermont where he is working on his third novel. ************************** HORROR COMICS: The Illustrated History by Mike Benton (Taylor Publishing, July 1991, $21.95, ISBN 0-87833-734-2) review by Cindy Bartorillo Do you know... 1. Which female vampire comic book hero wore a leather bikini, drank synthetic blood, and came from the planet Drakulon? 2. What Freddie Krueger, Steve Martin, and the Swamp Thing have in common? 3. Which famous HBO Television series host originally appeared in a 1950s EC horror comic? (Hint: His father had two heads and his mother was an Egyptian mummy.) 4. Why vampires and werewolves double-date? 5. Why the United States Senate, a New York governor, a Harlem psychiatrist, and ten thousand mothers wanted to ban the horror comics of the 1950s? HORROR COMICS is the first of a new series called "The Taylor History of Comics". In this volume, author Mike Benton gives a complete history of those nasty comic books that our parents never wanted us to read. The ones with the exploding heads and dripping corpses (in glorious, hideous color) on the covers. You'll find out how all this awfulness got started, who the movers and shakers were, who the creative artists were, and the whole story is brought up to the present day with titles like THE VAMPIRE LESTAT and HELLBLAZER. Of course, you can't cover the history of horror comics without talking about Frederic Wertham's SEDUCTION OF THE INNOCENT, the Congressional investigation into the way comics warp the minds of our young, and the resultant Comics Code. HORROR COMICS will tell you all about it, and an Appendix gives you the actual text of the Comics Code. Did I mention that every page of HORROR COMICS has full-color reproductions of covers and story pages of notable horror comics? You can see and read portions of the old comics to get a feel for the content yourself. And Mike Benton knows that you won't be able to resist all these delectable delights for long, so he includes a chapter about collecting and ends the book with a heavily-illustrated guide and checklist to all the major horror comic books published in the last fifty years. HORROR COMICS is irresistible. ANSWERS: 1. Vampirella. 2. They all appeared in horror comic books based on movies. 3. The Crypt-Keeper. 4. They never argue about where or who to eat later. 5. Read the book! You can find the answer to this question--and thousands more--in HORROR COMICS: THE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY by Mike Benton. Mike Benton has been a comic book collector, dealer, and investor for more than 25 years. He is co-owner of Custom Comic Services, the country's largest exclusive publisher of educational comics, and has written COMIC BOOK COLLECTING FOR FUN AND PROFIT and THE COMIC BOOK IN AMERICA. If you local store can't help you find HORROR COMICS, try writing to the publisher at: Taylor Publishing Company, 1550 W. Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75235. ************************** THE BAD PLACE by Dean R. Koontz (1990) review by Drew Bartorillo Frank Pollard regains consciousness in an alley not knowing who he is or where he has been. All he can remember is his name. He has with him a leather flight bag full of money. Where did it come from? Suddenly he is being chased by a mysterious blue light. Stealing a car, he tries to escape but is pursued by the blue light which has the power of smashing in the car windows and bursting the car tires. The blue light materializes into a dark stranger and the chase continues. Bobby and Julie Dakota own a detective agency that specializes in surveillance and background investigation cases, not your "normal" missing person or cheating spouse type of case. Their big goal is to earn enough money to retire early and be able to do what they really want to do for the rest of their lives. Frank Pollard will seek their help in finding out who he is and their destiny will be changed forever. The Dakotas and Frank will eventually cross paths with a ruthless killer called Candy who was taught at an early age by his mother that the easy way to kill people, young and old, is to bite their necks, gouging out large chunks until they were dead. He has also developed a liking for cocktails of his victims' blood. Candy has a very specialized talent, the capability to transport himself, at will, to any place that he can visualize. He can reach his victims simply by touching something they've touched, since their "presence" remains on every item they come in contact with. Candy can detect your presence, visualize where you are, and presto, instant death arrives. I really, really enjoyed THE BAD PLACE. This is the second Dean Koontz book I have read, PHANTOMS being the first. I was less than thrilled with PHANTOMS, but since then Koontz has made some major advancements in the field of suspense writing. THE BAD PLACE has all you can ask for in a suspense thriller with a touch of the supernatural thrown in. Koontz's vision of how human teleporation might take place is fascinating. I found myself unable to put THE BAD PLACE down--I just couldn't wait to find out what Frank Pollard, the Dakotas and Candy had in common. THE BAD PLACE also has a really power-packed ending. I was breathless after completing the book and even now occasionally think about it. There isn't too much more I can say about the central plot of the book without giving it away. All I can say is try it, you'll really like it. WARNING: Those of you that object to or have queasy stomachs when it comes to animal mutilation might be a little cautious when it comes to THE BAD PLACE. You see, Candy is not partial to feeding on the flesh and blood of humans. He'll occasionally feast on a rabbit or cat. NOTE: The next Dean Koontz novel will be HIDEAWAY, coming from Putnam in January 1992. ************************** SOMETHING STIRS by Charles L. Grant (Tor, November 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-312-85152-9) review by Cindy Bartorillo It matters not what you believe. What matters is what you forgot: The sun will shine on loch and kirk, But in the dark, child, Something stirs. What would autumn be without a Charles Grant novel? I will always associate him with the rustling leaves and dark corners of an evening in autumn, or the unnatural stillness during a nighttime blizzard in the following winter. SOMETHING STIRS is set in a small town in November and December, and the lead characters are a clique of high school teenagers, Grant's specialty. Indeed, Grant portrays teenagers better than any other writer I can think of except Stephen King. These teenagers, of course, have a problem. Their leader, Eddie Roman, has apparently hacked his father to death and then, somehow, torn himself to pieces. At first the police say that it couldn't have been a suicide, but when no suspects are forthcoming suicide looks most likely. The rest of the Pack, however, know that something had been bothering Eddie for weeks--he had been deeply frightened. Of something. And they also heard the screaming that night, from all corners of the town. What is going on? SOMETHING STIRS is a story about childhood nightmares that are forgotten but not gone. Though the explanation at the end of the novel is the weakest part, it seems that your childish fears can come back to get you. Not as good as last year's STUNTS, SOMETHING STIRS is nonetheless a fine moody and atmospheric tale of things that really DO go bump in the night. For in the darkness, child, something stirs. ************************** TALONS by Anthony Mancini (Donald I. Fine, August 1991, $19.95, ISBN 1-55611-234-3) commentary from the publisher Evocative of such classic man-versus-nature thrillers as JAWS and "The Birds", TALONS refers to the razor-like claws of a voracious rogue eagle who is a more deadly threat than the most sadistic of human predators. A genetic mishap resulting from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, this bird has an insatiable appetite; for her, man is but an appetizer. In the midst of the action there's also irony (the falconer who smuggles the bird into the U.S. experiences her fury firsthand) and an engaging romance between a New York police lieutenant, David Torino, and the Central Park Zoo's beautiful and brainy ornithologist, Antonia Meadows, who is assigned to capture--or kill--the eagle. Anthony Mancini has written four previous novels, including MENAGE and THE YELLOW GARDENIA. A veteran New York POST reporter, he has also written for Cosmopolitan, Penthouse and the Washington POST. ************************** SEXPUNKS & SAVAGE SAGAS Dark, Quirky, Erotic Stories by Richard Sutphen (Spine-Tingling Press, October 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-87554-476-2) review by Annie Wilkes In RFP #18 we reviewed two audio cassettes from Spine-Tingling Press: BONE THROWER and FREAK LINK, both of which were written and read by Richard Sutphen. In SEXPUNKS & SAVAGE SAGAS, Sutphen provides a print copy of his two title stories from the tapes, along with a dozen other stories--all weird tales with extensive sexual content. In the back of the book Sutphen discusses the origin of the stories, many of which derive from terrifying occult experiences he has discovered in real life. There is also an excerpt from BRAIN DAMAGED, a novel by Sutphen scheduled for released in Summer 1992. If you like weird fiction, occult stories, and kinky sex, SEXPUNKS & SAVAGE SAGAS may be just the book for you. I think I still prefer the audio version of BONE THROWER, though--thrilling stories like that work best as drama. SEXPUNKS & SAVAGE SAGAS is also available in a signed and limited first cloth slipcased edition of 350 copies ($50, ISBN 0-87554-479-7) and on audio tape (ST103, two tapes, three hours, $14.95, ISBN 0-87554-487-8). You can get all Sutphen material from: Spine-Tingling Press, Box 186, Agoura Hills, CA 91376. Include list price plus $3 shipping for first book, $1 for each additional book. Or get your credit card and call 1-800-421-6603 (orders only). ************************** DESCENT by Ron Dee (Dell Abyss, October 1991, $4.50, ISBN 0-440-20708-8) review by Annie Wilkes Suck away my death and bring me alive. Lose your self and I arrive. So sings satanic rock star Aliester C. in a concert at the beginning of Ron Dee's DESCENT, a fast-paced race between the powers of life and death. Vickie Laster's father died when she was young, and she wanted her father back so badly that she unknowingly forged a relationship with Death beyond anything known before. Now she's a young married woman with an abusive husband and a dead baby that mysteriously died in the womb. Soon Vickie is due to give birth to Death in Life and she will become an infernal conduit between the two, a connection between two worlds that were never meant to be joined. While it seems to me that DESCENT just misses out on excellence--the underlying cosmic theory could have been clearer and the characters were sketchily drawn--the story is compelling and the pace is swift. Read DESCENT with a little Alice Cooper on your music machine, or maybe some Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath. DESCENT is loud, fast, and grim. Give it a try. NOTE: Stephen King had this to say about Dell's new Abyss line of horror fiction: "In terms of quality, production, and plain old story-telling reliability (that's the bottom line, isn't it?) Dell's new line is amazingly satisfying...a rare and wonderful bargain for readers." Hope you didn't miss the September volume from Dell Abyss: MASTERY by Kelley Wilde (Dell Abyss, September 1991, $4.50, ISBN 0-440-20727-4) This is the same Kelley Wilde whose first published novel, THE SUITING, won the Bram Stoker Award for a First Novel. And his MAKOTO was pretty good too. ************************** THE HEADSMAN by James Neal Harvey (Donald I. Fine, August 1991, $19.95, ISBN 1-55611-263-7) review by Drew Bartorillo During colonial times, the town of Braddock, New York, employed an executioner who plied his bloody trade with a huge double-bladed ax. According to a grim local town legend, the executioner returns every so often to punish adulterers and other perceived sinners. One day the students of the local Braddock High School have a heated debate over the pros and cons of the town legend. That night one the the class students, the daughter of a prominent citizen, is found decapitated and one of the other students has a "vision" of the decapitation taking place. In the vision, a giant of a man, clad all in black and wielding the awful doubled-bladed weapon, appears out of the shadows to do his gruesome work and, once done, disappears back into the shadows. Is the legend just an old wives' tale and there really is a deranged killer in the town of Braddock using the legend to mask his gruesome deeds? Or does the horrifying executioner materialize periodically, as the legend states? I found reading THE HEADSMAN to be quite dry at times. There is way too much emphasis placed on details that have absolutely nothing to do with the progress of the story. For example: the great detail, paragraph after paragraph, of a shopping trip one of the main characters takes. As is usual in a horror novel, I assumed I was being set up for a main event in the story. Unfortunately, nothing happened and I was left wondering why the ramblings even took place. The novel is full of this type of digression, but I was continually wondering whether the executioner was out of the legend or actually one of the town's people. This kept me going, through each murder, till I finished the novel and found out. I'm not too sure I'd recommend this book to anyone who is used to fast-paced action/terror novels. You might find this one a bit slow for you, but it still is above average. ************************** BY BIZARRE HANDS by Joe R. Lansdale (Avon, September 1991, $3.99, ISBN 0-380-71205-9) review by Peter Quint BY BIZARRE HANDS is about the easiest book to recommend in the entire bookstore. Unless you got the Mark V. Ziesing hardcover edition in 1989 you NEED this book. Here's the way it stacks up: Horror (or "dark fantasy" or whatever you want to call it) and short stories go together like a pit and a pendulum; Joe Lansdale is one of horror's leading talents; Joe's very best work is short; most of Joe's stories have been published in small magazines so you probably haven't seen them; and this is Joe's first collection. That's about as simple as I can say it. In this collection you'll find a couple of stories you might have heard of before, like "Night They Missed the Horror Show" and "On the Far Side of the Cadillac Desert with Dead Folks". If you didn't see them in SILVER SCREAM and BOOK OF THE DEAD, respectively, maybe you read that they won a few awards. The first story won the Bram Stoker Award and the second won the Bram Stoker Award, the American Horror Award, and an award presented by the British Fantasy Society. BY BIZARRE HANDS also has stories you probably haven't heard of, including two ("The Fat Man and the Elephant" and "The Steel Valentine") that are original to this volume and one ("Hell Through a Windshield") that appears in its entirety for the first time. So here's my recommendation: Buy this book. It'll be the best $3.99 you ever spent. ************************** The Horror Writers of America Present: UNDER THE FANG edited by Robert R. McCammon (Pocket Books, August 1991, $4.95, ISBN 0-671-69573-8) review by Cindy Bartorillo Shared-world anthologies can be found all over the SF bookshelves, but here is one for horror fans. Edited by bestselling author Robert R. McCammon and presented under the auspices of The Horror Writers of America, UNDER THE FANG collects stories about a future world in which the vampires have taken over. Vampires run the governments and own the media, and the humans that are left must run and hide and form resistance movements in the sunlight. As you might imagine, this premise makes for some mighty depressing stories--this is definitely DARK fantasy. Included in UNDER THE FANG are stories by: McCammon, Nancy A. Collins, Clint Collins, Sidney Williams & Robert Petitt, Al Sarrantonio, Charles de Lint, Chet Williamson, Suzy McKee Charnas & Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Richard Laymon, J.N. Williamson, Ed Gorman, Brian Hodge, David N. Meyer III, Thomas F. Monteleone, Clifford V. Brooks, Lisa W. Cantrell, and Dan Perez. NOTE: The Horror Writers of America already have a second collection planned (different premise). It'll be called FREAK SHOW and will be edited by F. Paul Wilson. The ad reads: "Travel with the freaks of the Peabody-Ozymandias Traveling Circus and Oddity Emporium. The performers aren't quite human--their acts are quite sinister. Beware if they come to your hometown!" Scheduled released date is sometime during the summer of 1992. ************************** PETER QUINT READS THE MAGAZINES MIDNIGHT ZOO Jon L. Herron, editor Here is a terrific magazine that you should know about. It's bimonthly, with a an additional special edition in December. It's large--the two issues I've seen are both over 140 (8-1/2 by 11) pages long--and the insides run the gamut of genres and types. There's fiction, poetry, articles, essays, interviews, reviews, artwork, even cartoons. Subject matter is varied too. As the cover states: "The Best Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Science Fact." Best may be arguable, but the material is certainly very good. I particularly enjoyed the interviews in Volume #1, Issue #4 (July 1991) with Katharine Kerr, Barry Harrington, and Philip Jose Farmer. It doesn't matter if you like their work or have even HEARD of their work, the interviews are great. The best part of MIDNIGHT ZOO, at least as far as I'm concerned is the wide coverage. I read a lot of horror novels and horror magazines (hence my appearance here in RFP), but my tastes extend a lot further than that. It's not that I insist on a vampire in every story, but I like the freedom that the fantasy genres allow authors--so I always keep an eye out in the SF & Fantasy sections of the bookstore as well as the Horror aisle. It's nice to see everything in one great big collection; almost like Mr. Herron consulted me personally. Another part of MIDNIGHT ZOO that deserves mention: the poetry. Now I'm not really into poetry and I generally skip over it in most magazines, but I read a few from MZ and then read a few more, and then a few more. These poems are fun! My hat's off to both the poets for writing them, and to the editor for choosing them. Great stuff. OK, so how