The purpose of these districts are to conserve land for agricultural use, to prevent the premature development of land, and to prevent urban and agricultural land use conflicts. It is the intent of this Ordinance that such districts be located in rural areas of Hinds County that are not served by public sewer systems. It is further the intent of this Ordinance to prevent disorderly scattering of residences on small lots and to prevent the establishment of other urban land uses that would require unreasonable expenditures for public improvements and services.


(a) Single-Family detached dwellings including manufactured homes, modular homes, and relocated structures. Only one principal dwelling per lot may be erected in A districts, except where the lot consists of five (5) acres or more, in which case up to three (3) single family detached dwellings may be erected per five (5) acres of land.

(b) Accessory buildings and structures, the maximum size of which shall be limited to 50 percent of the area of the main building or 1000 square feet in area, whichever is smaller.

(c) Pastureland and raising the usual farm animals and poultry subject to the following regulations. This is not to be construed to include the operation of commercial activities otherwise provided in this ordinance; such as feeding or fattening lots or pens for the purpose of dealing or trading in live stock, fowl, or small domestic animals, such as cats, dogs and rabbits.

(1) Breeding, raising, and feeding of grazing livestock (i.e., horses, cattle, sheep, goats, mules, etc.), provided that each such animal herein defined as "grazing livestock" shall be kept on a tract or lot of one-half (1/2) acre of land or greater. Barns, pens corrals, and other buildings or enclosures for the keeping of grazing livestock are permitted accessory uses, provided that such buildings or enclosure (excluding open pastures) are located no closer than 150 feet from any adjoining property lines and 100 feet from an existing/proposed street right-of-way line.

(2) Breeding, raising and feeding of swine, provided that pens for the keeping of swine are located no closer than 150 feet from any adjoining property line and 100 feet from an existing/proposed street right-of-way line.

(3) Breeding, raising and feeding of chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, or other fowl, provided that if more than two (2) such fowl are kept on any lot, they shall be kept at least 150 feet from any adjoining property line and 100 feet from an existing/proposed street right-of-way line.

(d) Forestry and horticultural uses. The sale of vegetables, fruits and other plants shall only be allowed if permitted as a special exception (see Section 502).

(e) Public or private recreational or open space facilities, excluding country clubs and the like which shall be regulate as public/quasi-public facilities or utilities subject to the provisions of Section 414 of this ordinance.

(f) Seasonal roadside stands for display or sale of agricultural products raised on the premises.

(g) Home occupations in compliance with Section 416 of this Ordinance.

(h) Farms and farm buildings, as defined in Article II.

(i) Public streets and highways.

(j) Family subdivision in compliance with Section 434 of this ordinance.


(a) Public or quasi-public facilities and utilities in compliance with Section 414 and other regulations of this ordinance.

(b) Child Care Facilities.

(c) Stables and riding academies, providing that there shall be at least one (1) acre of land for each horse normally kept on the premises. In no case shall a stable or riding academy be located on a lot with an area of less than five (5) acres.

(d) Plant nurseries and other horticultural uses where vegetables, fruit and other plants are grown on the premises or brought to the premises and maintained there for the purpose of retail sale from said premises. Such other additional products shall be permitted to be sold from the premises as are customarily incidental to the operation of a plant nursery.

(e) Extraction of minerals, including sand and gravel, provided that when "open-pit" operations are conducted a Reclamation Plan must be approved by the Board of Supervisors as required in Section 201.

(f) Veterinary hospitals and kennels.

(g) Animal cemeteries (small domestic animals such as cats and dogs).

(h) Commercial dealing or trading in farm animals or poultry, including such uses as: feed lots, feeding pens, poultry farms, rabbit hutches and similar intensive farming operations.

(i) Roadside stand for the sale of merchandise or products not grown on premises.

(j) Landing strips and agricultural flying services, provided they comply with the regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration.

(k) Convenience grocery stores.

(l) Accessory structures of greater area than that required in Section 501.

(m) Junk yards.

(n) Sanitary Landfill or Dump


503.01 Maximum Building Height: There shall be no height limitations for barns and agricultural storage buildings provided they do not contain space intended for human occupancy. No other building shall exceed a height or 35 feet above the finished ground elevation measured at the front line of the building.

503.02 Minimum Lot Area: One acre.

503.03 Minimum Lot Width: 50 feet measured at the front building setback line (Amended September 11, 1989, Book 64, page 137).

503.04 Minimum Yards:

(a) Front yard: 25 feet from the existing or proposed right-of-way line as shown on the adopted Hinds County Thoroughfares Plan to the building setback line, except where Section 501(c)(1) requires a minimum of 100 feet from any existing/proposed street right-of-way line.

(b) Side yard: 10 feet, except where Section 501(c)(1) requires a minimum yard of 150 feet from any adjoining property line.

(c) Rear yard: 25 feet, except where Section 501(c)(1) requires a minimum yard of 150 feet from any adjoining Property line.

503.05 Maximum Buildable Area: No limitation on buildable area.


See Article XXI for off-street parking and loading requirement for residential and other uses allowed in A districts.


See Article XXII for regulations concerning signs in this district.


The developer of any residential subdivision in an A-1 district shall comply with the provisions of Sections 425, 426 and 427 of this ordinance. Developers of public/quasi public facilities, where permitted as conditional use, shall also comply with Sections 426 and 427.

Zoning Regulations