The purpose of this article is to establish requirements governing the provision of sufficient space for the off-street parking and loading (or unloading) of all motor vehicles in order to reduce or avoid congestion of streets and to provide a more suitable living and working environment. Such space for parking or loading of motor vehicles shall be provided at the time of the erection of any principal structure, or the time any principal structure is enlarged or increased in capacity by the addition of dwelling units, guest rooms, floor area or seats. The responsibility for providing the space required by this ordinance shall be that of whoever establishes the use to which it is appurtenant.


Off-street parking and loading space shall be provided in accordance with the following regulations.

2101.01 Provision of Parking Space on the Same Lot With All Residential Uses: Off-street parking space for all residential land uses shall be provided on the same parcel of land as the residential use to which the parking space is appurtenant.

2101.01 Non-residential Uses and Off-Street Parking: Off-street parking space for all non-residential land uses shall be provided on the same parcel of land as the use to which the parking space is appurtenant; PROVIDED, however, that the Board of Supervisors may authorize an alternative off-site location to the required parking space for such nonresidential land uses if:

(a) There are practical difficulties preventing the location of parking space on the same parcel; or

(b) The public safety or the public convenience or both would be better served by the location of the required space on a parcel of land other than with the use to which it is appurtenant; and

(c) There exists a recommendation from the Planning Commission.

2101.03 Setback Requirements

(a) No parking space shall be provided or allowed inside the minimum yards in any residential district except in the driveway of a single-family or two-family dwelling.

(b) The required front yards may be used to assist in meeting parking and loading space requirements appurtenant to commercial and industrial uses. The required side or rear yards may also be used to assist in meeting parking and loading requirements appurtenant to commercial and industrial uses EXCEPT IF SUCH USES ABUT ANY RESIDENTIAL USE OR RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. If a commercial or industrial use abuts a residential use of district, no parking or loading space shall be provided or allowed in the minimum side or rear yard abutting such residential use or district.

2101.04 Provision of Access and Maneuver Space: In calculating any required parking area, other than for parking spaces required for single and two-family dwellings, sufficient access and maneuver space shall be provided to permit the parking and removal of any vehicle without moving other vehicles. Furthermore, all parking spaces shall be designed maintained and regulated so that no parking or maneuvering incidental to parking shall be on any public street, sidewalk or alley.

2101.05 Required Improvements:

(a) Curb Cuts: Driveway openings through the curb shall be a minimum of twenty-fie (25) feet in width at the street line, excluding single-family and two-family residential uses.

(b) Driveways in Parking Lots: Driveways in parking lots shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet wide and no parking shall be allowed in this driveway.

2101.06 Parking Space Near Fire Hydrants: Under no circumstances shall any parking space be provided within ten (10) feet of a fire hydrant. Furthermore, if a fire hydrant is located on a street-corner, no paring space shall be provided within twenty (20) feet of such hydrant.


When computing parking space requirements on the basis of the number of persons expected to be on the premises of a particular land use, the maximum number of occupants, practitioners, patrons or employees anticipated to be on the premises at any one time shall be used. When the application of the requirements of this section would result in a fractional space, any such fraction shall be counted as one space. In the case of mixed, compatible subcategories of land use (e.g., as shopping center containing a grocery store, a furniture store, a motion picture theater, etc.), the parking space required by the schedule below shall equal the sum of the requirements for each of the various uses (subcategories) computed separately. Off-street space for parking and storage of vehicles shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule.

2102.01 Residential Uses:

(a) Single-Family and Two-Family Dwellings: Two spaces per dwelling unit.

(b) Multi-Family Dwellings (3 or more units): One per bedroom for single bedroom units and two for each dwelling unit containing two or more bedrooms.

2102.02 General Business, Commercial or Service Establishments Catering to the Retail Trade: One parking space for each 200 square feet of Gross floor area, EXCEPT:

(a) Motor vehicle repair shops, body shops, etc: One space for each regular employee, plus one space for each 300 square feet of floor area used for mechanical or body repair.

(b) Bowling alley: Five spaces for each bowling lane.

(c) Hotels, Motels lodging houses: One space for each guest room plus one space for every two employees.

(d) Restaurants and similar establishments serving food and beverages: One space for each 75 square feet of floor area devoted to patron use, plus one space for each employee.

(e) Offices of physicians and dentists: Three spaces for each professional staff member.

(f) Other businesses and professional offices (other than physicians or dentists): One space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area.

(g) Furniture and appliance stores: One space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area.

(h) Theaters, auditoriums and other commercial places of assembly: One space for each four fixed seats.