do you get MIDNIGHT ZOO for yourself? Annual subscriptions are $29.95, single issues are $4.95 (plus $1.05 shipping/handling), the special December edition if $19.95 (plus $2.77 shipping/handling). Send it to: Midnight Zoo, 544 Ygnacio Valley Road, #A273, PO Box 8040, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. (Phone: 415/942-5116 FAX: 415/933-3801) WEIRD TALES #302: Special William F. Nolan Issue (Terminus Publishing, Fall 1991, $4.95) I had been anxiously awaiting WEIRD TALES #302 because I've been a fan of William F. Nolan for quite a few years. It doesn't disappoint. The interview with Mr. Nolan is fascinating. He talks about his career, his writing technique, and his literary preferences. At a time when it seems like every writer working today is trying to distance himself from the horror genre, William F. Nolan has decided he likes the neighborhood and would like to stay awhile. Here are a few excerpts from the interview: "I literally do not understand the kind of British writer who opens the door to an apartment and spends the next five pages describing what's in the room, or writers who take half a chapter to get their character across a kitchen in a breakfast scene. I'm in and out of the kitchen and down the road and into the next county by the time they're reaching the marmalade." "I'm not too worried about Stephen King and Peter Straub and all these people. I'm worried about William F. Nolan. I've got to keep doing better than this guy, or else I'm not going to make it....You've got to keep stretching yourself." The William F. Nolan material consists of an essay about the beginnings of his love for horror literature; a poem about how much he loves being a horror writer; a short story called "The Visions", a provocative little piece that could have been a Twilight Zone episode; and a fabulous novella called "Broxa" that mixes the detective story with the horror story and produces a mystery with bite. If this issue doesn't win more fans for William F. Nolan, nothing will. There are a few non-Nolan pieces in #302. Like "The Hell Book" by Jason Van Hollander, a nice updating of a rather Lovecraftian theme. "The Creative Urge" by Weird Tales favorite Robert Bloch is a short self-referential piece that puts one in mind of Hofstaedter's "strange loops" (from GODEL, ESCHER, BACH). Think about it too long and smoke starts to seep out of your ears. For the more fantasy-oriented reader, there is "The Luststone" by Brian Lumley and "The Magician" by Ronald Anthony Cross. Sadly, there is no book review column in this issue, so I guess we're stuck with RFP this time out. All in all, #302 is a first-rate issue of WEIRD TALES. Don't miss it. SUBSCRIPTION: For $24/$46 you can get 6/12 quarterly issues of WEIRD TALES delivered to you anywhere in the U.S. Send to: WEIRD TALES, PO Box 13418, Philadelphia, PA 19101-3418. CEMETERY DANCE Summer 1991, Vol. 3, Issue 3 Richard T. Chizmar, editor Another fine issue of one of the most dependable horror magazines. (I still call it a horror magazine, but they seem to be drifting in a suspense-dark mystery direction, which is perfectly OK with me.) There is a profile of Chelsea Quinn Yarbro and an interview with Anne Rice, both of which are superb--those are two very interesting ladies. CD has expanded their review sections, and this issue features a Douglas Winter review of THE M.D. by Thomas M. Disch, Edward Bryant writing about NEEDFUL THINGS by Stephen King, BOY'S LIFE by Robert R. McCammon reviewed by Lori Perkins, and about a dozen more good books covered by various reviewers. Tyson Blue is back with another column about Stephen King and others--lots of good information for readers who like to keep up. The fiction is good too. There's a story from Bill Pronzini called "The Pattern" and Andrew Vachss is represented by "It's A Hard World". Equally good is "Saviour" by Gary A. Braunbeck, "With the Wound Still Wet" by Wayne Allen Sallee, "Have You Seen Me?" by Nancy Holder, and "Spitting Image" by Michael Thomas Dillon. But the shorter fiction is all overshadowed by the longer story, saved appropriately for the end of the magazine, by John Shirley: "Just Like Suzie". There's not much I can say about this story in a family publication like RFP--it's pretty extreme, sort of a laugh-and-puke-at-the-same-time kinda thing. Let's just say the images stick with you. If you don't get CD already, you'd better get your checkbook out before you miss another issue. Make a check out to CD Publications for $15/$25/$40 for 4/8/12 quarterly issues. Send it to: Cemetery Dance, PO Box 16372, Baltimore, MD 21210. DARK TOME #8 (August 1991) Michelle Marr, editor A small desktop-published magazine of weird fiction. Send $2 for one copy, $10 for 6 bi-monthly issues, or an SASE for fiction submission guidelines to: Dark Tome, PO Box 705, Salem, OR 97308. ************************** GAUNTLET #3 It's not too early to reserve your copy of GAUNTLET #3, the annual dedicated to covering the issue of censorship and the printing of censored material. See Peter Quint's review of GAUNTLET #2 in RFP #17. The focus of issue #3 will be on the "politically correct", though GAUNTLET will retain all of its regular features. This section will contain some provocative, highly "politically incorrect" satire and commentary, bound to offend just about everyone as well as insightful commentary and debates. Issue #3 will explore the Persian Gulf War from a unique perspective; no rehashing of old news. If we can't shed new light on the War, we'll leave it to others to scrutinize what has already been analyzed. GAUNTLET #3 will feature two retrospective pieces: a look at Lenny Bruce and how he paved the way for today's no-holds-barred comics and an interview (with illustrations) with MAD's William M. Gaines, who compares censorship today with that of the 50s. GAUNTLET will feature the work of at least three noteworthy artists who have faced their share of controversy: S. Clay Wilson, Joe Coleman and J.K. Potter, complete with portfolios of their censored work. Ramsey Campbell introduces a story of his own he censored from a collection of erotic fiction, with the story following (naturally). F. Paul Wilson's "Pelts", a story animal rights activists can relate to, will be given a comic-strip treatment (a GAUNTLET exclusive). Del Close and Nancy Collins provide two plays that were to be part of an aborted off-Broadway production. R.C. Matheson, Brian Hodge, James Kisner, Ron Leming and others add top notch fiction to the GAUNTLET mix. Ever read an intriguing story in a daily and wonder why there was no follow-up? Shoddy journalism. GAUNTLET on the other hand, will provide updates on stories featured in issue #2: what's happened to Charles Freeman, the boycott of a Korean produce store by blacks in New York, the teacher at a Philadelphia school who had students rip out 144 pages from a contemporary literature text, the ongoing saga of Salman Rushdie and Chicago's Father Pflegler. GAUNTLET has commissioned a slew of investigative reports on abortion, men as victims of rape due to media sensationalism, a Catholic College's attempt to stifle allegations of widespread date rape...just to name a few. For GAUNTLET #3 (due to ship March 1992), send $12.95 plus $2 postage and handling to: GAUNTLET, Dept. S91, 309 Powell Rd., Springfield, PA 19064. ************************** DANGEROUS WOMEN "Ligeia" by Edgar Allan Poe (1838) THE GREAT GOD PAN by Arthur Machen (1890) "Xelucha" by M.P. Shiel (1896) "The Beckoning Fair One" by Oliver Onions (1911) THE LAIR OF THE WHITE WORM by Bram Stoker (1911) THE IRISH WITCH by Dennis Wheatley (1973) SWEETHEART, SWEETHEART by Bernard Taylor (1977) GHOST STORY by Peter Straub (1979) THE GIRL IN A SWING by Richard Adams (1980) THE HUNGER by Whitley Strieber (1981) THE QUEEN OF THE DAMNED by Anne Rice (1988) CTHULHU MYTHOS STORIES *NOT* BY LOVECRAFT THE OPENER OF THE WAY by Robert Bloch (1945) THE LURKER AT THE THRESHOLD by August Derleth (1945) THE WEB OF EASTER ISLAND by Donald Wandrei (1948) THE MASK OF CTHULHU by August Derleth (1958) THE TRIAL OF CTHULHU by August Derleth (1962) THE MIND PARASITES by Colin Wilson (1967) DAGON by Fred Chappell (1968) THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE by Colin Wilson (1969) THE GREAT WHITE SPACE by Basil Copper (1974) THE BURROWERS BENEATH by Brain Lumley (1974) STRANGE EONS by Robert Bloch (1978) THE COLOR OUT OF TIME by Michael Shea (1984) ************************** NEW FROM TOR IN SEPTEMBER commentary from the publisher NECROSCOPE V: DEADSPAWN by Brian Lumley ($5.99, ISBN 0-812-50835-1) From Brian Lumley, the two-time winner of the British Fantasy Award, comes the fifth book in the bestselling NECROSCOPE series, one of Tor's most popular horror series. NECROSCOPE IV: DEADSPEAK was a Waldenbooks Mass Paperback Bestseller. In DEADSPAWN, Harry Keogh's life becomes incredibly complicated. Since discovering that vampires are real, Keogh has learned to use his powers as a necroscope to combat them. But he's allied himself with Father Ferenczy, the dead father of Earth's vampires, an alliance which may prove to be Keogh's downfall. Now he is called upon to solve a most unusual murder case. The only being who can identify the killer is the ghost of one of his victims. The murderer seems to be a vampire, but that's impossible, because Keogh THOUGHT he destroyed them all... As time runs out in his search for the mad killer, the vampire influence deep in Keogh's mind struggles for release, threatening to metamorphose him into a dreaded bloodsucker! If Keogh loses the fight, no one and no place will be safe from the incredible powers of a vampire necroscope. THE DARK DESCENT #1: THE COLOR OF EVIL edited by David G. Hartwell ($4.99, ISBN 0-812-51898-5) THE COLOR OF EVIL features such masters of the horror tale as Ray Bradbury, Stephen King, H.P. Lovecraft, and Robert Bloch. With stories to delight any reader, THE COLOR OF EVIL brings fans old favorites and new treasures and gives those unfamiliar with modern horror a wide range of styles and subjects. Originally published in hardcover as part of the landmark anthology, THE DARK DESCENT, the stories in THE COLOR OF EVIL now appear for the first time in paperback. Two other paperbacks containing more from THE DARK DESCENT will follow in November and January. Editor David G. Hartwell, author of AGE OF WONDERS, is a three-time Hugo Award nominee for Best Editor. The 1991 LOCUS Magazine Poll and Survey named Hartwell as one of the top ten editors in the field. NEW FROM TOR IN OCTOBER commentary from publisher SONG OF KALI by Dan Simmons ($4.99, ISBN 0-812-51592-7) Set in the hot, seething city of Calcutta, SONG OF KALI follows American writer Robert Luczak into the dark underworld of the cult of Kali, the Hindu goddess of death and destruction. Luczak is after a manuscript, thought to be merely a paean to the goddess. But the manuscript is more than that; it is the incantation that will free Kali to once again work her evil in this world from which she was banished thousands of years ago. What begins as a journey into an exotic landscape quickly turns into terror--the fanatic followers of Kali will kill to appease their goddess...and Luczak's kidnapped infant daughter could be their sacrifice. Dan Simmons won the World Fantasy Award for SONG OF KALI, and subsequently won the Bram Stoker Award for Best Horror Novel for his recent bestseller CARRION COMFORT and the Hugo Award for Best Science Fiction Novel for HYPERION, making him one of the hottest new writers in two genres. (NOTE: If you only have $5 to spend this month, make sure you get yourself a copy of SONG OF KALI. Trust me. --A. Wilkes) JINX HIGH by Mercedes Lackey ($4.99, ISBN 0-812-52114-5) Fay, the most beautiful girl at Jenks High wants only one thing: to get Deke Kestrel into bed. Though she looks like an innocent 16-year-old, Fay is really over 200 years old, a powerful witch who practices sex magic. Now that she's discovered latent psychic/magic ability in the boy (ability hidden from Deke by his similarly gifted parents) Fay intends to use Deke as a centerpiece of a sex rite that will leave her incredibly powerful and virtually immortal--and Deke dead. Deke's father, suspecting something is afoot, calls for Diana Tregarde. Tregarde, a practicing witch of no small ability, and Guardian of all that is right in the world, has arrived to stop the evil--and Fay Harper doesn't stand a chance. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: NONFICTION REVIEWS :: :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CYBERPUNK: Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier by Katie Hafner & John Markoff (Simon & Schuster, 1991, $22.95, ISBN 0-671-68322-5) review by Carl Ingram "In the 1960s and 1970s, to be a computer hacker was to wear a badge of honor...It signified a dedication to computers that was construed as fanatical by outsiders but was a matter of course to the hackers themselves...The inspiration for this book came when we began to see a change in the way computers were being used. We found harbingers of cyberpunk, young people for whom computers and computer networks are an obsession, and who have carried their obsession beyond what computer professionals consider ethical and lawmakers consider acceptable." Compellingly told by two experienced journalists who have specialized in hi-tech, CYBERPUNK introduces us to several examples of a new brand of criminal, one who can break-and-enter, steal, and spy, all without leaving the comfort of his chair. This new criminal can be genuinely malicious like Kevin Mitnick, the subject of the first section of the book, an overweight alienated teenager who took vengeance on the world by becoming a hacker/phone phreak. On the other hand, the criminal can be a bit more sympathetic, like Pengo and his other German computer friends who prowled U.S. networks for fun and wound up selling stolen Western software to the KGB for a little extra cash. (One of Pengo's friends was the target of Clifford Stoll's hacker-hunt, told in Stoll's book, THE CUCKOO'S EGG.) And finally, the criminal can be simply a well-meaning genius who is not accustomed to limits, like Robert Tappan Morris, the Cornell graduate student who unleashed a virus that crashed hundreds of computers on the Internet network. Through 350 pages of painstakingly recreated detail, Hafner and Markoff introduce each of these three hackers, and their compatriots, to the interested reader. Actually, the main virtue of CYBERPUNK--its impartial and comprehensive journalism--is also its major limitation. By recounting every stage of their stories with blow-by-blow detail, they rob the tales of any dramatic pacing. This is more noticeable than it would otherwise be to anyone who has read Clifford Stoll's THE CUCKOO'S EGG, in which the charming and personable author told his story in terms of high drama. Stoll's personality and point of view was a large part of his story. In contrast, CYBERPUNK's value is in giving the reader the facts, all the facts, and all in one place. It makes fascinating reading for anyone whose life is touched by computers, and is sure to start many conversations. Talking to Katie Hafner and John Markoff: Q: What is cyberpunk? A: It's a kind of science fiction, and like a lot of science fiction, what it predicted is beginning to happen. The classic image of a cyberpunk is a kid with a mohawk and a computer. Pengo, the Berlin hacker in our book, was a cyberpunk who sat in front of his computer screen all day with his headphones on, listening to punk rock and rap music. And cyberpunk is where high technology meets outlaw culture. When Kevin Mitnick and his hacking partner Lenny DiCicco couldn't find any other hacking outposts, they became cyberpunk nomads, taking their computer and their modem to seedy $18 motels in the middle of the drug and prostitute scene in the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles and hacking from there. ************************** THE BEST OF MALEDICTA The International Journal of Verbal Aggression edited by Reinhold Aman (Running Press, 1987, $12.95, ISBN 0-89471-499-6) review by Howard Frye "Every day around the world, tens of thousands of people are humiliated, demoted, fired, fined, jailed, injured, killed, or driven to suicide because of MALEDICTA: insults, slurs, curses, threats, blasphemies, vulgarities, and other offensive words and expressions." Maledicta ("bad words"): They incite a lot of emotion in many people, and are for that reason alone worth study. Why do some words, simple sequences of sounds made with the human mouth, cause such commotion? If you have an interest in the world of "bad" language, you should definitely know about Reinhold Aman's annual collection called MALEDICTA. This volume from Running Press is the perfect introduction, being a selection of material from the 2,500 pages of the first 8 installments of the periodical. What will you find in THE BEST OF MALEDICTA? There are ethnic jokes, sex jokes, examples of bathroom graffiti, long lists of synonyms for body parts and bodily functions, a list of "vanity" license plate taboos, pejorative terms used by medical personnel, Italian and Venetian profanity, AIDS jokes, and a whole lot more. But don't think for a minute that this is merely a journal for the verbally immature. Each subject is treated with full academic honors: examples of usage are given, defined, and occasionally dissected. What you find here is a healthy intellectual interest in a cultural phenomenon. Sure to offend many, THE BEST OF MALEDICTA is both fascinating and hugely funny. If your local bookstore can't help you, you can order THE BEST OF MALEDICTA directly from Running Press by sending the list price ($12.95) plus $1.50 postage and handling to: Running Press, 125 South 22nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. NOTE: The next issue of MALEDICTA will be #11, due to be published in December 1991. If you'd like a copy, send a check (made out to R. Aman) for $22 to: Maledicta Press, PO Box 14123, Santa Rosa, CA 95402-6123. There is also a quarterly newsletter available called the Maledicta Monitor that costs $8 per year. ************************** ESPIONAGE: DOWN & DIRTY by Tony Lesee (Loompanics Unlimited, 1991, $17.95, ISBN 1-55950-068-9) review by Howard Frye "In the half-light of espionage, hardly anything is as it seems. There are secrets, false identities and documents, cover stories, lies and evasions, denials, and a pervasive atmosphere of conspiracy. This atmosphere is attractive to some people, but it's also