ADecompress buffer failed. UncompSize = %d, Header.UncompSize = %d:Decompress buffer failed. CheckSum = %d, Header.Crc32 = %d&Cannot read from stream. ReadSize = %d(Invalid stream size = %d. Should be = %dOInvalid extension size. NewSize = %d, UncompressedSize = %d, ExtensionSize = %d!Cannot create file. FileName = %s*Cannot open file. FileName = %s, Mode = %d7BLOB field already opened. FieldNo = %d, FieldName = %s Cannot write to read only stream&Invalid record count = %d. Limit is %d&Cannot update record in temporary mode&Cannot delete record in temporary mode$Invalid signature = %s. Should be %s)Invalid version number = %f. Should be %fYError copying table. Record #%d, field '%s' was copied with Null value due to error: %s CError copying table. Record #%d was not imported due to error: %s