(i) Gasoline service stations: One space for each employee and five spaces for each wash rack, lubrication rack, repair bay or similar facility for servicing and incidental repair of motor vehicles (not including said rack or bay as a space).

(j) "Drive-in service" establishments, such as drive-in banking, dry-cleaning and laundry establishments and similar uses: Five standing spaces (i.e., spaces for vehicles waiting in line for service) for each teller window or other facility at which customer service is provided, plus one parking space for each employee.

(k) Motor vehicle sales, machinery sales and equipment sales establishments: Two parking spaces (one customer and one employee) for each 1,000 square feet of area utilized for the display of vehicles, machinery or equipment for sale, whether or not said area is enclosed. (Note: If a motor vehicle sales establishment is combined with a motor vehicle repair shop, body shop or similar use, one space shall be provided for each employee of the establishment, whether mechanic, salesman or other, plus one space for every 1,000 square feet of sales display area and one space for every 300 square feet of floor area used for repair).

(l) Skating rinks or other commercial places of amusement or assembly without a fixed seating arrangement: One parking space for each 75 feet of floor area devoted to use by patrons.

(m) Grocery stores (excluding convenience type grocery stores): One parking space (for employees and customers) for each 100 square feet of non-storage floor area.

(n) Convenience-type grocery stores: A minimum of four parking spaces for any such use plus one space for each 400 square feet of non-storage area.

2101.03 Warehouse, Wholesale and Manufacturing Uses NOT Catering to the Retail Trade: One parking space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, or one parking space for each two employees on the largest shift, whichever is greater; plus one space for each vehicle operating from the premises.

2102.04 Public/Quasi-Public Facilities and Uses: Off-street parking space requirements for public/quasi-public facilities and uses shall be determined based upon a Site Plan and/or in accordance with the following schedule of requirement for specific uses:

(a) Churches: One parking space for each five seats in the principal assembly hall.

(b) Hospitals, rest homes, nursing homes, sanitariums, convalescent homes and institutions: One space for each patient bed, plus one space for each employee.

(c) Elementary and junior high schools (or those schools generally educating students through the age of 15): One space for each six students or one space for each six fixed seats (if provided) in any auditorium, gymnasium or other facility for public assembly, whichever is greater, to accommodate student and parent/visitor parking needs; PLUS one space for each staff member or other employee of the school.

(d) High Schools (or those schools generally educating students 15 years of age or older): One space for each four students or one space for each four fixed seats in any auditorium, gymnasium or other facility for public assembly, whichever is greater, to accommodate student and parent/visitor parking needs; PLUS one space for each staff member or other employee of the school.

(e) Libraries, art galleries and museums, both public and private: One space for each 200 square feet of floor area (excluding storage rooms).

(f) Other public/quasi-public facilities and uses not listed above: The off-street parking requirements for both public/quasi-public uses not listed above shall be determined on the basis of a Site Plan submitted in accordance with Section 414 of this ordinance.


Adequate off-street space for the loading and unloading of vehicles and for vehicles temporarily stopped ("standing") while waiting to be loaded, unloaded or serviced, shall be provided and maintained for all commercial and industrial uses and any other use involving the receipt or distribution by vehicles of materials, merchandise or other matter on a regular basis. Said space shall be provided and designated, so as not be construed as the otherwise generally required parking space on the same premises with the use to which it is appurtenant, unless with a recommendation from the Planning Commission, the Board of Supervisors authorize in writing an alternative location for such loading or unloading. Unless otherwise specified in this ordinance, loading, unloading or standing space shall be provided in accordance with the following: One loading space measuring at least 12 feet by 35 feet with a minimum height clearance of 14 feet for the first 3,000 square feet of effectively used land area (i.e., excluding setback areas, landscaped areas and parking lots) utilized for the above purposes; PLUS one additional loading space with the same space requirements as above for each 10,000 square feet of effectively used land area above the first 3,000 square feet. (Examples: (1) A parcel of land containing 3,000 square feet or area which is used for the storage of building supplies or a commercial building containing 3,000 square feet of floor space: one loading space would be required for either situation; (2) A parcel of land containing 23,000 square feet of effectively used land or a building containing 23,000 square feet of effectively used land or a building containing 23,000 square feet of floor area: a minimum of three loading spaces would be required in either situation.)


All off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the design standards for off-street parking as prescribed in the latest edition of the Traffic Engineering Handbook, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (formerly the Institute of Traffic Engineers), Washington, D.C., or in accordance with other design standards recommended by the Planning Commission of the Board of Supervisors.

Zoning Regulations