very dangerous." In eleven chapters, Tony Lesee takes the reader through the murky world of the professional spy, not the fantasy playground of James Bond but the real-life system of manipulation, conflicting loyalties, and disinformation. The author discusses the goals of spying, how spies are recruited, how spies infiltrate a foreign country, and how they are evacuated when "blown". You'll find out about Hollywood's favorite last-ditch measure, the Lethal Pill, how countries try to secure their secrets from spies, and what happens to spies who get caught. Along the way, the author illustrates his points with real-life case histories, like: the Rosenbergs, the Walker spy ring, Kim Philby, Richard Miller (the spy in the FBI), the "Falcon" and the "Snowman", the Pollard Case, and many more that are not as widely known. At the end of each chapter is a list of Sources that will guide the interested reader to further spy study. Real-life spying may be a dirty job, but it's a lot of fun to read about. I think you'll find that even without the melodramatics of Hollywood spying, the real story has a fascination all its own. And I just realized I haven't mentioned one of the best parts of ESPIONAGE: DOWN & DIRTY, the Glossary at the back. Here's just a sample: MOKRIE DELA Russian for "wet affairs," or "wet work," slang for the dirty tricks department. Also known as the "Department of Dirty Water." The British "Special Operations Executive" during World War II was such an organization. Some of its actions were so dirty that the British Government ordered its records burned at the end of the war. You can order ESPIONAGE: DOWN & DIRTY from Loompanics Unlimited by sending a check for the list price ($17.95) plus $3 shipping and handling to: Loompanics Unlimited, PO Box 1197, Port Townsend, WA 98368. Along with the book, you'll get a current Loompanics catalog, full of strange books you'll never find in your local library. ************************** EVERYONE'S GUIDE TO COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARKS, AND PATENTS (Running Press, 1990, $14.95, ISBN 0-89471-752-9) review by Cindy Bartorillo Protecting your creative endeavors, whether they be books, inventions, or the company you started yourself, can be a maze of government forms and bureaucratic rituals. EVERYONE'S GUIDE is exactly what you need to help you decide if you need legal protection, what kind of protection you want, and how to go about getting it. Everything is spelled out in clear easy-to-read text and arranged so that you can pull out just the information you need with no wasted effort. It not only will guide you through the copyright, trademark, or patent procedure step-by-step, but the myriad forms that you may need are all reproduced here in full, so you can see what you'll need to go through before you even start. Do you need an attorney? How much will it cost? How long will it take? What kind of protection does a copyright, a trademark, or a patent provide? All of these questions, and many, many more, are answered in Running Press' EVERYONE'S GUIDE TO COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARKS, AND PATENTS. A very helpful book for creative people. If your local bookstore can't help you, you can order EVERYONE'S GUIDE TO COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARKS, AND PATENTS directly from Running Press by sending the list price ($14.95) plus $1.50 postage and handling to: Running Press, 125 South 22nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. ************************** SUBURBAN NATURE GUIDE How to Discover and Identify the Wildlife in Your Backyard by David Mohrhardt & Richard E. Schinkel (Stackpole Books, 1991, $16.95, ISBN 0-8117-3080-8) review by Janet Peters What a wonderful reference book for the whole family! The SUBURBAN NATURE GUIDE is a one-volume field guide to that part of nature's bounty you are most likely to come into contact with in the eastern U.S. suburbs. Over 350 illustrations help you identify exactly what it is you've got, and the text entries will tell you about habitat, life cycles, and other pertinent and interesting information. The book covers small mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, what the GUIDE calls "creatures in moist places" (what I call "slimy things"), insects and spiders, trees and shrubs, vines, flowers, grasses, ferns, mosses, and fungi. An Appendix gives directions for two bird houses and two bird feeders. The authors not only provide biological information, but help the average suburban homeowner to cope with their natural wildlife. In other words, they tell you how to attract the life forms most people enjoy (like birds and butterflies), and how to get rid of or repel the more objectionable neighbors (like snakes and hornets). The SUBURBAN NATURE GUIDE is a great start for budding naturalists, as well as being a good book for the whole family, to help them enjoy and interact with the wildlife around them. Why go to the zoo when you've got a veritable Noah's Ark right there in your backyard? ************************** PROMISES TO KEEP: The Family's Role in Nursing Home Care by Katherine L. Karr (Prometheus Books, July 1991) (Hardcover: $19.95 ISBN 0-87975-660-8) (Paperback: $13.95 ISBN 0-87975-661-6) review by Cindy Bartorillo When a family member must be placed in a nursing home, the entire family suffers. Facilities are often overcrowded, understaffed, and the care provided is frequently impersonal. We learn from Ms. Karr, however, that our elders need not be abandoned to these institutions, and that a caring family can contribute much to make the experience more rewarding (or at least less traumatic) for everyone. The author has distilled personal experience into clear step-by-step instructions for taking care of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of nursing home residents. By augmenting the basic care given at a nursing home, providing special care needs (such as massage, favorite foods, grooming, etc.), and staying constantly alert for signs of neglect, family members can improve the quality of life for their elders at a time when such attention is most needed. This compassionate and caring volume is absolutely indispensable to the family and friends of nursing home residents, and is important reading for volunteers and professionals who deal with the elderly in their work. ************************** CNN: WAR IN THE GULF From the Invasion of Kuwait To the Day of Victory and Beyond (Turner Publishing, 1991, $19.95, ISBN 1-8786-8501-5) review by Howard Frye Accept no substitutes---for a retrospective photo album and comprehensive recounting of Desert Storm and all that surrounded it, CNN: WAR IN THE GULF is unbeatable. The photographs cover the entire emotional range from breathtaking to humorous, agonizing to comforting. You'll see photos of all the major players, the armaments, the soldiers, the hostages, the devastation. You'll see our ships and planes from the inside and outside. All the drama, the outrage, and the terrible waste of the War in the Gulf is apparent in the hundreds of photos covering 240 pages. The text helps explain what happened and why it happened, in chapters entitled: * A Troubled Middle East * An Armed Middle East * The World of Saddam * Assault on an Arab Neighbor * To Build a Coalition * The Air Campaign * Saddam Strikes Back * Thunder From the Sea * Prelude to Battle * The 100-Hour War * Shining Victory, Dark Clouds The network that brought the war into our homes now provides the ultimate memory book of that conflict. Alongside the photos and the text are numerous maps and charts illustrating troop movements, timetables, and various kinds of armaments used in the Gulf. One full-page chart gives a breakdown of exactly who participated in the war: what countries sent how many of what kinds of forces. Whether you approved of U.S. actions or not, whether you are proud of our accomplishments or are saddened by world hostilities, CNN: WAR IN THE GULF is a vivid full-color album recording a very significant event in recent world history. Highly Recommended. NOTE: Another notable, and very different retrospective is DESERT MIRAGE: THE TRUE STORY OF THE GULF WAR by Martin Yant (Prometheus Books, September 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-87975-678-0). As the publisher says, "Yant pieces together his convincing case from thousands of reports from dozens of sources that sporadically seeped through the administration's veil of deceit to reveal that the thunderously triumphant Desert Storm was actually a deviously devised Desert Mirage with far more foreboding causes and consequences than what the public probably could ever imagine." ************************** BROKEN VESSELS: Essays by Andre Dubus (David R. Godine, July 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-87923-885-2) review by Cindy Bartorillo Co-winner of the fourth annual PEN/Malamud Award for distinguished short story writers, Andre Dubus provides, in BROKEN VESSELS, ample evidence that he is just as valuable a voice in the field of personal essay. He writes with a searing candor that is sometimes funny, sometimes heartwrenching, always moving. He writes with a simplicity and grace that allows us to share his experiences without being consumed, to acknowledge the ways in which we are all different and yet all the same. In "Of Robin Hood and Womanhood" Dubus reflects upon gender roles and examines the parallels between a writer's life and that of a housewife--both must structure their own time in solitude and must carry their successes, failures, frustrations, and doubts within themselves. In other essays he explores the relationship between the sensible, well-meaning adult and street crime, and contemplates the trouble that lovers can bring upon themselves with words. In "After Twenty Years" he considers the futility of fiction: "I have always known that writing fiction had little effect on the world; that if it did, young men would not have gone to war after THE ILIAD." In "Selling Stories" Dubus discusses the business of being a writer: "We short story writers are spared some of the major temptations: we don't make money for ourselves or anybody else, so the people who make money from writers leave us alone." You will also discover why Dubus' first sale to PENTHOUSE magazine was his last. In other essays the writer talks about his deep commitment to his religion, his life as a man, a husband, and a father, of his love for the game of baseball, and of his experiences with ghosts. With equal candor Andre Dubus discusses the accident that put him in a wheelchair. On a July evening in 1986, Dubus stopped to help a female motorist who had had an accident. In the course of assisting her and her brother, Dubus was struck by a car. He nearly died, but after many operations and several months in a hospital, he only lost one leg from the knee down and much of the use of the other leg. Two years later he lost his wife and two small children to divorce. Yet Dubus survived, physically, mentally, and emotionally, and describes his experiences with a calmness and warmth that is, by then in the pages of BROKEN VESSELS, familiar. Indeed, getting to know this extraordinary man, if only slightly, is the highlight of this volume. Highly recommended. ************************** LIVING WITH IT Why You Don't Have To Be Healthy To Be Happy by Suzy Szasz (Prometheus Books, August 1991, $22.95, ISBN 0-87975-659-4) review by Janet Peters Author Suzy Szasz found out at the age of 13 that she had Systemic Lupus Erythmetosus, an autoimune disease in which the antibodies attack healthy tissue. It is a chronic condition that has defined a great portion of her life, but as she says in LIVING WITH IT, "Unlike the hypochondriac who wants to be accepted as a patient, I have always wanted to be accepted as a non-patient, a person whose primary identity is something other than being a patient." With openness and good cheer, Ms. Szasz describes her struggles with Lupus and as a person distinct from her condition. Most medical books are about acute diseases and conditions--at the end the patient either dies or recovers. In either case the patient's ordeal is over. With a chronic condition, however, the day-to-day inevitability of the problem becomes the biggest hurdle. Whatever the successes or failures of today, the battle must be faced again tomorrow. Without the high drama of an acute disease, the chronic patient's difficulties are accorded too little attention and respect. And as medical science extends lifespans and eliminates the fatal nature of many diseases, it also ensures an ever-expanding list of chronic diseases and conditions. Ms. Szasz provides, in the pages of LIVING WITH IT, sympathy, advice, and encouragement to the chronic patient, their friends, family, and caregivers. Not only is LIVING WITH IT a valuable health text, but it is also fascinating reading. Ms. Szasz's voice is so natural, so engagingly candid and humorous, that reading the first page will take you to the last page without any effort at all. A wonderful and important book. ************************** NIGHTWATCH: An Equinox Guide to Viewing the Universe by Terence Dickinson (Camden House, 1989, $24.95, ISBN 0-920656-89-7) review by Carl Ingram If you were enthralled by the PBS series THE ASTRONOMERS, here's the perfect book to escort you from abstract interest to the beginning of a lifelong hobby. Spiral-bound for ease of access, NIGHTWATCH is heavily illustrated with sky charts and includes more than 70 breathtaking photos, almost all of which were taken by amateur astronomers. As the author points out, today the amateur astronomer doesn't have to make their own telescope. Indeed, not only can you buy advanced technology already built, but even with purchased equipment astronomy is no more than a medium-priced hobby. NIGHTWATCH is not just a beginning textbook on astronomy, but is also a practical guide for the hobbyist. You'll find chapters on "Stargazing Equipment", "Photographing the Night Sky", and a final chapter called "Resources" that lists magazines, books, clubs, conventions, planetariums, observatories, telescope equipment and accessories companies, etc. By the way, this edition of NIGHTWATCH has been revised and updated for use through the year 2000. NIGHTWATCH makes fascinating reading for the science buff, naked-eye skywatchers, or budding amateur astronomers of any age, level of skill, and depth of pocketbook. With more than 100,000 in print, NIGHTWATCH is a deservedly popular and beautiful volume on the universe we live in. Highly recommended. ************************** THE STARGAZER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY by Q.L. Pearce (Tor Young Adult, September 1991, $4.99, ISBN 0-812-59423-1) commentary from the publisher With full sky maps of both the northern and southern hemispheres, and a punch-out Star Wheel in the back of the book, THE STARGAZER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY is fun, entertaining, and educational. Divided by season, the sections open with a two-page map. Each constellation is given its own page, including a star map of the individual constellation, pertinent science facts, and the illustrated myth or legend associated with the constellation. An introduction (actually a short astronomy primer) covers important topics ranging from what stars are made of, to the difference between comets and shooting stars, to why the night sky looks different at different times of the year, to what scientists are looking for in space. Both John Hodge, Director for the Santa Monica College Planetarium, and Alan Harris, Supervisor of the Earth and Planetary Physics Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, have contributed editorially to this book. ************************** THE SNACK BAR GOURMET Versatile Treats for People on the Go by Marsha Eines & Elliott Katz (Great North Books, 1989, $6.95, ISBN 0-920361-02-1) review by Cindy Bartorillo First off, let me confess that I'm a snack bar type person--I blame it on the manufacturers. They make these great-tasting servings of edibles and put them in ready-to-go packages and they're irresistible. For lunch I can just grab a bar or two, a cold bottle of soda, and head back to the word processor. So what if the bars are loaded with sugar, sodium, and preservatives? The price of convenience, right? Wrong. THE SNACK BAR GOURMET has over 70 pages of snack bars for any taste. They're divided into: Fruit and Nut Bars, Chocolate and Carob, Fruit Leathers, Breakfast and Anytime Bars, Fudge Bars, Rice Crisps and Nut Brittles, and Traditional Baked Bars. Not all recipes are low in calories, but that's the great thing about making these bars yourself: You get to pick what goes in them. Put more or less sugar, leave out the raisins if you'd rather, add a little coconut if you're that kind, etc. They're easy to make and you can customize them for your particular needs and tastes. I personally liked Autumn Apple Cinnamon Granola Bars and Anything-But-Ordinary Granola Bars, and I've already made three batches of Banana Peanut Butter Delights. The Apple Raisin Oat Comforts, Classic Date Bars, and Tahini Oasis Bars were also very good. Some are crumbly and better for eating at some kind of table, but others are perfect to stuff in a pocket as you rush out the door. A great way to get some more fruit in your diet, or to add fiber (fiber and snack bars seem to go together). Great food for informal eating. ************************** LIZZIE BORDEN: THE LEGEND, THE TRUTH, THE FINAL CHAPTER By Arnold R. Brown (Rutledge Hill, August 4, 19991, $18.95, ISBN 1-55853-099-1) review by Cindy Bartorillo Some people love to read about Jack the Ripper. Others are fascinated by the Kennedy assassinations. Still others can't quite stop rehashing the final days of Marilyn Monroe. For me the most tantalizing crime has always been the Borden murders. On August 4, 1892 someone hacked up Abby Borden, and about two hours later did the same to her husband Andrew Borden. The only known occupants in the house during the time period in question were daughter Lizzie and the maid Bridget. As most people know, Lizzie was tried for the murders and found innocent. Was she? If Lizzie WAS innocent, who else could have done the murders? If she wasn't, how could someone get away with such a strategically difficult and messy pair of murders and yet be as dull-witted as Lizzie appears to be in the transcript of her inquest testimony? It's a provocative situation. As we all know, books about very famous crimes tend to be minor variations on the same old theme--with so many interested people over the years, original ideas are tough to come up with. Arnold Brown's LIZZIE BORDEN is different. Very different. He accidentally came across new evidence that gives a whole new slant to the story, and what a doozy it is. I don't want to spoil your fun in reading the book by giving away Arnold Brown's theory, but here are a few interesting elements: * Remember that note that Lizzie says Abby received during the morning hours? The one that said a friend was sick and that Abby was going out to stay with them? Only Lizzie mentioned the note, and almost everyone, even Lizzie-defenders, have assumed it was a figment of Lizzie's weird imagination. Arnold Brown says the note was real. * What was John Morse doing that day, and why did he return to the Borden house? Everyone has assumed that he was expected for lunch, but was he? And if not, why DID he return? * Why did Dr. Bowen leave the Borden house so abruptly after declaring Andrew Borden dead? It is usually assumed that he left to send a telegram to Lizzie's sister Emma, at Lizzie's request, but the doctor's testimony shows that Lizzie made the request AS HE WAS LEAVING. Why was he leaving so quickly? And why did it take so long to send a telegram? Lizzie Borden fans will love Arnold Brown's new book as the first fresh look at their favorite case. True Crime fans will enjoy LIZZIE BORDEN for the new evidence and the careful, step-by-step reconstruction of the crime and analysis of ALL available testimony (the most interesting of which has only recently been released). And mystery fans will enjoy the way Mr. Brown tells the tale, with the pacing and the drama of the best detective stories. The author keeps the reader on the edge of their seat until the final pages as he drops hints and builds the tension. An extraordinary new look at one of America's most interesting crimes. LIZZIE BORDEN: THE LEGEND, THE TRUTH, THE FINAL CHAPTER is an exciting and thought-provoking book. ************************** PAPIER-MACHE TODAY by Sheila McGraw (Firefly Books, 1990, $19.95, ISBN 0-920668-85-2) review by Carol Sheffert Papier-mache is nearly a perfect home craft: it's cheap to do, it recycles common materials, it doesn't require extensive artistic skill or physical dexterity, and it is useful for making either practical household articles or beautiful works of art. On top of all that, papier-mache is supremely creative. You take cheap and unsightly materials and transform them into colorful pieces to adorn home and office. With newspapers, paste, and paint, you can create a rainbow of items both serious and silly. Sheila McGraw's PAPIER-MACHE TODAY is a superb introduction to this wonderful hobby. Nothing is assumed. First she takes you through all the materials and equipment you need or might want. She discusses what you'll need for a work space and how much cleanup will be required. Next she discusses basic papier-mache technique: getting a form, making a paste, applying layers of newspaper to your form, drying, etc. Photographs illustrate each procedure. The majority of the book is devoted to specific projects, which are divided into 3 categories: animals, monsters, and home decor. In each category there is a project suitable for beginners as well as more advanced projects. (One project is called Meatloaf Cat, and another is a lifesize statue of a little girl.) The last section of the book discusses Finishing, where you can correct minor flaws and add color and other realistic details. Once you've graduated from Sheila McGraw's PAPIER-MACHE TODAY, you're ready to make anything you can imagine. PAPIER-MACHE TODAY is a first-rate introduction to a first-rate craft. ************************** WHEN I AM AN OLD WOMAN I SHALL WEAR PURPLE edited by Sandra Martz (Papier-Mache, July 1991) Hardcover: $16 ISBN 0-918949-15-7 Paperback: $10 ISBN 0-918949-16-5 review by Janet Peters An important, moving, and life-affirming book, WHEN I AM AN OLD WOMAN I SHALL WEAR PURPLE is a collection of poetry, prose, and photographs on the subject of old age. Specifically a woman's old age. The various works speak about dignity, about respect, and about caring. About saying goodbye to old friends and hello to new ones. About joys and passions. About NOT growing old gracefully, if that's what suits you. Over 60 contributors present a kaleidoscopic vision of the elderly--the disappointments, satisfactions, and the many little-talked-about advantages of being old. WHEN I AM AN OLD WOMAN I SHALL WEAR PURPLE won the Benjamin Franklin Award for Design and Content as well as the American Booksellers' Book of the Year Honors Award. It has also given Papier-Mache Press the push they needed to evolve from a nights-and-weekends labor of love to a full-time publisher who now have an entire line of books. WHEN I AM AN OLD WOMAN I SHALL WEAR PURPLE is an illuminating, encouraging, radiant book. A book to enjoy, share with family and friends, and give as gifts. (Don't miss the wonderful fabric and thread collage by Deidre Scherer, "Laughing Rose", on the cover.) For the curious: the title comes from a poem (included in the collection) by British poet Jenny Joseph. Editor Sandra Martz has another collection due next spring called IF I HAD MY LIFE TO LIVE OVER AGAIN...I WOULD PICK MORE DAISIES. If your bookseller can't help you get WHEN I AM AN OLD WOMAN I SHALL WEAR PURPLE, just send the list price (above) plus $1.50/$3 (3rd class/1st class) to: Papier-Mache, 795 Via Manzana, Watsonville, CA 95076. ************************** PRESCRIPTION: MEDICIDE---The Goodness of Planned Death by Jack Kevorkian, M.D. (Prometheus Books, September 1991, $23.95, ISBN 0-87975-677-2) commentary by the publisher Iconoclast Dr. Jack Kevorkian, inventor of the controversial "suicide machine", outlines his startling views on planned death and its potential impact on organ harvesting and medical experimentation. Kevorkian made headlines in June of 1990 when he aided Janet Adkins, a victim of rapidly degenerating Alzheimer's disease, in performing the first publicly acknowledged physician-assisted suicide--what he terms MEDICIDE. Dubbed the "suicide Doctor", he is a man to whom the highest ethical principle is individual self-determination. In this book, he takes on the medical establishment, politicians, and all those who actively resist a rational and comprehensive program of dignified, humane, and beneficial planned death. Kevorkian's discussion begins with a graphic commentary on current methods of judicial execution. He contends that allowing condemned criminals to choose death by irreversible general anesthesia with the option of organ donation and/or human experimentation is far more humane than any existing form of execution. The thousands who die each year because suitable organs are unavailable underscore the senseless waste of condemned prisoners, many of whom would gladly donate organs or permit experiments on their person were it not for timid state legislatures and the "stone-age ethics of space-age medicine". Kevorkian recalls how he came upon the concept of "medicide" and his 30-year campaign for its implementation; how his proposal almost came to fruition, in Sacramento, only to be defeated by legislative wrangling; and discloses his informal survey of death row inmates to determine their level of support. He also explains how and why he came to devise the suicide machine (which he named the "Mercitron"), describes several moving experiences with the first patients who requested use of it, and gives an account of the Adkins case. Kevorkian considers the loss of life a negative under all circumstances; he explains why the use of his suicide machine lightens the moral burden on doctors and emphasizes the freedom of the individual. He asserts that such procedures represent the first step toward a positive ethical stance by setting the stage for a new specialty, "obitiatry", which would offer concrete medical options under strictly controlled conditions, thereby allowing individuals to determine the real value of personal death. He concludes with reflections how obitiatry can help medical science unlock the secrets of life and death. ************************** A NOEL PERRIN SAMPLER by Noel Perrin (Univ. Press of New England, June 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-87451-551-3) review by Howard Frye "If present trends continue, the time is clearly coming when, however much a paradise it may be for machines, a library will seem purgatorial to most human beings. They will enter what was once a splendid, solemn, and silent house of books. They will be surrounded at once by the whine and chatter and hum of countless machines." Reading essays is like having a conversation with the author. Reading really good essays, like those in A NOEL PERRIN SAMPLER, is like having a conversation with a very interesting person who expresses himself with brevity and style. The pieces included in this SAMPLER center on the subjects of normal human conversation: government, marriage, literary research, New York City, professional pretensions, libraries, university life. With a penetrating eye Perrin examines the bits and pieces of our lives, sometimes reacting with wonderment, sometimes confusion, sometimes a smile, sometimes with a wry shrug of the shoulders, but always with a great enjoyment of the chaotic circus that people create around themselves. Noel Perrin is a native New Yorker and was once a research student at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, England. Since 1959 he has taught English at Dartmouth College while learning and writing about the ways of rural New England from his home in Thetford Center, Vermont. His popular articles and reviews have appeared in publications as diverse as COUNTRY JOURNAL, THE NEW YORKER, NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW, and WASHINGTON POST. Among his books are A READER'S DELIGHT (1988), FIRST PERSON RURAL (1978) and its two sequel volumes, GIVING UP THE GUN: JAPAN'S REVERSION TO THE SWORD 1543-1879 (1979) and AMATEUR SUGAR MAKER (1972). A NOEL PERRIN SAMPLER is charming, amply deserving its niche on my shelf next to E.B. White. ************************** WAITING FOR THE WEEKEND by Witold Rybczynski (Viking, August 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-670-83001-1) review by Cindy Bartorillo "There are now tens of millions of people who cannot--or do not--read books. The large number of books published each year (more than fifty thousand titles in the United States alone) camouflages the fact that book buyers are an extremely small group, perhaps as small as ten percent of the total population." "The number of people who read for pleasure is a good indicator of leisure, since reading requires the availability of not only money but, more important, time." "There is no more leisurely occupation than reading a novel. It requires calm surroundings, a comfortable chair, and long periods of uninterrupted time." "Solitary reading is the ideal vehicle for individual leisure. The reader can do something--or nothing. He can pick up one book or another. He sets the pace, reading uninterruptedly or leafing through a book at random, letting his imagination free to make what connections it will." Do you live for the weekend? Do you mark the time from Monday through Friday by its relative position to the weekend? What role does leisure time play in your life? Is your leisure time recuperative or exhausting? Do you look at your life as your leisure time interrupted by tiresome but necessary workdays, or as your career with occasional interruptions of leisure? What do you do with your weekends? Is it the same thing your parents did? If you could restructure your time, how would you lay out work periods and leisure time? Would you keep the basic rhythm of 5-and-2? If these questions catch your fancy, you will enjoy Witold Rybczynski's WAITING FOR THE WEEKEND. In it he traces the origins of our planetary week (named for the 7 known planets, the week was the one period of time not based on natural cycles), the origins of the beloved "weekend", how the weekend became Saturday and Sunday, and the mass of conflicting attitudes people have about work vs. leisure. Somehow, Mr. Rybczynski has a way of seeing these fascinating, transparent subjects that are such an intimate part of our lives and yet are normally ignored. A few years ago he wrote a book about the history of the idea of "home" called, ingenuously, HOME. Both HOME and WAITING FOR THE WEEKEND are engrossing, thought-provoking, and illuminating. These aren't books you SHOULD read, they're books you treat yourself to when you've been extra good. Recommended. ************************** RIDDLE OF THE ROCK The Only Successful Escape From Alcatraz by Don DeNevi (Prometheus Books, August 1991, $24.95, ISBN 0-87975-647-0) commentary from the publisher Did the infamous "Tablespoon Trio" actually get away from Alcatraz? RIDDLE OF THE ROCK solves one of America's most tantalizing mysteries with startling new information and evidence about the escape of the century. Only the most incorrigible prisoners were sent to the twelve-acre "Rock" which lay stark and alone in the formidable San Francisco Bay. However escape-proof Alcatraz might have been, inmates never stopped plotting for freedom. The record: seven attempted breaks--and seven complete failures. But on the windy night of June 11, 1962, John W. Anglin, Clarence R. Anglin, and Frank L. Morris, who had spent almost a year digging out of their concrete cells, slipped into the frigid waters of the Bay and disappeared. If the escape was successful, and if they are alive today, John would be 59, Clarence 58, and Frank 63. (RIDDLE OF THE ROCK includes a photo insert with never-before-published photographs and composite sketches of what the men would look like now.) Don DeNevi has been researching Alcatraz prison lore and the 1962 escape for two decades. After he made an appearance on the TV program "Unsolved Mysteries" in February 1989, the Northern California U.S. Marshall's Office reopened the case. Included in the book are extensive interviews with many former inmates of Alcatraz, including the late Clarence "Joe" Carnes, who was to have been the fourth man in the escape party but decided at the last minute to opt for parole. Carnes related eyewitness details of the escape to DeNevi in the late 1970s; he had received word from a reliable source that the trio survived. DeNevi also obtained the previously unpublished 1962 FBI manhunt report and details of the ensuing 29-year search for the men by various branches of the U.S. Justice Department. Don DeNevi teaches both history and psychology at the College of Alameda, California; he is the author of more than 30 books, and the co-author of A YOUTH IN BABYLON: CONFESSIONS OF A TRASH-FILM KING. His book ALCATRAZ '46: THE ANATOMY OF A CLASSIC PRISON TRAGEDY was made into a major TV movie. ************************** A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS FOR BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED PERSONS TOO! An Introduction to Audiodescription (American Foundation for the Blind, $4.95, ISBN 0-89128-212-2) commentary from the publisher Have you ever noticed how many visual images fill the average television show, theatrical production, and film without the benefit of dialogue or descriptive information? Millions of blind and visually impaired persons do and find the viewing experience frustrating when they have to ask others to explain all the key nonverbal cues and details. Moreover, they often feel excluded from conversations with family, friends, and coworkers when they talk about the latest music video on MTV, the newest Broadway play, or the most recent adventure movie at the box office. A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS FOR BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED PERSONS TOO! AN INTRODUCTION TO AUDIODESCRIPTION, a new publication by the American Foundation for the Blind, describes an innovative service called audiodescription which can change all that and revolutionize the way blind and visually impaired persons experience television, films, theatrical productions, and exhibits. Through a variety of technologies, audiodescription enables blind and visually impaired persons to hear--live and prerecorded--verbal descriptions of all the key visual aspects of a production, including sets, scene changes, actions, body language, and costumes; in short, all the information that is critical to understanding the plot, mood, style, and theme of a story. The descriptions are heard only when there are lapses in the regular dialogue or audio. Descriptions might include, for example, the point at which the couple is seen walking hand-in-hand into the sunset, the villain is stalking his victim, or the wild car chase is underway, all standard fare in movies and TV. A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS features a historical overview of the movement for audiodescription, who is providing the service, and why blind and visually impaired persons and their families want it. It also includes a complete listing of the television stations, museums, and theaters that now make audiodescription available throughout the country as well as suggestions for advocating for the service. "In our culture, there is a growing shift to visual and graphic presentation of all kinds of educational, vocational, and recreational information," said AFB President and Executive Director Carl R. Augusto. "Audiodescribed television programs, films, plays, and exhibits will provide millions of blind and visually impaired persons with equal access to this information, as well as enable them to interact in a more meaningful way in all kinds of social, work, and academic settings. For blind children and adults who have never seen, described visual mediums also offer such benefits as a better understanding of the physical environment, movements, facial expressions, and body language. Finally, audiodescription enables blind and visually impaired persons to achieve literacy in the broadest meaning of the word." A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS FOR BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED PERSONS TOO!: AN INTRODUCTION TO AUDIODESCRIPTION is available in large print and on audiocassette tape for $4.95, plus $3.00 shipping and handling. You may send your order to American Foundation for the Blind, Publications and Information Services Department, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011. The American Foundation for the Blind is a national nonprofit organization based in New York City with regional offices in Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, San Francisco, New York, and Washington, DC. AFB's mission is to enable persons who are blind and visually impaired to achieve equality of access and opportunity that will ensure freedom of choice in their lives. AFB accomplishes this mission by taking a national leadership role in the development and implementation of public policy and legislation, informational and educational programs, diversified products, and quality services. ************************** DORIS DINGLE'S CRAFTY CAT ACTIVITY BOOK Games, Toys & Hobbies to Keep Your Cat's Mind Active by Helen Levchuk, illustrated by John Bianchi (Alaska Northwest, 1991, $12.95, ISBN 0-88240-415-6) review by Cindy Bartorillo If your cat just lays around waiting for mealtime, get yourself a copy of DORIS DINGLE'S CRAFTY CAT ACTIVITY BOOK and let the games begin. Divided into three sections--Games, Hobbies, and Toys--there is something to capture the imagination of both human and feline on every page. Maybe you need to start off with a little physical activity to get the blood circulating: How about a rousing game of Bathtub Jai Alai? Or maybe you and your cat are more the Cork-on-a-Rope type. Why not try starting (and ending) the day with a violent game of Pounce among the bedsheets? In the Hobbies section you'll discover how to enhance, and possibly participate in, your cat's favorite activities. Whether it be TV-Watching, Reading the Newspaper, enjoying your cat's natural acquisitive tendencies, or classic Birdwatching, DORIS DINGLE has suggestions for increasing the pleasure potential all around. And what modern cat is complete without a full toybox? Luckily, Kitty's toys are much cheaper than ours, but they're just as much fun. Complete directions are given for making every toy: a couple require knitting, some require a bit of construction, some require only a bit of paper and a few seconds worth of crumpling. (One of the most ingenious toys is a paper-bag Pinata with homemade catnip toys inside.) DORIS DINGLE also discusses Catnip, with hints for growing it yourself as well as using it in teas or toys. Pervading every page of DORIS DINGLE'S CRAFTY CAT ACTIVITY BOOK is a caring and nurturing attitude toward our feline companions that not only makes this book irresistible to cat lovers, but also an excellent introduction to cat-human relations for young people living with their very first pet. And John Bianchi's illustrations are a delight, capturing the tone of the text beautifully. This is easily the best book of the year for cat people everywhere. If you have trouble finding DORIS DINGLE'S CRAFTY CAT ACTIVITY BOOK, write to the publishers at: Alaska Northwest Books, PO Box 3007, Bothell, WA 98041-3007, or get your credit card and call 1-800-343-4567. ************************** THE HUNDREDTH MONKEY: And Other Paradigms of the Paranormal A SKEPTICAL INQUIRER Collection edited by Kendrick Frazier (Prometheus Books, September 1991, $17.95, ISBN 0-87975-655-1) commentary from the publisher This newest collection of essays and articles from the SKEPTICAL INQUIRER addresses engrossing and important issues at the intersection of science and popular belief. THE HUNDREDTH MONKEY takes its title from philosopher Ron Amundson's devastating expose of the "Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon", a claim about collective consciousness. Fifty-eight essays by forty-eight authors, including Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, Martin Gardner, Ray Hyman, Paul Kurtz, and James Randi, examine aspects of paranormal and fringe-science beliefs from an authoritative, scientific point of view. The penetrating and entertaining essays, many with timely updates, are grouped into eleven categories: Understanding Human Need, Encouraging Critical Thinking, Evaluating the Anomalous Experience, Examining Popular Claims, Investigating Psychic Claims, Assessing the New Age, Medical Controversies, Astrology, Crashed Saucer Claims, Considering Parapsychology and Controversies Within Science. Scientists and scholars discuss the burden of skepticism and the delicate balance between a creative openness to new ideas and the relentless scrutiny of new claims. A classic sourcebook for scientifically responsible explanations of controversies, hoaxes, bizarre mysteries, and popular cultural myths. ************************** BOOKS ON TAPE TAO TE CHING by Lao Tsu translated by Gia-fu Feng & Jane English read by Jacob Needleman (Audio Literature, 1990, $15.95, ISBN 0-944993-24-9) review by Cindy Bartorillo The TAO TE CHING is one of the world's classic sacred texts, attributed to Lao Tsu and dating from the 6th century to the 3rd century BC. This Chinese text of the Taoist religion/philosophy is a brief work of 81 paragraphs of both verse and prose, advocating the following of the TAO (most often translated as the "Way"). The text is divided into two parts: "Concerning TAO" and "Concerning TE" (most often translated as "Concerning the Way" and "Concerning Virtue"). The Audio Literature package consists of two cassette tapes: one containing the entire text of the TAO TE CHING as translated by Gia-fu Feng and Jane English, the second containing Dr. Jacob Needleman's helpful and fascinating commentary on the text. His deep, calm voice allows the listener to follow the highly concentrated material without strain, and his insights into the meaning of the TAO and how the modern student might best find its path are very rewarding. These are both excellent tapes to stick in your Walkman for long solitary walks. ZEN MIND, BEGINNER'S MIND by Shunryu Suzuki-roshi read by Peter Coyote (Audio Literature, 1988, $15.95, ISBN 0-944993-07-9) review by Cindy Bartorillo By "beginner's mind", the author is referring to that state of humble receptivity that the novice brings to a new endeavor, a state that is so often lost as time passes. Soon the student becomes more focused on measuring progress and dividing knowledge into what has been mastered and what hasn't. ZEN MIND, BEGINNER'S MIND is a practical introduction to Zen Buddhism and its practice. The Audio Literature package is a 2-tape, 3-hour abridgement of the original 1970 text. Beginning with the basics that become the whole, the author discusses how to sit, how to stand, and how to be present when you do so. The words are friendly and accessible, Peter Coyote's narration is warm and comforting. A very fine rendition of a wonderful book that will both introduce you to the practice of Zen and help you regain the center when you find yourself drifting. NOTE: Audio Literature has other spiritual classics on cassette tape, like: THE TEACHINGS OF DON JUAN by Carlos Castaneda, THE BHAGAVAD-GITA, THE BOOK OF JOB, BLACK ELK: THE SACRED PIPE by Joseph Epes Brown, THE DHAMMAPADA, etc. Order the above Audio Literature tapes and get a complete list of their offerings by writing to: Audio Literature Inc., 325 Corey Way, Suite 112, South San Francisco, CA 94080. ************************** --> COMPUTER CORNER <-- DOS 5 INSTANT REFERENCE by Robert M. Thomas (Sybex, 1991, $9.95, ISBN 0-89588-804-1) review by Carl Ingram This affordable little volume packs a lot of easily-accessed information in its 300 pages. The inside covers give you DOS commands sorted by function, Part 1 is "General Rules for Using DOS", Part 2 is an alphabetically-arranged reference for using the DOS commands, Part 3 covers the DOS shell, Appendix A discusses batch files, Appendix B is an alphabetically-arranged reference for the CONFIG.SYS commands, Appendix C talks about standard MS-DOS device drivers, and Appendix D provides explanations of the DOS error messages. Just in case you can think of some piece of DOS that isn't easily flipped to with this organization, there is an Index in the back. Each DOS command has a variety of large symbols that give you some useful instant information. These symbols will tell you if the command is an "internal" or "external" command (if you don't know what that means, DOS 5 INSTANT REFERENCE explains), what version of DOS the command is valid in (for instance 3.0+ means that the command works in DOS 3.0 and all later versions), whether or not the command is a TSR (also explained), and a special "bullet" flag is added whenever the command is potentially dangerous (overwrites or erases files). DOS 5 INSTANT REFERENCE is a very handy book for day-to-day use with your MS-DOS computer. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- MASTERING DOS 5 by Judd Robbins (Sybex, 1991, $27.95, ISBN 0-89588-767-3) review by Carl Ingram MASTERING DOS 5 represents the other end of the spectrum from Sybex's DOS 5 INSTANT REFERENCE. Where the INSTANT REFERENCE is terse, MASTERING DOS 5 is comprehensive; where the INSTANT REFERENCE is designed for quick look-ups, MASTERING DOS 5 is for extended studying. Over 800 pages of illustrated text take the interested computer user through the vagaries of the DOS Shell, EDIT, QBASIC, macros, memory management, customizing DOS 5, organizing your hard disk, and everything else you can do with DOS 5. A particularly wonderful section covers the entire world of batch files, possibly the most important convenience tool available on your MS-DOS computer, and often overlooked by otherwise knowledgeable users. While opening chapters are aimed at computer novices, MASTERING DOS 5 is for the computer user who will not be content with just the basics but who has set their sights on becoming a true Power User. Indeed, with the convenient arrangement of MASTERING DOS 5, the helpful illustrations, and comprehensive Index, you can ignore your DOS 5 manuals and get everything you need to know right here. There are removable keyboard templates and a Quick Reference Card for DOS, DOS Shell, QBASIC, and EDIT printed on heavy stock in the back. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- DOS 5.0 AT WORK by Mary Campbell (Addison-Wesley, June 1991, $22.95, ISBN 0-201-57716-X) review by Cindy Bartorillo Designed for the beginning or intermediate user, DOS 5.0 AT WORK is part of Addison-Wesley's AT WORK series, with special features such as: At Work sidebars that illustrate actual DOS 5.0 uses in the real business world, adhesive tabs that let you mark your most-used sections of the book, chapter objectives and summaries that help the user focus on the important points and master each subject. In addition, the book is laid out to be used easily as a reference volume to look up specific questions or as a textbook to be read cover to cover by a DOS novice. Useful illustrations, logical organization of material, and clearly identified subsections contribute to make DOS 5.0 AT WORK a success as both reference volume and textbook. From the very first pages of DOS 5.0 AT WORK, in which beginners will find the DOS basics that everyone else just assumes you know, through a clear discussion of the DOS commands, all the way to showing you how to customize DOS for your particular system and how to create sophisticated batch files to make your computer life easier, this is a very helpful book. In the appendices at the back you will find quick references guides to error messages, DOS commands, ASCII codes, and a "Key Summary" to help you find the special-use keys of DOS 5.0. By including the necessary but often overlooked beginner material, DOS 5.0 AT WORK becomes a very valuable addition to the office computer shelf. NOTE ABOUT PAGE NUMBERS: As a dedicated user of page numbers, I have been disturbed lately by the lack of respect accorded these helpful little digits, particularly in works of nonfiction. A cookbook that I plucked off a shelf recently, a very thick and difficult to wield cookbook, had the page numbers printed on the inside corners of each page and were nearly impossible to see without holding the book down with both hands and forcing the pages apart. You'd think it cost extra money to put page numbers in a sensible place. I bring this subject up because of the page numbering in DOS 5.0 AT WORK, which is the very finest I've ever seen. All page numbers are large white number printed in a dark green rectangle and are placed at the outermost edge of each page. You can thumb through the book to the page you want with an absolute minimum of effort. Now why can't EVERY book do this? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- THE DOS 5 USER'S HANDBOOK by Gary Masters & Richard Allen King (Sybex, 1991, $21.95, ISBN 0-89588-777-0) review by Howard Frye THE DOS 5 USER'S HANDBOOK is divided into two parts. Part I is fairly standard textbook-like guide to getting the most out of DOS 5. Novices can study it from beginning to end, and more experienced users can simply read the chapters of particular interest. The chapters of Part I are laid out this way: 1. Brave New DOS (what's so hot about DOS 5) 2. Memory Unbound (all about memory: low, high, expanded, extended) 3. Installing DOS 5 4. Graphical DOS 5. EDIT--The Full-Screen DOS Editor 6. The New DOS Shell and Task Swapper 7. Command-Line Editor, Macros, and Online Help 8. Disk and File Recovery Tools 9. New DOS 5 Commands 10. Enhanced Commands 11. QBASIC--The Quick BASIC Interpreter As you can see, this is a good general introduction to DOS, all handled in about 250 pages. Part II, though, is where THE DOS 5 USER'S HANDBOOK really shines: it's a DOS 5 Reference Guide, and it's great. As you probably know, DOS reference guides are alphabetical listings of the DOS commands with descriptions of what the command does and how to use it. Well, that's where Part II starts, but it's not where it ends. To begin with, you get a table of the DOS 5 commands, arranged into Essential DOS Commands, Useful DOS Commands, and Specialized DOS Commands. This gives the novice at least somewhere to start, a way to get a handle on what is otherwise a very large and messy subject. In the reference guide, commands have been given "type" designations: internal, external, batch, and configuration. You also are told what version of DOS the command first showed up in, in case you have installations using an earlier version. If you're already familiar with DOS and just want to know what's different about version 5, check the "DOS 5 Notes" and you'll get only what you want to know. Also, one of my favorite ideas is the "Related Commands" section of a command's coverage. Often I can think of one command that should do what I want, but who knows if it's the ONLY applicable command, and maybe it's not the best. With "Related Commands", I can quickly assure myself that I've covered the available commands and I can pick the best and most efficient for my purposes. Finally, Part II has sections called "In Depth" where you get a small article about the command along with a few practical examples. This is what you read when you need more information or a bit more help putting the command into use. With so much information given for each command, and yet all of the information organized into specific sections, you can get exactly the kind of information and the depth of information that you need, and you can get it quickly and without fussing with indexes and page numbers. THE DOS 5 USER'S HANDBOOK is a serious contender in the DOS textbook/reference book class, and also comes with Sybex's set of DOS 5 templates and quick guides printed on heavy paper, meant to be removed and put at your workstation. A very fine book. NOTE: Don't see the Sybex title you need here in RFP? No problem--get your own copy of the complete Sybex catalog of publications, write to: SYBEX, Inc., 2021 Challenger Drive, Alameda, CA 94501. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- DOS 5 DEMYSTIFIED by James S. Forney (Tab Books/Windcrest, 1991, $24.95, ISBN 0-8306-1047-2) review by Cindy Bartorillo Anyone who was ever really seriously interested in computers probably has a few Tab Books on their shelf. I know I do. Not the prettiest books on the block, but they were always the very best for people who really CARED about their machinery. They published books for hackers (an honorable term in yesteryear), computer users who had a burning desire to know not just how things worked, but why. People who wanted to TINKER with their machines, not just push buttons. Well, Tab Books are a whole lot prettier nowadays, but their editorial policies seem to be exactly the same. DOS 5 DEMYSTIFIED is the DOS guide as literature. James Forney obviously loves to tinker with his computer, has amassed a vast warehouse of knowledge about DOS, and is ready to share it with like-minded computer users. The prose is more informal, conversational than the other DOS manuals I've seen. Subjects are covered in more depth and there are more examples and hands-on experiments given, because Forney is talking to people who are ready to read a DOS book for fun. People who think working out a new macro to make a computer chore more efficient is a good way to spend their lunch hour. It doesn't matter if you're getting paid for it or not, Forney knows computers represent the most enjoyable intellectual challenge in the world. If you like computers and want to know more about DOS, not just the hows but the WHYs, DOS 5 DEMYSTIFIED is the book for you. (If your local bookstore can't help you find DOS 5 DEMYSTIFIED, write to: Tab Books, Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17294-0850.) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- THE ABC'S OF DOS 5 by Alan R. Miller (Sybex, 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-89588-770-3) review by Cindy Bartorillo Here is the best book we've seen for the novice who is just starting out with both computer operating systems in general and Microsoft's DOS 5 in particular. Chapter 1 begins with "A Brief Survey of Your Computer", discussing the system unit, keyboard, mouse, printer, disks, etc. Chapter 2 helps you turn on your computer and use a few basic DOS commands. Chapter 3 explores the DOS shell that comes with DOS 5, with lots of illustrations of exactly what your screen will look like (so you'll know immediately when you've taken a wrong turn). Chapter 4 will help you figure out directories and files, and Chapter 5 will help you become proficient at file copying. Chapter 6 covers some of the most useful DOS programs that allow you to: format a disk, check for disk space and errors, compare two files, sort a text file, recover an accidentally deleted file, etc. Chapter 7 will show you how to use EDIT, the simple text editor that comes with DOS 5, and Chapter 8 provides an alphabetically-arranged summary of the DOS 5 commands and programs. The Appendices include: Hints for Beginners (practical, real-world advice for using your computer), The DOS Control Characters, The ASCII Characters and the Extended ASCII Characters, Preparing for the Worst (an unreadable hard disk), Restarting a Hard Disk (more difficult than it sounds), and Upgrading Your Computer to DOS 5. THE ABC'S OF DOS 5 is a nicely-arranged primer for the new computer user, with helpful illustrations and information not normally included in the more technical computer manuals. The book also contains a removable Quick Reference Card on heavy stock, and two function key templates (one for the across-the-top key layout, one for the down-the-left layout). -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- SIMPLIFIED USER GUIDE FOR MICROSOFT MS-DOS 5.0 by Richard Maran (maranGraphics, 1991, $14.95, ISBN 0-9694290-4-5) review by Carl Ingram It's difficult to imagine an easier to use reference book than Richard Maran's SIMPLIFIED USER GUIDE FOR MICROSOFT MS-DOS 5.0. There is a minimum of text and the author has used every possible device to make a point clearly and with maximum brevity. For one thing, you don't need to waste valuable time looking at the Table of Contents--all you have to do is thumb through the book, watch the edge of the pages and you'll see a boxed and colored representation of that section of the book with the current chapter highlighted. Along the top of the pages is a layout of the current chapter, with the particular subsection highlighted. The pages of information themselves are made up mostly of pictures of what the computer screen looks like during each step of a particular chore. Important sections are indicated with red lines and boxes, which are labeled and connected to the numbered step that they illustrate. Terms are never simply defined when they can be graphically represented. The book is divided into two main sections: Using the Command Prompt, and Using the MS-DOS Shell. This makes sense, as these are the two ways in which the computer user can access DOS. Richard Maran always presents information from the perspective of the user, never from that of the hardware or software. In this way, he provides a reference book that is unique as far as I know: a full-featured DOS 5 reference guide for non-computer people. If you need a DOS 5 manual that will answer your beginner-to-intermediate questions and answer them FAST, Richard Maran's book is definitely the one to get. NOTE: If your local bookstore doesn't have Richard Maran's SIMPLIFIED USER GUIDE FOR MICROSOFT MS-DOS 5.0, it may help them to know that the distributor for maranGraphics books is Firefly Books Ltd., 250 Sparks Avenue, Willowdale, Ontario, Canada M2H 2S4. If you'd like to contact the publisher yourself, write to: maranGraphics Inc., 5755 Coopers Avenue, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4Z 1R9. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- THE LITTLE DOS 5 BOOK by Kay Yarborough Nelson (Peachpit Press, August 1991, $12.95, ISBN 0-938151-43-6) review by Howard Frye Here is the DOS book computer novices have been searching for--just about everything you really need to know about DOS and your computer, conveniently arranged and clearly explained, in under 150 pages. The first chapter starts out with the basics that nobody ever bothers to tell the uninitiated, stuff like: What's a command line? Where's the power switch? What's the difference between a "cursor" and a "prompt"? What is the "Enter key" and where is it? Why does everybody seem to think we're all BORN knowing these things? Chapter 2 gives you a guided tour of the DOS Shell which THE LITTLE DOS 5 BOOK assumes that any novice will have the good sense to use. You'll meet the Menu Bar, Dialog Boxes, the Directory Tree, Icons, and you'll learn how to use these arcane features with your mouse (that little box with buttons that you see people sliding all around their desk). Further chapters explain things like: how to enter commands, Files, Directories and Subdirectories, Disks, Programs, Backups, Printing, AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS, and Chapter 11 is a complete alphabetical rundown on DOS 5 commands. I particularly like the "Tips" that are printed in the margins--almost all of them are small tricks that the computer cognoscenti always know and that reference books and how-to books never bother to explain. THE LITTLE DOS 5 BOOK should be at every workstation that serves computer novices. NOTE: If your local bookstore can't help you get THE LITTLE DOS 5 BOOK, you can contact the publisher at: Peachpit Press, 2414 Sixth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710, 800/283-9444, 415/548-4393, FAX: 415/548-5991. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- RUNNING MS-DOS: Fifth Edition (Covers Version 5) by Van Wolverton (Microsoft Press, 1991, $24.95, ISBN 1-55615-337-6) review by Carl Ingram RUNNING MS-DOS serves as an introduction to computers and DOS, a guide to getting the most out of DOS for all versions through 5.0, and as a complete DOS Command reference. The first few chapters are devoted to the novice, with basic types of information about computers, operating systems in general, disk drives, files, directories, and the like. The next few chapters are for the intermediate DOS student, discussing file management, printers, monitors, subdirectories, and fixed disks. After that, you get a one-chapter tutorial on each of three special DOS programs: Shell (DOS 5), EDIT (DOS 5), and EDLIN (up through DOS 4). The last handful of chapters carry you right through advanced topics like batch files, filter commands, DOSKEY, and other esoteric subjects. The appendixes include a Glossary, a DOS Command Reference, and a chapter on installing DOS. After all, knowing how to use it doesn't get you very far if you can't shoehorn the thing into your machinery. A very fine one-volume tutorial/reference guide to the disk operating system from Microsoft. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- THE ONLY DOS BOOK YOU'LL EVER NEED by Doug Lowe & Patrick Bultema (Mike Murach & Assoc., 1991, $24.95, ISBN 0-911625-58-5) review by Cindy Bartorillo The title of this book is pretty brave when you take a look at all the dozens and dozens of DOS books available. (Believe it or not, there are quite a few more that DIDN'T make it into this RFP.) However, the authors have really managed to turn about 550 pages of text into a really comprehensive textbook/tutorial/reference guide to DOS (and other nifty things). How does this book differ from others? (1) It covers the gamut of experience levels. The first two sections provide a basic beginner's course on computers. This is the stuff you need to know to make any pretense at computer literacy. The third section covers the intermediate subjects like back-ups and error recovery. At this point you could hold your own with most computer users. The next two sections teach you about the DOS 4.0 shell and the DOS 5.0 shell, respectively. Now you're up to date. The sixth section covers utility programs that can enhance DOS--now you're well-read. And the seventh and final section teaches you about the exotic skills that most people don't even know about. Now you're an expert. (2) No time is wasted considering floppy-disk-only systems. THE ONLY DOS BOOK YOU'LL EVER NEED takes it for granted that you have a hard disk and all examples are so given. (3) Possibly the best thing about THE ONLY DOS BOOK YOU'LL EVER NEED is the coverage of third-party commercial software. Computer users do not live by DOS alone. Programs that are discussed in some real detail include: PC Tools Deluxe, Norton Commander, Pathminder, Fastback Plus, PC Fullback Plus, Mace Utilities Gold. Consideration is also given to other programs that provide: cursor control, print spooling, task switching and multitasking. Also, one entire chapter is devoted to the important subject of public domain and shareware utilities. THE ONLY DOS BOOK YOU'LL EVER NEED is a superb one-volume guide to getting the most out of your computer. If your local bookstore can't get it for you, you can contact the publisher at: Mike Murach & Associates, Inc., 4697 West Jacquelyn Avenue, Fresno, CA 93722-6427. Or, get your credit card handy and call 1-800-221-5528. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- MICROSOFT MS-DOS PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE (Microsoft Press, 1991, $24.95, ISBN 1-55615-329-5) review by Carl Ingram One of the great things about DOS is that it not only manages your computer's operations for you, much of the code used in DOS is actually available for you to use in your own programs. By tapping into system functions and interrupts, you can let DOS do a lot of the dirty work for you. If this sounds good to you, the one book you absolutely HAVE to have is the MICROSOFT MS-DOS PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE. It won't teach you how to program, but it will give absolutely everything you need to know to program in an MS-DOS environment. Topics in the MICROSOFT MS-DOS PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE include overviews of the MS-DOS system functions; a comprehensive reference to the system functions, interrupts, and structures; an explanation of device drivers; and a description of the function interfaces for MS-DOS extensions, such as print spooling, national language support, and task switching. MICROSOFT MS-DOS PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Overview of MS-DOS Chapter 3: File System Chapter 4: Character Input and Output Chapter 5: Program Management Chapter 6: National Language Support Chapter 7: Interrupts Chapter 8: Interrupt 21h Functions Chapter 9: Device Drivers Appendix A: Code Pages Appendix B: Extended Key Codes Appendix C: Error Values Index (NOTE: You can get the MICROSOFT MS-DOS PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE, or any other Microsoft Press book, by calling 1-800-MSPRESS with your credit card handy.) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- dBASE III PLUS PROGRAMMER'S REFERENCE GUIDE by Alan Simpson (Sybex, 1987, $29.95, ISBN 0-89588-508-5) review by Bob Willis This book is the most complete reference on the dBASE programming language that I have seen to date. It is a massive 1029 pages, and is divided into seven parts, as well as a number of appendices. The sections are: Part 1: Overview of dBASE Programming (53 pages) Part 2: dBASE as a Programming language (105 pages) Part 3: Screen Displays and Reports (45 pages) Part 4: Managing Information on the Database (211 pages) Part 5: The Programming Environment (145 pages) Part 6: Beyond the Programming Environment (105 pages) Part 7: Commonly Used Algorithms (60 pages) When the book arrived, I had just been given a project at work that was under extreme time pressure. I had to set up databases, gather data, and create reports in a very short period of time. My dBASE was a bit rusty, and I didn't have the time to re-read all the dBASE manuals. This book was a godsend, because it was very well organized and full of practical information. Pretty much anything you might want to do in dBASE is explained in detail, and includes numerous examples and (my favorite feature) "Tips" sections that give useful ways of using the material just presented. If you need a detailed reference on dBASE programming, get this book. It is rare to find a book that combines the comprehensive coverage of a reference work with the practical examples of a "How-To" or "Using..." book. If you are a dBASE user, from entry level to expert, you will find something of value in this work, and it will be a book that grows with you as your skills develop. Co-workers have borrowed it several times, and I still find Post-It notes marking pages as they have discovered a neat new trick or programming gem. One borrower told me that it was being used as a textbook in a dBASE course that he was taking. Bottom line: I like it a lot. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- UNDERSTANDING SQL by Martin Gruber (Sybex, 1990, $26.95, ISBN 0-89588-644-8) UNDERSTANDING ORACLE by James T. Perry & Joseph G. Lateer (Sybex, 1989, $26.95, ISBN 0-89588-534-4) review by Bob Willis A few years ago, my primary task at work was to create and support a large relational database system using the ORACLE database management system. The only documentation available was the set of manuals provided by Oracle Corporation, which were reasonably complete but lacking in detail and examples. I had always wished that there was a comprehensive guide to ORACLE and SQL. I was excited when I had the chance to review the above books. However, they were not the great reference works that I was hoping for. SQL stands for 'Software Query Language', and was developed at IBM as an abstract set of rules for manipulating and querying relational databases. It has been implemented by a number of products, including dBASE IV, but has risen to software stardom as the query language used in the ORACLE database. ORACLE is a popular database system primarily for two reasons - it is available on a large number of platforms from mainframes to minicomputers all the way down to the IBM PC, and it comes with a robust and enhanced version of SQL (SQL*Plus). UNDERSTANDING SQL, at 434 pages, is a very basic introduction to Software Query Language. It does not focus on one particular implementation of SQL (the examples it gives use FirstSQL, an IBM PC program), but covers the basics of creating, modifying, and querying a database using SQL. It is a reasonable tutorial for a beginner with access to a version of SQL, but does not make a good reference work, and anyone interested in the complexities of SQL will have to look elsewhere. Bottom line: get it from the library. UNDERSTANDING ORACLE is another introductory work, albeit a meatier one at 634 pages. It contains an overview of the main ORACLE subsystems, concentrating on the IBM PC version of the program. The book covers a broad range of topics, but unfortunately at a shallow level. As with UNDERSTANDING SQL, you will come out with a basic knowledge of the subject; however, in order to get full use out of either product you will have to spend a lot of time mastering its tricks and idiosyncrasies or... find another book. Bottom line: This is a better introduction than the one that comes with the ORACLE documentation, but not enough in-depth information for continued use. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- PC MAGAZINE GUIDE TO NOTEBOOK & LAPTOP COMPUTERS (with disk) by Bill Howard (Ziff-Davis Press, 1991, $29.95, ISBN 1-56276-005-X) review by Howard Frye This book is the most comprehensive coverage of portable computers I have ever seen. I can't think of a thing that isn't discussed here, from helping you choose the right computer in the first place, getting the right software and hardware accessories, through using your laptop like a pro and seeking out resources for further learning. In the very beginning, this GUIDE takes you through the initial purchase of a portable computer. The different kinds of portables are discussed, giving you the terminology, the distinctions, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each. Chapters 2 & 3 cover the features available in laptops, what each feature does and how to decide if you want it or not. And when you're ready to buy, the GUIDE will advise you on where to go, how to judge the deal you're offered, and whether or not you should think about a used computer. Once you've bought your computer, you need to know how to set it up and arrange your hard disk, how to travel with it (that IS why you bought a portable, isn't it?), how to use a modem, how to use the various communications services available. The PC MAGAZINE GUIDE covers all these topics and more. There is a "Road Warrior Checklist" to help you pack everything you'll need for your computer when you travel, as well as a chart to tell you which side of the plane to sit on for best viewing of a laptop screen. If you get to your destination only to find that they don't have phones with modular plugs (for hooking up your modem), no problem. This GUIDE will tell you how to connect to the phone line anyway. You'll find out how to send and receive faxes, how to use on-line services, and how to connect your computer to others (using file-transfer software, LANs, remote-control software, etc.). One chapter is devoted to helping you decide what software you should get for your portable computer, and another discusses the extra hardware and accessories you might want to consider. Not only does the GUIDE discuss mice, printers, external keyboards, external monitors, CD-ROM drives and extra disk drives, but more exotic add-ons like scanners and bar code readers. One long chapter covers the resources available to the computer owner: computer magazines and newspapers, industry newsletters, sources of software reviews, computer books, training materials, trade shows, user groups, etc. Bill Howard actually names names and gives personal recommendations. The Appendices included are valuable as well: Troubleshooting Common Laptop Problems; Serial, Parallel, and Null Modem Pinouts; International Voltage and Outlet Plug Guide; Hayes-Compatible Modem Commands; Electronic Mail and Bulletin Boards; A Quick Guide to Using Laptops for Presentations; Laptop Buyer's Checklist (a complete checklist of features from Chapters 2 & 3 ready to photocopy and take to the store); Resources (addresses). There is a Glossary at the end to explain all the jargon you're likely to hear. There is also a 3-1/2" disk included with the PC MAGAZINE GUIDE TO NOTEBOOK & LAPTOP COMPUTERS. It contains such famous and useful programs as Vernon D. Buerg's LIST program for browsing through files, the virus detection/disinfection combo--SCAN and CLEANUP--from McAfee Associates, and Tiny Editor by Tom Kihlken. In addition, you'll get programs for: * A pop-up chart of ASCII codes * A utility to highlight the cursor line for easy visibility * Communications programs for automated MCI communications, and for using PC MagNet and CompuServe * Macro recording & playback * Modem utilities to setup and monitor the serial/modem port * Set the date & time using the National Institute of Standards and Technology * Remote PC operation by modem * Redirecting printer output to a file * High-speed file transfer between linked computers And more. The PC MAGAZINE GUIDE TO NOTEBOOK & LAPTOP COMPUTERS is the first, last, and final word on everything the portable computer user needs to know. Recommended. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- THE HARD DISK SURVIVAL GUIDE (with disk) by Mark Minasi (Sybex, 1991, $29.95, ISBN 0-89588-799-1) review by Cindy Bartorillo Last summer (1990), the hard disk upon which RFP was created died. One day it just rolled over, coughed a few times, and expired. Half of the next issue and the first edition of our brand new Index were trapped somewhere in the sealed confines of that mysterious metal box. (Not to mention one of the world's great collections of adventure games and pinball simulations.) Computer stores just wanted to sell us a new disk. Data recovery services wanted more money than we had. We finally found a Disk Wizard in a nearby city and took our problem to him. He was able to save much of the data, including the issue of RFP and the Index, but we still had spent several weeks in agony. Later that year, our computer installation was attacked by a computer virus. The majority of the infection was confined to, you guessed it, the RFP computer's hard disk, the replacement of the one that had died during the summer. We managed to recover from the virus, but it was a nasty couple of days of hard work. The point of all this is that we would have been in much better shape if we had had Mark Minasi's THE HARD DISK SURVIVAL GUIDE. Not only would we have understood what had happened to us better, but we would have saved ourselves a lot of emotional trauma and a fair amount of money. Within the pages of Minasi's book you will find nothing less than a complete course in the understanding and care of hard disks. How they work and why they sometimes don't. What can happen, how to avoid it, and what to do when it happens anyway. For instance, did you know that the distance between the read/write head of your hard disk and the actual platter is considerably smaller than the height of a fingerprint? Think about that the next time you slam your hand on the computer table to make a point, or pound the keyboard extra hard to show your frustration. Those vibrations could be gouging your data right off your hard disk. THE HARD DISK SURVIVAL GUIDE will give you a systematic course of action for anytime your disk fails to boot, or throws an error of any kind. It'll tell you about computer viruses: what the most common varieties are, how they work, and what you can do about them (both to prevent infection, and to recover from it). Diagrams will show you how the mechanisms in your hard drive work. Hands-on exercises will have you viewing the FAT, the MBR, the DBR, and finding files wherever they may have been stored. Once you know how things work and what they look like when everything is OK, you're halfway there to fixing them when things go wrong. There is also a disk included, with valuable programs to help you care for your disk, examine its structure, and back up the important information. And throughout the entire volume, Mark Minasi gives specific information, suggestions, and advice, using brand names and model numbers--loads of data culled from years of fixing hard drives. Inside THE HARD DISK SURVIVAL GUIDE you'll find everything you need to know to take the best possible care of your programs and data. If you care about the information on your hard drive, this book is absolutely required reading, and should be kept close at hand for emergency first aid. Highly recommended. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- MICROSOFT PRESS COMPUTER DICTIONARY The Comprehensive Standard for Business, School, Library, and Home (Microsoft Press, 1991, $19.95, ISBN 1-55615-231-0) review by Carl Ingram As almost everyone knows, your standard dictionary just doesn't cut it when it comes to modern-day specialized jargon, particularly the rapidly expanding world of high-technology vocabulary. That's why a good Computer Dictionary is so important today. Unfortunately most such volumes are woefully incomplete or are lightheartedly targeted at the "average" person (who is, for some reason, assumed to be barely literate). The MICROSOFT PRESS COMPUTER DICTIONARY sets a whole new standard for dictionary supplementation. It's serious, authoritative, and comprehensive. Written and reviewed by experts from the computer industry and the business and academic communities, the dictionary includes terms drawn from a wide variety of disciplines: Applications Communications Data and Data Storage Databases Desktop Publishing Electronics Hardware Chips, Cards, and Boards Computers Disks, Drives, and Other Media Keyboards Printers and Plotters Video Other Devices History Information Processing General Computing Input/Output Memory and Memory Management Networks Output Print Screen Programming Systems and Environments Entries include pronunciations where appropriate, clear and concise definitions, illustrations, and cross references. The MICROSOFT PRESS COMPUTER DICTIONARY is an important addition to your library at the office and/or at home. It will help the entire family understand the technology that is shaping the course of our lives more and more every day. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- DESKTOP PUBLISHING BY DESIGN: Ventura Publisher Edition by Ronnie Shushan, Don Wright, Ricardo Birmele (Microsoft Press, 1991, $24.95, ISBN 1-55615-265-5) review by Cindy Bartorillo The production of printed material is gradually being taken out of the hands of professional printers and being done right there in the office. The combination of affordable computers, laser printers, and desktop publishing software has attracted many companies large and small, and more are joining them every week. But then there's always the awkward moment when the computers have been installed, the printers are plugged in and humming, and the software is safe and secure on the computer's hard disk. Now what? The salespeople told you that this was all you needed to turn out spiffy documents and newsletters with the touch of a button. Were they lying? Well, not exactly lying, maybe just a little misleading. Now you need someone with two kinds of knowledge: how to use the software you purchased and how to design good-looking documents. DESKTOP PUBLISHING BY DESIGN is what you need if you use Ventura Publisher. It's divided into three convenient sections to address all of your major questions. Section 1 is a crash course in the design of printed material: what fonts are and how to pick one; how to create a grid, the basic structure of your page; and general advice on how to handle the design and printing process. Section 2 is called "A Design Portfolio". Here you will find concrete ideas and suggestions for the creation of various promotional pieces (flyers, posters, folders, brochures), periodicals (newsletters, journals, magazines), and printed material that is basically data (catalogs, data sheets, financial documents, forms). Then, Section 3 takes you by the hand and works step-by-step through seven printing projects, from a simple certificate to more complex pieces that use photographs, multiple columns, and other more advanced elements. You don't have to know all about Ventura, just follow the explicit instructions in DESKTOP PUBLISHING BY DESIGN, and you'll be producing terrific documents in a matter of hours. Lavishly illustrated throughout, DESKTOP PUBLISHING BY DESIGN is a tutorial on page design, a tutorial on Ventura Publisher, and a convenient reference book for both. An earlier edition focused on Aldus PageMaker. Highly recommended. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- PC MAGAZINE: TURBO PASCAL 6.0 TECHNIQUES AND UTILITIES (w/disk) by Neil J. Rubenking (Ziff-Davis, August 1991, $39.95, ISBN 1-56276-010-6) review by Drew Bartorillo PC MAGAZINE: TURBO PASCAL 6.0 TECHNIQUES AND UTILITIES is by far the most comprehensive Turbo Pascal 6.0 book we have seen to date. TECHNIQUES is written by Neil J. Rubenking, long-time expert in the Turbo Pascal field and author of the famous "Pianoman" program. In his TECHNIQUES book, Rubenking reveals methods to unleash the total power of Turbo Pascal. Included are insider's tips on using the built-in Assembler, Turbo Debugger, Turbo Profiler, Turbo Vision, and the third-party library: Object Professional from Turbo Power Software. This is the first book we have seen that gives tips on using the Object Professional library, by far the most powerful tool available to the Turbo Pascal programmer. Included with the book is a disk that includes hundreds of Turbo Pascal utilities and routines. All the source code presented in the book is available on the included disk, arranged according to the chapters in the book. If you only have room for one book in your Turbo Pascal library, this is unquestionably the one to have. Included in the book are the following topics: * BASM, the Built-in Assembler * Object-oriented Programming * Turbo Vision * Object Professional * Developing Efficient Programming Techniques * Working With Large Programs * Power Routines for Input/Output * Power Routines for String Handling * Power Routines for Program Flow Control * Power Data Structures * Power BASM Routines * Power Routines for File Operations * Power Routines for Mathematical Operations * Power Routines for Low-Level System Access * Power Routines for Graphical Applications * Power Routines for Turbo Vision -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- THE HOME OFFICE COMPUTER BOOK by Steve Rimmer (Sybex, 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-89588-797-5) review by Howard Frye As traffic gets worse, suburban living areas get farther from city office buildings, technology advances and becomes more affordable, more and more people are deciding to work at home. Companies begin to realize that employees don't have to be physically present to be productive, and working from home is generally cheaper for both employee and employer. Also, advanced technology increases the opportunities for self-employed work at home. Working at home sounds wonderful to many, but there's usually a hurdle to overcome--the technology that makes all this possible must be selected, purchased, and used. What do you do if you can't tell a computer from a laser printer? Computer-happy friends usually aren't a good source of advice--all you'll get is a firm recommendation for whatever hardware or software they happen to use. No, you need to make good, economically sound decisions for practical reasons. You need to find out what's out there, separate what you'll need from what you won't need, and learn how to use it, preferably without spending the next 2 years doing it. THE HOME OFFICE COMPUTER BOOK is what you need. The first two chapter get you started--you'll learn how to choose the best computer for your needs, and how to pick a printer. In slightly over 80 pages you'll find out about: IBM, Macintosh, memory, disk drives, monitors, laptops, "grey market", dot matrix, daisywheel, inkjet, laser printers. Then there are chapters to help you deal with the software your computer will use. Separate chapters will introduce you to "The Operating System" and "Microsoft Windows". You'll find out what they are and what they can do for you. Other chapters introduce the major types of software that your business may require: "Word Processing", "Desktop Publishing and Graphics", "Spreadsheets", and "Database Management". You'll learn what these types of software do, what features may be important to you, and you'll find out about some of the more famous examples of such software. "Disk Utilities" talks about some accessory programs you might need, and "Shareware" discusses a great source of software that your local computer store may not mention. THE HOME OFFICE COMPUTER BOOK also devotes space to a very important topic: Telecommunications and FAX. These chapters are concerned with how your computer contacts the outside world, which is often critical for a home business. How will you get the reports to your boss? How will you deliver the typeset material to the printer? How will you stay in touch with your clients? What software and what hardware will you need? What kinds of computer communications are possible? THE HOME OFFICE COMPUTER BOOK is a terrific way for the computer novice to develop near-instant sophistication in the field of business-related technology. Easy to understand, better than relying on outside advice, THE HOME OFFICE COMPUTER BOOK is a very efficient tool for making the best decisions for creating your own work environment in your home. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- THE EASY VENTURA BOOK (with Training Disk) A Self-Paced Introduction to Xerox Ventura Publisher by Rick Altman (Peachpit Press, 1990, $29.95, ISBN 0-938151-19-3) review by Carl Ingram THE EASY VENTURA BOOK was developed, tested and refined over years in classes that Rick Altman taught on using Ventura Publisher. This origin is obvious throughout: the material is arranged in logical sequence, each acquired skill being used to develop the next; everything is explained adequately with no awkward jumps of subject; and emphasis is always on DOING, not on reading. Actually, Rick Altman has put himself out of a job, because you don't need a teacher once you have THE EASY VENTURA BOOK. And THE EASY VENTURA BOOK really is easy, a remarkable accomplishment given the complexity of Xerox's Ventura Publisher. Directions are clearly given in numbered steps, so even if you've never seen Ventura Publisher you'll have no trouble following the chapters/lessons. The student will learn about frames, files, text, and graphics; how to create a flier or an article; the extras included in the EMS version of Ventura Publisher; and how to prepare text files use in desktop published documents. There are four special projects for you to try your hand at: a letter, a resume, a logo, and a magazine article. Two final chapters/lessons cover a few more advanced subjects and give general advice on keeping your head above water with a megamonster program like Ventura Publisher. THE EASY VENTURA BOOK should be on hand at any computer installation that uses Ventura Publisher, for training new people and refresher courses for individual subjects. If you can't find THE EASY VENTURA BOOK locally, contact the publisher at: Peachpit Press, 2414 Sixth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710, 800/283-9444, 415/548-4393, FAX: 415/548-5991. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- PC MAGAZINE GUIDE TO 1-2-3 Release 2.3 by Stephen Cobb (Ziff-Davis, August 1991, $27.95, ISBN 1-56276-012-2) commentary from the publisher Years of classroom teaching and corporate consulting have enabled Stephen Cobb to assemble this unique collection of tried and tested learning techniques. In this self-paced tutorial, Cobb's easy-to-read style enables novice users to learn the features of Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.3 quickly and easily. Experienced 1-2-3 users can use this book as a comprehensive guide to Release 2.3's new features, and as a reference to the many features of 1-2-3. PC MAGAZINE GUIDE TO 1-2-3 RELEASE 2.3 offers authoritative guidance on the complete range of Release 2.3 features, including... * The new WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) graphical environment with live on-screen formatting * Release 2.3's new graph types, including 3-D effect graphs with annotation capabilities * Creating advanced macros to automate often-performed tasks * Running Release 2.3 on everything from an XT to a 486 computer, without sacrificing power or speed * Using files created in previous versions of 1-2-3 as well as in other spreadsheet programs * Spreadsheet formatting and publishing capabilities with full mouse support Hundreds of illustrations, numerous business-oriented examples, and expert tips make PC MAGAZINE GUIDE TO 1-2-3 RELEASE 2.3 the best way to learn Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.3. ************************** RICHIE ASHBURN'S PHILLIES TRIVIA by Richie Ashburn (Running Press, 1983, $7.95, ISBN 0-89471-219-5) review by Drew Bartorillo A. Which Phillies pitcher struck out the most opposing batters in one season in the national League? B. Who is the only Phillies player to hit two home runs in one inning? C. Who is the youngest player ever to play for the Phillies? D. Which Phillies pitcher has hit the most home runs in one season? E. Which Phillies player collected the most hits in World Series play during his career? This is just a sampling of the over 300 trivia questions about the Philadelphia Phillies in RICHIE ASHBURN'S TRIVIA. The book is by Richie Ashburn, one of the 1950 National League pennant winning Whiz Kids and hitter extraordinaire. He is presently the radio and TV announcer for the Philadelphia Phillies and writes a baseball column for the Philadelphia Daily News. RICHIE ASHBURN'S TRIVIA contains the records, the home runs and the players who carried the Phillies through victory and defeat, from the team's beginnings in 1883 straight up through the present. The book is also packed with vintage photos from the Phillies' own files. If you're an avid baseball fan and especially if you're a native Philadelphian (I'm both), you'll find this book offers hours of fantastic browsing. As I read through RICHIE ASHBURN'S TRIVIA I found myself constantly thinking, "Is that right?" or "I never knew that!" and wholeheartedly recommend it. Oh, the answers to the previous trivia questions are: A. Steve Carlton B. Andy Seminick C. Putsy Caballero D. Rick Wise E. Larry Bowa ************************** LED ZEPPELIN: HEAVEN AND HELL An Illustrated History by Charles R. Cross & Erik Flannigan, with photographs by Neal Preston (Harmony Books, 1991, $25, ISBN 0-517-58308-9) review by Cindy Bartorillo There were other great bands in the 1970s: The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Who. But the group that generated more excitement than any other, for me, was Led Zeppelin. With only 9 albums (plus a soundtrack), very little advertising or promotion, and even less contemporary critical acclaim, Led Zeppelin became one of the most popular bands in rock history. And the years since they broke up have only added to their popularity: critics now acknowledge them as seminal musical artists, they have more fanzines devoted to them today than the Beatles, and rumors of a reunion performance are enough to induce commercial frenzy. So far, however, Led Zeppelin has skipped the nostalgia trip, calling it quits with class and dignity when their drummer Bonzo (John Bonham) died. Oversized and printed on glossy paper, the enormous quantity of glorious color and black-and-white photographs in LED ZEPPELIN: HEAVEN AND HELL are what draw your eye first. There are "action" shots from stage performances, concert posters, studio portraits, and candid behind-the-scenes pictures, most of which have never been published before. Not surprisingly, most of the pictures feature the two best-known members of the band: lead singer Robert Plant and guitarist Jimmy Page. Flipping through the pages you are treated to the extraordinary stage presence and photogenic qualities of Plant and the chameleon nature of Page, the intensity of performing versus the quiet off-stage individual. As great as the photographs are, they are easily outmatched by the text. The opening chapter by Charles R. Cross is the finest single piece of rock journalism I've ever read. Cross generates an excitement in prose the equal of what Led Zeppelin could do with sound. The rest of the volume contains a fine example of music criticism by Jimmy Guterman, a fabulous long interview with the notoriously media-shy Jimmy Page, and a guide to collecting Led Zeppelin music and associational items (including bootleg tapes and CDs). The last two sections of the book, however, are my favorite. The first is an album-by-album, song-by-song discussion of each piece of Led Zeppelin music, with notes about how the piece was recorded and any other interesting tidbits connected with the album or song. The last section is an incredible list of Led Zeppelin's performances and other career highlights, also with any interesting notes. As Led Zeppelin was possibly the hardest working band in history, doing more--and longer--live performances per year, this list is very long. But it gives the Led Zeppelin fan a terrific timeline/history of the group. LED ZEPPELIN: HEAVEN AND HELL is easily the finest volume of rock journalism I've ever had the pleasure to read. It captures the excitement of the band, and provides an encyclopedic amount of information for the fan and collector--all without resorting to lurid sex-and-drugs tales typical of most rock 'n' roll books. This book is for the rock aficionado, and is a worthy record of one of the greatest groups in rock history. Highly recommended. ************************** THE *NEW* THREE MINUTE MEDITATOR by David Harp (New Harbinger, 1990, $9.95, ISBN 0-934986-95-9) VISUALIZATION FOR CHANGE by Patrick Fanning (New Harbinger, 1988, $10.95, ISBN 0-934986-51-7) review by Cindy Bartorillo These two books from New Harbinger are very good examples of a rare commodity: texts that teach a self-help technique without a large, complicated and esoteric "context". For instance, meditation books are frequently centered around an Eastern philosophy or religion, and visualization--a very hot topic lately--is often presented in a context of New Age mysticism. Eastern religions and New Age mysticism are great if that's what you're interested in, but meditation and visualization are techniques that can benefit ANYBODY and needn't be considered as a component of a larger issue. THE NEW THREE MINUTE MEDITATOR gives you a simple introduction to the subject of meditation in a rational manner that is easy to grasp and easy to put into practice. The author doesn't require you to change your religion, live in a monastery, or do other violence to your preferred lifestyle. You can begin meditating in small, nonthreatening steps, which makes the most sense anyway. The best advertisement for meditation is meditation, but who's going to turn their life upside down just because some writer you don't even know says it would be good for you? David Harp doesn't ask you to take his word for anything, just to give meditation a small chance. If you've always wondered what meditation is all about, but aren't quite ready to give up all your worldly possessions and go sit on a mountaintop, THE NEW THREE MINUTE MEDITATOR is exactly what you need. Patrick Fanning's VISUALIZATION FOR CHANGE is a complete guide to what has become a very popular subject--How to use the powers of your mind to help you enhance your life rather than hold you back. To begin with, it is generally accepted wisdom that your mind affects your life in ways most people never begin to appreciate. Many physicians have written books about the power of positive thinking to help you recover from medical or physical problems, and look at all the self-hypnosis and "mind power" books on the library shelf. We all know how our mind can turn on us. Remember the time you got up to give a presentation in front of all the department heads, and you discovered that somehow you had forgotten how to breathe? Getting your mind on your side is an important step on the road to happiness and serenity, and that's where visualization comes in. I'll leave the tutorial to Fanning because he does such a great job of it, but I can personally attest to the techniques of visualization being both powerful and fun to practice. In addition to teaching the basics of visualization, Fanning gives specific advice in separate chapters devoted to: weight control, nonsmoking, creativity and problem solving, setting and achieving goals, improved learning and sports performance, stress reduction, self-esteem, insomnia, depression, anxiety, anger, and shyness. One entire section is devoted to the subject of healing and pain control. Finally, Fanning provides a brief history of the visualization techniques and discusses visualization aids as well as further reading material. VISUALIZATION FOR CHANGE is a terrific no-nonsense guide to a very interesting subject. You can get either (or both) of the above books from New Harbinger by sending the list price, plus $1.50, to: New Harbinger Publications, Department B-3, 5674 Shattuck Avenue, Oakland, CA 94609. Be sure to ask for a complete catalog of all the books they offer. ************************** BIBLIOHOLISM: The Literary Addiction by Tom Raabe (Fulcrum Pub., 1991, $8.95, ISBN 1-55591-080-7) review by Cindy Bartorillo * Are you unable to walk through a mall without stopping at a bookstore? * Have you ever bought the same book twice without knowing it? * Have you ever been fired from a job, or reprimanded, for reading? * When you watch TV, do you always have a book in your lap for slow parts and commercials? Yes. Yes. Yes. Of course. Don't you? But let me begin properly: Hi. My name is Cindy, and I'm a biblioholic. You know what I'm talking about, don't you? It starts out small--an occasional trip to the library, maybe a paperback book now and then. Pretty soon you're buying a cheaper car so you can pay for your book habit. Your credit cards have maxed out, and all the charges are to Waldenbooks, B. Dalton, Crown Books, The Strand Bookstore, etc. Books and reading, of course, are both socially acceptable and even have a certain intellectual snob quality. So you know you really have a problem when you find that you have to lie about your book habit, just so you don't sound dangerously psychotic. Spend some time with BIBLIOHOLISM, however, and you'll see that you're not alone. Tom Raabe has the disease just as bad, probably worse, than you do, and his good cheer is infectious. BIBLIOHOLISM begins by defining the problem, discussing the major symptoms and signs of progression. Raabe talks about the buying habits of biblioholics and how they manage to sneak the books into the house. Both collecting and lending of books are considered, while the most helpful section gives hints on reading in restaurants, on the toilet, in bed, while traveling, at work, and even at other people's houses. The book ends with a brief overview of cures. BIBLIOHOLISM is an absolute delight, a very funny guide to a very enjoyable disease. ************************** PARAPSYCHOLOGY: THE CONTROVERSIAL SCIENCE by Richard S. Broughton, Ph.D. (Ballantine, 1991, $22, ISBN 0-345-35638-1) review by Howard Frye Parapsychology must be the most interesting and the most frustrating subject in the world. It's the most interesting because it's frontier territory, we're still just trying to survey the boundaries of the subject. Also, it's such an important topic. The ramifications of ESP and psychokinesis cross many disciplines and are simply mind-boggling. It's the most frustrating subject because most people approach parapsychology as either Believers or Nonbelievers. Both groups are composed of some very nice people with many worthwhile things to say, but none of them are really open-minded about the subject. We've needed a book like PARAPSYCHOLOGY: THE CONTROVERSIAL SCIENCE for a long time. Dr. Broughton is Director of Research at the Institute of Parapsychology, and here he gives the layperson a comprehensive introduction to his field of expertise. He discusses the history and the evolution of parapsychology research and defines its boundaries. He considers whether or not parapsychology should be accepted as a scientific discipline and explains what can and can't be proved in the laboratory. In short, PARAPSYCHOLOGY: THE CONTROVERSIAL SCIENCE is the book that sensible people have been waiting for. Dr. Broughton brings the subject up to date with an examination of recent developments in Soviet and Chinese psi research, and a look at U.S. government parapsychology programs. You'll learn that psi ability is already being used in criminal investigations, healing, and even archaeology. A very interesting and readable book. ************************** STREAMLINING YOUR LIFE A 5-Point Plan for Uncomplicated Living by Stephanie Culp (Writer's Digest, August 1991, $11.95, ISBN 0-89879-462-5) review by Janet Peters How do you know if you need this book? According to Stephanie Culp, these are some of the major symptoms: * You've had it with life in the fast lane. * You like the fast lane; you'd like to go faster! * You're spending more time taking care of the "stuff" in your life than you are taking care of yourself. * You're not getting what you want out of life. * You're tired of jam-packed days where nothing seems to get done. * Your relationships leave a lot to be desired. * You want to make each moment count. What the author provides is a lot of good sense in a small package. She explains her 5-point plan that helps to: * adjust one's attitude (how much "having it all" is really important?) * prioritize and plan goals and objectives * eliminate excess * organize what's important * create simple systems that will help things take care of themselves Stephanie Culp's plan is NOT just a lot more busy-work for the obsessive-compulsive. You probably know most of the principles she outlines here, but you just haven't put them all together before. STREAMLINING YOUR LIFE is a lot of good sound advice presented logically and coherently for the person whose life needs a bit of fine-tuning. Recommended. ************************** ONE IS THE LONELIEST NUMBER On the Road and Behind the Scenes with the Legendary Band Three Dog Night by Jimmy Greenspoon with Mark Bego (Pharos Books, September 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-88687-647-8) review by Janet Peters "One", "Joy to the World", "Mama Told Me Not To Come"--who can forget the greatest hits of Three Dog Night? The seven-member band had 20 back-to-back Top Forty singles (including 7 million-sellers) and 12 consecutive Top Twenty "Gold" albums. The success came at a price, though, at least for their keyboard player Jimmy Greenspoon: eight years of his life were lost to heroin addiction. But the story has a happy ending because--unlike popular artists like Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Keith Moon--Jimmy Greenspoon managed to end his drug dependency and lived to talk about it. ONE IS THE LONELIEST NUMBER is the story of Jimmy Greenspoon and Three Dog Night, as wild and wooly as any rock biography as you're liable to come across. Jimmy Greenspoon still plays keyboard for Three Dog Night, and lives in Tucson, Arizona, with his wife Karen. ************************** THE BOOMER BIBLE: A Testament For Our Times by R.F. Laird (Workman, September 1991, $14.95, ISBN 1-56305-075-7) review by Howard Frye The old Bible having become seriously dated, we have needed a document that speaks more clearly to us in late 20th century. For that reason, various peoples have caused to appear a book known as THE BOOMER BIBLE, a bizarre work that is funny, fascinating, shocking, irritating, puzzling, and insulting--sometimes all at once. It is also quite a test of your store of historical and literary knowledge. For example, let me quote from the The Book of Chuck: Chapter 1 There was a VIP named Chuck, who took a beagle somewhere on an expedition, 2 And changed the world. 3 When he came back, he told everybody that they were all wrong about a few things. A careful reader will already have noticed that The Book of Chuck is about Charles Darwin. Or let me give you an example from The Pnotes, a book devoted entirely to limericks: Pnote 23 This girl from Tennessee, 1 Had a limp and a menagerie, 3 Made of glass, 4 Poor lovestruck lass, 5 She lost it before Act III. Can you tell what literary work this poem is about? THE BOOMER BIBLE doesn't stop with setting down the received wisdom of the world. There is also a section of prayers (actually for Boomers they're called "brayers", as in "Let us bray") and platitudes, a marriage ceremony, toasts, even a section of hymns (with written music). THE BOOMER BIBLE is ridiculous, atrocious, hilarious, and offensive. To give you an example of the latter, the story of Japan is related in The Book of Nips, the story of France is told in The Book of Frogs, etc. There is also a great deal of material about film and television, subjects woefully untapped in the "other" Bible. In short, THE BOOMER BIBLE is an extraordinary creation of nonsense, its appeal dependent on the reader's taste for nonsense. I love it. ************************** THE PLEASURES OF WATCHING BIRDS by Lola Oberman (Walker, 1991, $22.95, ISBN 0-8027-1166-9) review by Carol Sheffert Lola Oberman is an officer of the Maryland Ornithological Society and an active member of the Audubon Naturalist Society. She leads field trips for both organizations, has a monthly column in AUDUBON NATURALIST NEWS and is a frequent contributor to BIRD WATCHER'S DIGEST. THE PLEASURES OF WATCHING BIRDS is a collection of short essays about birds and bird watchers. Like a bird watcher's photo album in prose, the reader is treated to dozens of stories about birds and bird people Lola Oberman has met. Just this morning I reread "The Song of the Bluejay" as the title bird was responsible for waking me up on this otherwise lazy Saturday morning. It's lovely to talk to someone else who appreciates birds, and THE PLEASURES OF WATCHING BIRDS consists of several dozen conversations with a fellow birder; one who not only pursues her hobby with enthusiasm but can communicate her excitement to others. Very enjoyable. ************************** THE MULCH BOOK: A Complete Guide for Gardeners by Stu Campbell; revised and updated by Donna Moore (Storey Communications, May 1991, $8.95, ISBN 0-88266-659-2) review by Janet Peters When you're first starting out in gardening, what you need is one of those large all-around books that explain everything. Not that you'll learn everything, but you'll need to know a little bit about a lot of things, which is what those books are good at. Once you've relaxed about the basics, you can start to take a closer look at certain subjects of interest. One of the most important subjects for any gardener is mulch. Do you really need a mulch on your garden? What can a mulch do for you? If you decide to mulch, what kind of mulch should you use? How thickly should it be spread? Most gardeners are attracted to mulch in the beginning because they get tired of weeding. A good thick mulch will cut WAY down on the weed population. After a while, though, the subject gets more complex. You start to hear rumors that the right kind of mulch can improve your garden's soil, save water, and insulate the soil against extremes of temperature. You might also hear rumors that mulch is a breeding ground for slugs, insects, and rodents, that it prevents the soil from breathing, or that the wrong mulch can upset the chemistry of your soil. Perhaps you've even heard talk that the pine bark mulch sold by your local gardening store isn't the only mulch possibility. THE MULCH BOOK sorts out all the these mulch questions. The pros and cons are carefully considered, all the latest types of mulch are discussed, and there are many tips for getting the most from mulch, with specific chapters on mulch use with fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals. Once you've read the book you can just rely on the Quick Reference Chart in the back that lists 46 different types of mulches with data columns for: Appearance, Insulation Value, Relative Cost, Thickness, Weed Control, Water Penetration, Soil Moisture Retention, Decomposition Speed, and Comments. Mulch may not be the most fascinating subject, but it's a very important one for gardeners. THE MULCH BOOK is the single best source of mulch information that I've ever seen. Recommended. ************************** Preview of the holiday season: A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens audio cassette read by Sir John Gielgud (Bantam Audio, 1987, $9.99, ISBN 0-553-45146-4) review by Cindy Bartorillo I don't know about you, but I couldn't make it through the Christmas season without one or two renditions of Charles Dickens' most popular Yuletide story. The several movie adaptations are nice at certain times (some are nicer than others, of course), but there are many times when a movie isn't quite what's needed. Like when everyone's busy Decking your Halls, or you're in the car on the way to Grandma's house for a Christmas dinner, or maybe the holidays are running you ragged and you just need a bit of a rest. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone read A CHRISTMAS CAROL to you? And wouldn't it be just perfect if he had a perfect British speaking voice? Bantam Audio's cassette tape of A CHRISTMAS CAROL is perfect for starting your own family tradition. It's a convenient 1-hour adaptation of the Dickens classic, and, most importantly, it's read by Sir John Gielgud--an enjoyable way to get in the holiday mood. God bless us everyone! ************************** ÿ